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Research Paper
Structural Equation Modeling for Quality of Life of Mothers of Children with Developmental Disabilities: Focusing on the Self-Help Model
Yang, Mi Ran , Yu, Mi
J Korean Acad Nurs 2022;52(3):308-323.   Published online June 30, 2022
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study aimed to construct and test a predictive model for the quality of life (QOL) in mothers of children with developmental disabilities (DB). The hypothesized model included severity of illness, distress, uncertainty, self-help, and parenting efficacy as influencing factors, QOL as a consequence based on the Braden’s Self-Help Model.
The data were collected through a direct and online surveys from 206 mothers in 8 locations, including welfare or daycare centers, developmental treatment centers, and The Parents’ Coalition for the Disabled located in two provinces of Korea. Data were analysed using SPSS/WIN 23.0 and AMOS 21.0 program.
The fit indices of the predictive model satisfied recommended levels; χ2 = 165.79 (p < .001), normed χ22 /df) = 2.44, RMR = .04, RMSEA = .08, GFI = .90, AGFI = .85, NFI = .91, TLI = .93, CFI = .95. Among the variables, distress (β = - .46, p < .001), parenting efficacy (β = .22, p < .001), and self-help (β = .17, p = .018) had direct effects on QOL. Severity of illness (β = - .61, p = .010) and uncertainty (β = - .08, p = .014) showed indirect effects. The explanatory power of variables was 61.0%.
The study results confirm the utility of Braden’s Self-Help Model. They provide a theoretical basis for improving QOL in mothers of children with DB. Nursing intervention strategies that can relieve mothers’ distress and uncertainty related to disease and enhance parenting efficacy and self-help behavior should be considered.
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Original Articles
Patient Severity Classification in a Medical ICU using APACHE III and Patient Severity Classification Tool
Kyeong Ok Lee, Hyeon Ju Shin, Hyeoun Ae Park, Hyeon Myeong Jeong, Mi Hye Lee, Eun Ha Choi, Jeong Mi Lee, Yu Ja Kim, Yun Kyeong Sim, Kyi Ju Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(5):1243-1253.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to verify the validity of the Patient Severity Classification Tool by examining the correlations between the APACHE III and the Patient Severity Classification Tool and to propose admission criteria to the ICU. The instruments used for this study were the APACHE III developed by Knaus and thePatient Severity Classification Tool developed by Korean Clinical Nurses Association. Data was collected from the 156 Medical ICU patients during their first 24 hours of admission at the Seoul National University Hospital by three trained Medical ICU nurses from April 20 to August 31 1999. Data were analyzed using the frequency, X2, Wilcoxon rank sum test, and Spearman rho. There was statistically significant correlations between the scores of the APACHE III and the Patient Severity Classification Tool. Mortality rate was increased as patients classification of severity in both the APACHE III and the Patient Severity Classification Tool scored higher. The Patient Severity Classification Tool was proved to be a valid and reliable tool, and a useful tool as one of the severity predicting factors, ICU admission criteria, information sharing between ICUs, quality evaluations of ICUs, and ICU nurse staffing. 1) This paper was awarded the first prize at the Seoul National Hospital Nursing Department Research Contest.

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Evaluating the Validity of the Pediatric Index of Mortality II in the Intensive Care Units
Jung Soon Kim, Sun Joo Boo
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(1):47-55.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was to evaluate the validity of the Pediatric Index of Mortality II(PIM II).


The first values on PIM II variables following ICU admission were collected from the patient's charts of 548 admissions retrospectively in three ICUs(medical, surgical, and neurosurgical) at P University Hospital and a cardiac ICU at D University Hospital in Busan from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2003. Data was analyzed with the SPSSWIN 10.0 program for the descriptive statistics, correlation coefficient, standardized mortality ratio(SMR), validity index(sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value), and AUC of ROC curve.


The mortality rate was 10.9%(60 cases) and the predicted death rate was 9.5%. The correlation coefficient(r) between observed and expected death rates was .929(p<.01) and SMR was 1.15. Se, Sp, pPv, nPv, and the correct classification rate were .80, .96, .70, .98, and 94.0% respectively. In addition, areas under the curve(AUC) of the receiver operating characteristic(ROC) was 0.954(95% CI=0.919~0.989). According to demographic characteristics, mortality was underestimated in the medical group and overestimated in the surgical group. In addition, the AUCs of ROC curve were generally high in all subgroups.


The PIM II showed a good, so it can be utilized for the subject hospital.

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Influence of Age, Gender, and Severity on Recovery of Patients with Brain Injury
Hyun Soo Oh, Wha Sook Seo
J Korean Acad Nurs 2008;38(6):923-932.   Published online December 31, 2008
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was conducted to investigate the individual and cross influences of age, gender, and severity on recovery of patients with brain injury.


For the purpose of the study, traumatic or spontaneous brain injury patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) were conveniently selected. The data regarding outcomes were collected 3 months after admission.


Individual influences of the study variables on patients' recovery were significant, except for gender. But while the individual influence of gender on recovery was not significant, cross influence of gender and age was significant, but only for the sub-dimension of 'arousalbility and awareness'. The study results also showed that 3-way cross influence of gender, age, and severity was only significant on the sub-dimension of 'arousalbility and awareness'.


The sub-dimension of recovery cross influenced by the demographic factors of gender and age, and severity was 'arousalbility and awareness'. This might indicate that the study variables that cross influencing recovery had more influence on consciousness compared to physical function and psycho-social adaptation.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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