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A Study on Self - Concept and Satisfaction of Clinical Practice
Kyoul Ja Cho, Hyan Sook Kang
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1984;14(2):63-74.   Published online April 3, 2017
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This study attempted to analyzed and confirm the correlation between self-concept and the degree of satisfaction on clinical practice. The subjects of the survey were 194 junior and senior students selected from 5 universities by questionnaire from Nov. 1 to Nov. 30, 1983 in Seoul. The collected data was analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation according to purpose of study. The results were as follows: 1. Self-concept by religion was significant(F=4.51, df=4/185, p=0.002). 2. In the motives of selecting the nursing, most of students chose the nursing depending on their altruism(62.9%), ability and aptitude(57.7%) and better opportunity of studying abroad and getting a job(49.5%) respectively. 3. The degree of clinical practice satisfaction was low as 2.80 of a total score 4.0. The degree of satisfaction of contents(3.22) revealed to be high. Compared with the degree of satisfaction on instruction(2.77), practice hours(2.83), practice environment(2.65), and clinical evaluation(2.60) revealed to be low. Religion and choice order of the admission were not significant in satisfaction of clinical practice(t=0.37, p=0.715). The main hypothesis that "The more positive self-concept will be, the higher the degree of satisfaction on clinical practice will be" was not supported (r=0.0509, p=0.240). The first sub-hypothesis that "The more positive the cognitive self-concept will be, the higher the degree of satisfaction will be" was partially supported. Because favorite-isolated self-concept was significantly correlated with the satisfaction (r=0.1189, p=0.005). The second sub-hypothesis that "The more positive the evaluational self-concept will be, the higher the degree of satisfaction on clinical practice will be" was not supported. As a above results, self-concept was not influenced to the degree of satisfaction on clinical practice, therefore it is required that environment, instruction method and evaluation for clinical practice should be refined and improved by clinical administrators and nursing faculties for nursing student's satisfaction on clinical practice.


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  • The factors influencing the nursing practice readiness of new graduate nurses
    Mi Young Kim
    The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education.2023; 29(4): 395.     CrossRef
  • Relationship between Self-Efficacy of Clinical Practical and Education, Organizational Commitment, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Satisfaction with Clinical Practice of Nursing Students
    Jung Suk Lee, Young Ok Lee, Han Ju Bea
    Journal of Health Informatics and Statistics.2019; 44(4): 359.     CrossRef
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A Study on Stress and Coping Methods of Mothers of Children with Brain Disease
Jung Hee Yoon, Kyoul Ja Cho
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1994;24(3):389-412.   Published online March 31, 2017
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This study was done to investigate stress and coping methods of mothers with brain disease children. The subjects for this study were obtained by taking a sample of mothers with brain disease children hospitalized in neurosurgery ward of K medical center in Seoul from Nov. 20, 1992 to Mar. 10, 1993. The collected date were analized by S.P.S.S. program( frequency, percentage, mean, t-est, ANOVA, Pearson Correlation). The results of the study were as follow. 1. The mean of the degree of mothers' stress was 3.681. Of the stress categories, illness treatment (4. 216) was highest, and the next were in order of illness status and prognosis(4.154), family relationships and personal roles (3.202), interpersonal relationships (2.916). 2. The mean of the degree of mothers' coping method was 2.930. Of the coping method categories, communication with medical team or parents in similar situations(3.332) was highest, and the next were in order of family cooperation and optimistic thought about the situation(3.241), reforcement of self esteem and maintenance of psychological stability(2.538). 3. There was not seen a stastically significant correlation between stress factors and coping methods of mothers. But with categories, the higher the stress to illness status and prognosis was, the hight coping methods' degree of communication with medical team or parents in similar situations was shown a positive correlation, if not high (r=.2776, P=.046). And the higher the stress to illness treatment was, the higher coping methods' degree of communication with medical team or parents in simial situations was shown a positive correlation, if not high (r=.2727, P=.049). 4. With the difference of stress according to mothers' general characteristics, religion and monthly income shew a statically significant difference. The mothers' group who have a religion shew the higher degree of stress(t=-3.17, P=.003), The group who get the most income shew highest degree of stress(F=.4693, P=.0156). With the difference of coping according to mothers' general characteristics, the most supporting person, satisfaction with husbands and mothers' own health status shew a statistically significant difference. The group who get the most support from parents-in-law(F=3.7508, P=.013), the group who are much satisfied with husband(F=3. 589, P=.016), and the group whose health status are good (F=3.3675, P=.046), shew the highest coping degree. 5. There were no significant difference in degree of stress and coping by children's characteristics The significance of the study will be concluded as follows. 1. Investigating the stress factors, which mothers are perceiving, it will be utilized as the basic materials of nursing plan so as to reduce the stress of mothers. 2. In searching for the ways of mothers' more helpful coping methods, it shows the necessity of the active nursing intervention for the mothers in the process of coping with their stress. That is, the nurse should serve the earnest nursing as counselor, supporter, educator, and information-provider. 3. Recogning mothers as well as children with brain disease as a client, the nurse will be able to help the mother, who is taking care of the children, cope with the stress situation well, and to make a contribution to the recovery, rehabilitation, and health of the children and to the enhancement of the family health.

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A Study on the Effects of Hospice Care for the Quality of Life of the Terminally - Ill Patients
Woi Sook So, Kyoul Ja Cho
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1991;21(3):418-435.   Published online March 31, 2017
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The purposes of this study were to find out the effects of hospice care for the quality of life of the terminally-ill patients and to analyze the relationship between the effect of hospice care and the general characteristics of subjects. The subjects of the study were 32 terminally-ill patients hospitalized in the two general hospitals in Seoul, which have the hospice care unit. The data were collected using the questionnaire with interviews. The were done from Sept. 28, 1989 to March 20, 1991. The tools used for the research were 17-item questionnaire regarding general characteristics, 42-item questionnaire about the quality of life(11-item for physical, 16 for psychosocial, and 15 for spiritual). The questionnaires were to measure the quality of life by means of the measure instruments of Betty R. Farwell(1989), Stein Kaasa(1989), Palm Pamela(1987), and Hwa-sook Choi(1987). 42 items were used after pre-test. In accordance with each purpose in this study, frequency and percentage were used on the general characteristics of subjects. ANOVA, t-test, and Pearson correlation were employed to evaluate the general characteristics of subjects and different level of quality of life before-and-after hospice care. The results of the study may be summarized as follows : 1. The effects of hospice care. Main Hypothesis : "The quality of life of the terminally-ill patients will be different from before-and-after hospice care" was supported(t=6.82, df=31, p=.000). Sub Hypothesis 1 : "The quality of life of the terminally-ill patients in the physical aspects will be different from before-and-after hospice care" was not supported(t=0.07, df=31, p=.946). Sub Hypothesis 2 : "The quality of life of the terminally-ill patients in the psychosocial aspects will be different from before-and-after hospice care" was supported(t=4.69, df=31, p=.000). 2. Relationship between the general characteristics of subjects and the effects of hospice care. (1) The more the number of family, the higher the quality of life in the number psychosocial aspects. (2) The higher the age of the patient, the lower the quality of life in the psychosocial aspects. (3) The high educational level of patients enjoy the high quality of life in general. (4) The high religious level of patients enjoy the high quality of life in the spiritual aspects. As a results of analysis above : 1. The most effective aspects of the hospice care to the terminally-ill patients was spiritual aspects. The next effective aspects was psychosocial area. 2. The least effective aspects of the hospice care to the terminally-ill patients was physical aspects. Further study is needed to improve the quality of life in the physical aspects.


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  • Needs of Hospice Care and Quality of Life for Cancer Patients
    In Sun Suh, Mi Hwa Shin, Se Hwa Hong
    The Korean Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care.2010; 13(2): 89.     CrossRef
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The Effects of Clinical Application of a Nursing Diagnosis Protocol
Hyang Yun Lee, Mi Young Cho, Kyoul Ja Cho, Yoon Hee Kim, Kwuy Bun Kim, Kwang Joo Kim, Heui Ja Moon, Sin Ae Park, Hyun Sook Kang
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1989;19(1):40-62.   Published online March 31, 2017
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This study was conducted to measure the effects of clinical application of a Nursing Diagnosis Protocol. The dependent variables were the degree of patient's satisfaction and the degree of nurse's satisfaction with the nursing activity. Analysis of the effect of the use of the nursing diagnosis protocol was based on the nursing record. The subjects for this study were 61 nurses (experimental group 31, control group 30) and 155 patients (experimental group 55, control group 100) on four internal medicine wards in K University Hospital in Seoul. Data collection was done from August to October 12.1988. - The results obtained in this study can be summarized as follows, 1. Effect of the clinical application of the nursing diagnosis protocol. 1) The first hypothesis ; " nurses who use the nursing diagnosis protocol will have higher degrees of satisfaction than those who use traditional methods" was rejected.(t= .54, df=58, p=.59). 2) The second hypothesis ; " patients nursed by nurses using the nursing diagnosis protocol will have higher degrees of satisfaction than those nursed with traditional methods" was supported(t=1.93, df=154, p= ,05). 3) The third hypothesis: Major hypothesis ; "the nursing records of the experimental group, who used the nursing diagnosis protocol, will be more detailed than those of the control group " was supported (t=6.40, df=79.90, p=.000). (1) The first subhypothesis ; "The recorded data collection of the experimental group will be more detailed than . that of the control group" was rejected (t= 1.79, df=118, p=.07). (2) The second subhypothesis : "The recorded patient's problem statement of the experimental group will be more detailed than that of the control group" was supported. (3) The third subhypothesis : "The nursing record of the experimental group will be more convenient for implementation than that of the control group" was supported. 2. Factors related to the nurse's degree of satisfaction with protocol. 1) No general characteristics(age, religion, education level, duty career, present duty career) were related to the Burse's degree of satisfaction. 2) Variables related to the nurse's degree of satisfaction were "satisfaction as a nurse" and "consider nursing as lifelong job" (t=-2.6, df=13.2 2, p=.02, t=2,41, df=23.85, p=.02). 3. Factors related to the patient's degree of satisfaction. 1) General characteristics related to the patient's degree of satisfaction with nurses using the protocol were ass. educational level, and being married.(F=5.17, df=3/153, p=.00, t=-2.39, df=154, p=.01, f=5.91, df=2/153, p=.00) 2) The variables previous hospitalization, duration of hospitalization, the hospital unit, presence of a relative, medical insurance, or medical diagnosis were not related to the patient's degree of satisfaction. I. The experimental group's nursing record was more detailed than the control group's record with regard to the physical and psychological state of the patients. As noted above, the experimental group nurses, who use a nursing diagnosis had protocol were less satisfied than the: control group who used traditional methods of the recording, but experimental group patients had a higher degree of satisfaction than the control group patients. The nursing records of experimental group, using the nursing diagnosis protocol was more detailed than that of the control group. If the nursing diagnosis protocol is used in clinical nursing practice, the quality of nursing care may be improved.

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The Use of Nursing Diagnosis in Practice
Sin Ae Park, Hyun Sook Kang, Heui Ja Moon, Kwang Joo Kim, Hyang Yun Rhee, Mi Young Cho, Kyoul Ja Cho, Yoon Hee Kim, Kwuy Bun Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1989;19(1):24-39.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was conducted to investigate the present situation and problems related to the use of nursing diagnosis in practice. The data were obtained from 332 subjects (27 director of nursing service, 302 staff nurses) who worked in university hospitals in Korea from July through August 1988 using a mailed questionnaire. Data were analyzed by frequency, X2 test and t-test. The findings were as follows : 1. Clinical use of nursing diagnosis by directors of nursing service and staff nurses. 1) The majority of the nursing departments (88.9 %) conducted group education on nursing diagnosis during the last 5 years and 81.5% of them kept a record formet for nursing diagnosis ; 88 .9 % of them had had prior experience with the nursing diagnosis. 2) Most of nurses (97.0%) had received education on nursing diagnosis, 2. Factors related to the clinical use of nursing diagnosis in nursing service departments and by staff nurses. 1) The one factor related to the use of nursing diagnosis in the nursing service department was the existence: of a record. 2) Factors related to the use of nursing diagnosis by the staff nurses were the organization style of the nursing service department, group education during the last 5 years, existence of a record, the attitude of the director of nursing service, and prior experience of the use of the nursing diagnosis as characteristics of nursing service department and educational experience of nursing diagnosis as a character of nurse. 3. Problems with the use of nursing diagnosis. 1) The primary problem was the lack of time and personnel (mean : 3.757) I the second problem was the lack of knowledge and will to use nursing diagnosis in practice by the staff nurses(mean : 3.546). 2) There was no significant difference in problems expressed by the director of nursing services and the nurses. The majority of nurses who worked in the university hospitals expressed interest in and concern about the use of nursing diagnosis. Most of the nurses had had education about on nursing diagnosis but use in practice was limited. The primary problem was lack of time and manpower Strategies for improving use of the nursing diagnosis in practice: 1) Strengthening the education about nursing diagnosis and a holistic approach to understanding human beings. 2) Develop protocols for the use of nursing diagnosis. 3) Eliminate the language barrier regarding nursing diagnosis by translation into in Korean. 4) Decentralization of the nursing service to promote accountability by individual nurses for use of nursing diagnosis.

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Reconstruction of Professional Identity in Clinical Nurses
Hyun Sook Kang, Kyoul Ja Cho, Nam Hee Choe, Won Ock Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(4):470-481.   Published online March 29, 2017
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PURPOSE: This study was carried out to identify and re-establish the professional identity in clinical nurses. METHOD: From Dec. 1999, for 4 months, the study had been conducted by narrative analysis method based on hermeneutic principles. Subjects were ten nurses with 3-4 years of nursing experience at a university hospital. The data were collected and transcribed through narrative interviews. RESULT: As a result, the maternal role was identified as the most dominant discourse in which nurses formed their identity. Subjects felt that a maternity is socio-culturally needed in case of nursing. Reconstruction of professional identity consists of 3 stages, Telling, Retelling and Rebuilding. At first, nurses felt confused by skeptism of the profession, interpersonal difficulties, and heavy work loads. However, during the interviews, nurses recognized that nursing is not regarded as significant, effort to make nursing meaningful were small, and there was a lack of understanding others. From this new insight, they re-established a new image of nursing "through better understanding of others, seeking knowledge, and making positive efforts towards qualified nursing". CONCLUSION: The above narrative interviews may help nurses reflect and contextually interpret themselves, so that a new identity could be established. Furthermore researchers can obtain new insight from the subjects, while the subjects form a new nursing image from self-reflection.


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A Study for a Curriculum for the Oriental Clinical Nurse Specialist Program
Hyang Yeon Lee, Kwuy Bun Kim, Kyoul Ja Cho, Hye Sook Shin, Kwang Joo Kim, Myoung Ja Wang, Sook Young Kim, Jeong Ah Kim, Hyun Sil Kim, Kyung Min Park, Ok Hee Ahn, Mi Jung Oh, Kang Yi Lee, Hye Sook Jang, Eun Young Jeon, Young Hae Chung, Seon Hee Han
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(6):1467-1478.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to develop a curriculum for the oriental clinical nurse specialist program based on the understanding of Korean human beings so as to develop nursing as a profession and promote the client's health. The design of this study was based on literature review and nominal group study. The research was managed by East-West Nursing Research Institute of nursing science college at Kyung Hee University. The research team was composed of 17 professors of nursing departments of oriental medical colleges. We obtained opinions from Oriental Nurses Association, Oriental Nursing Research Association, and professors in oriental medical college. We reviewed articles, curriculums of other clinical nurse specialist programs, medical laws and the curriculum development plan for the oriental clinical nurse specialist program from Korean Nurses Association. We discussed a curriculum thoroughly in numerous meetings. We developed a following curriculum: 1. Educational philosophy was founded on the oriental human view which was based on Chun-In union theory. It was founded on the oriental health view which recognized health being in harmony with nature and the balance of body function with the harmony of Yin-Yang in the five elements. In addition, it was founded on oriental nursing view to promote these health states. 2. Educational goals were to train oriental clinical nurse specialists, oriental nursing educators and oriental nursing researchers who developed knowledge of oriental nursing theory, nursing practice and created a leadership. 3. Curriculum consisted of 48 credits, of which 36 credits are based on lectures and laboratory classes and 12 credits are based on clinical practice. 36 credits consisted of 5 general subject credits and 31 core subject credits. General subjects consisted of nursing theory, nursing research, law and ethics. Students who had earned master's degrees are not required to take the general subjects. Core subjects consisted of 11 subjects such as advanced physical examination and laboratory, oriental nursing theory, original text of oriental nursing, oriental medical nursing, oriental pediatric nursing, oriental gynecologic nursing, oriental gerontologic nursing, oriental pharmacology, oriental constitutional nursing, advanced nursing of channels and acupuncture points and laboratory and oriental rehabilitation nursing and laboratory. In addition, clinical practice in a hospital ward, out patient department, herb prepation room, department of physical therapy and health promotion center in oriental medical hospitals for 12 weeks. To admit this program, students should complete prerequisites of introduction to oriental nursing and nursing of channels and acupuncture points. 4. Course contents of each subjects were developed to include the course's goal and objectives and specific items. 5. Evaluation involved lecture, laboratory and in field practice. We applied various evaluation systems and methods that were based on both knowledge and skills of the students to ensure full credibility and validity.


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    International Journal of Nursing Knowledge.2019; 30(1): 4.     CrossRef
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The Effect of Supportive Nursing Education Program on Burden and Quality of Life in Mothers of Children with Nephrotic Syndrom
Seung Nam Paik, Mi Hae Sung, Kyoul Ja Cho, Chang Ja Byun
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(3):721-731.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of the supportive nursing intervention program on Burden and Quality of Life in Mothers of Children with Nephrotic Sybdrome. The data were collected from a group of 67 mothers of nephrotic syndrome patients(34 in the intervention group, 33 in the control group) from July 1, 1998 to Dec, 30, 1988, Measurements were burden and quality of life from both groups at pre and post intervention. The supportive nursing educational program consists of individual lectures and discussion at the individual level. Listed are the summarized result: 1. The intervention group had a lower level of burden (p<0.05) than the control group intervention. 2. The level of quality of life was not significant during the intervention. According to this study a developed supportive musing intervention program is effective for reduction of the burden. For future research, it is necessary that experiments concerning quality of life in mothers of children with nephrotic syndrome, be conducted.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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