Analysis of Variables Influenced on the Patterns of Antipsychotics Medication by Schizophrenic Out-patients: Using the Technique of Two Group Discriminant Function Analysis
This study was to find out variables influenced on the medication patterns(voluntary medication, involuntary medication) of antipsychotics taken by schizophrenic outpatients. Purposes of this study were to be identified that there was the significant difference between the group of voluntary medication and involuntary, and that which variables had infuence on outpsychotics medication. The sample consisted of 30 patients takeing their pills voluntary (voluntary medication group), and 15 patients involuntary(involuntary medication group) at a psychiatry hospital and a psychiatric unit of a The findings of the study are as follows; university hospital in Daegu. Data were collected from September to October, 1991 through interview using questionare about antipsychotics medication. Data were analyzed by :he technique of two group discriminant function analysis using SPSS pc+ 1) Discriminant function discriminating between voluntary medication and involuntary medication was significant at the level of 10% significance (sig.=.055, p<.10) Hit ratio was very high(91.1%) 2) One of General variables, SEX, was significant of discriminating between two medication patterns at the level of 10% significance. 3) One of Family Environmental Variables, BROTH(a number of brother), were significant between two medication patterns. (p<.l0) 4) One of Therapeutic Environmental Variables, FAMHX, was significant between two medication patterns at the level of 10% significance. 5) One of Variables Related to Drug and Medication, NECESS, was significant between two medication patterns. (p<.05) 6) Variables Related to Disease was not significant between two medication patterns.
Analysis of Variables Influenced on the Patterns of Antipsychotics Medication by Schizophrenic Out-patients: Using the Technique of Two Group Discriminant Function Analysis
Analysis of Variables Influenced on the Patterns of Antipsychotics Medication by Schizophrenic Out-patients: Using the Technique of Two Group Discriminant Function Analysis