Depressive status of the adolescence in 437 normal, 416 orphan, 133 physically hadicapped and 109 deaf-mute children were compared with the Self- Rating Depression Scale developed by Zung, from April 26 to July 4, 1976 . The subjects were devided into two groups, early adolescence for age of 10 to 14 and late adolescence of age of 15 to 18. The results were as follows ; 1. The depression score was higher in late adolescence than in, early adolescence except deaf - mutes. 2. The depression score was not different significantly between the sexes in all groups. 3. The depression score was significantly higher in the group of orphan, physically handicapped and deaf-mute children then in the normal. 4. The depression score was significantly higher in the orphans than in the physically handicapped children. It showed tendency to be higher in the deaf - mutes than in the physically hadioapped children. 5. In comparison with the rank order of the Self - Rating Depression Scale items, normal group was inclined to have psychological symptoms in higher rank order, but orphan and deaf - mute group was inclined to have somatic symptoms in higher rank order.
Recent improvements in the standard of living, national income and medical care, and a decline in the infant death rate which have occurred related to economic growth and modernization, have led to a longer average life-span and a higher ratio of elderly people in the total population, Therefore, not only in the field of nursing science, issues concerning the elderly have been given increasing interest. A great deal of effort has been spent on increasing the quality of life for elderly people. The study was conducted to analyze the correlation between social support and quality of life. The sample consisted of III subjects residing at home and 107 subjects residing in institutions all of whom were over 65 years of age. The data collection period was from October 23, 1990 to January 26, 1991. Social support was measured using the Norbeck social Support Questionnaire developed by Norbeck, translated by Oh, Ka Sil and quality of life was measured using the QOL scale developed by No, You Ja. Data were analyzed using percentages, t-test, Pearson Correlation Coefficient and ANOVA. The results of this study are as follows : 1. There was a statistically significant difference in the level of social support between the two groups(t=-8.83, P<.001). The elderly at home reported a much higher level of social support. 2. There was a statistically significant difference in the level of QOL between the two groups(t=-5.77, P<.001). The elderly at home reported a much more positive quality of life. 3. There was a positive correlation between social support and QOL for the elderly at home and it was statistically significant(r=.32, P<.001). 4. There was a positive collection between social support and QOL for the elderly in institutions and it was also statistically significant (r=.19, P<.05). 5. The relationship between the general characteristics of the elderly at home and the variables of social support and of QOL were as follows ; 1) according to sex(t=10.57, P<.01) and the number of offspring(F=6.19, P<.01), there was a statistically significant difference in social support. 2) according to amount of Pocket money, there was a statistically significant difference in QOL(F=2.98, P<.05). 6. The relationship between the general characteristics of the elderly institutions and the two variables were as follows ; 1) according the sex(t=6.24, P<.05), the number of offspring(F=6.16, P<.001) and religion(F=2.58, P<.05), there was a statistically significant difference in social support. 2) according the religion, there was a statistically significant difference in QOL(F=2.90, P<.05). In conclusion, it can be said that social support is an important variable related to QOL in the elderly and that social support levels are higher for the elderly residing at home. Therefore, more specific and objective approaches and efforts are needed to effectively use resources to maintain the elderly at home and to enhance social support available to the elderly in institutions and thereby increase QOL regardless of residence.
The purpose of this research was to determine whether or not a consistent program of aerobic exercise as a nursing intervention would have beneficial effect on schizophrenic patients. Nonequivalent control group pre-post test research was designed. Subjects for this study were selected from thirty-eight chronically schizophrenic patients who were hospitalized at S psychiatric hospital in Taejeon city. Of them, seventeen were experimental group, twenty-one were control group. The data were collected during the period from November 1 to December 30, 1992. The instruments used in this study were Scale for Assessment of Negative Symptom developed by Andreason, Behavioral Observational Checklist (SASS) developed by Jorgensen, Harvard Step Up Test. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test and paired t-test, using the SPSS program. The results of this study are summerized as follows: 1. The scores of SANS were a significantly difference from pre to posttesting, when the experimental group was contrasted to the control group(t=4.73,p=.00). 2. The scores of SASS were a significantly difference from pre to posttesting, when the experimental group was contrasted to the control group(t=3.42, p=.00). 3. The scores of physical fitness were a significantly difference from pre to posttesting, when experimental group was contrasted to the control group(t=-5.87, p=.00).
This study was conducted to identify the attributes constituting Korean social support and to validate the results of the previous study 'Search for the meaning of social support in Korean Society.' The informants were 41 Korean middle-aged women in three cities : Seoul, Dagjun and Daeku. The data were collected through indepth interviews using the interview guide from Jun. 1994 to Jun. 1995. The interview guide was developed in the simulated situations of 'Stroke attack' which expected to be in need of social support. The women were asked to answer what they felt and the appropriated terms representing the situations. Data analysis were conducted by content analysis. consequently, the Koran social support pyramid was modified as follows ; Support is the apex of the pyramid. The four sides of the pyramid are made up of 'Jung'(Bound by ties of affection, regard or shared common experience, Connectedness), Do-oom(both emotional and material help), Mi-dum(Faith or belief in) and Sa-Rang(Love). The base of the pyramid is 'yun'(the basic network of relationships in Korean culture) that connote the meaning of Eunhae(Benevolence), Euimu(duty, responsibility) and Dori(obligation).