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Corrigendum: Evolutionary Concept Analysis of Spirituality
Il Sun Ko, So Young Choi, Jin Sook Kim
J Korean Acad Nurs 2017;47(5):712-712.   Published online October 31, 2017
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Evolutionary Concept Analysis of Spirituality
Il Sun Ko, So Young Choi, Jin Sook Kim
J Korean Acad Nurs 2017;47(2):242-256.   Published online April 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was done to clarify attributes, antecedents, and consequences of spirituality.


Rodgers's evolutionary concept analysis was used to analyze fifty seven studies from the literature related to spirituality as it appears in systematic literature reviews of theology, medicine, counseling & psychology, social welfare, and nursing.


Spirituality was found to consist of two dimensions and eight attributes: 1) vertical dimension: ‘intimacy and connectedness with God’ and ‘holy life and belief’, 2) horizontal dimension: ‘self-transcendence’, ‘meaning and purpose in life’, ‘self-integration’, and ‘self-creativity’ in relationship with self, ‘connectedness’ and ‘trust’ in relationship with others·neighbors·nature. Antecedents of spirituality were socio-demographic, religious, psychological, and health related characteristics. Consequences of spirituality were positive and negative. Being positive included ‘life centered on God’ in vertical dimension, and among horizontal dimension ‘joy’, ‘hope’, ‘wellness’, ‘inner peace’, and ‘self-actualization’ in relationship with self, ‘doing in love’ and ‘extended life toward neighbors and the world’ in relationship with others·neighbors·nature. Being negative was defined as having ‘guilt’, ‘inner conflict’, ‘loneliness’, and ‘spiritual distress’. Facilitators of spirituality were stressful life events and experiences.


Spirituality is a multidimensional concept. Unchangeable attributes of spirituality are ‘connectedness with God’, ‘self-transcendence’, ‘meaning of life’ and ‘connectedness with others·nature’. Unchangeable consequences of spirituality are ‘joy’ and ‘hope’. The findings suggest that the dimensional framework of spirituality can be used to assess the current spiritual state of patients. Based on these results, the development of a Korean version of the scale measuring spirituality is recommended.

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Developing a conceptual framework for a nursing curriculum
Won Jung Cho, So YaJa Kim, Ka Sil Oh, Ji Soo Yoo, Ae Ran Whang, Hae Sook Kim, Il Sun Ko
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1994;24(3):473-483.   Published online March 31, 2017
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In order to prepare for the coming twenty first Century and to meet changing societal dedmands and health needs, it is necessary to develop a new conceptual framework for curriculum the colleges of nursing. The specific objectives of this project were to; 1) address the problem areas of the existing curriculum which were identified in the first phase of this study; 2) develop a conceptual framework which will meet faculty, student and societal needs; and 3) identify the content of the curriculum. In order to accomplish the objectives, the curriculum committee held 30 weekly meetings during the period of October, 1992 and December, 1993, There also were two workshops with college of nursing faculty members. The Philosophy and objectives of education were revised on the basis of the essential concepts of nursing; human being, nursing, environment, and health. From these basic concepts, six essential components were identified for the conceptual framework. These were nuring process, communication, professional roles, client, and nursing. These six components are interrelated in the curriculum. The complex interrelationship among the six components were presented on horizontal and vertical axes. Concepts related to steady improvement were put on a vertical axis. For example, concepts of client, health, and nursing are included in all levels of nursing curriculum and students are expected to retain and accumulate more complex contents as they progress in curriculum. Concepts on the horizontal axis are nursing process, communication, and professional roles. These concepts are unique to nursing and are common to any level of curriculum. Students are expected to study these concepts through all levels of the curriculum. It is expected that the objectives of the college of nursing will be accomplished when the courses and content of the curriculum are based on this conceptual fremework.

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Priorities of Nursing Research Areas in Korea
Eui Geum Oh, Cho Ja Kim, Ji Soo Yoo, Il Sun Ko, Mi Ja Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(6):803-811.   Published online March 29, 2017
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PURPOSE: This study was to identify priority areas of nursing research in Korea. METHOD: A data analysis was done for the PhD subjects (n=133) who responded at the national level two-rounds delphi survey. Subjects were asked to assign a score from 1 to 7 for 29 nursing research areas regarding 3 aspects: the degree of nurses research leadership; the degree of contribution to nursing professions; and the degree of contribution to health and welfare of patients/clients. RESULT: For the overall three aspects, research area on clinical nursing practice was identified as the first priority, followed by nursing education, home health nursing, nursing research, and chronic disease. For nursing research leadership, research area on clinical nursing practice, nursing education, home health nursing, nursing research, and nursing diagnosis were identified. Concerning contribution to the nursing profession, the first priority was nursing education, followed by clinical nursing practice, nursing research, nursing policy, and home health nursing. Concerning contribution to the health/welfare of patients, clinical nursing practice, home health care, geriatric nursing, chronic disease, and symptom management were ranked as top 5 research priorities. CONCLUSION: The findings of this national survey will assist in building insights into the research needs of nurses practicing in Korea.

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Cost-Benefit Analysis on Community Health Practitioner
Tae Wha Lee, Il Sun Ko
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(4):435-446.   Published online March 29, 2017
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PURPOSE: The purpose of the study were to describe outcomes of CHP activities, and to evaluate the economic validity of CHP through a cost-benefit analysis. METHOD: The sample size was 272. Data were collected using a researcher developed questionnaire from November 1999 to March, 2000. RESULT: The mean age of CHPs was 39.6 (SD=.36). In regard to marital status, 90.8% of the respondents were married. 72% of the CHPs had associate degree. Among CHP activities, providing medical services was 50%, followed by home care visits 20% and health promotion services 20%, preventive services 10%. Total costs per month incurred to CHP activities was won3,053,437($2,442.7). Total benefits per month was won6,711,525($5,369.2). Hence, net benefit was calculated as won3,658,089($2,926).
Cost-benefit ratio was 2.20, which provides the evidence of the economic viability of CHP program. The result of cost-benefit analysis, however, would more strongly support the economic value of CHP if intangible benefits of CHP activities such as decreases in pain and suffering and increased quality of life, could be counted.

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Evaluation of Government Assisted Visiting Nursing Services of Health Center in 2000
Il Sun Ko, Cho Ja Kim, Tae Wha Lee, Kyung Ja Lee, Eui Sook Kim, Heek Young Ma, Young Sook Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(3):344-354.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This study is a fact-finding research to understand the status of visiting nursing services operated by health centers in Korea and it aims to provide basic information for policy development on operation and management of visiting nursing services in health centers. METHOD: This study investigates the results of visiting nursing services in 242 health centers from Jan. 10 through Dec. 30, 2000, where 3,106 visiting nurses were employed by the public work program. RESULT: In 2000, 129,401 new household as service recipients was identified and that was 0.9% of Koreas total households (15,137,000), and 5.8% of low income households (2,242,000). The highest high risk group was dementia patients(aver. 55.2/1,000 person). Average number of households visited by visiting nurse were 4.5 households per day and the first-visited houses per visiting nurse were 1.1 households per day. The re-visiting rate was 71.3%. Total 4,059,130 service items were provided and assessment ranked the highest with 33.7%. The satisfaction level of clients on the nurses was an average of 3.17 points in the scale of 4 and the nursing service was a 2.60 points in a scale of 3. CONCLUSION: Visiting nursing service should continue to provide comprehensive healthcare services in cost-effective ways while cooperating with others.

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Development and Evaluation of the Web-based Wound Care Course for Undergraduate Nursing Students
Il Sun Ko, Jin Hee Park, Kyu Sook Kang, Shin Young Yook, In Ja Song, Sun A Cho, Sung A Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(8):1324-1330.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study developed a web-based wound care course for undergraduate nursing students and evaluated the course's content, system, and student-satisfaction.


This study was done in three stages, the development of the web-based wound care course, the implementation and evaluation of the course. The course was developed based on the ARCS model. 80 undergraduate nursing students to Y University in Korea used the web-based wound care program during four weeks. After that, they completed questionnaires, evaluating the contents, system, and their satisfaction.


Eighteen learning objectives were used to create the web-based wound care course and the course was developed with 7 chapters and 20 subsections. The analysis of the questionnaires showed a mean score for content and system-related items of 3.04 each, out of a possible 4 points. Student satisfaction items had a mean score of 2.89.


The web-based course allowed students access to the course anytime and anywhere, and according to their own learning abilities. However this advantage would only be possible when nurse educators develop qualitative web-based course to meet the demand of a complex health care system as well as the needs of the students and the effectively incorporate it into traditional lectures.

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Health Status, Health Perception, and Health Promotion Behaviors of Low-income Community Dwelling Elderly
Tae Wha Lee, Il Sun Ko, Kyung Ja Lee, Kyeong Hwa Kang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(2):252-261.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of the study was to investigate the health status(present illness, ADL and IADL), health perception, and health promotion behaviors of low-income elderly who are receiving the visiting nurse service in the community.


The sample of the study was 735 elderly over 65years old with basic livelihood security, who were conveniently selected from 245 public health centers nation-wide. Data collection was done using a structured questionnaire through interviews by visiting nurses.


The average number of present illnesses in the study subjects was 4.18. The average scores of ADL and IADL were 15.903.39and 9.772.97 respectively, which indicates a relatively independent everyday life. However, 64.2% of the subjects perceived their health status as ‘ not healthy’. In terms of health promotion behaviors, 77.8% of the subjects had ceased smoking, 83.9% stopped drinking, 56.4% had a regular diet, 45.8% received regular physical check-ups during the past two years, and 66% received flu shots. Approximately 50% of the subjects were practicing 3-4 health promotion behaviors. Significant factors associated with health promotion behaviors were ADL, IADL and self-efficacy.


Health promotion programs which focus on regular diet, exercise, and regular physical check-ups should be developed to improve independence of everyday life and quality of life among low-income elderly.

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Evaluation of a Community-Based Program for Breast Self-Examination Offered by the Community Health Nurse Practitioners in Korea
Chung Yul Lee, Hee Soon Kim, Il Sun Ko, Ok Kyung Ham
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(8):1119-1126.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among Korean women. Only 14% of urban women and 10% of rural women in Korea, however, participated in breast cancer screening behavior in 1998 (Korean Ministry of Health & Welfare, 1999).


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of community-based breast self-examination (BSE) education programs in Korea.


First, breast cancer risk appraisals were done with 1,977 rural women. Of the 1,977 women, nearly 30% (n= 494) had a higher or equal to borderline risk of developing breast cancer. This quasi-experimental study was conducted to target these women with a high or equal to borderline risk of breast cancer. The risk appraisal feedback and breast self-examination education were used as an intervention for breast cancer prevention and early detection.


After a 3-month follow-up, 30.5% of the women in the intervention group performed regular BSE compared to 10.2% of women in the control group. The mean knowledge score related to breast cancer and BSE was significantly higher for the women in the intervention group than that in the control group.

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Development and Evaluation of a Vital Signs E-book for Undergraduate Student Nurses
Il Sun Ko, Kyu Sook Kang, Joung Ohn Shim, Jin Hee Park, Shin Young Yook, So Young Yun
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(6):1036-1043.   Published online October 31, 2005
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to develop a vital signs e-book for undergraduate student nurses and evaluate the content, system and student satisfaction.


This study was done in three stages, the development of a vital signs e-book, implementation and evaluation. The subjects were 73 undergraduate student nurses in Y university.


Thirty one learning objectives were used to create the contents. A set of 5 chapters and 18 subsections were defined after validation from nurse educators. The e-book is available at Analysis of the questionnaires showed a mean score for content, system and students satisfaction of 3.17 ± .73, 3.11 ± .79, and 2.96 ± .74 respectively out of a possible 4 points.


Nurse educators should provide quality and effective web-based courses that meet undergraduate student nurses' learning needs and they should incorporate web-based learning into traditional teaching to meet the demands of nursing education.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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