This study was carried out during the month of September 1982 to analyse and evaluate of the mental and physical health status of University woman students using the Cornell Medical Index. The purpose of the study was to provide basic data required by the University health program for planning related health need of woman students. The study sample is consisted of 486 students living in the dormitory enrolled for the fall semester 1982 in a Women's University in Seoul. The instrument used for the collection of data was an abridged version of a modified Cornell Medical Index. The questionarre includes 35 items related to physical health complaints and 22 items related to mental health complaints. The data was treated by a computer(SPSS) using one way analysis, and The Fishers' ratio and Chi-square test at the 5% level were also adjusted for the test for statistical significance. The interpretation of this study is limited due to the sample which was restricted to one University and not randomly selected. The followings are the results of the foundings so far achieved. 1. More than 60% of the Woman students have physical health problems in digestive system, cardio-vascular system, nervous system, respiratory system, and musculo skeletal system in the order named. 2. More than 50% of the woman students have mental problems because of anger inadequacy sensitivity tension, depression and anxiety in the order named. 3. There were no statistically significant differences among woman students in mental and physical health problems caused by year groups, major groups, growing regional groups. 4. There were significant differences caused by the number of brothers and sisters in the aspect of appealing mental and physical problems. 5. There were significant differences caused by the rate of satisfaction in the living cost, and the lower the rate of the satisfaction in the living cost goes, the higher the frequency rate of the appealing mental and physical health problems is. 6. There were significant differences caused by the rate of satisfaction of the living in the aspect of appealing mental and physical health problems. There fore, the lower the rate of the satisfaction of the living goes, the higher the frequency rate of the appealing mental and physical health problems is, and the more the complaints are, the more frequent the appealing of the problems of digestive system, circulating system and fatigue is.
The objectives of this study have been conducted to establish effective clinical teaching program to I.C.U in terms of proper assignment of the clients for the students, proper rotation schedule, priorities in critical nursing problems and selection of the teaching and learning. We have analyzed statistically 1,850 patients who have been admitted during a period from January 1977 to October 31 1979 in Ewha Woman's University Hospital, The results are as follows: 1. The proportion to the total inpatients number was 6.5% and mortality rate was 16.3%. 2. The average hospitalized days were 5.8 days in I.C.U and the total death was occured from 1st hospital day to 5th hospital day. So it shows a certain difficulties for clinical experiences of the senior students in I.C.U. 3. In the age of the death, 41.3% of the patients were in the 41-60 year age group. It shows highest mortality rate in socially active and productive age groups. 4. The mortality rates of the departments of the medicine was 18.7%, general surgery 18.5%, and neurosurgery 14.7%. 5. The number of patients admitted to the department of neurosystem was 30.6%, cardiovascular system 22.6%, respiratory system 11.1% and urinary system 2.9%. 6. On utilizing instruments and machine for diagnosis and client's assessment in I.C.U, they have utilized everything a usual. But they never utilize angiogram and cardiac catheterization in cardiovascular system, and retroperitoneal pneumography in the urologic system. Further more we would recommend as follows. 1. In consideration of the average hospital days and the date of death, the rotation program for clincal experience need to be adjusted as continuing practice program in apposite to current alternative practice program for comprehensive nursing care. 2. Socioeconomic needs for the patient's families and himself should be emphasized by the students in addition to physical needs. 3. Course content for critical care might be built up in considering of core disease centered nursing problems. 4. The diagnostic procedures and client's assessment items which could not experience in our university hospital by the students might be considered and refilled as filled trips to another hospital and visual aids.
The purpose of study was to contirm theory about the effectiveness of routine meatal care on the reduction of catheter-associated urinary tract infection. The study was carried out at a university hospital from September 1,1987 to April 17, 1989 : 32 patients with a foley-catheter were studied. The study compared the urinary tract infection rate of an experimental group with that of a control group and tested the antibiotic susceptibility of the isolated bacteria. The experimental group(16 patients) was given daily meatal care with 10% Betadine for periods ranging from 4 to 21 days. The control group(16 patients) was not given that care. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The urinary tract infection rate of the experimental group was 50.0%, and that of the control group 43.8%. There was no significant difference between the groups. 2. Organisms isolated in the control group were bacteria 100%, and in the experimental group bacteria 50 % and fungus 50%. The most common organisms of the 15 strains isolated in the total group were Sta- phylococcus coagulase negative (3 patients), and E-coli (3 patients). 3. Most of bacteria isolated in this study were sensitive to Norfloxacillin, but resistant to Ampicillin, Chloramphenicol, Kanamycin, Tetracycline, and Ery-thromycin. Hence the importance of controling catheter- associated urinary tract infections. Findings suggest the need to search for other sources of infection, further experimentation controling various sources of urinary tract infection and larger groups of subjects.
The purpose of this study was to examne the relationship between sex-role-identity and life ajustment which adult patients perceive by means of the analysis of the relationship between the sex-role-identity and life ajustment which are perceived by adult patients who are hospitalized. The primary purpose of this study is to investigate how the adult; patients describe their own Sex role-identity. Secondary purpose is to find out whether their Sex role-identify is related to life adjustment and which life circumstances. If any are associated with Sex role identity. 207 adult patients who were older than 30 years living under 65 years were admitted to the hospital in Seoul. Were interviewed with measures including the Bern . Sex Role Inventory short Form. Life adjustment and current life situation. For data analysis, X2-test, ANOV -A, and Scheffe test were used. The results are summarized as follows: (1) Most adult patients described androgynous Sex role-identity. (2) Sex role-identity differentiated significantly life adjustment. (3) Perceived Sex role identity was related to the Several dimension of life sityation such as marital status family construction activity. By the result of this study, the present writer is to suggest as follows; Firstly, in the aspect of the study of nursing the many-sided and desirable stydy on the relation between the sex-role-identity life ajustment, and the study which a nurse can control and prevent the anxiety of adult patients by means of examining the measure and the cause of the emotional support on a patient must be accomplished. Socondly, in the ;aspect of the aspect of the practical affairs of nursing the practical effort which puts emphasis on the whole personal nursing in the performance of the duty, and the institutional support in the nursing administration must be planned in order to increase the efficiency of the nursing service by promoting the whole ?personal nursing role of a nurse.