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Original Article
Degree of Cognitive function, Self-esteem and Depression of the Elderly by Aging
Sung, Ki Wol
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(1):36-48.   Published online December 18, 1997
AbstractAbstract PDF

This survey was performed to evaluate and compare cognitive function, self— esteem and depre– ssion in the elderly related to aging. The data were collected from 200 elders in eight homes for the elderly in Taegu. Data collection was done from June 1 to 31, 1996. The scale used to measure cognitive function was the MMSE - Κ (Mini - Mental State Examination—Korea), Self—esteem was measmed using Rosenberg's self-esteem scale and depression using SDS (Self—rating Depression Scale). A comparison of cognitive functionôself- esteem and depression by aging were summarised as follows :

1. There were significant differences on the cognitive function score in the elderly according to age group(F=24.81 P<.01).

2. There were significant differences on the self— esteem scorc in the elderly accoidiug Ιυ age group(F=3.84 P<.5).

3. There were significant differences on the depression score in the elderly according to age group (F-5,90, P<.1).

4. The general characteristics which affected the cognitive function scores of the elders were sex (F=8.45, PC.5) educational level(F-8.86, P< .5) spousing(F=34.59, P<.01), and the perception of health(F-4.63, PC.5).

5. The general characteristic which affected the self-esteem scores of the eiders was the perception of health(F-3.81, P<.5).

6. The general characteristic which affected the depression scores was the educational level (F=3.96 P<.5).


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