The purpose of this study was to understand the pattern of health problems of post hysterectomy women by the period after their operation and to find out the related factors with health problems. A descriptive study was done using a survey methodology. The subjects were women who had undergone a hysterectomy for benign gynecological diseases at two general hospitals. They were all between one month and three year post hysterectomy as of July 15, 1985. The results are summarized as follows; 1. The percentages of the subject who were experiencing operative symptom of 1st, 2nd and 3rd year group 53.8%. 46.2%. 37.4% respectively. The percentages of the subjects who were experiencing menopause symptom of 1st, 2nd and 3rd year group-39.0%, 35.0%, 33.7%. respectively. 2. The operative factor scores of 1,2,3 year group were 20.218, 13.646, 14.030 respectively. The menopause factor scores of 1,2,3 year group-were 19.055, 17.845, 17.606 respectively. 3. The sociodemographic & physiologic characteristics of the subject were as follows; the mean age of the subject was 44.47 years old, 56.2% of them, were high school graduates, 73.5% had any religion, 18.3% had job, 72.6% were middle economic class, 54.3% had medical insurance, 78.4% lived in nuclei family system, the mean pregnancy number was 5.63, the mean delivery number was 2.92, 71.2% of them were diagnosed as myoma, and half of them had preserved their ovary. 4. No one factors among the 10 factors were indentified having any relation with health problem of post hysterectomy women.
This study was done to identify the degree of congruence between nurses and patients on patients' health problems. The purposes of this study were 1. To compare the health problems of parturient women as identified by interview and in the nursing record. 2. To compare the health problems of patients who have had gynecological surgery as identified by interview and in the nursing record. 3. To compare the health problems of chemotherapy patients as identified by interview and in the nursing record. The design of this study was a comparative descriptive design. The subjects were 205 Obstetric-Gynecologic patients. The tool for this study was an 11 item questionnaire, including one open ended question on the patient's problem during the past one day. Data was collected through interviews and an audit of the nursing records during the period from March 22, 1992 to April 29, 1992. Data was analyzed using by frequencies and percentiles. The result of this study summarized as follows : Pain was the most prevalent complaint for parturient women by interview(60.3%) and from the nursing records(83.2%). There was no record in the nursing records about the complaints of lack of information and emotional problems even though there were complaints of communication problems(17.6%) and of emotional problems(3.5%) identified in the interviews but there were more records of cardiopulmonary problems in nurses record(9.1%) than the patient interviews(3.3%). In the nursing records 25.9% of the identified records identified pain problems compared with 23.3% in the interviews. In the nursing records, 22.3% of the records identified nutrition problem as compared with 18.2% in the interview. There were only a very few emotional problem identified in the nursing records(3.7%) as compared to 18.2% in th interviews. There were no comments about communication problems in the nursing records but 5.2% of the subjects mentioned of communication problems in the patient interview. There were problems is five categories for the parturient women ; comfort, communication, activity and rest, elimination, emotions, and there were problems in ten categories for the surgery patients : comfort, elimination, communication, emotions, nutrition, cardiopulmonary, thermoregulation, physical integrity, host defense and activity / rest. There were also problems in the same ten categories for chemotherapy patients. On the other hand, in the nursing records, only comfort activity / rest, and elimination problems were identified for the parturient women, there were only seven categories of problems ; comfort, elimination, cardiopulmonary, activity / rest, and nutrition for the gynecology surgical patients, and for the chemotherapy patients, comfort, nutrition, physical integrity, cardiopulmonary, activity / rest, thermoregulation, emotion and elimination were the categories identified, and no communication problems were identified. It was found that there was low congruence between the patients' problems as identified through patient interview and as recorded in the nursing records. Therefore it can be concluded that the main content of the nursing records is the physical problems of the patients and this is not in congruence with the patients' reported problems in the emotional and communication domain.
The descriptive study was done to identify factors influencing sexual satisfaction in women who had a hysterectomy and to compare these with women who had not a hysterectomy. The purpose was to contribute theoretical understanding on which to base nursing care planning. One group of subjects were 156 women who had a hysterectomy, between one and 18 months post surgery, living with their spouse, having no complications, and menstruating before surgery. The other group of subjects were 282 healthy women who were living with their husbands and menstruating. The study tool consisted of 108 items including item concerning personal characteristics, characteristics related to the hysterectomy, husband's support , body image, emotions, attitude toward the sexual relationship, knowledge of sexuality, sexual behavior, and sexual satisfaction. Sexual satisfaction was measured by a tool based on Derogatis Sexual Function Inventory. The range of the internal level of the study tool was from .5208 to .9462. Data collection was done during the period from June 20 to Aug.20, 1989. The same questionnaire was used of data collection for both groups, but a mail survey method was used for the women who had a hysterectomy, and an interview method was used for the women who had not had a hysterectomy. Data analysis was done using frequency, ratio, mean and S.D. for the characteristics of the subjects and level of sexual satisfaction. t-test or ANOVA was used for the differences between the groups with regard to the general and hysterectomy related characteristics. The relationship between the score for sex life related factors and the level of sexual satisfaction was analyzed using the Pearson Correlation, and the influencing factors on sexual satisfaction were analyzed by stepwise multiple regression. The results of this study were as follows ; 1. Mean age and income level were the only general characteristics for the two groups that were significantly different. The mean age, and income level of the group who had a hysterectomy were 45 years, and 1,151,000 won respectively, and for those who had not had a hysterectomy, 41 years and 999,000 won. 2. There was no statistical difference of the sexual satisfaction score between the two groups. 3. There was differences in the factors influencing sexual satisfaction between the two groups. Factors influencing sexual satisfaction for the group who had a hysterectomy were husband's support(R=.5793, P=.000) and the women's Knowledge of sexuality (R=.6670, P=.000) (total variance : 33.56). On the other hand, emotional status (R=.4294, P=.000) sexual behavior(R=.5793, P=.000), husband's support(R=.5274, P=.000) and attitude towards sexual relations (R=.5412, P=.000) (total variance : 54.12) were the had a hysterectomy. Since husband's support and sexuality knowledge were identified as factors influencing sexual satisfaction of women who have had a hysterectomy, it can be concluded that, before a woman who had a hysterectomy is discharged from hospital, nurses should include strategies in the nursing care plan that will promote husband's support and the women's knowledge of sexuality.
This research was done to clarify the factors related to sexual satifaction in women who have had a hyste rectomy, and to idenify which factors had statistically significant influence of sexual satisfaction of the subjects. The objective of this study was to identify the variables related to sexual adaptation which might be changed by nursing intervention. This was a cross-sectional descriptive correlation study. There were 230 subjects in the study, and they were selected by a convenient sampling method. The tool for this study was developed by the researcher through modification of the Dergatis Sexual Function Inventory (DSFI). A pilot study was done to determine the necessary modifications. Data collection was done between Sept. 1987 and Dec. 1987 using a mailed questionnaire. The characteristics of the subjects were as follows : The mean age of the subjects was 42.3 years and 204(87.4 %) of the subjects had nine or more years of education. The mean income of the subjects was 85.8870 won / month, and 179(77 %) of them were housewives. ? The mean number of pregnancies and children were 4.9 and 2.5 respectively. ? Oophorectomies were included in the surgery for 66(28.7%) of the subjects. Only 12(5.2%) were planning to have more children. ? Only 88(38.3%) of the subjects had received information prior to the surgery regarding health problems related to the operation and less than half, 111(48.3%), had received this kind of information before discharge. ? Lay persons were the source of information about the post-operation status for 196(85.2%) of the subjects, but the content of the information did not significantly influence the sexual satisfaction score. Only 16(7.0 %) of the subjects said they regretted having a hysterctomy while 102(44.3%) said they were pleased to have had a hysterectomy. ? Ninety(39.1 %) of the subjects reported that their husbands had "stress" and 164(71.3%) of the subjects reported "stress". The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1. The mean score for sexual satisfaction of the subjects was 34.24 with a possible maximum score of 50.00. Eighty two (35.8 %) were responded that they were satisfied with their sexual life but 61 (26.5%) were responded that they were dissatisfied with their sexual life 2. The following 15 factors extracted from the results of the data analysis were significantly related to sexual satisfaction (p<.05) : support of husband, body image, emotion, knowledge of sex, menop ausal symptoms, sexual behavior, the feelings the subjects had about the hysterectomy, stress for both subject and husband, the number of children, health information given before operation, job, age, level of education and income. The five most important factors influencing sexual satisfaction were identified by using stepwise multiple regression analysis. The most important factor was support of husband, which explained 17.83 % of the total variance. The remaining factors in order of significance were : Knowledge of sex, income, job, and emotional status. Those five factors explained 35.16% of the sexual satisfaction. In conclusion, for the care of women who are going to be discharged from hospital after having had a hysterctomy, nurses have to work with the husbands to help them to understand the importance of their support. Nurses also need to make sure that the subjects have an adequeate knowledge of sexual life after a hysterectomy. Also nursing interventions should focus on subjects who do not have a job, who are of low economic status, and the subjects who are under the unpleasant mood.
This study was conducted to develop a sexual satisfaction tool for married women in Korea. The data was collected from July 19 to Aug 18, 1997 by means of questionnaires developed by researchers. The subject were 417 married women living in Seoul and Pusan. The process of this study was as follows : 1) The concept of sexual satisfaction was defined. 2) A conceptual framework was identified based on the extensive review of relevant literature and interviews with married women. 3) The preliminary question items containing the attributes and elements of the concept of sexual satisfaction were listed. 4) The preliminary items were revised after a pilot study. 5) The Index of Content Validity(CVI) was calculated from the content specialists' rating. 6) The reliability and validity of the sexual satisfaction measurement tool were tested. As a result of the item and factor analysis, 17 out of 30 items were found to be valid, consequently could be used to measure sexual satisfaction for married women. These final 17 items were divided into two factors. These factors were labeled as "situation factor"(10 items) and "response factor"(7 items) according to the attributes of the clustered items. The reliability of the final 17 items was .9118. Further research in needed to confirm the reliability and validity of the tool by applying it to a group of healthy married women and to a group of married women having health-related problem.
This is a descriptive study to understand the preventive stage for STDs to provide a basis for sex education for college students. The colleges were selected by quota sampling in five representative cities in Korea, but the1,691 college students were selected by convenient sampling in the cities nationwide, and the data were collected by self-reporting using questionnaire consisting of 33 items. The results were as follows : 1. Their mean ages were 21.8 for female and 23.3 for male students, 2. 78.0% of the males and 46.5% of the females permitted premarital sex, 57.1% of male and 10.3% of female college students had experienced sexual intercourse, 7.1% of males and 2.4% of females had experienced pregnancy, 10.3% of males and 3.4% of females had been infected with STDs, 72.1% of male and 13.8% of female didn't use condoms at the time of infection. 3. Most of the factors related to STDs infection, such as drinking, smoking, frequency of sexual intercourse, pregnancy, knowledge of STDs, the score of STDs prevention were statistically higher in the male student group than in the female group. 4. The student's mean score of knowledge about STDs was similar between the male group(7.80)and the female group(7.84) with a possible score range from 0-18. 5. Only fifteen percent of male and 9.6% of female students expressed that they will do something to prevent STD. 6. The group having the experience of sexual intercourse(t=3.924, P=.048) and the group of having experience of contracting STDs(t=16.638, P=.000) had shown statistically higher STDs prevention score than the group not having that kind of experience, but the group not having experience with pregnancy didn't show any difference from the group not having experience with pregnancy. Considering that 57.1% of males and 10.3% of females had sexual intercourse experience, 78% of male and 46.5% of female permitted premarital sex, 10.3% of male and 3.4% of female had been infected with STDs. It could be concluded that the college students were ignorant about the prevention of STDs and had unrealistic stage of the STDs prevention. Therefore, enforcement of education for the prevention of STDs including the dynamics of the sexual intercourse and STDs infection is needed.
This study was an evaluation study of AIDS education program. The purpose of this study was to clarify the education effects on AIDS for health care workers to develop abetter next education program. This study was done by self reporting with a 67 items of structured questionnaire by 431 health care workers included doctors, nurses, laboratory technicians, and health educators. Data were collected at the time of completion of each AIDS education with the help of education program manager. Both the AIDS related knowledge score and the acceptance attitudes score were significantly higher in the male group, in the medical institution employer group, in the group who have met the HIV infected person, who has known the HIV positive person, and the group of laboratory technician, but the AIDS prevention intention score was statistically higher in the group of female and laboratory technician group. The post education scores of AIDS related knowledge, acceptance attitudes, and preventive intention were statistically higher than those of the preeducation. The most increased item among AIDS prevention intention list was 'I will provide the meeting between the HIV infected persons and the public(+21.9%)'. But even the decreased item among AIDS prevention intention list was 'I will advice to female not to have extra marital sexual contact to avoid AIDS(-3.1%)'. It could be concluded that the health care workers were ignorant of vertical transmission of AIDS, they were afraid of disclosing the infection status, and have less AIDS prevention intention. Therefore is needed to take an assessment process before each new education strategy to increase AIDS related the effect of the education on AIDS.
All human health behavior is deeply rooted one's beliefs or value system usually encompassed within the culture in which they live. The Taegyo, based on Oriental folk medicine, is defined as the behavior and self care of pregnant women administered for herself and her fetus(unborn child). Taegyo is believed to be desirable, effective, and healthy behavior by most of Korean pregnant women. It is essential in our contemporary culture, to ascertain what the components of Taegyo are and to integrate them into current, western nursing care, particularly in the area of prenatal care. 910 Korean women were the subjects of this study, who were in a gestation period of pregnancy between 10 weeks to three months postpartum. The subjects were selected by clustered sampling from 10 representative cities in Korea. Data was collected from February 10 to March 30 1995 by a constructed questionnaire which consisted of 95 items. The questionnaire was developed through three steps such as content analysis, calculation of content validity index, and pretest. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics and rotated matrix factor analysis with pc-SAS. The mean age of the subjects was 28.9 years; 36.5% of them were employed and the mean income per month was about 2000 dollars. The component of Taegyo was clustered into five factors such as fetus psychological stability(equity), fetus personality development, maternal-fetal interaction, fetus intellectual development and physical health promotion. The variance of each factor were 23.7%, 8.3%, 4. 7%, 4.1%, and 3.3% respectively in that order. The Eigen value of each factor was 13.03, 4.57, 2.60, 2.23, and 1.83 respectively. It was found that the Taegyo is an unique and holistic self care behavior of Korean pregnant women. Therefore it has been concluded that this study has broadened the understandability of the implications the Taegyo. It is suggested that further studies on the effects of the Taegyo are needed to provide a scientific basis for professional maternity nursing.
The research questions of this study were: Will the level of sexual satisfaction of women who have had a hysterectomy 4 months before be decreased compare to the level of sexsual satisfaction before the hysterectomy?, Will the level of perceived spouse support of women who have had a hysterectomy 4 months before be decreased compare to the level before the hysterectomy?, and What is the relationship between sexual satisfaction and spouse support? This is a perspective descriptive correlational study. The number of subjects was 44. The subjects were limited to Korean women who had an abdominal or vaginal hysterectomy for non-malignant diseases, were married (living with their husbands), mentally healthy, and premenopause at the time of operation. The instrument was consisted of 4 items of demographic characteristics, 13 items of spouse support, and 10 items of sexual satisfaction. The instrument of sexual satisfaction was a component of the Derogatis Sexual Function Inventory. Data analysis was done by paired t-test to see the differences between the pre- post scores of sexual satisfaction and spouse support. The Pearson Correlation Coefficiency was calculated to see the relationship between the scores of sexual satisfaction and spouse spport of pre-post hysterectomy. Results were summerized as follow: The mean age of the subjects was 43.5 years; 72. 1% of the subjects were above middle school graduates: their mean income level was 1,453,000 Korean won and 86.4% of the subjects have had bilateral oophrectomy. 1. The scores of sexual satisfaction of women at 4 months after hysterectomy was decreased significantly compare to the score before hysterectomy (paired t=. 274, p=.009). 2. The scores of spouse support of the women at 4 months after hysterectomy was not decreased significantly compare to the score before hys-terectomy(paired t=.19, p=.847). 3. The scores of sexual satisfaction and spouse support before hysterectomy was significantly related(r=.5186, p=.000). 4. The scores of sexual satisfaction and spouse support at 4 months after hysterectomy was significantly related (r=.4110, p=.005) It can be concluded that the sexual satistaction level could be decreased 4 months after the hysterectomy, but the spouse support level may not be decreased at 4 months after hysterectomy. Further studies have to be done to identify the factors related to the decrease of sexual satisfaction and spouse support after hysterectomy.
PURPOSE: The traditional nursing roles have become increasingly blurred. Nurses are now working in different ways and at higher levels of practice that enable nurses to adapt their roles and take on new responsibilities. The advanced role of nurses requires a different kind of master-level prepared education. METHOD AND RESULT: This article describes an curriculum development process in preparing registered nurses for their advanced nurese' roles in the area of acute adult health nursing, geriatric nursing, pediatric nursing, neonatal intensive care nursing and oncology nursing. Several important issues to be solved regarding introduction of APN were also discussed. CONCLUSION: The curriculum that was proposed in the study will equip nurses to meet the challenges of future healthcare provision and will be a model to other areas of nursing practice and curriculum development.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify whether the maternal-fetal attachment is related to choose the rooming-in of postpartum women. METHOD: This is a retrospective descriptive study. The data was collected from April 1 to May 31, 2001. Subjects who had NSVD were 68 mothers who opted the rooming-in and 98 mothers who did not choose the rooming-in at one hospital in Seoul, Korea. The research questionnaire consisted of 14 items on general characteristics, and 24 items on maternal fetal attachment developed by Cranley(1981). RESULT: 1. There was significant statistical difference in general characteristics between rooming-in and non rooming-in groups in prenatal class attendance, and husband attendance during the delivery. 2. There was significantly higher level of maternal fetal attachment score in the rooming-in group. 3. There was higher level of maternal fetal attachment score in the group which had participated in childbirth education than the group which didn't had participated. CONCLUSION: It could be concluded that the maternal fetal attachment is identified as a significant factor choosing the rooming in for postpartum women. Therefore it is needed to increase maternal fetal attachment of pregnant women before making decision for whether they choose the rooming-in or non-rooming in after delivery.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the rate of pregnancy, abortion, delivery and contraceptive use and the relationship between the related factors and the early coitus among Korean teenagers.
The subjects of this study were 12,733 teenagers age 13-19 years in 7 major cities and 9 provinces in Korea. Data was collected from 2 Oct., to 28 Oct., 2000 and analyzed by using SPSS 10.0 Program.
The results showed pregnancy rate 4.5%, delivery rate 0.5%, abortion rate 0.4%. Adolescent girls who experienced coitus relatively went to vocational school, coeduaction school, night school in the general characteristics (p=0.000). Adolescent girls who experienced coitus tend to go to video room (18.5%), go the singing room (60.7%), the bar (54.8%), petting with the partner during the dates. There were overlapping juvenile delinquencies such as drinking (89.2%), pornography (65.3%), bond inhalation (2.7%), leaving homes (43.7%), smoking (14.5%), cyber sex (70.8%), phone sex (12.9%). Adolescent girls who experienced coitus were more suffering from Wangtta (26.1%) than who had not. They showed significant positive attitudes toward coitus; such as feeling of excitement (6.6%), nature (37.9%), beauty (8.7%). On the other hand, they had more guilty (2.8%) than the inexperienced (p=0.000). The main factors relating to early coitus were 'to confirm love' (46.9%), 'afraid of rejection' (32.2%). They think the benefits of coitus were 'more intimacy with boyfriends' (20.6%), 'satisfaction of curiosity' (16.8%). The losses on coitus were 'worry about pregnancy' (73.7%) and 'unability to refuse sexual contacts' (28.7%)
It could be concluded that it is necessary to plan different sex education programs according to general characteristics and delinquency behaviors of teenage girls in Korea.
With the continuous spread of the AIDS virus and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) throughout Asia, it has become imperative for HIV/AIDS prevention outreach programs to stress the need for using prophylactics as one form of protection. This is particularly true for commercial sex workers. This pilot study was conducted to investigate the rate of condom use among the commercial sex workers in Korea and reasons why they frequently do not wear condoms during sexual intercourse.
Fifty female commercial sex workers who worked in the Yong San area were recruited while outreach was performed and forty eight responses were analyzed due to two incomplete questionnaires. The data were collected on June 28, 2004 as part of an outreach program for condom use promotion.
The subjects ranged in age from 21 to 45 years. Nearly half of the subjects (47.9%) did not consistently use condoms. The major reason for not using protection was clients'reluctances for using condoms. When condoms were used, the subjects preferred lubricant-rich and less painful condom during intercourse.
Due to the inconsistent use of condoms, it is clear that many commercial sex workers and clients are susceptible to sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, it is important to not only educate commercial sex workers, but also to educate their pimps and clientele about the importance of condom use. In general, it is recommended that practical strategies and a policy for condom use promotion be developed.
The purpose of this study was to compare differences in the time when bowel sounds were heard and gas was passed in women who had an abdominal hysterectomy and were treated for 5 minutes (experimental group A) or 10 minutes (experimental group B) with San-Yin-Jiao (SP-6) acupressure.
The design of this study was a nonequivalent control group non-synchronized post test only design. The participants included 142 women, 39 in experimental group A, 30 in experimental group B, and 73 in the control group. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire which included items on general characteristics and a self report of time when gas was passed. Differences for the three groups as to time when bowel sounds were heard and gas was passed were analyzed using ANOVA.
The time when bowel sounds were heard was statistically significantly shorter in both experimental groups compared to the control group(F=10.29, p=.000). The time when gas was passed was statistically significantly shorter in experimental group B(10 min) compared to the control group(F=4.68, p=.011).
It could be concluded that SP-6 acupressure of 10 minutes was effective in shortening the time until bowel sounds were heard and gas was passed for women who had had an abdominal hysterectomy. Replication of the study with a larger number of participants is necessary in order to be able to generalize the results.
The aim of this study was to design and evaluate a scale for measuring the attitudes toward condom use in sexual relationships.
A questionnaire was administered to 631 college students using a convenience sampling method. The psychometric properties (reliability and validity) were evaluated.
As a result of the item analysis, 16 items were selected and the internal consistency alpha coefficient was .88. Results indicated that the condom attitude scale is composed of three factors: Interruption of sexual pleasure; Protection; and Image. The three factors accounted for 59.54% of the variance in the total scale. Also, condom attitude was statistically significant (t=7.389, p=.000) between consistent condom users and inconsistent users.
The results demonstrate that condom attitudes are multidimensional, and the reliability and validity of the scale was supported.
The purpose of this study was to explain differences of cesarean section rates according to San-Yin-Jiao(SP6) acupressure for women in labor.
A noneqivalent control group pre test - post test design was used to explain differences of cesarean section rates according to SP6 acupressure. The participants were 209 women who were assigned to one of three groups SP6 acupressure(n=86), SP6 touch(n=47), and control group(n=76). For 30 minutes, the SP6 acupressure group received SP6 acupressure,and the SP6 touch group received SP6 touch for the duration of each uterine contraction. The Control group was encouraged to deep breath and relax for the duration of each uterine contraction for 30 minutes.
The rates of cesarean section were 12.8%, 29.8%, and 22.4% for the SP6 acupressure group, SP6 touch group, and control group respectively. There was a significant difference among groups (p=0.049). Cesarean section rateswere significantly different between the SP6 acupressure and non-SP6 acupressure group(p=0.035).
This finding shows that 30 minutes of SP6 acupressure was effective in decreasing the cesarean section rate. Therefore, SP6 acupressure during labor could be applied as an effective nursing intervention.
The purpose of this study was to identify effects of the SP-6 acupressure on dysmenorrhea, and level of cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine in the college students.
Data were collected from May 1 to August 31, 2002. A total of 58 students from two universities participated in the study. Both groups were pretested before the intervention for three variables, the intensity of dysmenorrhea, level of cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine. Then, SP-6 acupressure was provided for 20 minutes for students in the experimental group. The instruments used in this study included the Visual Analogue Scale developed by Johnson(1974), Menstrual Attitudes Questionnaire Scale developed by Brooks-Gunn & Ruble(1980), and Stress scale developed by Cheun and Kim(1990).
There were statistically significant differences in the intensity of dysmenorrhea at the time immediately after, 30minutes after, one hour after, and two hours after the intervention. The experimental group had a lower intensity than the control group. There was a statistically significant difference in level of norepinephrine at the time 30minutes after the intervention with the experimental group.
The SP-6 acupressure reduced the subjective perception of dysmenorrhea and the levels of norepinephrine. It was found out that the lasting period of 20 minutes of the SP-6 acupressure was two hours for college students.
This study was done to develop an applicable training program for high school girls on sexual assertiveness.
The design combined methodological study and non-synchronized quasi experimental study designs. The participants were 174 high school girls from two schools. Two questionnaires were used, one consisted of 23 questions on self efficacy and the other, of 22 items on sexual assertiveness. The SPSS 10.0 program was used for data analysis. Experimental group 1(3 hour program) and experimental group 2(6 hour program) were received on sexual assertiveness. The sexual assertiveness program was carried out by members of the research team. There were no differences in demographic characteristics between control group, experimental group 1, and experimental group 2.
There was no significant increase in self efficacy scores in experimental group 1 over the control group, but there was a significant increase in sexual assertiveness scores in the experimental group 1 over the control group. There was an increase in self efficacy scores in experimental group 2 over the control group, but it was not significant. There was a significant increase in sexual assertiveness scores in experimental group 2 over the control group. There was no significant increase in self efficacy scores in the experimental group 2 over the experimental group 1, and there was no significant increase in sexual assertiveness scores in experimental group 2 over the experimental group 1.
The results show that a 3 hour program was as effective as a 6 hour program for sexual assertiveness. Therefore, it is advisable to use a 3 hour program for clinical convenience. But further study is needed to determine the lasting effect on sexual assertiveness.
This study was to add to the understanding of sexual autonomy in college students in Korea. A descriptive survey design was used.
The participants in this study were 1,865 college students from 13 colleges, The questionnaire consisted of 15 items on general characteristics and 13 items measuring sexual autonomy. The SPSS 10.0 program was used for data analysis.
The global score for sexual autonomy was relatively high at 55.24 with a possible range of 13~65. The item on sexual autonomy with the highest score were, ‘ I can prevent repeated STD infections’ and the item with the lowest sexual autonomy score was ‘ I can speak clearly about having intercourse’. Factors related to sexual autonomy were identified as gender, parents' attitude, year in university, experience with STD prevention and experience with pregnancy prevention. The score for sexual autonomy was lower in male college students (p= .000), students whose parents' attitudes to sex were vague, first year students (p=.000), students who had little experience with prevention of STDs (p= .002), students who had little experience with prevention of pregnancy (p=.001).
The results showed that in setting priorities for sex education the following groups of students should be given first priority, male students, students whose parents' attitudes to sex were vague, first year students, students who have not had experience with prevention of STDs, and students who have not had experience with prevention of pregnancy.