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Assessment of Gestational Age using New Ballard Examination in High-Risk Infants
Young Mee Ahn, Sang Mi Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(2):176-185.   Published online March 29, 2017
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PURPOSE: Knowing the accurate GA is critical in nursing care of high-risk newborns. A descriptive study was performed to examine the reliability and clinical applicability of the new Ballard examination (NBE) in high-risk infants. METHOD: A NBE was performed to measure GA by assessing the neuromuscular and physical maturity in the course of physical examination of a convenient sample of 50 high-risk infants. RESULTS: 1) There was a highly correlation between both the GA by LMP (GA-LMP) and GA by NBE (GA-NBE) (r = .894, p = .000) 2) There was a greater positive relationship in neuromuscular maturity than physical maturity in the GA-NBE of the high-risk newborn (r = .657 versus r = .915, p<. 05). 3) The high-risk infants were thoes with congenital anomalies, prematurity, and RDS(Respiratory Distress Syndrome). Male infants showed a higher neuromuscular maturity, compared to female infants. 4) There was a positive correlation between neuromuscular, physical, total maturity, GA-LMP and GA-NBE in the birth weight, 1 minute Apgar score. CONCLUSION: The study supports the reliability an clinical relevance of NBE in assessment of the accurate GA in high-risk infants.

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A Model for Community Based Mother Infant Care Center: TMIC (transitional mother infant care center) using a Sanhujoriwon
Eun Kwang Yoo, Young Mee Ahn
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(5):932-947.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was 1) analyze the current state of Sanhojoriwon; and 2) to suggest the new model for the community based mother infants health care delivery system: strategies of TMIC are related to Public Health policy, cost-effectiveness, mother infant care provision of medical professionalism, and so on.
Forty-seven workers from seventeen Sanhojoriwon participated to analyze several aspects of Sanhojoriwon. Using a questionnaire developed at Korean Sanhojori Research Forum (KSARF), such as the traditional and medical concept of the Sanhojori, postpartum care, Korean traditional postpartum care, job description on women and infant care at Sanhojoriwon, professional management, health care policy and the educational need.
Based on the descriptive study results, the TMIC, the community based transitional mother infants care center was suggested as a new model for the cyclic public health care system related on the reproductive health, using an already existing related center, Sanhojoriwon. Also, several strategies were presented on the TMIC.

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Parental Role Stress and Perception of the Newborn in Mothers of Preterm Babies
Young Im Moon, Hyun Young Koo
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(1):174-182.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to contribute to neonatal nursing and maternal nursing to reduce parental role stress in mothers of preterm babies and to improve perception of the newborn to by the parents. Data were collected through self-report questionnaires which were consisted of a parental role stress scale and a neonatal perception inventory. The subjects were 100 mothers of fullterm babies and 50 mothers of preterm babies, all in the early postpartum stage and admitted to three hospitals I the Kyoung-In area between November 8 1997 and May 30, 1998. The data were analyzed by a SPSS program and the results are as follows : 1. There were no significantly differences in the means for parental role stress between mothers of fullterm babies and preterm babies. The mean for perception of the newborn was significantly lower in mothers of preterm babies than in mothers of fullterm babies. 2. In mothers of preterm babies, the level of parental role stress was correlated to the one minute Apgar score. The level of perception of the newborn was correlated to gestational age and birth weight. 3. The mothers of preterm babies whose education level was above graduation from college had lower parental role stress than those who had a lowers level of education. The mothers who had experienced cesarean section had higher parental role stress than those who gave birth to their baby prematurely. The above findings indicate that mothers of preterm babies had lower perception of the newborn than mothers of fullterm babies. Therefore, nursing intervention should be provided for mothers of preterm babies to manage parental role stress and improve perception of the newborn.

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Maternal Perception of the Newborn and Confidence and Gratification of Mothering Role
Hyun Young Koo, Young Im Moon
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(4):920-930.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to evaluate maternal perception of the newborn, confidence and gratification of mothering role, and contribute to maternal nursing and neonatal nursing. The questionnaire, maternal perception of the newborn(I) was completed by 47 mothers at three hospitals in the Kyoung-In area during the first to third day after birth. the questionnaire, maternal perception of the newborn(II), confidence and gratification of mothering role were completed at fourth to sixth week after birth. the data were analyzed by a SPSS program. The results were as follows; 1) The means of perception of the newborn(I) and (II) were 2.28+/-4.81 and 3.83+/-4.84. The means of confidence and gratification of mothering role were 40.38+/-5.51 and 39.30+/-6.70. 2) Half of the mothers(48.9%) rated their newborn as better than average newborn at first to third day after birth, and 74.5% of mothers did at fourth to sixth week after birth. 3) The score of maternal perception of the newborn(I) was significantly correlated with the score of confidence and gratification of mothering role. The score of maternal perception of the newborn(II) was correlated with the score of confidence and gratification of mothering role. The score of confidence and gratification of mothering role was related. 4) Maternal gratification of mothering role was significantly different by maternal perception of the newborn(I), and maternal confidence was different by maternal perception of the newborn(II). 5) Mothers who had religions and who wanted the pregnancy had higher perception of the new-born(I) than those who did not. Mothers whose newborn(II) than those whose newborns were girls. Mothers who wanted the pregnancy had higher confidence of mothering role than those who did not. Mothers who planed cow's milk had lower gratification of mothering role than those who did not. The above findings indicate that mothers who have a different level of perception of the newborn, confidence and gratification of mothering role. Therefore, it is important maternal perception of the newborn, confidence and gratification of mothering role were precisely evaluated, and nursing intervention for improving perception of the newborn should be provided of for mothers.

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The Effect of Education Program on Primiparas' knowledge, confidence and Accuracy of Behavior in Newborn Care
Young Mi Seo
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(4):1060-1074.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was to find whether the educational program contributed to the increase of knowledge, confidence, and accuracy of behavior in newborn care of the primiparas. The educational program consists of individual lectures, demonstrations, discussion, and practice of newborn care. Also two telephone counseling with the subjects after they are discharged from hospital. This study is a quasi-experimental design using non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design. Data collection was done from July 21 to Oct 4 in 1997. the subjects were selected from 2 general hospitals and 1 university hospital in C city. Subjects were 44 primiparas(control group 22, experimental group 22). they were tested on knowledge, confidence, and accuracy of behavior in newborn care. A pretest was done 2-3 years after vaginal delivery(5-6 days after c-sec delivery). A posttest was done 21-28 day(vaginal delivary, c-sec delivary) after delivery. The instruments used for this study were knowledge scale about newborn care developed by the researcher, Pharis' confidence scale modified by the researcher and accuracy of behavior scale developed by the researcher. Primiparas' knowledge and confidence was tested by questionnaire and Primiparas' accuracy of behavior was tested by structured observational method. Analysis of data was done by using of x2-test, t-test, paired t-test. The results of this study are summarized as follows; 1) Knowledge of the experimental group was significant higher than the control group(t=-4.94, P=.000). 2) Confidence of the experimental group was significant higher than the control group(t=-.262, P=.012). 3) Accuracy of behavior of the experimental group was significant higher than the control group(t=-.969, P=.000). In conclusion, the newborn care education along with intensive telephone counseling shows a significant promotion of newborn care in primiparas. Thus this program can be recommended as an intervention model for the newborn and primiparas.

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A Correlation Study of Maternal Stress, Anxiety, and Perception of the Newborn in the Early Postpartum Stage
Hyun Young Koo, Young Im Moon
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):616-624.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to contribute to maternal nursing in early postpartum stage and to neonatal nursing. Data were collected through self-report questionnaires which were constructed to include parental role stress scale, state- trait anxiety scale, and perception of the newborn scale. The subjects consisted of 100 mothers in the early postpartum stage at three hospitals in the Kyoung-In area, from November 8 to December 26, 1997. The data were analyzed by an SPSS program. The results are follows: 1. The mean of parental role stress of mothers in the early postpartum stage was 10.70+/-2.63. The means of stage anxiety and trait anxiety of mothers were 36.29+/-8.45 and 38.53+/-8.36. The mean of perception of the newborn was 2.65+/-5.05, and 59% of mothers rated their newborn as better than the average newborn. 2. The level of parental role stress correlated to the level of state anxiety and trait anxiety. The level of state anxiety and trait anxiety were also related. The level of perception of the newborn was related to the level of state anxiety and trait anxiety. 3. Mothers who did not want the pregnancy, whose newborn were girls, and who already had one child had higher state anxiety than those who did not. Mothers who already had one child, and whose newborn had no specific signs had higher trait anxiety than those who did not. Mothers who professed a religions had a higher perception of the newborn than those who did not. The above findings indicate that the levels of parental role stress, state anxiety, trait anxiety and perception of the newborn of mothers in early postpartum stage were correlated. Therefore nursing intervention for reducing stress and anxiety, and improving perception of the newborn should be provided for mothers in early postpartum stage.

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The Effect of Oral Glucose on Pain Relief in Newborns
Hye Young Ahn, Me Young Jang, Myung Haeng Hur
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(6):992-1001.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was done to provide data for a nursing intervention to alleviate newborn pain clinically by investigating the effect of oral glucose.


Subjects were newborns hospitalized in the nursery. Informed consent was obtained from parents of 60 newborns. A heel stick was carried out for a test on 3 groups; the experimental, placebo, and control group. The Neonatal infant pain scale(NIPS), respiration rate, heart rate, peripheral oxygen partial pressure(SpO2), and crying duration were measured to assess pain reaction. All neonatal behaviors were recorded on videotape.


There were significant differences in pain behavior during stimulus(F=4.195, p=.020), pain behavior immediately after blood-sampling (F=4.114, p=.021), and pain behavior 3 minutes after that (F=3.630, p=.033). However, there were no significant differences in heart rate, respiration rate, peripheral oxygen partial pressure or crying duration after the heel stick among the groups.


Oral administration of glucose before a heel stick caused the reduction of neonatal pain behavior, which means that it has an effect of pain relief.

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Maternal Transition in Mothers with High Risk Newborns
Hyun Jeong Shin
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(2):243-251.   Published online March 28, 2017
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The purpose of this study was a comprehensive understanding about maternal transition in mothers with high risk newborns according to the degree of situational meaning.


A methodological triangulation that combines qualitative and quantitative methods was used. The situational meaning of a high risk newborn mother was identified using a Family Meaning Attribution Scale. According to the degree of situational meaning, in-depth interviews were conducted at 3 time periods postpartum : between 3-10 days after childbirth, around the time of the newborn's discharge, and between 10-12 weeks after childbirth. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and t-test. Qualitative data was analyzed using Tutty, Rothery, & Grinnell's methodology.


The average score of the situational meaning in high the risk newborn mother was 53.57(possible score is between 0-96) and the average score of each item was 1.67. A Maternal transition process in the mother that has a positive situational meaning was conceptualized in three distinctive phases : confusion, accepting, and shaping phases. The Maternal transition process in the mother that has a negative situational meaning was also conceptualized in three distinctive phases : avoiding, conflicting, and accepting phases.


It is necessary that the nurses provide high risk newborn mothers with individualized care considering both the situational meaning that is attributed to them and the maternal transition phase that they are faced with.

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Situational Meaning and Maternal Self-esteem in Mothers with High Risk Newborn
Hyun Jeong Shin
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(1):93-101.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was designed to explore the relationship of situational meaning with maternal self-esteem in mothers with high risk newborn.


The subjects of this study were 82 mothers with high risk newborn. Data were collected using a translated Family Meaning Attribution Scale and Maternal Self-Report Inventory. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, Pearson Correlation Coefficients and Stepwise Multiple Regression.


The average score of the situational meaning in high risk newborn mothers was 64.01(possible score is between 0-96) and the average score of each item was 1.98. The average score of the maternal self-esteem in high risk newborn mothers was 81.96(possible score is between 26-104) and the average score of each item was 3.15. No significant differences were found in situational meaning according to general characteristics except whether it was a planned pregnancy or not. No significant differences were found in maternal self-esteem according to general characteristics except disease or admission experience during pregnancy. There was significant positive correlation between situational meaning and maternal self-esteem.


It is necessary for nurses to provide high risk newborn mothers with care for improving situational meaning that is attributed to the mothers. It can be helpful to improve maternal self-esteem and in the end it will facilitate the maternal transition in mothers with high risk newborn.

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Effects of Newborn Care Education for First-time Fathers on Their Knowledge and Confidence in Newborn Care at Postpartum One Month
Hye-Sun An, Kyung-Sook Bang
J Korean Acad Nurs 2014;44(4):428-436.   Published online August 29, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was conducted to identify the effects of newborn care education for fathers on their knowledge and confidence in newborn care at postpartum one month.


A nonequivalent control group pretest posttest design was used. The participants were 53 first-time fathers of newborns, 27 in experimental group, and 26 in control group. They were recruited at the nursery of one municipal hospital in Seoul. For the experimental group, a 50-minute education on newborn care using video, verbal education, demonstration and practice were provided prior to discharge. Fathers' knowledge and confidence in newborn care and their satisfaction with the education program were measured at postpartum one month.


The fathers in the experimental group showed significantly higher knowledge (t=-4.51, p<.001), and confidence in newborn care (t=-2.29, p=.026) compared to the control group at postpartum one month. Fathers in the experimental group had a satisfaction score of 27.37±2.73 immediately after the education, and 25.30±3.40 at postpartum one month.


Results indicate that newborn care education for first-time fathers is an effective method in enhancing the level of knowledge and confidence in newborn care. It can be used in the nursery department before discharge as a useful nursing intervention.

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Development and Effects of a Simulation-based Education Program for Newborn Emergency Care
So Young Yoo
J Korean Acad Nurs 2013;43(4):468-477.   Published online August 30, 2013
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was conducted to develop a simulation-based education program for newborn emergency care based on most needed topics found from the needs assessment. This study consisted of two phases: developing the program and evaluating its effectiveness.


The effectiveness of the program was tested in July, 2012, with 49 junior nursing students from C Nursing College in Seoul, who did not have any clinical experience in newborn care. The experimental group was given a three-hour lecture, three hours of clinical training, and a two-hour simulation program, whereas the control group only had the three-hour lecture.


There was significant improvement in knowledge in both groups, but no significant differences according to educational methods. The experiment group was more confident of their care (4.32±.29) than the control group (3.60±.29) with the difference being significant (t=8.85, p<.001), and the experimental group was also more satisfied with the program (χ2=4.60, p=.032).


As the results indicate 'the neonatal emergency care program' increased learners' knowledge, confidence and satisfaction with the program, it should be integrated into clinical training in pediatric nursing curriculum and in-service programs for nurses. To increase generalization further verification studies with various learner groups are needed.

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pH, Temperature, Hydration of the Stratum Corneum of the Dorsal Hand and the Cord Area, and Acid Mantle Formation during Early Days of life in High-risk Newborns
Youngmee Ahn, Min Sohn, Sangmi Lee, Mijin Lee
J Korean Acad Nurs 2013;43(1):30-38.   Published online February 28, 2013
AbstractAbstract PDF

The study was done to explore variations in physiologic parameters of the stratum corneum (SC) of the dorsal hand and cord area during early days of life in high-risk newborns.


In this longitudinal study, a total of 77 high-risk newborns were assessed for pH, temperature and hydration of the SC of the dorsal hand and the cord area on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 7th days of life.


Results showed that an acid mantle (AM) was formed in 57.1% for dorsal hand and 35.1% for cord area, implying significant delay regardless of decrease in pH (F=103.60, p<.001), and hydration (F=4.00, p=.003) across days in both areas. Peripheral hypothermia with low hydration level was also observed in both areas. There was a positive relation between hydration and temperature (.14<r<.27, p<.010), and negative relation between hydration and pH in both areas (-.23<r<-.15, p<.010). Antibiotics may play a positive role in AM formation.


High-risk newborns may experience delay in acid mantle formation on SC, hypothermia and decreases in hydration on peripheral sites during the first 7 days of life.

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Effects of a Newborn Care Education Program on Newborn Care Confidence and Behavioral Accuracy of Primiparas in a Postpartum Care Center
Hyunkyung Kim, Ihnsook Jeong
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2007;37(1):125-134.   Published online February 28, 2007
AbstractAbstract PDF

The study aimed to identify the effects of a newborn care education program on newborn care confidence and behavioral accuracy of primiparas in a postpartum care center.


This was a quasi-experimental study with a non-equivalent control group non-synchronized design. Subjects were 29 primiparas selected from a postpartum care center in D and P hospitals in Ulsan. The intervention was a newborn care education program which was composed of education with a booklet, demonstration, watching a video, and verbal encouragement. The outcome variables were newborn care confidence and behavioral accuracy. Data was collected from Feb. 1 to Mar 22 in 2005 with self-administered questionnaires and observation by researchers. Data was analyzed using the χ2-test, Fisher's exact test, t-test and ANCOVA.


The experimental group showed significantly higher score changes between the pre-test and post-test in confidence and behavioral accuracy than the control group.


The newborn care education program showed positive effects on newborn care confidence and behavioral accuracy of primiparas in a postpartum care center. Therefore, we recommend that this program should be applied in postpartum care centers.

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