This Study was conducted at Intensive Care-Unit of H & S Hospitals from Jan 4 to April 7, 1981 on 14male & 26female adult patients. Each patient was screened and found to have nonbacteriuria in clean catch specimen before catheterization. Clean catch apecimen through Foley catheter were obtained after 24hours, 48hours and 72hours from catheterization. The result of this study is reviewed in a statistical analysis of percentage & Chi Square test to obtain the following findings. 1) THe occurenc of bacteriuria in patients according to duration of indwelling catheter, a, 9.1% of the patient showed evidence of bacteriuria 24hours post catheterization specimen and 60% showed 48hours post cathetreization, while 68.4% of the patient showed evidence of bacteriuria 7 2hours post catheterization specimen. The occurence of bacteriuria in patients were significant differences at 1% level between duration of indwelling catheter. b, Male patients had no infection 24hours post catheteiization, 50% displayed bacteriuria 48hours post catheterization & 62.5% displayed bacteriuria 72hours post catheterization. 11.1% of female patients displayed infection 24hours post catheterization 66.7% displayed infection 48hours post catheterization and 72.7% displayed infection 72hours post catheterization. There were significant differences at 1% level between bacteriuria occurence of male & female patients and the duration of insertion. 2) 56% of those patient who have altered mental state developed bacteriuria, while 40% of those patient who have clear mental state developed bacteriuda. But there was without statistically any significant difference between patient's mental status. 3) The occurence of bacteriuria with the administration of antibiotics in 36 patients was in 50%. The occurence of bacteriuria without the administration of antibiotics in 4 patients was in 50%. But there was without statistically any significant difference between the administration of antibiotics. 4) The occuience of bacteriuria in patients according to frequency of bladder irrigation. 50% of those patient who irrigated twice a day developed bacteriuria, 63.6% of those patient who irrigated once a day developed bacteriuria. The occuience of bacteriuria in patients were significant differences at 1% level between frequency of bladder irrigation. 5) The occurence of bacteriuria in patients who did perineal care once a day was 58.1%, 22.6% of those patient who did perineal care twice a day developed bacteriuria. But there: was without statistically any signiticant differences between frequency of perineal care. 6) Most frequent bacteria of all bacterial strains isolated by culture of the urine was E. coli (45%). Enterococci & Staphylococcus were 15% respectively.
The main purpose of this study was to test the validity and reliability of FIPS as an assessment tool for pain in children. The subject were 81 children whose ages ranged from 3 to 14 years old who were experiencing pain from an intramuscular injection. 40 were being seen in a local primary hospital and 41 in a university hospital. The data were collected in two settings at a 6 month interval, the first was on Nov. 5th 1991 in a local clinic by one doctor, the second was on May 1st. 1992 in a university hospital by two nurse. McGrath's(1985) face interval cards and weight box scale which is a numeral scale that contains from one to five boxes of cards were used as measures. To analyze the subject's ability to use the face scale and weight box scale, statistical frequency was employed. To determine the difference in the rated pain intensity on the face interval scale and the weight box, Pearson correlation coefficent and t-test were employed. To compare the difference in the rated pain intensity of the face interval scale and the weight box scale according to subject's general characteristics, X2-test was employed. The findings were as follows; 1. The subject's ages were from 3 to 14 with a mean age of 8.3 years old. There were 54(66.7%) male children and 27(33.3%) female children. 2. The number of subjects who correctly displayed cards ranging from none to severe pain was 66(81. 5%) and the number who correctly compared two cards 3 times was 73 (90.1 %). 3. Correlation coefficents between each level card of the FIPS and WBS(Weight Box Scale) were r= .52~.80 P<0.01. 4. There was no statistical difference in rating of the intensity on the FIPS and WBS.(t=1.12~1.02, P<0.22~ 0.45). 5. The differences in rating pain intensity according to the children's general characteristics were related to age (X2 =8.94, P<0.05), but not to sex (X2=0.23, P=0.80).
This study was initiated to find the characteristic awareness of disease in Korean culture and then, with its applying to psychological nursing, to help cancer victims cope with their disease. Research period was from Dec. 1, 1989 to Aug. 3, 1992. The research method, while the method of face-to-face interview with 33 cancer victims were mainly adopted, was to identify the causal perception through analyses of literature and traditional sayings deeply rooted in Korean culture. The causal perceptions were differentiated into 4 sections, which apply to 32 cancer victims with Q-sorting. Being coded into grades from 1 to 9, the data were analyzed with the aid of Quanal program on PC; in analyzing Q-factor principal component anaysis method was used. The results were revealed as follows: 1. Subject victims owe their disease to 1) the omnipotent and animating powers in Shamanism rooted in Korean culture, 2) their intimate persons, i.e. their husband, wife, children, or other fellows among their groups. 3) victims themselves, and 4) nowhere, for they thought the disease is the struggle with their own self. 2. In Q-methodology anaysis, cancer victims are categorized into 5 types. The first type, self-mastery type, consisting of 11 subjects, has the characteristic of overcoming their disease with their own strong will or by the help of the Omnipotent God, which is estimated to be the ideal type to cope with the disease. The second type, omnipotent and animating powers-dependent type, consisted of 7 subjects, who have the causal perception of traditional shamanism. The third type, intimate person-dependent type, consisted of 4, all of whom are women and whose causal perception has the characteristic of the their complains about each member of their family, espectially about their husband. The fourth type, fate-recipient type, was the complex form of the first and the second types. It consisted of 6 subjects, to whom cancer had meant bad fate coming on them but had to be overcome by their strong will. The fifth type, personal type, consisted of 4, whose causal perception is toward themselves personality. It is hoped that the study provide the chance of developing nursing intervention to help cancer victims accept and overcome their disease as their own reality instead of attributing to anyone or anything else.
This study is a phenomenological study done to promote understanding of the dying process in patients with terminal cancer who were in an independent hospice center. The purpose of study was to explore and understand indepth information on the dying process in order to provide data for holistic hospice care in nursing and to give insights in to practical applications in the nursing care. In ?depth interviewing was done from may, through November, 1995 with 11 patient with cancer who were being cared for at K Hospice Care Center. Experiences in the dying process were discussed as they expressed feelings about death including (a) feeling of isolation because family members try to hide the diagnosis of cancer, (b) hopelessness, (c) guilt, anger, and hostility, (d) suffering from pain, (e) fear of death. However, subjects did not deny death itself and were developing peace of mind and acceptance of death through religion.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify the change and difference and relationship of postpartum depression and physical image. METHOD: The subjects consisted of 86 postpartum women at one general hospital in Seoul. The data was collected from September to November 2001. The instrument used for this study were SRD (Self-Rating Depression Scale) and Norris' Body Image Scale to evaluate depression and body image. The collected data was analyzed with frequency, mean, t-test, paired t-test, ANOVA and Pearson's correlation coefficient. RESULT: The result of this study were as follows: 1.The mean score of D2 was significantly higher than D1(p=.003). There was no difference significantly B1 and B2(p=310). 2. There was significant correlation between the two, D1-D2(r=.381, p<.01), B1-B2(r=.364, p<.01), D1-B1(r=.579, p<.01), D2-B2(r= .567, p<.01). (D1: depression of postpartum 1-3days, D2: depression of postpartum 6-8weeks, B1: body image of postpartum 1-3days, B2: body image of postpartum 6-8weeks) CONCLUSION: There was very high postpartum depression in postpartum women, but body image was positive. Also, there was correlated to postpartum depression and body image. Thus it is necessary to implement nursing intervention focused on to decrease the postpartum depression and to enhance the body image of the postpartum women.
The purpose of this study is to identify and classify the different types of cancer patients who use alternative therapies, to understand their subjective frameworks in using such alternative therapies. The results of this study provided the subjective information on five types of attitudes towards alternative therapies and described characteristics of five types from 30 cancer patients. The "Dependent to Others" (the first type) decided to use alternative therapy because they were influenced by the experiences of others and invocations of the family (especially spouse) or close relatives. In general, they did not believe that it will cure the diseases but generally thought it was not harmful and it may be better than doing nothing. There were a group of patients who chose to use alternative therapy with vague hope and belief. These patients decided to try alternative methods with their own convictions and confidences because they have personally seen or heard about some people who had been cured miraculously. This group of patients was grouped as "Belief in Effects (second type)." Although, there is a very little chance for miracles, "Expecting for Effects (third type)" believed alternative therapy will strengthen immune systems, help with feces and urine, change physical constitutions, slow down the progression of cancerous cell, have no side-effects, and expects to have practical effects and uses. The fourth group of patients thought foods in alternative therapies were same as general foods, therefore, it was easy to take, did not expect miracles to happen but considered the alternative therapy as supplementary treatments. This "Supplementary for Effects (fourth type)" patients thought it was their duty to do everything possible. The last type was "Expecting for Miraculous Effects (fifth type)." The patients in this group were devastated and thought of alternative treatments as the last hope for miracles. They thought it would relieve their physical pains, reduce the chance of side effects from chemical treatments, help them for comfortable and painless death, and considered it as the last possible option with expecting for miracles. The result of this study has implications to provide practical and concrete guidelines for caring and nursing cancer patients using alternative therapies. It will be used as a tool to work on independent for nursing intervention. Furthermore, the result of study will provide practical guidelines to help develop better tools and nursing intervention strategies to nurse cancer patients.
The purpose of this study is to clarify the phenomenon worker's health as a basis for the future study. Concepts help us to identify how experiences are similar or equivqlent by categorizing all the things that are similar. The concept of health in workers was investigated using the Chinn and Krammer's method. The process of analysis involves choosing the concept, clarifying the purpose, using evidence of data, exploration of context, and value and category formalization. Dimensions of health in workers were identified as follows: (1) clinical dimension (2) role execution (3) coping with dimensia (4) mental well being (5) possibility (6) concrete activity (7) symbolization (8) hardiness Characteristics of anality of health in workers are activity, dimension of symbolization and of hardiness. Through this study it is identified that health in workers is with the beyond physical well-being, focused functional ability, and harmony environment.
The purpose of this study was to describe the differences in three phenomenological research methods used to understand the experience of families of patients with cancer and so provide as guideline to novices first attempting qualitative research. The subjects were 3 family members - spouse, daughter, daughter-in-law -of cancer patients at S-hospital. Unstructured deep interviews were carried out and taped for further analyzed. Interviews were analyzed using three phenomenological methods ; Giorgi's, Colazzi's, and Van Kaam's. The results are as follows: The experience of family the analyzed using Giorgi's method showed different characteristics according to the family members' role. According to Colaizzi's method, they experienced burden, a willingness to care, role conflict, thanks to family and significant others, and ambivalence about treatment. Using Van Kaam's methodology, two categories were identified ; change of family function and burden. Themes in change of family function were positive attitude(9), role conflict(6), negative attitude(5), active attitude(2), and passive attitude(2) ; Themes in burden were emotional burden, physical burden, and economic burden. The result from using Giorgi's method were centered or individual characteristics and these results constituteds situational structured description and a general structured description. From Colaizzi's method the focus was on the common experience of all fo the subjects. In Van Kaam's method, subthemes (13), themes(8), and categories(2) were identified. So researchers should choose the qualitative method according to their research goals and methodological characteristics.
This study was undertaken to investigate the casual perceptions and health seeking behaviors of Rheumatoid arthritis patients, define and understand the typology, and find the relationship between causal perceptions and health seeking behavioral types. There were six types(Physical Fatigue, Dispensation of Nature, Causality to Environment, Conscience of Guilty, Rationally perceiving, Psychological Stress) of subjective opinion about Causal Perceptions of Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients. And there were four types(Oriental medical Treatment, Information Seeking Dietary Control, Western Medical Treatment) of subjective opinion about Health Seeking Behaviors. In the relationship between types of the causal perceptions and health seeking behaviors, oriental medical treatment and information seeking type were common health seeking behaviors of all six causal perception types, Only difference for internal causal perception types was related to hospital instructions and external causal perception types were related to dietary control. The result of this study can help health care provides, especially nurses to understand the types of causal perceptions and health seeking behaviors of Rheumatoid arthritis patients to gain treatment educational nursing intervention to aid health care.
The purpose of this study was to develop an education program for hospice care and to examine the effect of program. The education program for hospice care was developed based on the philosophy and principle of Hospice and integrated with various professional areas related to the problems with witch terminal patients and their family might be associated. The program was continued for 16 weeks and consisted of lectures and practices. The courses of this program were The Concept and Principle of Hospice, The Role of the Hospice Nurse, The Characteristics of Terminal Disease, Physical Care in Terminal Patients, Death Orientation, Psychological care for Terminal Patients, Spiritual care for Terminal Patients, and Care for the Family. To identify the effect of the education program for hospice care, the difference in death orientation of subjects between the pre and post performance of the education program was examined using the t-test. The finding of this statistic indicated that this education program for hospice care was effective in terms of changing the death orientation of subjects with positive direction. The education program for hospice care was performed several times at Kwangrim Hospice Missionary, Chungbuk University Hospital, and Wooam Church. Case studies were reported for a description after the performance of education. put this at the beginning 8 the sentence. In conclusion, the education program for hospice care was developed effectively. Therefore, this program should be used to educate and activate the subjects in community to be participants in hospice care.
For producing large numbers of professional nurses who could manage 21th century's human health, it is necessary to review the direction of registered nursed' national examination which evaluates the nursing education and is granted a licence. For adapting to social expectation of the nurse, we have to nurture the nurses' problem solving capability in clinical setting. Seven divisions of Korean Academy of Nursing suggested clinical competency according to their categories. This paper was presented in the workshop for setting up direction of registered nurses' national examination. We expect that this paper would be more refine and confirm through reviewing subdivisions' learning objectives and discussing clinical minimum level of competence contents with clinical leaders.
The purpose of the study was to categorize nursing students' subjectivity in their attitude toward their jobs, and thereby understand the differences among these attitude types.
The study used a Q-method to measure nursing students' attitude toward jobs identity types. In-depth and objective interviews and literature review formed Q sample. The P sample consisted of 25 nursing students.
The results of the study show that nursing students can be categorized into three types, depending on their attitudes toward their jobs. The firs type, “interest-oriented” students, strongly disagree to the following: giving priority to job over marriage, standing unfair treatment in the workplace, the importance of promotion opportunity, irresponsibility, and uncertainty. The “reward-oriented” students, on the other hand, strongly disagree to the following: indifference to career prospects, employment-related relocation of residence, irresponsibility, standing difficulties, and compromises with others. The third type of nursing students is the possession-oriented students, who strongly disapprove of irresponsibility, refusal to compromise with reality, standing unfair job allocation or promotion and career uncertainty.
The study on nursing college students' attitude toward their jobs is meaningful in the following aspects: First, the study clarifies nursing college students' attitudes toward their job by categorizing it. Second, the study confirms the changing attitudes of nursing students toward jobs with the change of times and calls for proper educational programs to foster healthy career attitudes. Third, proper decision-making as regards jobs and job allocation for nurses, or their career attitudes, is beneficial to individuals, the medical industry, and society.
The purpose of this study was to categorize adult's subjectivity of their attitudes towards life sustaining treatment, and thereby understand the differences among these life sustaining treatment types using Q methodology.
Q-methodology, which provides a method of analyzing the subjectivity of each item, was used. Thirty selected Q-statements received from 52 adults were classified into a shape of normal distribution using a 7 point scale. The collected data was analyzed using a QUANL pc program.
Four types of attitudes toward life sustaining treatment were identified. Type I is called one's autonomy type. Type II is called potentiality of resuscitation type. Type III is called DNR (Do not resuscitation) type. Type IV is calledone's effort type.
Four types of attitudes toward life sustaining treatment were identified. Type I is called one's autonomy type. Type II is called potentiality of resuscitation type. Type III is called DNR (Do not resuscitation) type. Type IV is calledone's effort type.
The purpose of this study was to explore the structure and characteristics of nursing college students' personality-based career attitudes.
A Q-methodology was used to identify factors in nursing students' personality-based career attitudes. A Q sample was collected from in-depth and objective interviews and literature reviews. A P sample consisted of 27 nursing students.
Results revealed three factors: Deliberateness-oriented, Positive-oriented, and Negative-oriented. The ‘Deliberateness-oriented’ factor was characterized by preference of logical and objective ways in evaluation and trying to seek deep relationships with only a small number of people. The ‘Positive-oriented’ factor showed creative, autonomous and sociable traits and put value on extensive interpersonal relations. The ‘Negative-oriented’ factor focused on possibility and enjoyed artistic actions. All 3 factors were negative in NGO or political activities.
Based on this result, curriculum development for nursing students should give students a variety of experiences. These findings will be the basic data for finding appropriate positions within the work place for nursing students and help them select appropriate careers for their own personality types.