This study aimed to understand the meaning and essence of the life experiences of uninfected women living with HIV-infected husbands.
This qualitative study adopted van Manen's hermeneutic phenomenological method. Study participants were 8 females whose husband had been diagnosed with HIV for longer than 6 months, who had known about their husband's infection for more than 6 months, who were in a legal or common-law marriage and were living with their husbands at the time of interview for this study, and whose HIV antibody test results were negative. Data were collected from in-depth individual interviews with the participants from May to August 2016, and from related idiomatic expressions, literature, artwork, and phenomenological references.
The following essential themes were identified regarding the life experiences of uninfected women living with HIV-infected husbands: ‘experiencing an abrupt change that came out of the blue and caused confusion’, ‘accepting one's fate and making desperate efforts to maintain one's family’, ‘dealing with a heavy burden alone’, ‘experiencing the harsh reality and fearful future’, and ‘finding consolation in the ordeal’.
This study provided a holistic and in-depth understanding of the meaning and essence of the life experiences of uninfected women living with HIV-infected husbands. Thus, this study recognizes these unnoticed women as new nursing subjects. Further, the present findings can be used as important basic data for the development of nursing interventions and national policy guidelines for uninfected women living with HIV-infected husbands.
Twenty-three research studies regarding nurses or nursing students intention to care for HIV disease patients were reviewed. Studies on this issue were sporadic and not systematic. A majority of the studies were limited to one institution at one point in time. Convenience sampling was prevalent. Only 5 studies used random sampling (Jemmott III et al., 1992; Kelly et al., 1988; Planter & Foster, 1993; Scherer et al., 1989; Van Servellen et al., 1988). Consequently the findings of most studies can not be generalized to the population at large. In addition, between 1985 and 1994, the emphasis on descriptive studies continued even though correlational and experimental studies were being conducted. The development of the body of knowledge on this issue is still in a primitive stage. Correlational or comparative studies reviewed rarely had a theoretical basis for the study questions. Only two studies were found that cited a theoretical basis (Laschinger & Goldenberg, 1993; Goldenberg & Laschinger, 1991). A variety of attitude instruments were developed by investigators and used in their own studies. The constructs of the instruments were quite varied. For example, some studies identified fear as the attitude to be measured, while others measured opinion or intention as the attitude. None of the studies reviewed reported content, construct or convergent validity of the instruments. Reliability data for most instruments used in the studies were either not reported or low. Such a lack of information limits the interpretation of the findings. Study findings were inconclusive. Some descriptive studies indicated that nurses or nursing students were willing to care for HIV disease patients, while others revealed they were not willing to do so. Three correlational studies examining the relationship between attitude and intention obtained inconsistent findings. Findings from one study (Jemmott et al., 1992) indicated a positive relationship, while others found no relationship between them (Cole & Slocumb, 1994; Jemmott et al., 1992). Descriptive studies identified that families or friends stigmatization were the important factors. Only two correlational studies on this issue were found, but study findings were inconsistent (Laschinger & Goldenberg, 1993; Glodenberg & Laschinger, 1991). Studies focusing on nursing students intentions or attitude were limited. Only 7 of the 23 research reviewed were conducted using nursing students (Lawrence & Lawrence, 1989; Lester & Beard, 1988; Mueller et al., 1992; Oerman & Gignac, 1991; Jemmott et al., 1992; Jemmott III et al., 1992; Wiely et al., 1988). This review leads to the conclusion that there is a need for study of this issue with nursing students as the target population. Studies with questions based upon a theoretical framework provide a basis for linking findings. In addition, reliable instruments and sophisticated statistical analysis are also needed when studying this topic.
This study was designed to determine the effects of pre-warming on core body temperature (CBT) and hemodynamics from the induction of spinal anesthesia until 30 min postoperatively in surgical patients who undergo total hip replacement under spinal anesthesia. Our goal was to assess postoperative shivering and inflammatory response.
Sixty-two surgical patients were recruited by informed notice. Data for this study were collected at a 1,300-bed university hospital in Incheon, South Korea from January 15 through November 15, 2013. Data on CBT, systemic blood pressure (SBP), and heart rate were measured from arrival in the pre-anesthesia room to 3 hours after the induction of spinal anesthesia. Shivering was measured for 30 minutes post-operatively. C-reactive protein (CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) were measured pre-operatively, and 1 and 2 days postoperatively. The 62 patients were randomly allocated to an experimental group (EG), which underwent pre-warming for 30 minutes, or a control group (CG), which did not undergo pre-warming.
Analysis of CBT from induction of spinal anesthesia to 3 hours after induction revealed significant interaction between group and time (F=3.85,
Pre-warming for 30 minutes is effective in increasing CBT 2 and 3 hours after induction of spinal anesthesia. In addition, pre-warming is effective in decreasing post-operative shivering.
The purpose of this study was to examine validity and reliability of Webel and colleagues' HIV Self-Management Scale when used with a Korean sample.
The original 20-item HIV Self-Management Scale was translated into Korean using translation and back-translation. Nine HIV nurse experts tested content validity. Principal component analysis (PCA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of data from 203 patients was used to test construct validity. Concurrent validity was evaluated using correlation with patients' self-rating as a "smart patient" measured using a visual analogue scale. Internal consistency was tested by Cronbach's alpha coefficients.
All items were rated as having satisfactory content validity. Based on PCA and consideration of conceptual meaning, a three-factor solution was selected, explaining 48.76% of the variance. CFA demonstrated the adequacy of the three-domain structure of the construct HIV self-management: daily self-management health practices, social support and HIV self-management, and chronic nature of HIV self-management. Goodness-of-fit indices showed an acceptable fit overall with the full model (χ2/ df(164)=1.66, RMSEA=0.06, SRMR=0.05, TLI=0.91, and CFI=0.92). The Korean version of the HIV Self-Management Scale (KHSMS) was significantly correlated with patients' self-rated smart patient (r=.41). The subscale Cronbach's alpha coefficients ranged from .78 to .81; alpha for the total scale was .89.
The KHSMS provides a valid and reliable measure of self-management in Korean patients with HIV. Continued psychometric testing is recommended to provide further evidence of validity with this population.
The purpose of this study was to explore the subjective experience of Highly active Antiretroviral therapy (HAART) adherence in Korean patients with HIV.
A phenomenological methodology was used for the study. Data were collected from March to December, 2013 using open-ended questions during in-depth interviews. Participants were taking HAART for HIV, and were contacted through purposive techniques.
Four men and 4 women whose average treatment period was 5.9 years participated in this study. Seven themes emerged from the analysis using Colazzi's method: (a) Seizing life in a deep sense of despair, (b) Struggling with medication, (c) Facing harsh treatment from health care providers, (d) Spoiling healthy pattern, (e) Hungering for communication and emotional support, (f) Turning to accepting HIV, (g) Becoming adherent to HIV treatment.
Prejudice from health care providers and lack of emotional support were barriers to HAART in Korea. Intervention strategies are needed to decrease prejudices from health care providers and to increase family support.
In this study an examination was done of the effects of the American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (ASPAN) Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines on body temperature, shivering, thermal discomfort, and time to achieve normothermia in patients undergoing total knee replacement arthroplasty (TKRA) under spinal anesthesia.
This study was an experimental study with a randomized controlled trial design. Participants (n=60) were patients who underwent TKRA between December 2011 and March 2012. Experimental group (n=30) received active and passive warming measures as described in the ASPAN's guidelines. Control group (n=30) received traditional care. Body temperature, shivering, thermal discomfort, time to achieve normothermia were measured in both groups at 30 minute intervals.
Experimental group had slightly higher body temperature compared to control group (
ASPAN's guidelines provide guidance on measuring patient body temperature at regular intervals and on individualized and differentiated hypothermia management which can be very useful in nursing care, particularly in protecting patient safety and improving quality of nursing.