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3 "Mi Ok Gu"
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An analytical study of work stress among clinical nurses
Mi Ok Gu, Mae Ja Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1985;15(3):39-49.   Published online April 3, 2017
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The study was carried out to measure the degree of work stress among clinical nurses, and to identify factors influencing the work stress. Data was collected from 215 staff nurses working in the Seoul National University Hospital from the end of February to first of march, 1984. The results and suggestion of study were: 1. Nurses perception of work stress. 1) Mean score of total work stress of nurses was 4.467, when maximum score was 6. High degree of work stress is evident among nurses. 2) The highest rank of stress factor was interpersonal relationship with physicians, night duty, heavy work load, inadequate working condition and payment were other stress factors. 2. Relationships between situational variables and degree of stress. There was significant correlation-ship between nurse's total work stress score and educational levels (r=0.153, P=0.032)

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The Development of the Stress Measurement Tool for Staff Nurses Working in the Hospital
Mae Ja Kim, Mi Ok Gu
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1984;14(2):28-37.   Published online April 3, 2017
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The purpose of this study is to propose the baseline data for developing the stress measurement tool for staff nurses working in the hospital. Two hundred and fifteen staff nurses in Seoul National University Hospital were participated during the period from Feb. 28 to Mar. 10, 1984. Though the pretest and literature review a questionnaire was constructed with 63 stressors which were experienced by the nurses in the hospital. Subjects were given instruction to rate 1~6 likert type scale according to the level of stress experienced by each stressor described. Reliability of the tool was tested by Cronbach's Alpha, and the result was alpha=0.94871. Factor analysis was applied to organize 63 items together As the result, 15 factors were obtained and these factors explained 66.3% of variance. The 15 factors were: 1) Work overload 2) Role conflict as a profession 3) Lack of professional knowledge and skill 4) Interpersonal problem 5) Conflict in nurse-doctor relationship 6) Work conflict with doctors 7) Emotional burden due to the limitation of medicine 8) Poor treatment 9) Unsatisfactory relationship with supervisor 10) Low reward 11) Unsatisfactory relationship with subordinate 12) Poor physical environment of unit 13) Responsibility for extra affairs 14) Unfamiliar situation 15) Night duty.

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An Experimental Study on the Effects of the Stress Management Education Program for Nurses
Hoang Lan Ahn, Mi Ok Gu, Mi Hye Choe, Myun Sook Jeong
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1986;16(1):40-48.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of the Stress Management Education Program (SMEP) on the nurses stress and stress management ability, and to identify the main factors affecting them. The subjects were 72 nurses who participated in the In-Service education program of the Jin-Ju District, Kyeong-Nam Branch of the Korean Nurses Association during the period from Oct. 1 to Nov. 30, 1985. The book of "The stress management education program" was developed by the investigators. With this book, we executed the 1st education through the lecture & showing an example. After 15 days from the 1st education, we mailed a reminding booklet to the individuals. (2nd education). Then, we mailed a questionnaire on 15th day from the 2nd education. Before and after the SMEP We measured the stress management ability & stress, and identified the affecting factors. Findings of this study are as follows; 1. The 1st hypothesis that "the SMEP will increase the knowledge about the nurses' stress management" was supported (t=-6.66, p<.001) 2. The 2nd hypothesis that "the SMEP will increase the nurses' practice about the stress management" was rejected. 3. The 3rd hypothesis that "the SEMP will decrease the nurses' stress" was rejected. 4. The 4th hypothesis that "the higher the knowledge about the stress management the lower the nurses' stress" was rejected. 5. The 5th hypothesis that "the higher the degree of the practice about the stress management, the lower the nurses' stress" was supported, (r= -.2859, p<.05). 6. There were significant correlations between the knowledge about stress management and age (r= -.3717, p<.01), between the knowledge about Stress management and the period of her work. (r=-.2897, p<0.5). There was significant difference in the knowledge about stress management between those who had married and those who had not. (t=2.82, p<.01) 7. There was significant difference in the practice about the stress management between those who had religion and those who had not (t=2.7, p< .01) 8. There was significant difference in the stress according to the type of work. (t=6.127, p<. 05) There was significant correlation between the stress and supportive system. (r=-.2647, p<. 05).

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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