Caring has been identified as the essence and unifying domin of nursing(Leininger). Many nurses believe that the art of nursing is comprised of actions that are predominantly caring in nature. Although caring has been the traditional ideology of nurses, it is only now beginning to emerge as the central construct for the development of nursing research, theory and practice. The problem addressed by this study was to identify how hospitalized children and their nurses express the meaning of caring, how they think nurses experiences of being cared for. The purpose was to provide theoretical understanding of caring as perceived in Korea to contribute to the development of Korean nursing knowledge. The subjects were 76 hospitalized children admitted to pediatric units in five teaching hospitals and 66 nurses who were caring for these children. In this descriptive study, data were collected from Nov 11, 1991 to Jan 30, 1992 by interviews by van Kaam's method. Caring themes perceived by the children and their nurses were classified into eight categories,-helping, comfort, love, warmth(only by children), recovery from illness, health maintenance(only by nurses), presence, nurturance and responsibility. Ideal caring behaviors perceived by the children and their nurses were six categories, -to give help, provide comfort, give love, with, treat warmly and aid recovery. Subcategories of giving help were promptness and competence, detailed explanations and support and encouragement. Other subcategories of giving help reported only by nurses were individualizing care, recognizing needs and providing a familiar environment. Subcategories of maintaining comfort were making comfortable, alleviating pain ; one subcategory reported only by children was consolating. A subcategory of giving love was concern ; two subcategories reported only by nurses were compassion and respect. Subcategories of staying with were playing with and touching ; only nurses reported empathy. Subcategories of treating warmly were tenderness and kindness. In the experience of caring, there were 4 categories,-to give help, stay with, show concern and provide comfort. Both the hospitalized children and their nurses had experienced caring primarily from their mothers. Mothers' caring behaviors were direct, personal, basic, supportive nursing acts. On the other hand, nurses caring behaviors were task oriented skilled procedures and medically delegated acts. This study contributes understanding of the complexity of caring, more specifically the meaning and experience of caring and ideal caring behaviors. Research may be able to move into verification when instruments are developed to measure the complexity of caring beliefs, values and behaviors in Korean and other cultural settings.
The purpose of this study was to understand the subjective breastfeeding experience of primiparous women to identify how breastfeeding was started and to explore the process of breastfeeding. The Grounded theory methodology was used. Data was collected from 6 primiparous women who had breastfeed their infants for at least over 8 weeks, recently breastfeeding or having breatfeed their infants within the last 6 months. With the permission of the subjects, the interviews were recorded and transcribed. The data were analysed in the framework of grounded theory method as mapped out by Strauss and Corbin(1990). 105 concepts and 21 subcategories were of data analysis. In the process of data analysis, "Identity as a mother" was found to be the core phenomenon. The 21 sub-categories were as follows : natural food, neighbour inducement, self purpose, good feeling, tenderness, breast pain, change of breast shape, physical discomfort, loss of physical energy, confirmation of adhesion, one body through coupling, tie, capacity, role performance, mental comfort, healthy mother, healthy infant, confidence of breast milk, feeling of satisfaction. The sub-categories were again grouped into 14 categories including infant nutritious food, formation of breastfeeding opportunity, feeling of satisfaction, injury of the breast, physical suffering, awareness of mothering, formation of maternal affection, connecting, coupling, acceptance, effort, emotional stability, mother and child health and feeling of achievement.
The purpose of this study was to explore the health concept of college women and their pattern of health behavior. The research was a descriptive method using a self-report questionnaire which include open-ended questions. The subjects were 195 college women ages from 19 to 25 years. The results of this study were as follows : 1. Perceived health Concepts by College women were physical well - being, powerfulness, ability of role performance, ability of social adaptation, emotional stability, satisfactory life, harmony. 2. Health behaviors cleanliness by college women were : taking food selectively, maintaining cleanliness, making an effort to be healthy, avoiding stimulants, living positively, relaxing physically, endeavoring to maintain physical function.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to provide basic data on preventive child abuse program development. METHOD: Data were collected on 105 high-risk families of child abuse intervention was obtained from their main child rearer who raised the child under 18 years, olds during 10 months period from May, 2000 to March 2001. RESULT: The results were as follows : 1. Child abuse occurred in the subject's home, in the case of mild child abuse, 'throwing an object at the child' had the highest percentage 39.1%, in severe child abuse, 'rod, stick, belt, broom beating or using a variety of objects such as' had the highest percentage 49.5%, and in very severe child abuse, 'hospitalized by belting' had the highest percentage 3.8%. 2. The degree of child abuse potential showed high risk child abuse score with a mean of 213.3. The degree of beliefs in corporal punishment showed that subjects perceived corporal punishment of children positively with a mean of 32.2. 3. With respect to the child abuse potential, there were significant correlations with the subjects' age (r=.294, p=.002), education level (r=-.442, p=.000), and family income (r=-.355, p=.000). CONCLUSION: From this study not only child abuse occurrence but also child abuse potential were severely increased in poor livelihood families. Therefore to the high risk group, individual preventive approach must be applied.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between health locus of control (HLOC) and the eating behaviors in obese high school girls. The sample consisted of 262 obese high school girls in Seoul and Kangwon-Do. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The average scores of HLOC were HLOC- Internal; 4.06, HLOC-External; 2.47, and HLOC-Chance; 2.15. 2. The average scores of eating behavior factors were Disinhibition ; 2.91, Hunger ; 2.73, Dietary Restraint ; 2.55. 3. The HLOC-Internal and eating behavior (dietary restraint, disinhibition and hunger) were correlated positively. The HLOC- Chance and hunger was correlated positively. But HLOC-Chance and other eating behavior factors (dietary restraint & disinhibition) were not correlated in the level of statistical significances. The HLOC-External and eating behavior (dietary restraint, disinhibition and hunger) were correlated positively. 4. There was not a significant difference in HLOC depending on the existence of an obese sibling. There were significant differences in HLOC-Internal and HLOC- External depending on the evaluation of one's body figure. 5. There were significant differences in disinhibition and hunger depending on the existence of obese sibling. Also, there were significant difference in dietary restraint according to self perception of who is obese or not (t=3.342, p=.001). This study has shown a correlation between HLOC and eating behavior. As a result of these findings, clinical and school nurses should be involved in management and counselling obese girls concerning individual health locus of control and eating behavior.
The relationship between the attitude and satisfaction for sexuality of pregnant women was observed to provide rationales of nursing intervention to help promote healthy sexual lifestyles. Questionnaires were collected from 211 obstetric outpatients of H university hospital in C city, Korea from February to May 1999. The research tools were D.S.F.I (Derogatis Sexual Function Inventory in Korean, Chronbach's alpha= 0.710) and Sexuality Satisfaction Method (Kim, 1997, Chronbach's alpha =0.864). Data was analyzed for frequency, mean, standard deviation, Pearson correlation, t-test and ANOVA by Windows SAS. The results of this study were as follows: Mean age of the subjects were 29.8; the average score of attitude to sex was moderate (27.60), and that of satisfaction sex was high (54.11); the positive relationship was shown between attitude and satisfaction for sexuality (r=0.51, p=.000); the higher educational and income levels of pregnant women and their husbands, were the better the attitude and satisfaction for was; professional women had better attitude than housewives. According to the results, it is suggested that the study is necessary to develop an effective nursing intervention related with the sexuality of pregnant women.
A study was done to identify the differences of women's perception of fatigue according to the period of pregnancy. Questionnaires were collected from 510 normal pregnant women in 3 University Hospitals in Korea from April to November of 1999. The questionnaires used to measure pregnant women's fatigue were the "Subjective Symptoms of Fatigue Test" designed by the Research Committee of Industrial Fatigue in Hygienic Association of Japanese Industry. The collected data was analyzed by SPSS-Win. The results revealed that there was a significant difference according to the periods of pregnancy: The degree of fatigue was the highest in the first trimester and then third and second trimester in decreasing order (F=89.53, p=0.000). The degree of fatigue was also compared with the respect to the general characteristics of women: There were statistically significant differences according to number of pregnancy (t=6.41, p=0.000), expectation of pregnancy (t=-291, p=0.004) and weight change (F=8.07, p=0.000). Therefore, variable nursing intervention should be provided to alleviate the fatigue according to the each trimester of pregnant period. Especially the nursing intervention program to alleviate the physical fatigue in the first trimester is necessary.
The Purpose of this study was to explore the meaning of breastfeeding using a phenomenological research methodology. The sample consisted of 9 primiparous mothers who had breastfed their babies at least for 3 consecutive months. Data were collected from January 10 to February 28, 1998 through interviewing. The research question was "What was the meaning of breastfeeding to breastfeeding mothers?" Responses to non-structured open-ended question was audio-recorded during the interview. Data were analyzed using the phenomenological method of Colazzi. From the protocols, significant statements about meaning of breastfeeding were clustered into 8 themes. Mothers perceived meaning of breastfeeding as feeling of unification through tie, expression of love, gift, nutritional supplement, duty as a mother, nurturing, mystery, and identity. From the results of this study, breastfeeding mothers perceived breastfeeding positively, so nurses need to encourage mothers to breastfeed her baby and develop program which can promote successful breastfeeding.
Accidents are the leading cause of death in children worldwide. The purpose of this study is to use basic data of safety education, counseling, and information available regarding accident prevention to examine the degree of mother's accident prevention practices for their children. Data were collected from June to October, 1998 from 587 mothers including 2 University hospitals located in Seoul and KyoungKi-Do. By using the 30 item questionnaire, which was created by researchers through literature review, the degree of mothers' accident prevention practices for their children was measured. The degree of accident prevention practices of mothers shown ranged 70-118 and averaged 3.19. Compared to the composit area average score, drug keeping had the highest score of 3.57. The next highest scores and traffic safety(3.41), and super vision of child(3.30). Prevention against burning was the lowest point at 2.58. With the respect to the demographic characteristics, there were statistically significant differences in the mothers' education(F=4.291, p=.014), type of residence(F=3.979, p=.008), and child developmental age(F=5.275, p=.001). The degree of accident prevention practices of mothers were relatively high. But the area which showed the low degree of accident prevention practices, required nurses' active education, counseling, social interest and support, and mass media participation.
The purpose of this study was to identify basic data for the health care of normal pregnant women. The number of subjects was 779 pregnant women who received prenatal care in two University hospitals. The data, which were collected from June to October, 1998, and used the questionnaire "Symptom Table on Fatigue Perception" designed by the Research Committee of the Industrial Fatigue in Hygienic Association of Japan Industry. The Collected data were scored by use of means and standard deviations according to the subjective symptoms of fatigue and each item as an independent variable was analysed by t-test and ANOVA test. The results are as follows : 1) Degree of subjective fatigue showed as an average of 1.81. Fatigue as physical symptoms had the highest score with 2.09, followed by neuro-sensory symptoms, 1.69 and psychological symptoms had the lowest score 1.66. 2) With the respect to the general characteristics of the subjects, there were statiscally significant difference in experience of pregnancy(t=-2.286, p=.023), wanted pregnancy(t=-2.935, p=.004), parity(t=-2.429, p=.015), sleeping time(F=3.478, p=.031), and presence of other child(t=2.347, p=0.19).
The purpose of this study was to get some basic data for health care for working women, especially for hospital nurses. the number of subjects was 796 nurses from one general hospital and four private educational hospitals. The data were collected from February to April, 1988 using the questionnaire "Symptom Table on fatigue Perception" designed by the Research Committee of Industrial Fatigue in Hygienic Association of Japan Industry. The collected data were analyzed using means and standard deviations for the subjective symptoms of fatigue and each item as an independent variable was analyzed by T-test and ANOVA test. The results are as follows: 1) The mean score for degree of fatigue was 1.89 and the degree of fatigue for physical symptoms had highest score of 2.04, the next was psychological symptoms at 1.89, and euro-sensory symptoms were the lowest ar 1.74. Among the fatigue symptoms, the item scored most frequently was "Legs feel heavy" with a mean score of 2.40 and the least frequent item was "My hand and foot trembled" with a mean score of 1.40/. 2) With the respect to the general characteristics of subjects, there were statistically significant difference according to age(F=17.039, p=.000), state of marriage(t=5.381, p=.000) presence of children(t=5.134, p=.000), clinical experience(F=16.663, p=.000), present position(F=12.598, p=.000), duty time(F=9.068, p=.000), monthly wages(F=7.361, p=.000), satisfaction about the pay and treatment at work(t=-5.511, p=.000), relation the doctors(t=-4.593, p=.000).
The purpose of this study was to provide basic data on preschool children of accident prevention and to improve their health through a sound, safe living environment with safety education established through more systematic methods. Data were collected from 516 preschoolers from 4 to 6 years old using APP paper test which consists of a question and drawing. The children's general characteristics and accident proneness prospect were investigated. The relationship between the children's general characteristics and the accident proneness prospect were analyzed. The findings of the study are as follows: 1. The institution which children attended had a significant difference in accordance with the living safety(p=.015) and behavior character(p=.033). 2. The housing pattern in which children lived had a significant difference in accordance with the movement speed(p=.027). 3. The children's age had a significant difference in accordance with the living safety(p=.002), traffic safety(p=.001), the reasoning power(p=.000), movement speed(p=.00), movement stability(p=.000) and attentional power (p=.000). 4. The children's sex had a significant difference in accordance with the movement stability and behavioral character(p=.003, p=.008). 5. The children's past accidental experience had a significant difference in accordance with the behavior character(p=.001). 6. General assessment of the APP test had a significant difference in accordance with the children's age(p=.000) and children's past accidental experience(p=.020).
The purpose of this study was to test the reliability and validity of an MIL instrument for adolescents.
The research design was a three-phase, methodological study. 1) The original 46 items of the Meaning in Life (MIL) Scale were reviewed and corrected partially by 20 adolescents. 2) The content was validated by an expert panel (n=15) and adolescents (n=5). 3) The instrument was validated by survey (n=468). Finally, 33 items were chosen for the adolescents meaning in life(AMIL) scale.
Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the 33 items was .92, confirming the high internal consistency of the instrument. 2) Eight factors were extracted through factor analysis: ‘experience of love’, ‘making efforts for goal’, ‘awareness of essential being’, ‘awareness of self limitation’, ‘feeling of satisfaction’, ‘relation experience’, ‘positive thinking’, and ‘hope’. These factors explained 58.26% of the total variance.
AMIL Scale was identified as a tool with a high degree of reliability and validity. The tool can therefore be effectively utilized to assess the degree of meaning of life in caring areas for adolescents. Studies on AMIL of different adolescent subjects are needed for further verification.