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Study on Values and Value Change of Nursing Students
Kyung Hye Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1985;15(3):21-30.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study is to determine values and value changes of the four year course nursing college students. The survey was conducted against 262 students of the nursing college, from all classes (freshman, sophomre, junior and senior). This study was conducted during the period of first through 15th of December 1984 in accordance with the L.V. Gordon's "Survey of Interpersonal Values (SIV)". The results of the study were as follows; 1. Those nursing students surveyed show that conformity (16. 32) took the highest place and reconition (10.21) lowest in the general value orientation. In accordance with the Gordon's SIV, those of other woman college students indicate 14%ile?5%ile, respectively. 2. Changes in values by class indicate that freshman, sohpomore and senior students showed similar pattern but junior students showed significantly lower other other classes. The difference should be considered on the basis of statistics (p<.05). Accordingly, the hypho-thesis 1 of this study has been supported. 3. Significant variation has been shown by each class in each factor such as support, conformity, independence and benevolence but no variation has been indicated in leadership and recognition. 4. There was difference in values between higher class (jounior and senior) students with clinical. experience and starting class (freshman and sophomore) students without clinical experience. The study indicates- the values of higher class students is lower than that of starting class students (p<.05). Therefor, the hyphothesis 2 of this study has been supported. 5. There was no significant difference in values between entering students and graduating students (p<. 05). Thus, the hyphothesis 3 of this study has been rejected. The results of the fnding of the study show that there is no positive influence in forming the values, for the students. Therefore, it is concluded that new strategy and special educational program should be established for formulation of the right values for the nursing college students.

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An experimental study on effects of education for nursing concept to the nursing conceptualization for nursing student
Kyung Hye Lee, Young Soo Ha
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1983;13(3):95-105.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was investigated the effects of education for nursing concept to the nursing students who are not attended to major course of nursing education in nursing college. It is hoped that this education for nursing concept will be contribute to positive nursing conceptualization for nursing students. The data for this study obtained from 118 students in attending college of nursing Ewha womens University(1st year; 62, 2nd year; 56). 1st year students(experimental group) was attended to the education for nursing concept by investigators and 2nd year students (control group) did not. After then tested to two group: Pre and post test for experimental group and post test only to control group. The results obtained were as follows: 1) In experimental group, pre-test mean score was 116.19(SD 50.46) and post-test mean score was 253.02 (SD 66.56). Therefore post-test mean score was higher than pre-test mean score (p=0.0001). 2) There were different score between the experimental group and control group. Control group was higher(207.58, SD 52.42) than experimental group(116.19, SD 50.46) at the pre-test (p=0.0002), but experimental group(253.02, SD 66.56) was higher than control group. (207.58, SD 52.42) at post-test(p=0.0001). These results implied that early intensive education for nursing concept might have positive effects on nursing conceptualization for nursing students.

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Discussions on Curriculum Organization: Maternal and Child Nursing
Kyung Hye Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1983;13(1):79-82.   Published online April 3, 2017
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No abstract available.

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Seminar: Discussion; Excerption 1
Kyung Hye Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1983;13(1):72-73.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

No abstract available.

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Original Articles
The Study of Mother's Nursing Need and Perceived Her Role During Puerperium Period
Kyung Hye Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1982;12(2):67-79.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was undertaken to determine the nursing need of mother herself and her baby in puerperium period at home alone with percevied her role. It was hoped that this nursing information would help nurses plan effective for their nursing care. This study involved 100 postpartum mothers and the period for data cellection was from May to July, 1982. The results of study were as follows; 1. The mother's mean age of 27.45, more than half of mother's was high school graduate, most of the mother have their religion, 78.4% was housewives, and 21.6% have occupation. Their mean marriage period was 30.2 years, 61% was nuclear family with 4.2 family members and primipara was higher then multipara. 2. Most mothers showed that positive attitude for their delivery and perceived higher their mother's role. 3. Mother showed more nursing need about infant (for example, bathing, meaning of crying) than herself. 4. There was a positive correlation between mother's education, wether or not their occupation, marriage periode, parity and mother's role and their nursing need.

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The Nursing Record Evaluation of the Application of the Nursing Process
Kyung Hye Lee, Moon Sil Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1980;10(2):87-94.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

According to the provious study, it was suggested a need for improvement of nursing care through application of nursing process in Ewha Womans University Hospital With those data, it has been applied to the nursing care at maternity ward by nurses. This study was undertaken to determine the evaluation of the application of the nursing process which is an orderly, systemic manner of determing the patient's /client's nursing problems. This study involved 191 cases with patient chart and was carried out from Feb. 1979 to Feb. 1980 is Ewha Womans University Hospital. The results were as follows : 1. Actual performance of "Assessment" stage was 59%, and 45% for the nursing diagnosis. 2. It was achieved with specific planning of nursing; care for 71.6% and the plan was safely and effective implemented (97.9%). 3. Afer "Implement" stage it was made of evaluation and feedback process (39%). 4. Nurses in Eha womans University hospital, they showed the positive attitude toward the application of nursing process, but they saggested that there were lack of manpower and the consideration of time allocation. Recommandation are as follows : 1. All nursing staff must participate in continious education program for nursing process. 2. The results suggest a need for modification for the nursing history formeat and SOAPIER. 3. A need for improvement of physical condition for interview and effective utilization of nursing staff. 4. It Will more effective When Dr's medical record replace by problem arientcd acdical record(POMR).

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A Study of the Assessing the High Risk Mothers and Influencing to Their Newborn Babies
Kyung Hye Lee, Ja Hyung Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1979;9(2):7-16.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was undertaken to determine the identify the relation between the high risk mother and their baby which then allows the nurse to assess and plen for the delivery of optimal health care to the high risk groups. This study was carried out between January through December 1978. This study sample consisted of 300 pregnant women who visited Ewha womens hospital during this time. The method used to for the collection of data was an "Antepartum High-risk pregnancy acoring form. The questionair included 4 categories: 1) reproductives history 2) Associated conditions 3) present pregnancy and 4) total risk score The bind are as follows: 1. The frequency of high risk pregnancy women 149(49.7%) was highest. 2. In the investigation sample high risk factors were related to hypertension and toremia. 3. There was a difference in the high risk scores and newborn babys scores (r = 0.610). 4. Relationship between high risk pregnancy women and least of pregnant women was highest prenatal mortality. Implications of positive assessing of high risk factors by MCH nurse and community health nurses.

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Study on the Aseptic Care during Labor and Delivery, and their Effects to Puerperal Morbidity
Kyung Hye Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1971;2(1):141-158.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The puerperal infection is one of the major causes of maternal death, and although it is preventable throuht an effective prenatal as well as postnatal care its morbidity is increasing due to bacterial resistant to an effective antibiotics. The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the puerperal morbidity of 949 parturients who were admitted to the Obstetrics and Gynecologic deparment of Ewha Womans University Hospital from January 1971to Septenber 1971. Among the 949 parturients, especially 40 normal parturients were selected(20, control goup was glven complete aseptic care during laber and delivery and post delivery; 20, compare group was given the ordinary care practiced during labor and delivery and maternal ward of Ewha Whmans University Hospital) for bacteriologic test on vaginal flora twivce, on admission and on complete cervical dilatation of each parturient. The results obtained from this study were as follows; 1. Majority of parturients' age were 21 to 35 years old(90.83%), and educational level of 949 parturients was above high school. A large number of parturients' socieconomic level (according to their husbands' job) were moderate. 2. Among the 949 parturients, multipara(55.9%) were a little more than primipara(44.1%) and 38.84% of parturients had experienced abortion. 3. In deliverty types, normal deliveries(804 cases) were more than cesaeran section deliveries(145 cases) The puerperal morbidity after normal deliveries was 0.5%, and cesarean section deliveries, 23.45%. 4. Among 949 parturients incidence of hemorrhage cases (500cc or more bleeding) showed the higher puerperal morbidity (24.86%) than other cases (bleeding less than 500cc, 7.83%). 5. The majority of parturients(81.03%) had been taking antenatal care, but most of them were taken irregular antenatal care. On the other hand, on admission, the parturients with complication were 30.32%, and their puerperal morbidity showed much higher(7.02%) than those with no complica- tion(2.71%). 6. The incidence of puerperal morbidity in premature ruptured menbrane was higher(10.91%) than normal parturients(1.73%). 7. In the result of aseptic care during labor and delivery and post delivery, the number of cultured bacteria was less. in control group than Compare group (in control group, on admission 17, on complete cervical dilatation 12: in compare group, on admission 21 on complete cervical dilatation 21). The most common bacterias were Staphyococcus (control group 14 on admission, compare group 16 on admission), and next Streptococcus, E-Coli, Bacillus Subtilus, in order. Also in control group the number of colony were reduced (43%) more than in Compare group. Transient temperature elevation from 37degrees C to 37.4degrees C were noted in compare group(50%) than in control group(30%), and there was no one indicated above 38degrees C. In conclusin, the aseptic care is the best way of preventing puerperal infection as well as decreasing the puerperal morbidity. Therefore the most important nursing care is the asptic care for each parturent during labor and delivery and post delivery and also all the instruments must be cleaned and sterilized.

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Conceptual Model for Women's Health
Kyung Hye Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):933-942.   Published online March 30, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

There has recently been an increased interest in women's health from, various disciplines, with different perspectives presented according to each profession's academic background. This has led to many instances of incorrectly defining, or misinterpretation, of the issues even among professionals. Nurse scholars as well as practitioners who work in women's health care need to have a clear conceptual understanding of women's health in order to build a body of knowledge, delineate curricular activities, and set directions for professional nursing interventions. In addition, a conceptual model that may be directly utilized in practice is needed to maintain and promote women's health issues. The purpose of this study was to apply a Hybrid model, analyzing conceptual definitions and discussions related to women's health gathered from review of the literature. Further to compare analyticals the concepts and properties observed from field work, so as to present a final definition of women's health and, build a conceptual framework for a united comprehensive perspective on the concept as well as on nursing practice. Data collection and analysis consisted of a theoretical stage, field work stage, and final analysis. a heterogeneous group of professionals and lay persons, 39 in all, participated in the field work. Study findings include several subconcepts under the concept of women's health : a women's whole life, holistic health, quality of life, awareness of being a woman, individual nursing, self care ability, reproductive health, and family health. Thus, a comprehensive definition was built, i. e., "Women's health care be defined as improvement in the quality of life of women through attainment of holistic health throughout the life span. With reproductive health at the core, the concept is directly related to family and national health, and includes taking care of one's own health based on awareness of being a woman and utilizing self care activities. Women's health care issues are unique and allow various responses, therefore women's health professionals need to apply individual approaches to reach solutions in attaining holistic health and improving quality of life." The constructual factors of women's health were found to be reproductive functions, diseases more common in woman, self actualization, mental health, women's health policies, sexuality, midlife changes, and marital relations, with each factor having more than three properties. Positive factors affecting women's health were found to be a normal childbearing process, a healthy lifestyle, active health management, health information, support and resources, and interpersonal relationships Negative factors were found to be overwhelming role stress, cultural oppression, gender inequality, distorted sexual identity, economic difficulties, misuse and/or abuse of substances, and stress. The model of women's health may be visualized as a balance scale set upon a woman's life, supporting 4 concentric circles. The innermost circle and second circle incorporate conceptual definitions of women's health, and the outer two circles represent the constructional factors and properties of women's health. Each circle has its own color that symbolizes the conceptual meaning. Positive and negative factors are represented as weights at either end of the scale, and are affected by nursing intervention, i. e., health and wellness increase when positive factors are stronger, whereas disease and illness increase when negative factors are stronger. This model is only a preliminary effort and requires much discussion and testing to be further developed. Continuous research is also required.

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Study on values and value change in clinical nurses
Kyung Hye Lee, Hee Sook Bang, Im Soon Wang
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1995;25(2):279-294.   Published online March 30, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to determine values and value changes in clinical nurses in clinical situations. A survey was conducted of 200 nurses of one of university hospital in Seoul Korea. This study was conducted between July 1 and July 5, 1994, using the Survey of Interpersonal Values (SIV) developed by L. V. Gordon, and standardized for Korea by Kyung Hye Lee and Eung Yun Hwang. The results of the study were as follows; 1. The clinical nurses surveyed showed Indepen-dence(18.32: 63rd percentile) as their highest value, with Support(14.8: 62nd percentile) next and then Benevolence (16.28: 53rd percentile), Leadership(9.06: 46th percentile), Conformity (18.15: 42nd percentile) and Recog-nition(18.32: 41st percentile) in that order in the area of general values. Using a standardized women's value indicator, the clinical nurses value orientation was within the 32nd~69th percentile indicating means found among Korean women in general. 2. Looking at how the values were related to demographics, Leadership was most highly valued among the 30~34 year olds and least valued among the 25~29 year olds. Unmarried nurses valued Independence more than married nurses did, and junior college graduate nurses valued Conformity more than baccalaureate graduate nurses did. 3. The study showed that the values of with less than one year(16.00) clinical experience were higher than those who had over 10 years (13.60) clinical experience (p<.05). Therefore clinical experience did not positively influence value orientation for clinical nurses. 4. There was no significant differences in the value of nurses in relation to their workplace, their level of motivation, or their aptitude. The study shows that clinical nurses have similar values compared with ordinary Korean women. This means that professional nurses may not be able to satisfy client needs and also that they do not have satisfaction and a positive attitude regarding the nursing profession. Therefore it is suggested that new strategies and continuing education programs be established to help clinical nurses fomulate higher values.

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Women's Experience of Abortion: Phenomenological Perspectives
Kyung Hye Lee, Myung Sook Koh
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1994;24(2):157-174.   Published online March 30, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Women's experience of abortion are not only widespread but also significant event in their lives. But this experience has not been a concern for professional care by health care providers, especially nurses. As professional nurses should have holistic approaches to clients, need to understand the lived experience of abortion from women's perspectives. These Nurses must identify unique means for improving the quality of life of women. This study identified the meaning and structure of the lived experience of abortion. The participants were residents of Seoul and Kwang ju who were recruited through personal recommendation. Colaizzi's method was used for the phenomenological analysis. The research question was aimed at revealing the covert meaning of abortion. The 14 women who had a spontaneous abortion and/or an artificial abortion and who argeed to participate in the study were informed of the purpose of the study, the possible risks and benefits of participation, the data generation method and they were assured of privacy and confidentiality. The investigator conducted in-depth unstructured interviews which were audiotaped with the permission of the participants. The investigator read the data repeatdly to identify and categorize themes and basic structural elements. Eight themes of abortion as experienced by these participants were: 1) complicated feelings about the anticipated abortion 2) feelings of fear and anxiety about the operation and complications 3) grieving related loss and injury 4) feelings of lonliness in perceiving no supportive person, 5) attributing the cause of the abortion to siginificant others or to self, 6) guilt feelings and resentment, 7) vacillating between regretting and not regretting, 8) struggling to a responsible person. Five basic structures identified were: 1) Complicated feelings 2) Feelings of loss and need for caring 3) Attributings to cause to significant others 4) Paradoxical emotion 5) Struggling to be a responsible being The significes of this study for nursing are: 1) It enables nurses and other health care providers understand more clearly the lived experience of abortion 2) It provides information which can be used in for women who experience abortion.

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The Development of a CD-ROM and an Educational Program for the Prevention Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence in Preschool Children
Kyung Hye Lee, Ja Hyung Lee, Il Ok Kim, Jeong Yi Bae
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(6):1067-1076.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This study was to developed to create a CD-ROM and an educational program for the prevention of sexual harassment and violence and to contribute to the perception and add to the coping of the victims of sexual harassment and violence as well as the child, parents, and teachers.
The study's methods were literature reviews, surveys, and assessments of the negotiation process for educational needs of sexual harassed and abused children.
The sexual harassment and violence prevention program will contain four subjects : 1) sexual development of a preschool child, 2) characteristics of sexual harassment and violence of a preschool child, 3) safe sex, early detection of sexual violence syndrome, and coping strategies. The CD-RON was composed from three sites. The first was a child site, the second was a parent/teacher site, and the third was a game site for evaluations. The child site consisted of 10 possible scenarios of sexual harassment and violence that a child could experience. The parent/teacher site consisted of knowledge and information for prevention and coping strategies for sexual harassment and violence. At the end of each situation question and answer sections that were used for formative evaluation. Also, the game site could be a summative evaluation.
The effects of this program and the CD-ROM were based of the promotion of reverence for humanity and gender equality for preschool childen. Eventually, children, parents, and teachers will have prevention and coping ability that will reduce the occurrence of sexual harassment and violence in Korea.

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Improving the Standards of Midwifery Education and Practice and Extending the Role of a Midwife in Korean Women and Children's Health Care
Kyung Hye Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(8):1111-1118.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

A midwife is a medical professional who has a nursing license, and is also licensed as a midwife with one additional year of education. In this globalization era, a midwife's role is increasing in importance for women and children's health care worldwide.


The primary purpose was to analyze midwifery education programs in Korea and other nations. The secondary purpose was to define strategies to improve midwifery education and practice, and to extend the role of a midwife women and children's health care in Korea.

Methods & Results

1) The definition of a midwife and midwifery practice recognized internationally by World Health Organization (WHO) and International Council of Nurse Midwives (ICNM) was identified. 2) Midwifery education programs of Korea, U.S.A., Sweden, Australia, and Japan, were investigated and discussed. 3) Core competencies for the basic midwifery practice suggested by ACNM of the U.S.A. were reviewed as standard of midwifery practice. 4) As for the midwifery education system, a Masters degree program in a college of nursing is suggested. 5) The role of a midwife includes not only health care of childbirth women and newborn babies, but also a lifelong health care of women as well as her family and children.


An effort to extend the midwife's role and to improve service is imperative. The Laws/Acts related to midwives should be revised in regard to education, and practices, and the national examination for midwifery licensure needs revision to qualify for international approval. Also, midwifery curriculum and standards of practice need to be evaluated periodically, and an effective system needs to be established to renew midwife licenses.

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Development of the Educational Program for Prevention of Sexual Abuse in Children
Kyung Hye Lee, Ja Hyung Lee, Jeong Yee Bae, Il Ok Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(2):189-199.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purposes of this study is to develop an educational program to prevent sexual abuse of children and to improve the physical and mental health of children by providing a rape-free environment and safety education. This program will provide parents and children with information on how to prevent sexual abuse in children. Children learn specific methods to avoid being victimized both at home and outside the home through a learning game and simulation, which is based on problem solving.


This program was developed based on a literature reviews, surveys and negotiation process. School- aged-children, parents, and teachers were interviewed to reveal their educational needs based on their experiences related to sexual abuse.


This program includes useful subjects such as safety education, early detection of sexual abuse, crisis management, resource persons, and phone numbers of available hospital. Counseling is provided by researcher or by a pediatric psychiatrist if needed.


This program could be adequately utilized for prevention of sexual abuse of children. It also will provide an intervention strategy for abused children. This educational program was distributed to all of the elementary school through the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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