It is a well accepted fact that mental and physical health of nurses has a direct bear ing or influence in their practice in the nursing profession. Recently, with this view in mind, the study of the mental and physical health of nurses has attracted the attention of many especially those in research hospitals. According to Soon Hyang Cha (1974) a nurse in clinical prac-tice or service has a daily energy consumption of 39% and San Cho Chun (1974) asserts that Nurses' duties are more demanding on her emotionally than on her nursing technical skills. Many more studies has been made to this effect, here and abroad and sililarly stressed the importance of mental and physical health for nurses. This study was made in an attempt to analyze the trend or tendency of the mental and physical health of nurses by employing the Cornell Medical Index (CMI) method. The data has been collected from May 1977 to November 1977, 200 nurses from 8 University hospitals and 200 nurses from general hospitals in Seoul, Thoses who participated were selected at random. The data were tabulated and comparison made. The results were as follows : 1. Among nurses, the analysis based on the length of experience, it is apparent that, the longer or more experience one has, the more complaints they have. 2 . The longer the nurses are enaged in nursing practice, the more they have problems in their digestive, musculoskeletal, respiratory and nervous systems and are more prone to diseases, and get tired easier than those of shorter experience. But on the other hand it could be seen that younger nurses or nurses with less experience in the profession are more melancholic and prone to stress than those with longer experience.
This study was made to assess the possibility of predicting the nurses efficiency after graduation in college through their entrance examination and general attitude test results and their academic records. It was odserved that generally nurses with the highest academic records were the most efficient in their work after graduation while those with high general aptitude test results came, next although their college entrance examination results were comparatively low. Therefore it could be deduced from this study that college entrance examination results alone could not be depended upon in predicting the nurse's working efficiency after her graduation.