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An analysis of the Health Interests of rural middle school students: Development of health education content in Soo-Dong school
Kong Bum Shin, Kwang Ja Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1980;10(1):21-28.   Published online April 3, 2017
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The purpose of this study was undertaken to determine the health interests by middle school students in Soo Dong Myun. It was planned that this data would help nursing help students who is under the community health nursing pra tice in Soo-Dong, and development of health education programmes. The instrument used which was orginially the Health Interest Inventory by Ramsdell, was modified. This study involed 358 students ranging from 1 st year to 3 rd year and was carried out from September 1 to 30, 1979. The results obtained as follows : 1 . Comparing students health interests by grade, there was a high interested areas were [Dental health], [Ment al health], and [Alcohol, drugs and smoking] On the other hand the least interested areas were [Family he alth] and [Weight control] There was a difference between 2 nd and 3 rd year by grade mean score, In the health areas, all grade students are interested in [Nutrition]. [Control & preventive disease] and [Consumer health]. 2. Comparing students health interests by sex, the rank order of health interests was similar to both sex. The most interested areas were [Mental Health], [Dental health], and [ Alcohol, drugs, and smoking]. The least interested areas were [Family health] and [Weight control]. There was no sinificant difference by sex. But in the health areas, girls are interested in [Nutrition] and [ Control and preventive disease], and boys are interested in the I Safety education]. 3 . There was a highest correlation between [Family health] area and [Persona! grooming], the lorvest correla tion between [Consumer health] area and the combined [Family health] and [Weight control].

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A Research on Subjective Symptoms of Fatigue of Housewives at Shin: Chon Area in Seoul
Kwang Ok Lee, Kong Bum Shin
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1979;9(2):27-38.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was undertaken to determine the subjective symptoms of fatigue among the housewives groups. Inquiries into subjective symptoms of fatigue were made by the form designied by the Industrial Fatigue Research Committee of the Japan Society of Industrial Health (1967), Comprising 30 items. These items are classified into 3 groups of 10 items, namely, A) Physical Symptoms, B) Mental Symptoms, C) Neuro Sensory Symptoms (Figure 1). The results of the investigation can be summerized as follows: 1. Within the total items (T), the physical symptoms (A) were the strongest in the effect on the feelings of fatigue, and were followed by (B), and (C). 2. There was a significant difference shown in the distribution of responses by height (X2=236.29, d.f. = 145, p < 0.00001). In the mental category (F = 2.22, d.f. = 4, p = 0.05) and neuro-sensory category (F = 2.64, d.f. = 4, p < 0.001), there was a difference in the responses' complaints by weight. 3. As for the ages, housewives at the age of 50 presented a higher rate than those 30 or 20. 4. Regarding the number of children, respendents have more children showed higher frequency rate of complaints. 5. In the investigation sample, complaints were related to education level (f = 18.34, d.f. = 3, p < 0.0001) nentruation (t = 2.31, p < 0.022), and sleeping hours (F = 6.04, d.f. = 6, p < 0.0001).

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A Comparative Study of Korean and Korean-American Women in Their Health Beliefs related to Breast Cancer and the Performance of Breast Self-Examination
Young Whee Lee, Eun Hyun Lee, Kong Bum Shin, Mi Sook Song
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(2):307-314.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This cross-sectional survey was undertaken to examine the differences of BSE (breast-self examination) performance and health beliefs between Korean and Korean-American women and to identify which factors influence the BSE based on the HBM variables.


The study subjects were recruited from both Korea(189 women) and Cleveland in Ohio, USA(146 women). The HBM variables were measured using a reliable and valid Health Belief Model Scale. The subjects were also asked whether or not they did a BSE in the last year.


The Korean-American women who performed the BSE was statistically higher than that of Korean women. Regarding to the BSE-related health belief, the scores of benefits, confidence, and health motivation was significantly higher in Korean-American. After controlling for living places, age, education, and job, barriers and confidence variables significantly explained the BSE performance of Korean and Korean-American women.


There was a differences in BSE-related health belief and performance between Korean and Korean-American women. Among health belief variables, barriers and confidence were core variables predicting the BSE performance of Korean and Korean-American women together.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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