PURPOSE: This study was performed to develope a scale of gender role identity in Korean adults based on the Bem's theory of androgyny. Although there were several tools in Korea, they were revealed having some problems of cultural differences, translation biases, and methodological problems.
METHODS: A list of 78 items were developed using the existing tools and descriptions from 5 married couples. The items were the typical personality characteristics which were manifested by gender, male or female. And the list contained several items which were the socially desirable personality characteristics. which would be simply used as contextual items. Validity of the 78 items were screened by 18 expert panels with 4 point Likert scale, and 57 items were judged as highly valid from 70% of the experts, which were selected as preliminary items for the tool. Using the preliminary tool which was developed as a 4 point Likert scale, data were collected from 1,127 subjects for item analysis and factor analysis. 53 items were remained, because 4 items whose item-total correlation were lower than 0.2 were excluded by the result of item analysis. Factor analysis was done with the 53 items, and 49 items whose factor loadings were same and higher than 0.4 were remained. 3 factors were identified with eigen value 2.0, and these factors were named as masculinity, femininity, and social desirability.
RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: KGRII(Korean Gender Role Identity Inventory) which contained 45 items was developed, with 15 items for 3 factors. The reliability of the tool was very high. Cronbach alpha of the tool was 0.929, and alpha of the subscales were ranged from 0.841 to 0.922.