This article examined relationships between selected variables, such as demographic background, care, treatment variables, environmental characteristics, and patient's daily behavior and mood change. Relationship were determined between independent variabltherapeutic-rapeutie approach, demographic data, environmental management approach, and dependent variable-patient's daily behavioral and mood change. 35 patients selected within some criteria in a psychiatric ward, were observed during 5 weeks by use of Wyatt's Behavior & Mood Rating Scale according to the object of the study. At the same time, the frequence of the care and treatment were collected. Criteria for sample selection and independent variables as an influential factor to the patient behavioral change, based on a literature review and clinical experiences. Pearson's correlation and multiple regression analysis were used to determine the influential factors to the patient behavioral change. Systematic reading (r=0.8324), Psychiatrist's individual interview (r=0.5764), tranquilizer (r=0.3441) and hospitalization processing date (r=0.4143) were related with patient's behavioral change. That is these 4 variables can be said to influence to the patient's behavior and mood. A stepwise multiple regression analysis of the effect of the independent variables of systematic reading, psychintrists individual interview, tranquilizer and hospitalization processing date on the dependent variable, patient's behavioral change was carried out. Systematic reading with on R2 of. 69 revealed to be the main influential factor to the patient's behavior and mood change, as the next factor psychiatrist individual interview. A total inclusion of these factors revealed a 73% prediction for the patient's behavior and mood change. But the most influential factor was the interaction of the systematic reading and psychiatrist's individual interview.
This study was to find out variables influenced on the medication patterns(voluntary medication, involuntary medication) of antipsychotics taken by schizophrenic outpatients. Purposes of this study were to be identified that there was the significant difference between the group of voluntary medication and involuntary, and that which variables had infuence on outpsychotics medication. The sample consisted of 30 patients takeing their pills voluntary (voluntary medication group), and 15 patients involuntary(involuntary medication group) at a psychiatry hospital and a psychiatric unit of a The findings of the study are as follows; university hospital in Daegu. Data were collected from September to October, 1991 through interview using questionare about antipsychotics medication. Data were analyzed by :he technique of two group discriminant function analysis using SPSS pc+ 1) Discriminant function discriminating between voluntary medication and involuntary medication was significant at the level of 10% significance (sig.=.055, p<.10) Hit ratio was very high(91.1%) 2) One of General variables, SEX, was significant of discriminating between two medication patterns at the level of 10% significance. 3) One of Family Environmental Variables, BROTH(a number of brother), were significant between two medication patterns. (p<.l0) 4) One of Therapeutic Environmental Variables, FAMHX, was significant between two medication patterns at the level of 10% significance. 5) One of Variables Related to Drug and Medication, NECESS, was significant between two medication patterns. (p<.05) 6) Variables Related to Disease was not significant between two medication patterns.
This study explored differences in how medical and surgical patients compare on the degree of hospital stress and their subjective physical status. Subjects were 343 medical and surgical patients in five university hospitals in Seoul and Taegu. They responded to the Hospital Stress Rating Scale and a self-report on physical status. The controlled variables were age, education, number of previous hospitalkations and seriousness of the illness. Medical and surgical patient differences on nine factors of the hospital stres scale and nine areas of physical conditions were reported as follows edptored ; 1. 1) There was not a statistically significant difference at the .05 level in the total mean score for hospital stress between medical patients and surgical patients. 2) The mean score of the factor lack of information (M=2.308) for medical patients was higher than the mean score (M=2.064) of the surgical patients. 3) The mean scores of the factor of discomfort (M=2. 130), toss of independence (M=1.889) for surgical patients were higher than for medical patients. 2. 1) There was a statistically significant difference at the .05 level in the total mean score for physical status between medical patients and surgical patients. 2) The mean scores were lower in subjective physical status for surgical patients(S) than for medical patients (M) : stomach condition (S : M=2.8433, M : M=3.0-000), self-assistance(S : M=3.0373, M : M=3.4498), movement (S : M=2.6716, M : M=3.2392), interest in your surroundings (S : M=3.0522, M ; M=3.2632). 3. Patients scoring high on the subjective physical status such as sleep, appetite, stomach condition, bowel condition and urination states had higher scores in hospital stress than with patients scoring tow on those subjective physical status. The results suggest that subjective physical status might be on expression of hospital stress. Also patients with high scores in subjective physical statas might be predicted have a high level of stress on admission. And surgical patients had a higher level of hospital stress than medical patients.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship among the health promoting behaviors, self-reported climacteric symptoms and depression on a cross-sectional survey design. The subjects were 108 middle-aged women who were non-hystrectomized and ranged in age from 40 to 60. They were selected in Seoul and Kyoung-ki province, Korea. Data were collected from Oct. 25 to Nov. 10, 1997 by a structured questionnaire. The instrument used for this study was the revised Health Promotion Lifestyle Profile(HPLP) developed by Walker, Sechrist and Pender, revised Climacteric Symptoms Scale developed by Chi, Sung Ai, and the Beck's Depression Inventory(BID). The data were analyzed by the SPSS/PC+ program using t-test, ANOVA and Scheffe test as a post hoc and Pearson Correlation Coefficient. The results of the study were as follows ; 1. The mean score of health promoting behaviors was low(2.42+/-0.35). There were statistically significant difference in the score of health promoting behaviors according to the educational background, family income, marital satisfaction, and whether or not taking a restorative food(t=-2.07, F=2.60~7.57, p<0.05). 2. The mean score of self-reported climacteric symptoms was 1.69 ; 99% of middle-aged women had symptoms. There were statistically significant difference in the score of middle-aged women's self-reported climacteric symptoms according to the age, number of children, educational background, occupation, family income, marital satisfaction, whether or not receiving hormone replacement therapy(HRT) or consultation experience with a professional, and perceived health status(t=-2.04~3.69, F=2.87~11.63, p<0.05). 3. The mean score of depression was 10.84. There were statistically significant differences in the score of the depression according to the age, number of children, educational background, occupation, marital satisfaction, whether or not receiving menopausal treatment of consultation by a professional, and perceived health status(t=-2.25~3.00, F=3.50~9.24, p<0.05). 4. Women's degree of health promoting behaviors was a negative correlation with the degree of climacteric symptoms(r=-0.19, p=0.03) and the degree of depression(r=-0.23, p=0.01). The degree of climacteric symptoms was a positive correlation with the degree of depression(r=0.64, p=0.01). In conclusion, health promoting behavior should be considered when developing nursing strategies for middle-aged women, especially when dealing with climacteric symptoms and depression.