The purpose of this study was undertaken to determine the health interests by middle school students in Soo Dong Myun. It was planned that this data would help nursing help students who is under the community health nursing pra tice in Soo-Dong, and development of health education programmes. The instrument used which was orginially the Health Interest Inventory by Ramsdell, was modified. This study involed 358 students ranging from 1 st year to 3 rd year and was carried out from September 1 to 30, 1979. The results obtained as follows : 1 . Comparing students health interests by grade, there was a high interested areas were [Dental health], [Ment al health], and [Alcohol, drugs and smoking] On the other hand the least interested areas were [Family he alth] and [Weight control] There was a difference between 2 nd and 3 rd year by grade mean score, In the health areas, all grade students are interested in [Nutrition]. [Control & preventive disease] and [Consumer health]. 2. Comparing students health interests by sex, the rank order of health interests was similar to both sex. The most interested areas were [Mental Health], [Dental health], and [ Alcohol, drugs, and smoking]. The least interested areas were [Family health] and [Weight control]. There was no sinificant difference by sex. But in the health areas, girls are interested in [Nutrition] and [ Control and preventive disease], and boys are interested in the I Safety education]. 3 . There was a highest correlation between [Family health] area and [Persona! grooming], the lorvest correla tion between [Consumer health] area and the combined [Family health] and [Weight control].