PURPOSE: Knowing the accurate GA is critical in nursing care of high-risk newborns. A descriptive study was performed to examine the reliability and clinical applicability of the new Ballard examination (NBE) in high-risk infants. METHOD: A NBE was performed to measure GA by assessing the neuromuscular and physical maturity in the course of physical examination of a convenient sample of 50 high-risk infants. RESULTS: 1) There was a highly correlation between both the GA by LMP (GA-LMP) and GA by NBE (GA-NBE) (r = .894, p = .000) 2) There was a greater positive relationship in neuromuscular maturity than physical maturity in the GA-NBE of the high-risk newborn (r = .657 versus r = .915, p<. 05). 3) The high-risk infants were thoes with congenital anomalies, prematurity, and RDS(Respiratory Distress Syndrome). Male infants showed a higher neuromuscular maturity, compared to female infants. 4) There was a positive correlation between neuromuscular, physical, total maturity, GA-LMP and GA-NBE in the birth weight, 1 minute Apgar score. CONCLUSION: The study supports the reliability an clinical relevance of NBE in assessment of the accurate GA in high-risk infants.
The purpose of this study was a comprehensive understanding about maternal transition in mothers with high risk newborns according to the degree of situational meaning.
A methodological triangulation that combines qualitative and quantitative methods was used. The situational meaning of a high risk newborn mother was identified using a Family Meaning Attribution Scale. According to the degree of situational meaning, in-depth interviews were conducted at 3 time periods postpartum : between 3-10 days after childbirth, around the time of the newborn's discharge, and between 10-12 weeks after childbirth. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and t-test. Qualitative data was analyzed using Tutty, Rothery, & Grinnell's methodology.
The average score of the situational meaning in high the risk newborn mother was 53.57(possible score is between 0-96) and the average score of each item was 1.67. A Maternal transition process in the mother that has a positive situational meaning was conceptualized in three distinctive phases : confusion, accepting, and shaping phases. The Maternal transition process in the mother that has a negative situational meaning was also conceptualized in three distinctive phases : avoiding, conflicting, and accepting phases.
It is necessary that the nurses provide high risk newborn mothers with individualized care considering both the situational meaning that is attributed to them and the maternal transition phase that they are faced with.
This study was designed to explore the relationship of situational meaning with maternal self-esteem in mothers with high risk newborn.
The subjects of this study were 82 mothers with high risk newborn. Data were collected using a translated Family Meaning Attribution Scale and Maternal Self-Report Inventory. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, Pearson Correlation Coefficients and Stepwise Multiple Regression.
The average score of the situational meaning in high risk newborn mothers was 64.01(possible score is between 0-96) and the average score of each item was 1.98. The average score of the maternal self-esteem in high risk newborn mothers was 81.96(possible score is between 26-104) and the average score of each item was 3.15. No significant differences were found in situational meaning according to general characteristics except whether it was a planned pregnancy or not. No significant differences were found in maternal self-esteem according to general characteristics except disease or admission experience during pregnancy. There was significant positive correlation between situational meaning and maternal self-esteem.
It is necessary for nurses to provide high risk newborn mothers with care for improving situational meaning that is attributed to the mothers. It can be helpful to improve maternal self-esteem and in the end it will facilitate the maternal transition in mothers with high risk newborn.