The purpose of this study was to develop an instrument to measure the parenting behavior of primary caregivers of children in early childhood.
An instrument was developed according to Devellis's instrument development process. The participants in this study who completed the main survey were 370 mothers and grandmothers. The survey was conducted from June 1 to July 30, 2014, and collected data were analyzed using item analysis, half-split reliability and Cronbach's α coefficient, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, convergent validity.
The factor structure of the instrument showed the cumulative variance as 55.7% in the factor analysis. As a result of a confirmatory factor analysis, a four-factor structure was found to be appropriate, and the construct validity and convergent validity of the instrument were thereby confirmed. The finalized parenting behavior instrument consisted of 26 items and four independent factors: affectionate, laissez-faire, educational and impulsive. A five-point Likert scale was employed, and a higher score in a particular factor showed that most of the behaviors belonged to the factor.
The instrument developed in this study was found to be reliable and valid, and can be used to develop parent-child relationship building.
The purpose of this study was to identify the awareness of child rearing among parents of children in early childhood and to provide fundamental data for parent education programs according to child rearing type.
Q-methodology which provides a method of analyzing the subjectivity of each item was used. Forty Q items which were derived from a literature review and interviews with nurturing mothers were classified into a normal distribution using a 9-point scale. Collected data were analyzed using the QUANAL PC Program.
Four types of parents' child rearing were identified. Type I was named 'affection-respect type', type II, 'concern-rule compliant type', type III, 'solicitude-model type', and type IV, 'geniality-encouragement type'.
For proper growth and development during early childhood, parents should have rational information and awareness of their child rearing type. Results of this study can be used as essential data to develop child rearing education programs according to parents' child rearing attitude.