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Quality of life of Middle-Aged Persons Who have cancer
Yoon Book Hahn, You Ja Ro, Num Cho Kim, Hee Seung Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1990;20(3):399-413.   Published online March 31, 2017
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This descriptive study was under taken to explore relationships among the quality of life, health locus of control and perceived state of health persons with cancer to contribute theoretical understanding about these phenomenon of interest to the quality of nursing care. The subjects of this were 200 persons with cancer(100-in patients and 100-out patients), both male and female, between 30 and 59 years of age. Data were obtained using a convenience sample technique from two university in seoul from August, 1989, to June, 1990. The instruments used for this study were the Quality of life scale developed by Ro, You-Ja and the Health Locus of Control scale developed by Wallston & Wallston. Data were analyzed using a SAS program for ANOVA, t-test, Schefffe test, Pearson Correlation Coefficients and Stepwise multiple regression. The results were as follows : 1. The scores on the quality of life scale ranged from 95 to 191 with as mean of 147.85(range 47 to 235). The Mean scores(range 1-5) on the different dimensions were family relationships 3.50, relationships with neighbours 3.48m self-esteem 3.17, physical state and function 2.99, economic life 2.93 and emotional life 2.91. 2. Significantly higher scores on the quality of life and demographic characteristics were as follows : the quality of life for women(t=2.80, p=.006), for those without complications(t=2.54, p=.013), and for those who perceived their illness as mild(F=4.85, p=.009). Higher scores on quality of life were correlated with the following : 1) emotional state and the age group 50-59(F=3.43, p=.34). 2) economic life and higher income(F=6.72, p=.002), those without complications(t=2.68, p=.00), and those who perceived their illness as mild(F=3.11, p=.05). 3) self-esteem and marriage(F=3.64, p=.028), those without complications(t=2.18, p=.03), and those who perceived their illness as mild(F=7.72, p=.000). 4) physical state and function and the age group 30-39(F=4.65, p=.010), those without complications(t=2.00, p=.05), and those who perceived their illness as mild(F=3.38, p=.04). 5) family relationship and those who live with their spouse(t=2.82, p=.005). 3. There was a significant positive correlation between the subjects perceptions of their current state of health and the quality of life score(r=.4364, p=.0001). 4. There was no relationship between Locus of control and quality of life in this sample. 5. Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that : 1) the perception of current health status was the main predictor and accounted for 20.11% of the total variance. 2) sex and educational level accounted for an additional 21.71% of the total variance. 6. The quality of life and the perception of their current health status of these patients with cancer were generally lower than those of healthy adults as noted in previous studies. In conclusion, the quality of life for these cancer patients was generally low especially in regard to their emotional state. The current perceived state of health, sex, complications and perceived degree of illness were important variables relating to quality of life.

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The Effects on EMG Level by EMG Biofeedback with Progressive Muscle Relaxation Training on Tension Headache
You Ja Ro, Nam Cho Kim, Hee Seung Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1990;20(2):195-213.   Published online March 31, 2017
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The purpose of this study is to assess if ENG biofeedback training with progressive muscle relaxation training is effective in reducing the EMG level in patients with tension headaches. This study which lasted from 23 October to 30 December 1989, was conducted on 10 females who were diagnosed as patients with tension headaches and selected from among volunteers at C. University in Seoul. The process of the study was as follows : First, before the treatment, the baseline was measured for two weeks and the level of EMG was measured five times in five minutes. And then EMG biofeedback training was used to six weeks, 12 sessions in all, and progressive muscle relaxation was done at home by audio tape over eight weeks. Each session was composed of a 5-minutes baseline, two 5-minutes EMG biofeedback training periods and a 5-minutes self-control stage. Each stage was followed by a five minutes rest period. So each session took a total of 40 minutes. The EMG level was measured by EMG biofeedback(Autogenic-Cyborg: M 130 EMG module). The results were as follows: 1. The average age of the subjects was 44.1 years and the average history of headache was 10.6 years(range : 6 months-20 years). 2.The level of EMG was lowest between the third and the fourth week of the raining except in Cases I and IV. 3. The patients began to show a nonconciliatory attitude at the first session of the fifth week of the training.

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Discrepancy in the scores of uncertainty perceived by patients and nurses' interperson perception
Yoon Bok Hahn, Myung Ja Kirn, You Ja Ro, Nam Cho Kim, Hee Seung Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1988;18(3):231-238.   Published online March 31, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to assess and compare discrepancy in the scores of uncertainty perceived by patients and nurses' interperson perception. For this study, 124 hospitalized patients and the same numbered nurses assigned for direct care of each 124 patients were selected from general ward of C. University Hospital in Seoul during the time period from September to November 1987. Degree of uncertainty was measured by 27 items modified from Mishel Uncertainty in Illness Scale (M-UIS), and was utilized by a Likert type scale The data were analysed by Menemar-test, Unpaired t-test, ANOVA. Scheffe-test and Stepwise multiple regression. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The discrepancy in the scores of uncertainty perceived by patients and nurses' interperson perception showed significant differences in 23 of 27 items : 11 of 23 items showed that the scores of patients' perception of uncertainty were higher than that of nurses' interperson perception of uncertainty but 12 of 23 items were revealed reversely. 2. With regard to nurse's demographic variables, the discrepancy scores were the higest in the group under 22 years of age (F=3.20, p=.026) and in the group less than 1 year of nursing experience among 4 groups (F=4.41, p=.006). 3. The discrepancy scores had a tendency to be lowered in the higher age group(r= - .27, p=.0026) and in the longer experienced group (r=-.25, p=.0052). 4. The most important variable affecting the discrepancy scores was identified to be the nurses' age which acounted for 7.2% fo the total variances in the stepwise multiple regression analysis. This was followed by patient hospital days which accounted for an additional 4.5% of the total variances. To conclude, the discrepancy in the scores of uncertainty perceived by patients and nurses' interperson perception showed significant differences in 23 of 27 items. The discrepancy scores of uncertainty had a tendancy to be lowered in the higher age group and in the longer experienced group.

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A Study of the Difference of Vital Sign by Stress Reaction
Hee Seung Kim, Yoon Bok Hahn, Myung Ja Kim, You Ja Ro
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1987;17(2):137-144.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The main purpose of this study was to examine the validity of the vital sign as an instrument of stress reaction measurement. From July to August 1986, stress reaction was evaluated by the difference of endoscopic vital sign on 93 G-I troubled out-patients who underwent end-oscopy for the first time and did not have any evidence of cardiovascular disease. The data were analysed by .x(2)-test, Paired. t-test, ANCOVA and Multiple Comparison Test. The result of study were as follows; 1. The frequency of gastric disease was differed by the family type, and the mobility of gastritis and gastric cancer were more increased in nuclear family than in large family (p=0.019). 2. In a comparison of before with after 5 minutes endoscopic vital sign, and a pulse rate (p=0. 0001), respiration rate (p=0. 0001), systolic blood pressure (p=0. 0002) and diastolic blood pressure (p=0.006) were significantly increased after 5minutes by end-oscony in contrast with before 5minutes. 3. The control of before 5 minutes of endoscopic vital sign, after 5 minutes of endoscopic systolic (p=0. 024) and diastolic bluud pressure (p=0. 0146) were more elevated in biopsyed group than in non-biopsyed group. And after 5minutes of endoscopic respiration rate was more increased in gastric cancer than in gastritis (p=0.0406) or gastric ulcer (p= 0. 0073). And after 5 minutes of endoscopic systolic blood pressure was elevated over 50years old men (p=0. 0238). fa short, the increase of a pulse rate af ter 5 minutes of endoscopy was not influenced by general characteristics of samples in this experiment. And systolic blood pressure over 50years old men must be considered of physiological hypertension.

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Effects of Cardiac Rehabilitation Teaching Program on Knowledge Level and Compliance of Health Behavior for Patients with Myocardial Infarction
Hye Sun Jeong, Hee Seung Kim, Yang Sook Yoo, Jung Soon Moon
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(1):50-61.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of cardiac rehabilitation teaching program on knowledge level and compliance of health behavior for the patients with myocardial infarction.
The subjects were 47 patients 23 were assigned to the experimental group and 24 were for the control. The cardiac rehabilitation teaching program is a individualized teaching program which was delivered to the experimental group during hospitalization period by present researcher. Data were collected through questionnaire surveys for knowledge level and compliance of health behavior from September 15, 1999 to December 31, 2000. The collected data was analyzed by using the SAS program.
1. With regard to the knowledge scores 1) The total knowledge level in the experimental group was significantly higher than in the control group. 2) As to the knowledge domains, nature of disease, risk factors, diet, medication, exercise, and daily activities were significantly higher in score in the experimental group than in the control group. 2. With regard to the compliance of health behavior 1) The average compliance with good health behavior was significantly higher in the experimental group than in the control group. 2) As to the health behavior domains smoking cessation, diet, stress management, regular exercise, and other measures for lifestyle modification were significantly higher in score in the experimental group than in the control group. 3. The pre-treatment knowledge score was positively correlated to the post-treatment knowledge score and post-treatment knowledge score was positively correlated to the post-treatment compliance of health behaviors.
The above findings indicate that the cardiac rehabilitation teaching program for the experimental group was effective in increasing level of knowledge and improvement f compliance with good health behavior of patients with myocardial infarction.

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Prevalence and Risk Factors for Diabetes Mellitus and Impaired Fasting Glucose of Adults
Hee Seung Kim, You Ja Ro, Nam Cho Kim, Yang Sook Yoo, Jin Sun Young, Jeong Ah Oh
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(6):1479-1487.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was conducted to draw out prevalence and the risk factors of diabetes mellitus and impaired fasting glucose for adults,(age 30-69). The subjects were 2096 adults, who had regular health examinations between January and December of 1999 at K Hospital in Seoul. The data was analyzed using chi-square test, unpaired t-test and logistic regression. Diabetes Mellitus and impaired fasting glucose were diagnosed by ADA (American Diabetes Association, 1997) criteria. The results were as follows: 1. Mens' prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus was 7.9% and womens' prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus was 3.8%. Mens' prevalence of impaired fasting glucose was 10.4% and womens' prevalence of impaired fasting glucose was 6.5%. Prevalences of Diabetes Mellitus and impaired fasting glucose increased with age. 2. Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus and impaired fasting glucose of obese subjects (relative body weight>=162) was higher than that of overweight subjects (110<=relative body weight<=119) in men and women. 3. The diagnoses of Diabetes Mellitus and impaired fasting glucose increased with systolic blood pressure and triglyceride. 4. Significant factors associated with diabetes in the logistic regression best gut model were age, relative body weight, systolic blood pressure, triglyceride in men, and systolic blood pressure in women. In conclusion, as age, weight, systolic blood pressure and triglyceride get higher, Diabetes Mellitus and impaired fasting glucose prevalence also increases, porportionally.

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Difference of the Obesity Index, Blood Pressure and Serum Lipids in Abdominal and Non Abdominal in Men and Women
Hee Seung Kim, Nam Cho Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(4):948-955.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was done to compare the difference of obesity index(waist-hip ratio, body fat, body mass index, relative body weight), blood pressure and serum lipids in abdominal obesity and non abdominal in both men and women. Abdominal and non abdominal obesity was divided into waist-hip ratio above 0.85 in women and 0.95 in men. The subjects were 412 adults (age range 40-59), who had regular health examinations between 1996 to 1997 at the S-Hospital in Seoul. The data were analyzed using ANCOVA (for adjusted for age) and Pearson correlation coefficient. The results were as follows: 1. 39.9% of men and 42.5% of women had abdominal obesity. The average age group of abdominal obesity was 50.8 which is older than the non abdominal obesity group(48.0). 2. After they were adjusted for age, the group of men who have abdominal obesity had higher levels in body fat, body mass index, relative body weight, blood pressure, total cholesterol, LDL- cholesterol and triglyceride than the group of non abdominal obesity group. The group of women with abdominal obesity had higer levels in body fat, body mass index, relative body weight , blood pressure and triglyceride than the group of non abdominal obesity. 3. In the group of non abdominal obesity, the waist-hip ratio was significantly correlated to body fat, body mass index, relative body weight, blood pressure and serum lipids the group of abdominal obesity in men and women.

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Correlation Between Knowledge and Educational Needs Related to Recurrent in Coronary Artery bypass graft patients
Hee Seung Kim, Min Jeong Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(3):549-559.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between the knowledge and educational needs related to recurrent in coronary artery bypass graft patients as a basis to provide an individual nursing education for the population. The subjects consisted of 110 patients who had coronary artery bypass graft(CABG) at Asan Medical Center in Seoul and Sechong hospital in Buchon. Data was obtained from a knowledge questionnaire and a learning needs questionnaire between November 1998 and February 1999. Data were analyzed using SAS program for Wilcoxon rank sum test and Spearman correlation coefficient. The results were as follows : 1. With regard to the 18 items to measure knowledge, the mean (median) of items 'don't know' was 4.9(4) items. The mean (median) of items answered wrong was 3.2(3) items. The number of items answered 'don't know' tend to show higher in those who had less education, blue color jobs and myocardiac infarction history than in their counter parts. 2. With regard to the level of knowledge by questionnaire about CABG, The most "I dont know" (59.1%) highly response was 'He has to be treated with anticoagulant drug to prevent revasculized vessel from obstructing.' The seond highest response (56.4%) was 'If you were hypotensive, the coronary attack would collapse. 'During the hospitalized day, the patient has complete bedrest.' The highest error probability was cholesterol has not to intake.', 'After surgery, the sexual life is need controlled for 1 year. 3. The mean of educational needs was 3.38. With regard to the level of learning needs by sentence about CABG, 'Food that benefit heart disease', 'Recurrence possibility of heart disease', 'Management
of operation site', 'Risk symptom that visit hospital or report immediately' were higher than other sentenses. With regard to the level of learning needs by factor 'food(5 items)', 'disease(9 items)' and 'exercise(3 items)' showed the highest than other factors. The educational needs by patients characteristics tend to show higher in males, under the age of 49, middle or high school degree, previous experience of admission with coronary artery disease, history of myocardial infarction, expierience of PTCA, history of cerebro-vascular accident, previous expierience of smoking than in their counter parts. 4. The number of items answered 'don't know', wrong and correct weren't correlated with the level educational needs. As the results, the number of items answered 'don't know' tend to show higher in those who had less educated, blue color jobs and myocardiac infarction history than in their counter parts. There were higher frequency of items answered 'don't know' in those who had no hypertension . There were higher frequency of items answered 'don't know' on anti-thrombolitic theraphy, hypotension and pain relief. Also there were higher frequency of items answered wrong on bed rest period, cholesterol intake, and sexual life. Educational needs were higher in young age group, had previous experience of procesure and history of other disease. And when we educate CABG patients, education for diet, recurrence possibility of disease, management methods of operation site and risk symptom should be emphasized. There were higher frequency of items answered 'don't know' in those who had no hypertension.

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A Meta-Analysis of Effects of Relaxation Therapy on Anxiety and Blood Pressure
Hee Seung Kim, Hae Hiang Song, So Eun Choi
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):282-292.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

A meta-analysis of 14 quasi-experimental studies was conducted to compare the effect of size on various relaxation therapies applied to patients and health volunteer students. These studies were selected from theses, dissertations and papers that have been done between 1982 to 1993. Also They have a randomized or nonequivalent control group in a pre test-post test design. The studies were evaluated in different ways; 1) types of relaxation therapy, 2) total amount of time of relaxation therapy, and 3) types of outcome variables. For a group of homogenious studies, the weighted mean effect size and standard error were estimated. Some findings are summarized as follows : 1. Jacobson relaxation therapy had a larger effect on systolic and diastolic blood pressures than on state anxiety. 2. For the total time of relaxation therapy, (longer than 60 minutes) had a much larger effect in decreasing systolic and diastolic blood pressures than in the case of a time period shorter than 60 minutes. 3. Relaxation therapy applied to surgery patients also had a larger effect in decreasing state anxiety than when applied to other patients.

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Model Development of Korean Professional Hospice Care Education
Euy Soon Choi, You Ja Ro, Sung Suk Han, Nam Cho Kim, Hee Seung Kim, Ho Ran Park, Sung Hee Ahn
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(5):1011-1020.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was conducted to develop an education program of hospice care for the professional in order to care for nurses for terminally ill patients facing death and their families. The Modified Tyler-Type Ends-Means model was used to guide the curriculum development of the study. The curriculum include a philosophical conception of hospice education, fundamental concepts, purpose, objective and the educational contents. The content was developed based upon a 70% or more demand in educational demand analysis. The education program has a total of 360 hours consisting of 172 hours of theoretical study and 188 hours of practice including fundamental nursing care for hospice.

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Correlations Between Waist-Hip Ratio, Body Fat, BMI (Body Mass Index), Relative Body Weight and Serum Lipids by Men and Women
Hee Seung Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(3):596-604.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study aims at examining the correlations between waist-hip ratio, body fat, BMI, relative body weight and serum lipids by men and women in 40's and 50's. The subjects were 412 adults, who had regular health examinations between January and December of 1996 at S-Hospital in Seoul. The data were analyzed using unpaired t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient. The results were as follows: 1. The group of men had higher levels in waist-hip ratio, BMI, body weight, triglyceride, total cholesterol / HDL-cholesterol ratio, LDL-cholesterol / HDL-cholesterol ratio than the group of women. The group of women had higher levels in body fat and HDL-cholesterol than the group of men. 2. In the group of men, waist-hip ratio more significantly correlated to serum lipids than body fat and BMI. In the group of women, body fat, BMI and relative body weight was more significantly correlated to serum lipids than waist-hip ratio.

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Correlations between Weight, Body Mass Index(BMI) and Risk Factors of Coronary Artery Disease in Men and Women in their Forties and Fifties
Hee Seung Kim, Hye Sun Jeong, Kyung Sil Han
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(1):184-192.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study was done to examine the correlations between weight, BMI and risk factors of coronary heart disease in men and women in their forties and fifties. The subjects were 412 adults, who had regular health examinations between January and December of 1996 at S-Hospital in Seoul. The data were analyzed using ANOVA, Scheffe test, and Pearson correlation coefficient. The results are as follows : 1. The men between 50 and 59 years of age had higher levels for BMI, weight, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglyceride, fasting blood sugar, plasminogen activator-1, and hemoglobin A1C than the group of women in their forties. Yet, HDL-cholesterol was lower than in the former group. 2. In the group of men in their forties, weight was significantly correlated to diastolic blood pressure(r=.22), LDL-cholesterol(r=.20), plasminogen activator inhibitor-1(r=.35) HDL-cholesterol(r=-.19). Their BMI was significantly corrected to systolic blood pressure(r=.27), diastolic blood pressure(r=.33), total cholesterol(r=.23), LDL-cholesterol(r=.26), plasminogen activator-1(r=.36) and HDL-cholesterol(r=-.25). 3. As for the group of women in their forties weight was significantly correlated to systolic blood pressure(r=.20), diastolic blood pressure(r=.22), triglyceride(r=.32), plasminogen activator inhibitor-1(r=.30) and HDL-cholesterol(r=-.37). Their BMI was significantly correlated to diastolic blood pressure(r=.25) triglyceride(r=.47), plasminogen activator-1(r=.35), fibrinogen(r=.27) and HDL-cholesterol(r=-.47). 4. In the group of men in their fifties, weight was significantly correlated to total cholesterol(r=.32), LDL-cholesterol(r=.29), plasminogen activator inhibitor-1(r=.26). Their BMI was significantly correlated to systolic blood pressure(r=.24), diastolic blood pressure(r=.22), total cholesterol(r=.34), LDL-cholesterol(r=.32), and plasminogen activator-1(r=.25). 5. In the group of women in their fifties, weight was significantly correlated to diastolic blood pressure(r=.33), total cholesterol(r=.21), LDL-cholesterol(r=.20), plasminogen activator inhibitor-1(r=.43) and HDL-cholesterol(r=-.21). Their BMI was significantly corrected to systolic blood pressure(r=.25), diastolic blood pressure(r=.40), total cholesterol(r=.24), LDL-cholesterol(r=.24), triglyceride(r=.22), and HDL-cholesterol(r=-.30). The above findings indicate that the BMI was more predictive than weight as a risk factor for coronary artery disease for men and women in their forties and fifties.

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Comparison of the Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factor Prevalence Forty and Fifty Something Women
Hee Seung Kim, Jeong Ah Oh
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2007;37(4):453-458.   Published online March 28, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to compare metabolic syndrome (MS) risk factor prevalence by obesity and age in middle-aged women.


Two hundred and fifty-one subjects were recruited from the health promotion center of a tertiary care hospital in an urban city. MS was defined by the third report of the national cholesterol education program (NCEP) expert panel on detection, evaluation, and treatment of high blood cholesterol in adults(Adult Treatment Panel III)(ATPIII), and obesity was determined by body mass index(BMI)≥ or = 25kg/m2.


The mean blood pressure, fasting glucose, total cholesterol, and triglyceride were significantly higher in the obese group than in the non-obese group. The prevalence of MS, hypertension, and impaired fasting glucose were significantly higher in the obese group than in the non-obese group. In the forties, blood pressure was significantly higher in the obese group than in the non-obese group. In the fifties, body fat, systolic blood pressure, fasting glucose, total cholesterol, and triglyceride were significantly higher in the obese group than in the non-obese group.


These results show that the nurse should focus on the obese fifty year old female patients for improvement of the MS risk factors.

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Effects of Web-based Diabetic Education in Obese Diabetic Patients
Hee Seung Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(5):924-930.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of web-based diabetic education on plasma glucose and serum lipids in obese people with diabetes.


A random allocation design with control and experimental groups being assessed pre- and post-intervention was used. Eighteen patients were randomly allocated to an intervention group and 16 to a control group. Participants were requested to input their blood glucose levels weekly for 3 months at by cellular phone or wire Internet. The researcher sentoptimal recommendations to each patient weekly for 3 months using a short message service (SMS) of the cellular phone and wire Internet.


Patients in the intervention group had a mean decrease of 1.2% in glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) levels and those in the control group had no difference in HbA1c levels. There was a significant mean change in 2-hour post prandial blood glucose (2HPPG) for the intervention group, with a mean change of -120.1 mg/dl. The mean change in the control group, however, was not significant.


These findings indicate that this web-based intervention using SMS of the cellular phone for 3 months improved HbA1c and 2HPPG, but did not affect total cholesterol, triglyceride, and high density lipoprotein cholesterol in obese type 2 diabetic patient.

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The Comparison of the Stress and Coping Methods of Cancer Patients and Their Caregivers
Hee Seung Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(5):538-543.   Published online March 28, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to identify the stress and the coping methodes in the cancer patients and their caregivers.


The stress method was measured by VAS(Visual Analogue Scale). The coping methodes was measured using the modified Ways of Coping Questionnaire. The phases of patient illness consisted of 1st(initial) stage, and 2nd(recurred) stage and 3rd(terminal) stage based on Lewandowski & Jones(1988) method. The data were collected by a survey of convenience sampling of 257 cancer patients and 196 of their caregivers from two hospitals in Seoul. The data were analyzed using paired t-test, unpaired t-test.


The stress level of cancer patients was lower than their caregivers. The cancer patients used emotion-focused coping mode than problem-focused coping mode. The caregivers problem-focused coping mode over emotion-focused coping mode. In the problem-focused coping mode, the caregivers significantly used two coping strategies that were ‘positve cope’, ‘information seeking’ more than patients. In emotion-focused coping mode, the caregivers significantly used one coping strategies that was ‘wish’ more than patients. The patients tended to used two coping strategies that were ‘blame’ and ‘emotion expression’ more than the caregivers.


Further study needs to be done to positively identify these coping methods and develop interventions to assist patients and their caregivers.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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