The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the maturity of Christian faith and anxiety. Nurses are concerned with the spiritual dimension of clients" experience. The subjects of this study were patients with cancer in Y. University Hospital in Seoul. Subjects were selected who knew their diagnosis, were aged 20 or older and agreed to the interview. A total of 35 patients were interviewed from August 1 to September 15,1988. The instruments used in this study were the maturity of Christian faith scale developed by H.S. Choi and modified by the investigator, and an anxiety scale developed by the investigator. Data were analyzed by statistical methods including Frequency, ANOVA, and Pearson Correlation Coefficient. Results included the following ; Hypothesis, "That as the degree of maturity of Christian faith of the patients increases, the degree of state anxiety will decreases", was supported (lambda= -.8061,p<.001). According to this study, maturity of Christian faith is significantly related to on the reduction of anxiety of patients with cancer. In a holistic approach to their clients, nurses may have confidence that the maturity of Christian faith of their clients will contribute to the reduction of anxiety.