This study was to examine the correlations among management of menopause, marital satisfaction, and quality of life in middle-aged women.
The sample was 158 middle-aged women who were 40-64 years. Data were collected from June 14 to July 10, 2003 using questionnaires and were analyzed by using the SPSS 10.0 PC+ program.
The level of marital satisfaction was related positively to the level of quality of life(r=.504, p<.01) and management of menopause(r=.315, p<.01). In addition, there were significant correlations between the level of quality of life and management of menopause(r=.251, <.01). In stepwise multiple regression analysis, 25.9% of the variance in quality of life was explained by marital satisfaction.
Marital satisfaction and management of menopause serve to improve the quality of life of middle-aged women. It is necessary to develop an effective intervention program to improve marital satisfaction and management of menopause.
PURPOSE: This study was formed to propose a theoretical background trying to create a positive delivery experience by understanding college women's subjective accounts (their view and attitude) on delivery.
Q- methodology was used to appreciate the highly abstract concept in an objective manner, since delivery can be assessed differently with each experience.
There were three types of opinions about the delivery in college women. The first type (matured type) understood delivery to be a precious experience that enables women to gain the value of life through labor pain, and granted then more appreciation to their own mothers. The second type (will type) recognizes delivery as an option rather than an obligation for women. They think women chooses whether or not to experience the process, especially since delivery requires a great deal of responsibility. The third type (positive type) takes delivery as a valuable, worthwhile, and marvelous process that they wish to experience. They are not even afraid of giving birth multiple times.
The study explains and allows us to understand college women's overall opinion and attitudes about delivery. Thus this study aids the seizure of an opportunity to build a theoretical base for delivery management.
This study was to investigate the factors influencing quality of life and difference of quality of life in a postmenopausal group compared to premenopausal women.
The subjects consisted of 213 women from 40 to 64 years old. The data were collected from June 1, 2003 to June 31, 2004 using structured questionnaires which included questions relating to demographic and obstetric background and 4 scales(climacteric symptoms scale, marital satisfaction scale, sex-role attitude scale, quality of life scale).
Comparing pre- and postmenopausal women, significant statistical differences were demonstrated in climacteric symptoms and sex-role attitude. However, quality of life was not different between pre- and postmenopausal women. In premenopausal women, marital satisfaction(32.7%) and educational level(8.0%) were significant predictors to explain quality of life. Marital satisfaction(12.9%) was significant predictor to explain quality of life in postmenopausal women.
No difference of quality in life between pre- and postmenopausal women provides information for changing traditional approaches of menopause according to physiological changes as illness. In addition the study showed that it is necessary to use marital satisfaction information when developing nursing interventions to promote the quality of life.
This study was formed to propose a theoretical background for improving the quality of women's lives by measuring the subjectivity on women.
Q-methodology is used for purpose. Q-statements are collected through in-depth interviews and a literature review. 34 Q-statements were selected. There are 33 subjects in the research. The Q-Factor Analysis using PC Quanl program was performed to analyze the data.
There were three types of opinions on woman. The first type(equal-recognitive) thinks that men and women are equal, women can handle men, and women are independent, valuable beings. The second type(equal-fixed idea) express that women are not behind men in terms of abilities but are supposed to live for the sake of their husbands and children. The third type(equal-practical) answer that men and women are equal, but women have their own personalities and can participate in social activities and can financially help the families.
The study express the overall opinions and attitudes on woman as reviewed by the research subjects. Therefore, this study helps the seizure of an opportunity to build a theoretical base for improving the quality of women's lives.
The purpose of this study is to explore college women's views of women for forming an upright sex role identity and sex values.
The data were collected through in-depth interviews of 10 college women on Jeju Island from February 2002 to March 2002. The interviews were conducted by the writer of this thesis. Each interview lasted for about 45 minutes. The data were analyzed by the Giorgi method.
Five main meanings were identified : 1) unfairness 2) majesty 3) mothering 4) womenishness 5) backward in capacity. In other words, women's roles are to look after their family and to take care of household affairs. Women should be beautiful and have womenish traits. Women are less intelligent than men. Women are dependent on men though they suffer from unfairness. This study presents an evidence that the traditional sex-role attitudes still prevail.
In order to form an upright sex role identity and sex values, institutional programs in the society and individual efforts are needed.
The purpose of this study was to develop a scale to assess the transition shock experienced by newly graduated nurses, and test the validity and reliability of the scale.
The initial items were identified through a review of literature and in-depth interviews with nine newly graduated nurses. Content validation of the items was evaluated by five nurse professors and three nurses. Participants were 269 newly graduated nurses who worked at six acute care hospitals in Busan, Ulsan, and Yangsan, South Korea. Data were analyzed using item analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, criterion related validity, and internal consistency.
The final scale consisted of 18 items and six factors (conflict between theory and practice, overwhelming workload, loss of social support, shrinking relationship with co-workers, confusion in professional nursing values, and incongruity in work and personal life), which explained 71.3% of the total variance. The six subscale model was validated by confirmatory factor analysis. Cronbach's alpha for the total items was. 89. Convergent validity was evaluated by analyzing total correlation with burnout (r=.71,
This scale can be used in the development of nursing interventions to reduce the transition shock experienced by newly graduated nurses.
This study was conducted to analyze intubation survival rates according to characteristics and to identify the risk factors affecting deliberate self-extubation.
Data were collected from patients' electronic medical reports from one hospital in B city. Participants were 450 patients with endotracheal intubation being treated in intensive care units. The collected data were analyzed using Kaplan-Meier estimation, Log rank test, and Cox's proportional hazards model.
Over 15 months thirty-two (7.1%) of the 450 intubation patients intentionally extubated themselves. The patients who had experienced high level of consciousness, agitation. use of sedative, application of restraints, and day and night shift had significantly lower intubation survival rates. Risk factors for deliberate self-extubation were age (60 years and over), unit (neurological intensive care), level of consciousness (higher), agitation, application of restraints, shift (night), and nurse-to-patient ratio (one nurse caring for two or more patients).
Appropriate use of sedative drugs, effective treatment to reduce agitation, sufficient nurse-to-patient ratio, and no restraints for patients should be the focus to diminish the number of deliberate self-extubations.
The purpose of this study was to identify influence of childbirth experience and postpartum depression on quality of life in women after birth.
Two hundred and eleven postpartum women were asked to complete the questionnaires on their childbirth experience during their admission and on their postpartum depression and quality of life between one to three weeks after birth. Initial data were collected from February 1 to May 30, 2011 at two obstetric hospitals in Busan, Korea. Data were analyzed using t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficients, and hierarchical multiple regression.
The women's childbirth experience and postpartum depression were identified as factors influencing quality of life after birth. The model explained 50% of the variables.
Results suggest that childbirth educators should include strategies to increase a positive childbirth experience and to decrease postpartum depression in their education programs in order to improve women's quality of life.