The purpose of this study was to identify basic data for the health care of normal pregnant women. The number of subjects was 779 pregnant women who received prenatal care in two University hospitals. The data, which were collected from June to October, 1998, and used the questionnaire "Symptom Table on Fatigue Perception" designed by the Research Committee of the Industrial Fatigue in Hygienic Association of Japan Industry. The Collected data were scored by use of means and standard deviations according to the subjective symptoms of fatigue and each item as an independent variable was analysed by t-test and ANOVA test.
The results are as follows :
1) Degree of subjective fatigue showed as an average of 1.81. Fatigue as physical symptoms had the highest score with 2.09, followed by neuro-sensory symptoms, 1.69 and psychological symptoms had the lowest score 1.66.
2) With the respect to the general characteristics of the subjects, there were statiscally significant difference in experience of pregnancy(t=-2.286, p=.023), wanted pregnancy(t=-2.935, p=.004), parity(t=-2.429, p=.015), sleeping time(F=3.478, p=.031), and presence of other child(t=2.347, p=0.19).