The purpose of this study was investigated the effects of education for nursing concept to the nursing students who are not attended to major course of nursing education in nursing college. It is hoped that this education for nursing concept will be contribute to positive nursing conceptualization for nursing students.
The data for this study obtained from 118 students in attending college of nursing Ewha womens University(1st year; 62, 2nd year; 56). 1st year students(experimental group) was attended to the education for nursing concept by investigators and 2nd year students (control group) did not. After then tested to two group: Pre and post test for experimental group and post test only to control group.
The results obtained were as follows:
1) In experimental group, pre-test mean score was 116.19(SD 50.46) and post-test mean score was 253.02 (SD 66.56). Therefore post-test mean score was higher than pre-test mean score (p=0.0001).
2) There were different score between the experimental group and control group. Control group was higher(207.58, SD 52.42) than experimental group(116.19, SD 50.46) at the pre-test (p=0.0002), but experimental group(253.02, SD 66.56) was higher than control group. (207.58, SD 52.42) at post-test(p=0.0001).
These results implied that early intensive education for nursing concept might have positive effects on nursing conceptualization for nursing students.