The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the maturity of Christian faith and anxiety. Nurses are concerned with the spiritual dimension of clients" experience. The subjects of this study were patients with cancer in Y. University Hospital in Seoul. Subjects were selected who knew their diagnosis, were aged 20 or older and agreed to the interview. A total of 35 patients were interviewed from August 1 to September 15,1988. The instruments used in this study were the maturity of Christian faith scale developed by H.S. Choi and modified by the investigator, and an anxiety scale developed by the investigator. Data were analyzed by statistical methods including Frequency, ANOVA, and Pearson Correlation Coefficient. Results included the following ; Hypothesis, "That as the degree of maturity of Christian faith of the patients increases, the degree of state anxiety will decreases", was supported (lambda= -.8061,p<.001). According to this study, maturity of Christian faith is significantly related to on the reduction of anxiety of patients with cancer. In a holistic approach to their clients, nurses may have confidence that the maturity of Christian faith of their clients will contribute to the reduction of anxiety.
This research was done to promote improvement of practical application of nursing diagnoses and to improve the quality of nursing. The subjects of this research were 156 second year students of C junior nursing college who were giving adult patient care. The nursing diagnoses of 312 reports were analyzed using NANDA. In these case reports only nursing diagnoses were considered, of which there were a total of 982. In the data analysis the 944 of the nursing students' nursing diagnoses matched with 105 NANDA nursing diagnoses. Of these, the most frequent diagnoses were pain(165, 17.48%), anxiety(101, 10.70%), alteration in nutrition(83, 8.79%), sleep disturbance(67, 7.10%), in activity intolerance(67, 7.10%), ineffective breathing pattern(51, 5.40%). The etiology for the students' nursing diagnoses were compared with NANDA's nursing diagnoses by frequency. The most frequent etiology for the nursing diagnoses of pain was a biological etiology(50, 31%), for anxiety, situation crisis(58, 57.43%), for alteration in nutrition, indigesion(23, 27.71%), for sleep disturbance, external etiology (25, 37.32%), for activity intolerance, immobile position (22, 32.84%), for ineffective breathing pattern, pain (35, 68.63%), and for impaired physical mobility, pain (31, 65. 96%). The most frequent etiology for constipation was inadquate digestion of water and cellulose (16, 34. 78%), for fluid volume deficity, loss of body fluid (21, 52.50%), for impaired skin integrity, external etilogy(16, 43.24%), for impaired physical mobilty, pain(22, 62.86%), for knowledge deficits, cognition disturbance(9, 27.27%), for ineffective air way clearance, secretion obstruction (14, 48.27%), for impaired gas exchange, loss of transport ability of blood oxygen (9, 37.50%), and for powerlessness, therapy environment (5, 22.73%). The number of nursing diagnoses by pattern was exchange(16), moving(6), feeling(4), choosing(4), relating(3), communication(1), perceiving(l), kno-wing(l), valuing(l).
In order to investigate of the effects of rapid rotating shift work on physiological stress, the activities of urinary Na+, K+, Cl- were measured in 14 rotational shift nurses, during day shifts(8AM-4PM, n=4), evening shifts(4PM-12MN, n=5), and night shifts(12MN-8AM, n=5) in hospital twenty students attending nursing college a used as control group. Urine specimens were collected in 30 minutes before and after work on the second day of shift work. In day shift nurses, Na+ activity was 137mM at 8AM and increased to 206mM at 4PM, whereas K+ activity was 42mM at 8AM and no significant change at 4PM. Cl- activity was changed from 234mM to 344mM at 4PM at 8AM. In the evening shift, Na+ activity was 117mM at 4PM and 140mM at 12MN, K+ activity was 22mM and 32mM, respectively. Cl- activity was 169mM and changed to 270mM. During the night shift, Na+ activity was 128mM at 12MN and changed to 161mM at 8AM, K+ activity was 42mM at 12MN and 8AM, and Cl- activity was from 303mM and changed to 355mM. In general, the urinary ion activities seemed to increase after work, however there were no significant changes in ion activities except the Na+ increase in day shift. The mean of the activities of K+ and Cl- before and after work during the day and night shift were significantly higher than those in control group(P<0.05). K+ activities were also higher than that of evening shift(P<0.05). However, there was no difference in Na+ activity among the control group and three shifts. There was a significant relationship among urinary Na+, Cl- and K+ in the control group and rotating shift nurses except between Na+ and K+ in shift. The relationship between Na+ and Cl- was low in shift work and there was no significant relationship between Na+ and K+ in shift, suggesting that the active regulation K+ and/or Na+ in response to stress upon the shift work disrupted the ratio of urinary Na+ to K+ and also lowered the relationship between K+ and Cl-. These results suggest that nurses working the day shift were overloaded and under stress, and the night shift interfered with the physiological rhythm of the nurses.