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A Study on the Changes of Urinary Hormonal Excretion and Renal Function During Three-shift Nursing Practice
Myung ae Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1986;16(3):78-96.   Published online April 3, 2017
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The sympathico-adrenergie system and the hypo-physeal-adrenocortical system mediates the regulation of the internal milieu. And the kidneys regulate both water and electrolyte balance of the body fluid. The kidneys are the sites of production of renin which participate indirectly in maintaining renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. These system deserve special attention in the context of adjustment the effects on the body function. And so, maximal exercise and work load are associated with home-osthetic function. The nurses working in the hospital have been complained of fatigue and stress by frequent duty changes and overload. In order to define this, the possible changes of hormonal excretion during three-shift nursing practice were investigated. Urine samples were collected at pre-duty and post-duty, and were measured with chemical assay and radioimmunoassay in 30 nursing students, in nursing practice and 43 nursing students, in studying. The results obtained were as follows. 1. In nursing practice, urinary norepinephrine concentration showed a marked increase during day duty, urinary cortisol concentration showed a marked increase during evening duty, and urinary renin concentration was increased in night duty. 2. Corrected ratio of urinary sodium excreted by the urinary excretion of creatinin (UNa/UCr) and UCl/UCr showed a marked decrease during night duty. Nursing practice did not affect on the UK/UCr and urinary concentrating ability. From these results, it is suggested that further studies the define the effects on some physiological function of the three-shift nursing practice against circadian rhythm are needed for better working condition of nurses.

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The Changes of the Circadian Rhythm of Mood in Shift Worker
Sung Hee Ko, Myung Ae Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1994;24(2):175-189.   Published online March 30, 2017
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This study examined the daily rhythmic patterns of mood in shift workers. Ten rotating shift nurses (shift worker group) were matched with ten non-rotating student nurses (non-shift worker group) working under the same conditions at CUniversity Hospital. The subjecs completed the Mood Adjective Checkist(MAC) every two or three hours from 6AM to 9-11 PM for six consecutive days. The MAC was constructed by Mansour and coversed the mood factors of Anger-Depression. Happiness, Mental, and Social. These data were analyzed by using Cosinor method. The results are summarized as follows; 1. There was no difference in mean scores for Anger-Depression, Happiness, Mental, and Social mood rhythm between the shift workers and the non-shift workers. 2. There was no difference in the amplitude of Anger-Depression, Happiness and Social mood between the two groups, but the shift workers had a higher amplitude of Mental mood. 3. The acrophases of the Anger -Depression mood were between 1:28 and 2:05, and those of Happiness, Social, and Mental mood were between 12:5 and 15:03 for both groups. There were no diffirences between the groups. 4. The number of the subjects with statistically significant mean cosinor rhythms for Anger-Depression and Mental moods were higher in the shift workers than in the non shift workers, but there were no differences between the shift workers and the non-shift workers in those of Happiness and Mental mood. This study showed that the mood manifested circadian periodicities, and a rapidly rotating shift system did not changed the circadian rhythm of mood. It is expected that this study will facilitate a better understanding of circadian rhythm in mood in the shift workers.

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Development of Korean Gender Role Identity Inventory
Byung Sook Lee, Myung Ae Kim, Hyo Jung Koh
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(3):373-383.   Published online March 29, 2017
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PURPOSE: This study was performed to develope a scale of gender role identity in Korean adults based on the Bem's theory of androgyny. Although there were several tools in Korea, they were revealed having some problems of cultural differences, translation biases, and methodological problems. METHODS: A list of 78 items were developed using the existing tools and descriptions from 5 married couples. The items were the typical personality characteristics which were manifested by gender, male or female. And the list contained several items which were the socially desirable personality characteristics. which would be simply used as contextual items. Validity of the 78 items were screened by 18 expert panels with 4 point Likert scale, and 57 items were judged as highly valid from 70% of the experts, which were selected as preliminary items for the tool. Using the preliminary tool which was developed as a 4 point Likert scale, data were collected from 1,127 subjects for item analysis and factor analysis. 53 items were remained, because 4 items whose item-total correlation were lower than 0.2 were excluded by the result of item analysis. Factor analysis was done with the 53 items, and 49 items whose factor loadings were same and higher than 0.4 were remained. 3 factors were identified with eigen value 2.0, and these factors were named as masculinity, femininity, and social desirability. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: KGRII(Korean Gender Role Identity Inventory) which contained 45 items was developed, with 15 items for 3 factors. The reliability of the tool was very high. Cronbach alpha of the tool was 0.929, and alpha of the subscales were ranged from 0.841 to 0.922.

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Difference of Pain Description According to Gender in the Elderly
Myung Ae Kim, Kyung Min Park, Hyo Jung Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(2):369-379.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Despite acknowledgment that pain is likely to be a major problem for many older adults, it is difficult to estimate the frequency of pain problems for this population. The main purpose of this study was to identify the various characteristics of chronic pain in the elderly by gender. It examines by gender, pain frequency, pain intensity, number of chronic pain sites, localization of pain, impact on activities, methods of pain management, and effects of chronic pain management. The subjects were 189 elderly people(65 years and older) living in an urban area. They were surveyed at their homes. They were surveyed by interview using a closed-ended questionnaire. The survey was done from Nov. 6th. to Dec. 6th. 1997. Descriptive statistics were used to determine all of the reported pain variables. Chi-square tests were used to determine crude differences between pain intensity and gender. T-test was used to determine differences in number of pain sites between men and women. The findings are as follows ; Of the 189 subjects, 83.6% reported experiencing pain, and men reported a lower prevalence(69.5%) than women(89.2%). Women had significantly more severe pain than did men(p=.001). Lower back pain(20.2%) and leg pain(20.2%) were the most prevalent, followed by knee pain(17.4%), arm pain(13.3%), neck and shoulder pain(11.6%), and headache(9.9%). Women experienced more multiple localizations of pain(p=.0001). The greatest impact was on movement(83.5%), followed by usual activities(60.8%), sleep(49.4%), visiting(29.1%), and hobbies and recreations(50.0%). No differences were observed between men and women in the proportion of subjects reporting a negative impact on each of these activities. The methods of pain management were hospital visit(70.9%), drug store medication(46.7%), oriental medicine clinic(32.9%), endurance(13.3%), self-management(6.3%). Drug therapy was the most effective pain management strategy(94%), followed by physical therapy(63%) and accupuncture byssocausis(55%). The conclusion: Pain is a symptom of great clinical importance that is often associated with disability, loss of independence, and reduced quality of life. In this study chronic pain symptoms were common but unevenly distributed in men and women. The results further advance understanding of the experience and impact of pain by gender. Future studies should incorporate questions that gather systemic and more detailed information on the characteristics of pain, expecially by gender and by age.

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Effect of Aromatherapy Massage for the Relief of Constipation in the Elderly
Myung Ae Kim, Jung Kyu Sakong, Eun Jin Kim, Eun Ha Kim, Eun Ha Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(1):56-64.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to verify the effect of aromatherapy massage on constipation in the elderly.


This study for 10 day, employed a randomized control group pretest-posttest design. The experimental group received abdominal massage using essential oils with Rosemary, Lemon, and Peppermint, and the control group received a placebo massage. To evaluate the effect of aromatherapy, the degree of constipation was measured using the CAS(constipation assessment scale) and the number of bowel movements per week. Data was analyzed by repeated measures of ANOVA using the SPSS program.


The score of CAS of the experimental group was significantly lower than that of the control group. In addition the average number of bowel movements in the experimental group was higher than that of the control group. The effect of aromatherapy lasted 2 weeks after treatment, while the placebo effect lasted 7~10 days after treatment.


The finding of this study showed that aromatherapy helps relieve constipation in the elderly.

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Development of a Resource-based Relative Value Scale and Its Conversion Factor for Advanced Nursing Practices in the National Health Insurance
Jin Hyun Kim, Myung Ae Kim, Mi Won Kim, Kyung Sook Kim, Cheong-Suk Yoo
J Korean Acad Nurs 2011;41(3):302-312.   Published online June 13, 2011
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to develop a resource-based relative value scale (RBRVS) and its conversion factor for advanced nursing practices carried out by critical care nurse practitioners (CCNP) in intensive care units.


The methodology was developed by calculating CCNP's RBRVS for 32 advanced nursing services based on CCNP's workload and time spent in the context of national health insurance. A cost analysis was performed to estimate the conversion factor of CCNP's RBRVS. The share of CCNP's contribution to fee-for-service in intensive care units was also analyzed.


Calculation of the RBRVS of 32 advanced nursing practices showed a range of points from 100.0 to 1,181.4 and an average of 296.1 points. The relevant conversion factor for advanced nursing practices in CCNP were estimated at 37.3-48.4 won. The contribution rate of CCNP's advanced nursing practices in the relative value scale of the national health insurance was estimated at 0.1-31.3%.


Measuring the economic value of advanced nursing services will be a basis for esta-blishing a reimbursement system for CCNP's practices and thus encourage a social demand for advanced nurse practitioners.

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Estimation of Nursing Costs Based on Nurse Visit Time for Long-Term Care Services
Eun-Kyung Kim, Yun Mi Kim, Myung Ae Kim
J Korean Acad Nurs 2010;40(3):349-358.   Published online June 30, 2010
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to estimate nursing costs and to establish appropriate nursing fees for long-term care services for community elders.


Seven nurses participated in data collection related to visiting time by nurses for 1,100 elders. Data on material costs and management costs were collected from 5 visiting nursing agencies. The nursing costs were classified into 3 groups based on the nurse's visit time under the current reimbursement system of long-term care insurance.


The average nursing cost per minute was 246 won. The material costs were 3,214 won, management costs, 10,707 won, transportation costs, 7,605 won, and capital costs, 5,635 won per visit. As a result, the average cost of nursing services per visit by classification of nursing time were 41,036 won (care time <30 min), 46,005 won (care time 30-59 min), and 57,321 won (care time over 60 min).


The results of the study indicate that the fees for nurse visits currently being charged for long-term care insurance should be increased. Also these results will contribute to baseline data for establishing appropriate nursing fees for long-term care services to maintain quality nursing and management in visiting nursing agencies.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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