PURPOSE: To identify nursing interventions performed by Chosunjok nurses in Yanbian using NIC.
The sample consisted of 36 nurses working in 2 hospitals. The Nursing Interventions Use Questionnaire developed by the Iowa Intervention Project team was used for data collection. The instrument was translated to Korean using the method of back-translation.
Twenty-eight interventions were performed at least daily. Interventions in the Physiological: Basic domain were most frequently used at least daily. The most frequently used interventions was Positioning, followed by the interventions Pressure Ulcer Prevention, Intravenous (IV) Therapy, Hypothermia Treatment and Intravenous (IV) Insertion. The least frequently used interventions was Electronic Fetal Monitoring: Antepartum. Nurses working in special medical care units performed interventions most often, while nurses working in general surgical units performed them least. Nurses working in general medical, special medical and other care units performed interventions in the Physiological domain more often than the nurses working in general surgical units.
Chosunjok nurses in Yanbian performed physiological interventions frequently. Further studies will be needed to compare interventions performed by nurses in two countries.
The purposes of this research were to identify nursing interventions performed by Korean nurses and to compare the interventions performed by nurses working in the oriental medicine hospitals and with those performed by nurses working in the general hospitals. The samples consisted of 144 Korean nurses working in three hospitals, 70 nurses working in the oriental medicine hospitals and 74 nurses working in the general hospitals. The Nursing Interventions Classification(NIC) Use Questionnaire developed by the Iowa Intervention Project team was translated to Korean and verified using the method of back-translation. The questionnaire consists of 433 intervention labels and definition. Thirteen interventions were used at least daily by nurses working in the oriental medicine hospitals, while twenty-one interventions were used at least daily by nurses working in the general hospitals. the most frequently used interventions by nurses working in the oriental medicine hospitals were Documentation, shift Report vital signs Monitoring, Pressure Ulcer Prevention, Positioning, Fall Prevention, Exercise Promotion, Intravenous(IV) Therapy, Pressure Ulcer care, and Bed Rest Care in that crder. For nurses working in the general hospitals the most frequent intervention was Analgesic Administration, followed by the interventions of Medication Administration : Parenteral and Intravenous Therapy(IV) Therapy, Documentation, Intravenous(IV) Insertion, shift Report, Fall Prevention, vital Signs Monitoring, Medication Adnninistraction : and , fluid Monitoring, and Medication Management in that order. The interventions performed least often by nurses working in the oriental medicine hospitals were Hemodialysis Therapy and Bleeding Reduction : Antepartum Uterus, while the interventions performed least often by nurses working in the general hospital were Rape Trauma Treatment and Contact Lens Care. The nurses working in the oriental medicine hospitals performed the interventions in the Physiological : Complex domain significantly more often than the nurses working in the general hospitals, while the nurses working in the general hospitals performed the intervention in the Behavior domain significantly more often than the nurses working in the oriental medicine hospitals. This study suggests that further study will be needed to developed and validate more interventions sensitive to Korean culture.
The purpose of this research was to identify nursing interventions performed by hospital nurses in Korea. The sample consisted of 311 nurses working in three hospitals. The Nursing Interventions Use Questionnaire developed by the Iowa Intervention Project team was used for data collection. The instrument was translated to Korean using the method of back-translation. Eighteen interventions were performed at least daily. Interventions in the Physiological : Basic domain were most frequently used at least daily. No interventions in the Family and Behavioral domains were used by nurses at least once a day. The most frequently used interventions was Documentation, followed by the interventions Medication : Parenteral, Intravenous(IV) Insertion, Temperature Control, and Shift Report. The intervention performed least often was Reproductive Technology Management. Nurses working in intensive car units on the whole performed interventions most often, while nurses working in obstetric, gynecological, and pediatric units performed them least often. The nurses working in intensive care unit, medical and surgical care units performed the interventions in the Physiological : Basic domain more often than the nurses working in obstetric, gynecological, and pediatric units. The nurses working in obstetric, gynecological, and pediatric units used the interventions in the Family domain more often than the nurses working in the other three units. The study contributes to the documentation of nurses' work in Korea. Further study will be needed to validate nursing activities of each NIC intervention.
The purpose of this study was to identify the perceived importance of nursing intserventions of psychiatric nurses according to domains, classes and interventions using the 3th NIC.
In this study, a 435 of 486 nursing interventions were selected from 75% consent reached by experts. Data were collected from 9 hospitals and 141 nurses(return rates : 94.0%) in Seoul, Kyonggi, Chungnam, Gwang-ju and Chonnam region from January, 2002 to February, 2002 using 4 point Likert scale.
Total perceived importance score was 2.905+/−0.463 and total correlation score with performance frequency was r=0.295. The most important perceived domain and class was found to be ‘ safety’ (3.217+/−0.465) and ‘ community health promotion’ (3.285+/−0.866). The most correlated domain and class with performance frequency appeared to be ‘ behavioral’ (r=0.431, p=0.000) and ‘ communication enhancement’ (r=0.439, p=0.000). The most important perceived nursing intervention was found to be ‘ active listening’ (3.652+/−0.549).
In conclusion, nurses in clinical settings were found to perform less than perceive its importance. Therefore, further researches are needed to identify factors related to impede and develop strategies to improve the performance of nursing interventions.
The purpose of this study was to identify which nursing interventions are the most effective in fall prevention for hospitalized patients.
From 3,675 papers searched, 34 were selected for inclusion in the meta-analysis. Number of fallers, falls, falls per 1,000 hospital-days, and injurious falls, fall protection activity, knowledge related to falls, and self-efficacy about falls were evaluated as outcome variables. Data were analyzed using the Comprehensive Meta Analysis (CMA) 2.2 Version program and the effect sizes were shown as the Odd Ratio (OR) and Hedges's g.
Overall effect size of nursing interventions for fall prevention was OR=0.64 (95% CI: 0.57~0.73,
Falls in hospitalized patients can be effectively prevented using the nursing interventions identified in this study. These findings provide scientific evidence for developing and using effective nursing interventions to improve the safety of hospitalized patients.
The purpose of this study was to develop and to apply the NANDA, NOC, and NIC (NNN) linkages into a computerized nursing process program using the classification systems of nursing diagnoses, nursing outcomes and nursing interventions.
The program was developed with planning, analysis, design and performance stages. The program was applied to 117 patients who were admitted to orthopedic surgery nursing units from January to February, 2004.
Thirty-five of fifty-three nursing diagnoses were identified. Five nursing diagnoses in order of frequency were: Acute pain (28.4%), Impaired physical mobility (15.6%), Impaired walking (8.7%), Chronic pain (5.5%) and Risk for disuse syndrome (5.0%). The nursing outcomes of the 'Acute pain' nursing diagnosis tended to have higher frequencies (cumulative) in order of Pain management (95.2%), Comfort level (35.5%) and Pain level (17.7%). The nursing interventions of the ‘Acute pain’ nursing diagnosis tended to have higher frequencies (cumulative) in order of Pain management (71.0%), Splinting (24.2%) and Analgesic administration (17.7%). In comparison of outcome indicator scores between before and after the intervention according to the 61 nursing outcomes, the mean scores of 52 outcome indicators after the intervention were significantly higher than before the intervention.
It is expected that this program will help nurses perform their nursing processes more efficiently.