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Influential Variables on Intention and Action to Quit Smoking between Adolescent Smokers and Adult Smokers-Based on the Transtheoretical Model
Sung Ok Chang, Eun Ju Kim, Suk Yong Kil, Gyeong Ae Seomun, Su Jeong Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(7):1410-1419.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study identified and compared influential variables on intention and action to quit smoking between adolescent smokers and adult smokers.


For the selection of variables, the transtheoretical theory was used. A survey was conducted with 376 adolescent smokers in 4 high schools and 451 adult smokers in community settings in South Korea. Discriminant analysis was used for data analysis.


The variables of adolescent smokers that predicted an intention to quit smoking were: smoking temptation, self re-evaluation, counter conditioning and stimulus control. The variables that predicted an action to quit smoking were: self-efficacy for smoking abstinence, pros for smoking, self reevaluation, and self liberation. The variables of adult smokers that predicted an intention to quit were: smoking temptation, pros for smoking, cons for smoking, self reevaluation. The variables that self liberation and predicted an action to quit smoking were: self efficacy for smoking abstinence, smoking temptation, and counter conditioning.


Developing stage specific smoking intervention methods based on different ways of how individuals make a decision to quit smoking within their contexts needs to be done.


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    Dahyeon Lee, Kang-Sook Lee, Ahnna Lee, Hyeju Ahn, Hyun Kyung Lee, Hyekyeong Kim, Jakyoung Lee, Hong Gwan Seo
    Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion.2022; 39(2): 65.     CrossRef
  • Factors Affecting Stages of Change in Smoking Cessation and Intention to Quit among Asian Students in Korea based on the Transtheoretical Model
    Shinae Jung, Sung Rae Shin
    Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2021; 33(5): 484.     CrossRef
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    Jung-Hyeon Kong, Yeongmi Ha
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    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2009; 39(4): 469.     CrossRef
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Cost Analysis of Home Care with Activity-Based Costing(ABC)
Su Jeong Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(6):1117-1128.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was carried out to substantiate the application process of activity-based costing on the current cost of hospital home care (HHC) service. The study materials were documents, 120 client charts, health insurance demand bills, salary of 215 HHC nurses, operating expense, 6 HHC agencies, and 31 HHC nurses.


The research was carried out by analyzing the HHC activities and then collecting labor and operating expenses. For resource drivers, HHC activity performance time and workload were studied. For activity drivers, the number of HHC activity performances and the activity number of visits were studied.


The HHC activities were classified into 70 activities. In resource, the labor cost was 245\per minute, operating cost was 9,570\ per visit and traffic expense was an average of 12,750\. In resource drivers, education and training had the longest time of 67 minutes. Average length of performance for activities was 13.7 minutes. The workload was applied as a relative value. The average cost of HHC was 62,741\ and the cost ranged from 55,560\ to 74,016\.


The fixed base rate for a visit in the current HHC medical fee should be increased. Exclusion from the current fee structure or flexible operation of traveling expenses should be reviewed.


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  • A Methodological Quality Evaluation of Nursing Cost Analysis Research based on Activity-based Costing in Korea
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    The Journal of the Korea Contents Association.2016; 16(7): 279.     CrossRef
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    Ho-Soon Yoon, Jinhyun Kim
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration.2013; 19(4): 449.     CrossRef
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    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2012; 42(1): 48.     CrossRef
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  • An Analysis of Cost and Profit of a Nursing Unit using Performance-Based Costing: Case of a General Surgical Ward in a General Hospital
    Ji Young Lim
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2008; 38(1): 161.     CrossRef
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Differences of Cesarean Section Rates according to San-Yin-Jiao(SP6) Acupressure for Women in Labor
Soon Bok Chang, Yong Won Park, Jae Sung Cho, Mi Kyeong Lee, Byung Chul Lee, Su Jeong Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(2):324-332.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to explain differences of cesarean section rates according to San-Yin-Jiao(SP6) acupressure for women in labor.


A noneqivalent control group pre test - post test design was used to explain differences of cesarean section rates according to SP6 acupressure. The participants were 209 women who were assigned to one of three groups SP6 acupressure(n=86), SP6 touch(n=47), and control group(n=76). For 30 minutes, the SP6 acupressure group received SP6 acupressure,and the SP6 touch group received SP6 touch for the duration of each uterine contraction. The Control group was encouraged to deep breath and relax for the duration of each uterine contraction for 30 minutes.


The rates of cesarean section were 12.8%, 29.8%, and 22.4% for the SP6 acupressure group, SP6 touch group, and control group respectively. There was a significant difference among groups (p=0.049). Cesarean section rateswere significantly different between the SP6 acupressure and non-SP6 acupressure group(p=0.035).


This finding shows that 30 minutes of SP6 acupressure was effective in decreasing the cesarean section rate. Therefore, SP6 acupressure during labor could be applied as an effective nursing intervention.


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  • Birth preparation acupuncture for normalising birth: An analysis of NHS service routine data and proof of concept
    A. U. Lokugamage, V. A. I. Eftime, D. Porter, T. Ahillan, S. X. Ke
    Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.2020; 40(8): 1096.     CrossRef
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Comparison of Influential Variables for Smoking Temptation between Adolescent and Adult Smokers
Sung Ok Chang, Eun Ju Kim, Gyeong Ae Seomun, Su Jeong Lee, Chang Seung Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(3):561-570.   Published online June 30, 2006
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study attempted to identify influential variables on smoking temptation between groups: adolescent smokers and adult smokers.


A survey was conducted with 376 adolescent smokers in 4 high schools and 451 adult smokers in community settings in South Korea. Univariate statistics and regression were used for data analysis.


The most powerful predictor of smoking temptation for adolescent smokers was nicotine dependency. On the other hand, the most powerful predictor of smoking temptation for adult smokers was self-efficacy for smoking abstinence. In the high smoking temptation group, depression and nicotine dependency were the predictors for smoking temptation for adolescent smokers and nicotine dependency and pros for smoking were the predictors for smoking temptation for adult smokers. In the low smoking temptation group, cons for smoking and process of change for smoking abstinence were the predictors on smoking temptation for adolescent smokers and self-efficacy for smoking abstention and pros for smoking were the predictors on smoking temptation for adult smokers.


There were different influential variables on smoking temptation according to age groups and level of smoking temptation. Smoking-cessation interventions should be tailored to the level of smoking temptation of the individual smokers.


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  • Influence of Stress, Self-efficacy for Smoking Cessation, Smoking Temptation and Nicotine Dependency in Male College Students who Smoke
    Nam-Jo Kim, Hae-Sook Hong
    Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science.2016; 18(1): 1.     CrossRef
  • Influencing Factors on Nicotine Dependency of Smoking in Middle School Students
    Jung-Hwa Chae, Yeon-Hee Choi
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2015; 16(3): 2109.     CrossRef
  • Depression Cognition and Health Promoting Behaviors of Smoking and Non-smoking College Students
    Mi-Ok Kim, Mi Yu, Se-Jin Ju, Kyeong-Suk Kim, Jung-Hyun Choi, Hee-Jeong Kim
    Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion.2013; 30(3): 35.     CrossRef
  • Construction of the Structural Equation Model on Substance Use in Adolescents
    Jeongyee Bae, Panuncio Rosel
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2009; 39(3): 446.     CrossRef
  • Meta-Analysis of Effects on Adolescent Smoking Cessation Programs in Korea
    Younkyoung Kim, Inhyae Park, Jeong-Soo Park
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2008; 38(2): 204.     CrossRef
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An Evaluation Study of Dementia Information Providing Websites in Korea
Gyeong Ae Seomun, Sook Ja Lee, Sung Ok Chang, Su Jeong Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(3):631-640.   Published online June 30, 2005
AbstractAbstract PDF

The present study purposed to investigate and analyze domestic websites providing information about dementia and to suggest future directions for the development of dementia-related websites.


For this purpose, the researcher selected 13 domestic websites that were available in November and December 2004, and evaluated them in terms of construction, operation, accessibility and contents on a scale 4 point (0~3).


The construction of dementia-related websites got 6~13 out of 18 points, which suggests that management policies for the operation of dementia-related websites are inadequate. The operation of dementia-related websites got 7~15 out of 24 points. In particular, all 13 sites got a low score in the aspect of continuance. With regard to accessibility, the sites were evaluated on how easily users could access the sites and they got 2~8 out of 15 points. In evaluating contents, the sites got 9~18 out of 21 points with regard to the purpose and appropriateness of the contents.


This shows that most sites did not provide diverse types of dementia-related information. Because it is highly advantageous to perform primary dementia-preventing management through websites, this study proposes to develop a website evaluation system in order to provide high quality dementia-related informatio.

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