The descriptive study was done to identify factors influencing sexual satisfaction in women who had a hysterectomy and to compare these with women who had not a hysterectomy.
The purpose was to contribute theoretical understanding on which to base nursing care planning.
One group of subjects were 156 women who had a hysterectomy, between one and 18 months post surgery, living with their spouse, having no complications, and menstruating before surgery.
The other group of subjects were 282 healthy women who were living with their husbands and menstruating.
The study tool consisted of 108 items including item concerning personal characteristics, characteristics related to the hysterectomy, husband's support , body image, emotions, attitude toward the sexual relationship, knowledge of sexuality, sexual behavior, and sexual satisfaction. Sexual satisfaction was measured by a tool based on Derogatis Sexual Function Inventory. The range of the internal level of the study tool was from .5208 to .9462.
Data collection was done during the period from June 20 to Aug.20, 1989.
The same questionnaire was used of data collection for both groups, but a mail survey method was used for the women who had a hysterectomy, and an interview method was used for the women who had not had a hysterectomy.
Data analysis was done using frequency, ratio, mean and S.D. for the characteristics of the subjects and level of sexual satisfaction.
t-test or ANOVA was used for the differences between the groups with regard to the general and hysterectomy related characteristics.
The relationship between the score for sex life related factors and the level of sexual satisfaction was analyzed using the Pearson Correlation, and the influencing factors on sexual satisfaction were analyzed by stepwise multiple regression.
The results of this study were as follows ;
1. Mean age and income level were the only general characteristics for the two groups that were significantly different.
The mean age, and income level of the group who had a hysterectomy were 45 years, and 1,151,000 won respectively, and for those who had not had a hysterectomy, 41 years and 999,000 won.
2. There was no statistical difference of the sexual satisfaction score between the two groups.
3. There was differences in the factors influencing sexual satisfaction between the two groups.
Factors influencing sexual satisfaction for the group who had a hysterectomy were husband's support(R=.5793, P=.000) and the women's Knowledge of sexuality (R=.6670, P=.000) (total variance : 33.56). On the other hand, emotional status (R=.4294, P=.000) sexual behavior(R=.5793, P=.000), husband's support(R=.5274, P=.000) and attitude towards sexual relations (R=.5412, P=.000) (total variance : 54.12) were the had a hysterectomy.
Since husband's support and sexuality knowledge were identified as factors influencing sexual satisfaction of women who have had a hysterectomy, it can be concluded that, before a woman who had a hysterectomy is discharged from hospital, nurses should include strategies in the nursing care plan that will promote husband's support and the women's knowledge of sexuality.