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A pilot study of stressor and stress situation and nursing intervention of pregnant woman
Hoang Lan Ahn
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1983;13(3):75-85.   Published online April 3, 2017

This study was done to research the relationship between general characteristics and stressor, stress situation, Nursing Intervention of pregnant woman. The subjects for this study were 70 pregnant woman from 3 clinics of Obstetrics and Gynecology located in J city. The data was collected through questionaires which was developed by Norman J. Chestnut. The content of the questionaire consist of following 3 categories; (1) stressor (2) stress situation (3) Mental and Physical support of husband. Analysis of data was done by use percentage, x2-test. (through EDPS) The findings of this study are as follows; 1. Stressors of pregnant woman are stresses associated with fetus, socioeconomic problem, herself, delivery, abortion and prematureity, husband, change of appearances, management of home, a woman's parents-in-law. Stress situations of pregnant woman are when she is doing on the heavy management of home, limit of life, socio-economic discomfort, taking medicine, difficult relationship with a woman's parents-in-law, being sign of abortion and prematurity, her physical discomfort, family desire of delivery of son baby. 2. Husband's mental support that pregnant woman desired are careful husband's role, More love and interest about pregnant, cooperation of child reaing, maintenance of healthy life, understaning of diffical pregnancy, early return home, giving up drinking, positive feeling about changed appearance, unconcern about sex of fetus. And husband's mental supports that prgnant woman desired are cooperating of homework and childrearing, limit of intercouse, release behavior of pregnant woman's physical discomfort, a walk, behavior with pregnancy together, socioeconomic stability. 3. Stressor of pregnant woman was significant with education, number of son, economic status, personality of husband, dewelling. (P<.05) And stress situation of pregnant woman was significant with personality of husband, dwelling, husband's desired sex of baby. (P<.05) 4. Husband's mental and physical supports that pregnant woman desired was significant with number of daughter. (P<.05)


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  • Influence of Fetal Attachment and Pregnancy Stress on Health Promotion Behavior in Primigravida
    Soo Rueng Yeo, So Young Choi
    Journal of The Korean Society of Maternal and Child Health.2022; 26(4): 270.     CrossRef
  • Comparison of Effects of Oral Health Program and Walking Exercise Program on Health Outcomes for Pregnant Women
    Hae-jin Park, Haejung Lee
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2018; 48(5): 506.     CrossRef
  • Influences of Oral Health Behaviors, Depression and Stress on Periodontal Disease in Pregnant Women
    Hae-Jin Park, Hae Jung Lee, Soo Hyun Cho
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2016; 46(5): 653.     CrossRef
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Factors Influencing Nursing Students' Psychiatric Nursing Practice Evaluation Scores
Hang Jo Pai, Hoang Lan Ahn
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1993;23(1):5-15.   Published online March 31, 2017
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This study examined the effects of therapeutic communication skills, self esteem and self concept, psychiatric nursing lectures on students' psychiatric nursing practice evaluation scores. The purposes of this study were to determine factors influencing students' psychiatric nursing practice to improve the quality of that practice. The subjects were 123 third year nursing students in the department of nursing of G University in C city. Data were collected from 1989 to 1991 by questionaires and academic records. Pearson Correlation and t-test were used in analyzing the data to confirm the relationship and influence among the study variables. Stepwise Multiple regression was used to confirm the predictors of the nursing students' psychiatric nursing practice evaluation scores. The results were as follows: 1) Relationship of General characteristics and Psychiatric Nursing Practice Evaluation Scores: General characteriotics were not significant on psychiatirc nursing pracice evaluation scores. 2) Relationship of the therapeutic communication skill and psychiatric nursing practice evaluation scores: the higher the degree of therapeutic communication skill was the higher the scores for psychiatric nursing practice (r=.5528, p<.001). 3) Relationship of psychiatric nursing course and psychiatric nursing practice evaluation scores: the higher the scores in the psychiatric nursing course the higher the scores for psychiatric nursing prac tice(r=.2793, p<.01). 4) Relationship of self-esteem and self concept and psychiatirc nursing practice evaluation scores: Self-esteem and concept was not significant on psychiatic nursing practice evaluation scores. 5) Stepwise multiple correlation of therapeutic communication skills, self-esteem and self concept, psychiatric nursing lectures on psychiatric nursing practice evaluation scores showed that therapeutic communication skills and the psychiatric nursing course scores influenced the evaluation scores psychiatric nursing practice significantly.

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An Experimental Study on the Effects of the Stress Management Education Program for Nurses
Hoang Lan Ahn, Mi Ok Gu, Mi Hye Choe, Myun Sook Jeong
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1986;16(1):40-48.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of the Stress Management Education Program (SMEP) on the nurses stress and stress management ability, and to identify the main factors affecting them. The subjects were 72 nurses who participated in the In-Service education program of the Jin-Ju District, Kyeong-Nam Branch of the Korean Nurses Association during the period from Oct. 1 to Nov. 30, 1985. The book of "The stress management education program" was developed by the investigators. With this book, we executed the 1st education through the lecture & showing an example. After 15 days from the 1st education, we mailed a reminding booklet to the individuals. (2nd education). Then, we mailed a questionnaire on 15th day from the 2nd education. Before and after the SMEP We measured the stress management ability & stress, and identified the affecting factors. Findings of this study are as follows; 1. The 1st hypothesis that "the SMEP will increase the knowledge about the nurses' stress management" was supported (t=-6.66, p<.001) 2. The 2nd hypothesis that "the SMEP will increase the nurses' practice about the stress management" was rejected. 3. The 3rd hypothesis that "the SEMP will decrease the nurses' stress" was rejected. 4. The 4th hypothesis that "the higher the knowledge about the stress management the lower the nurses' stress" was rejected. 5. The 5th hypothesis that "the higher the degree of the practice about the stress management, the lower the nurses' stress" was supported, (r= -.2859, p<.05). 6. There were significant correlations between the knowledge about stress management and age (r= -.3717, p<.01), between the knowledge about Stress management and the period of her work. (r=-.2897, p<0.5). There was significant difference in the knowledge about stress management between those who had married and those who had not. (t=2.82, p<.01) 7. There was significant difference in the practice about the stress management between those who had religion and those who had not (t=2.7, p< .01) 8. There was significant difference in the stress according to the type of work. (t=6.127, p<. 05) There was significant correlation between the stress and supportive system. (r=-.2647, p<. 05).

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The Evaluation of a Health Promotion Program for the Community resident Older Adults
Mee Ock Gu, Young Sil Kang, Eun Sim Kim, Hoang Lan Ahn, Hyun Sook Oh, Young Eun
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(3):384-394.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This study was conducted to evaluate the process & outcome of a Health promotion program(Growing Younger & More Active) for the community resident older adults from March to December, 2001. METHOD: A quasi experimental research(one group pretest-posttest design) was used in this study. The subjects were 82 older adults(but 40 older adults 4 weeks after the program). Program had 5 sessions(10 hours) once a week. Data were collected before the program, immediately after & 4 weeks after the program and were analyzed with paired t-test. RESULT: The levels of Satisfaction, Interest & Understanding of the Program were high. Significant differences were found in health knowledge, health promoting behaviors, perceived health status and life satisfaction between before program and immediately after program as well as between before program and 4 weeks after program, but no significant differences in Health attitude. Self efficacy has significant difference only between before program and immediately after program , but no significant differences between before program and 4 weeks after the program. CONCLUSION: This results suggest that a Health promotion program for the community resident older adults developed this study is effective. So this program can be recommended as an effective nursing intervention for the health promotion of the older adults living in community.


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    Young Rye Park, Yang Gyeong Yoo
    The Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing.2013; 16(1): 71.     CrossRef
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    Young-Im Park, Kang-Yi Lee, Tae-Im Kim, Moung-Hee Jeon, Dong-Oak Kim, Ji-Hyun Kim
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2012; 23(1): 91.     CrossRef
  • The Effects of an Aerobic Exercise Program on Mobility, Fall Efficacy, Balance, and Stress in the Elderly at Senior Centers
    Su Kyung Chu, Chung Yul Lee, Jang Hak Yoo
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2012; 23(1): 22.     CrossRef
  • Effects of an Elder Health Promotion Program using the Strategy of Elder Health Leader Training in Senior Citizen Halls
    Mee Ock Gu, Young Eun, Eun Sim Kim, Hwang Ran Ahn, In Soo Kwon, Hyun Sook Oh, Young-Sil Kang, Myun Sook Jung, So Young Choi, Kyung Mi Sung, Hye Yeon Kang
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2012; 42(1): 125.     CrossRef
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