This study was conducted to examine the longitudinal effects of parenting stress and parental control attitudes on problem behaviors in preschool children, using a latent growth model.
Participants were 1,724 pairs of parents and 1,724 preschool children who had completed the panel survey on Korean children (5th~7th survey panels).
An analysis of the multivariate latent growth model of parenting stress, parental control attitudes, and children's problem behaviors suggested that the parents’ intercepts for parenting stress influenced their intercepts for parental control attitudes (father: b=.21,
This study is significant as it provides longitudinal evidence of the impact of parenting stress and parental control attitudes on children's problem behaviors. The findings suggest that accurately assessing changes in parenting stress and parental control attitudes and developing intervention programs to reduce them will be effective in reducing problem behaviors in children.
The purpose of this study was to identify the correlation between the intention of pregnancy and the child rearing attitudes of mothers with infants. The data was collected from 138 mothers by means of an interview and questionnaire in a period from April 1 to April 30, 1997, when they came to have their infants vaccinated at one hospital and one health care center. The collected data was analyzed by means of the SPSS Program using percentage, means and standard deviation in each area and the ANOVA and Pearson correlation Coefficient. The results of this study were as follows : 1. It showed that the mother's degree of intention of pregnancy was 3.90(+/-1.19) among the possible score of 0~5 and the score of child rearing attitudes was 70.1 among the possible score of 20~100. The mean score of the items was 3.50(+/-.36) among the possible score of 0~5. 2. There was a significant relation between the intention of pregnancy and child rearing attitudes. It was mildly positive but was significant(r=.21, p<0.05). 3. There was a significant relation between the period from marriage to the time of pregnancy and the intention of pregnancy(F=.57, p<0.05). Also, it was found out that the group of mothers who became pregnant later than 12 months after marriage wanted after pregnancy more than the group of women who were pregnant within 12 months after marriage(F=11.30, p<0.01). 4. There was a significant relation between the period from marriage to the time of pregnancy and child rearing attitudes(F=4.14, p<0.05). It showed that the child rearing attitudes of the group of women who became pregnant later than 12 months after marriage was positive(F=11.42, p<0.01). Also, in case tat the both the husband and wife decided on the pregnancy, the child rearing attitudes were more positive(F=7.15, p<0.05). In conclusion, when the intention of pregnancy was stronger, the subjects' child rearing attitudes were more positive. Also when both the husband and wife decided on the pregnancy, the attitudes were more positive. So it seems that both husband and wife should discuss and agree upon pregnancy, having a sufficient period during which both the spouses prepare for the intention of pregnancy. Additionally, it is suggested that when the husband and wife are doing family planning, it would be beneficial to use a program of 'Woman's Intention on Pregnancy' during this process.
This study was made to analyse the nursing professional attitudes and mental health of clinical nurses in order to promote good mental health and positive attitudes. The 150 subjects obtained from 3 hospitals in Seoul completed a self-report questionnaire. Demographic data was collected in addition to data about nursing professional attitudes and mental health. The data was analyzed by SAS, t-test, scheffe's test, pearson's correlation and the GLM procedures. The results of the data analysis as follows : 1) Nursing professional attitudes were positive(MS=3.76). 2) Mental health was shown to be satisfactory (MS=0.65). 3) The relationship between nursing professional attitudes and mental health of the subjects were shown to be significant according to the professional education(r=-0.19, p=0.03*), anxiety(r=-0.23, p=0.01**), hostility(r=-0.09, p=0.03*), phobicanxiety(r=-0.18, p=0.04*), but there was a significant difference according to the purist of social profit with anxiety(r=-0.17, p=0.03*). There was a significant difference according to autonomy with somatization(r=-0.23, p=0.01**), obsessive-compulsive(r=-0.22, p=0.01**), depression(r=-0.20, p=0.02*), anxiety((r=-0.17, p=0.05*). Finally, There was a significant difference according to ethics with hostility(r=-0.17, p=0.05*). 4) According to nursing professional attitudes and demographic factors there was a significant difference in the professional position(t=2.01, p=0.05*), work location(f=4.99, p=0.01**), length of employment(r=3.66, p=0.03*). 5) The nursing professional attitudes and occupational factors showed a positive correlation with the anticipation of length of employment(t=2.00, p=0.05*). 6) According to Mental health and dmographic factors there was a significant correlation with the professional position(t=-2.21, p=0.03*). 7) According to mental health and occupational factors there was a significant difference correlation. Based on the study results, the following recommendation are made : 1) Nursing education curriculum should be developed for the continuous promotion of mental of professional nurses. 2) Follow up study of identification of the variables which positively influence professional nurses attitudes.
Given the global impact of the AIDS pandemic, it is necessary to take every measure to prevent an epidemic of this disease in Korea. The only available strategy is prevention. Considering college students as a potential risk group, this study examined their knowledge of, and attitudes toward AIDS. In this study, 399 students from three colleges in Pusan and Uoolsan were examined for their attitudes to, and knowledge of AIDS. Findings indicate that the majority of the students(90%) had basic knowledge on the transmission and the prevention of the disease. However, most of them, including nursing students, lacked knowledge as to the etiological agent, major symptoms and available diagnostic techniques. To the questions designed to examine social attitude towards AIDS patients, the students showed a tendency to view AIDS patients as responsible for their own illness. Interestingly, they showed sympathy to their imaginary friends and relatives suffering from AIDS. The study findings suggest a need for the development of AIDS educational programs for college students.
INTRODUCTION: Consumerism is prevailing value in Korean society, while there has been little concern about it especially in Korean nursing society even though there has been an increasing emphasis on patients' participation in decisions concerning health care and nursing as an ideal in the literature. OBJECTIVES AND METHODS: The study with survey method was carried out to examine the nature of collaboration between patient and nurse in nursing practice in Korea through a replication of the studies carried out in US, Norway, Finland, an Japan (Kim et al., 1993) and to revise and test Kim's explanatory model of collaborative decision making in nursing practice from the Korean perspectives. RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS: Both patients and nurses as groups exhibited pro-consumerist attitudes regarding collaboration in health care, while there were significant differences in attitudes and perceptions of patients and nurses. These findings are similar to those of Kim et al.' s study carried out in US, Norway, Finland, and Japan. Nurses as a group compared to patients held stronger health-care consumerist attitudes and beliefs in general. However, the Korean nurses seem to hold a weaker attitude for challenging professional authority. And the Korean patients compared to the nurses seem to hold stronger belief in the patient's right to information, as found in US, Finland, and Japan. Regarding the nurse patient collaborative attitude in decision making, it revealed that one third or more of the patients as a group believe in the patients' right to be informed of decisions that nurses make for their patients, while another one third or more of them believe in the patients' right for advisory role and joint role in nursing care decision making. This result for the patients is very similar as those found in US, Norway, Finland, and Japan. However, the attitude for the nurses held stronger agreement with patients' to be informed of decision making that nurses make than the patients' right for advisory and joint role. The nurses have weaker belief in patients' self determination on their care than the patients. The results of path analyses confirmed the explanatory models that tested two explanatory models examining the factors contributing to the differences in the attitudes of patients and nurses. The path model for nurses identified nurses' lengths of experience as the important factor explaining attitudes regarding challenging professional authority and the patient's rights for information. The path model for patients identified the level of education as the most significant factor that explains patients' attitudes regarding the rejection of general authority, challenging professional authority, and the patient's right for participation in decision making.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to test the relationship between health status and bathing. METHOD: The population of this study consisted of females, above age 20 in urban areas in order to control the effects of extraneous variables, resident areas, gender, and age. Four hundred and twenty-eight (428) women were interviewed with a structured questionnaire. Medical Outcomes Study Short Form (SF)-36 Health Survey assessed individual health status. Bathing behavior and attitudes toward bath have been measured with questionnaires designed by the authors. RESULT: The most popular bathing type was shower (46.8%). The preferred type of bath was related to health status. A common purpose of the tub-bath was relieving fatigue and hygiene, but the other purposes were different on the subjects health status. Persons with low health status took frequently tub-baths for health. Attitudes toward bath were related to health status. Women with low scores in physical health recognized more physical effects of bath than psychological effects or hygenic effects. CONCLUSION: Bathing included physical and psychological dimensions and was related to health status.
This study attempts to identify attitudes of community leaders toward mental illness in order to obtain useful information concerning the planning of community mental health services. The community sample consists of 50 community leaders including, civil servants, doctors, herb doctors, school nurses, counselors, village leaders, pharmacists, and pastors. Individuals were asked to give demographic data, their personal attitudes toward mental illness' etymology and prognosis, and toward neighbors who are psychiatric patients. The interview with open questions was used to collect data. According to the study community leaders 82% believed than mental illness could be treated, 66% believed that mental illness was caused by genetic factors and environmental stress, and 76% had negative impressions about mentally ill people such as fear, seclusion, asylum, also crime. Only 28% of mentally ill people were accepted as neighbors in community. 52% of community leaders rejected opening of mental hospital, and thought that the Chunchon community needed facilities such as group homes, or day care centers(30%), however, 34% of the leaders they didn't recognize community mental health. These findings suggest that mental health professionals need to pay special attention to change the attitude of Chunchon community leaders and mental health institutions need to a develop mental health education program for community leaders.
Nursing research is recognized as an essential basis for the continuous development of the scientific nursing knowledge and practice. An understanding of the barriers and attitudes to research among nurses is important to improve clinical nursing research activities.
Data were collected from nurses at a general hospital, located in D city, using a self-reported questionnaire, from March 15th to April 4th, 2003, and 133 questionnaires were used for the analyses. A 5 pointscale instrument was used to measure barriers and attitudes towards nursing research, with a Cronbach's alpha of .85 and .89, respectively.
Nurses had limited experience in research and were not well prepared to conduct it. Lack of experience, training and time were the major barriers for conducting research. However, the nurses had positive attitudes toward research. There was a difference in barriers (t=2.68, p=.02) and research attitudes (t=-2.74, p=.00) according to the nurses' position. Also, the nurses' research experience influenced research attitudes (t=-3.27, p=.00). The degree of research preparation (F=6.98, p=.00) had an effect on the attitudes toward nursing research but not on the barriers.
There is an urgent need to promote both the ability and environment for clinical nurses to actively participate in research. As the majority of nurses had little experience and low confidence in research and perceived many barriers, this promotion can be accomplished by enhancing their confidence in research through continuing education and by gradually eliminating the barriers to research.
The aim of this study was to design and evaluate a scale for measuring the attitudes toward condom use in sexual relationships.
A questionnaire was administered to 631 college students using a convenience sampling method. The psychometric properties (reliability and validity) were evaluated.
As a result of the item analysis, 16 items were selected and the internal consistency alpha coefficient was .88. Results indicated that the condom attitude scale is composed of three factors: Interruption of sexual pleasure; Protection; and Image. The three factors accounted for 59.54% of the variance in the total scale. Also, condom attitude was statistically significant (t=7.389, p=.000) between consistent condom users and inconsistent users.
The results demonstrate that condom attitudes are multidimensional, and the reliability and validity of the scale was supported.
The main purpose of this study was to identify the correlation between the child rearing attitudes and the maternal role strain of mother with infants.
This study is designed as a descriptive research study and the data was collected from 82 mothers and infants by means of an interview and questionnaire in a period from July 2002 to December 2002, when they came to screen their infant's growth and developmental state at a public health center.
The results of this study were as follows : There was a significant positive correlation between the child rearing attitudes and maternal role strain(r.= .53, p= .000). There was a significant difference between the father's employment state and child rearing attitude of mothers(t.=5.22, p<.000). There was a significant difference between male infant and female infants in maternal role strain(t.=3.8, p=0.04).
When the child rearing attitude was positive, the subject's maternal role strain was high. Also further research is needed on social support or other factors in the subjects in child-rearing attitudes and maternal role strain.
Maternal knowledge, positive attitudes and interest toward breastfeeding may improve the sustainability of breastfeeding. This study examined the associations of knowledge, attitudes, and interest toward breastfeeding with the duration of breastfeeding in Korean mothers who used the internet.
We conducted a cross-sectional study of 604 Korean mothers who breastfed their babies. Mothers were recruited through the internet and their knowledge, attitudes and interest toward breastfeeding were assessed using a web-based self-administered questionnaire. Geometric means and odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence intervals were calculated.
Higher knowledge, attitudes, and interest toward breastfeeding were associated with longer duration of breastfeeding in Korean mothers. In particular, mothers who had optimal breastfeeding duration were more likely to be aware of the easiness of breast milk stimulation and breastfeeding, the development of attachment between mother and child, and pleasure from breastfeeding compared to those mothers with shorter duration. The association with optimal breastfeeding duration was more pronounced among mothers who graduated from high school for total attitude scores and total interest scores, compared to mothers who graduated from college or above.
The results of this study suggest that it is important to improve maternal knowledge, attitudes, and interest toward breastfeeding in Korean mothers who use the internet as a source of knowledge. Also, the study results imply that the development of strategies to target mothers with relatively low education levels may improve breastfeeding rates.
This study was conducted to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Korean version of the Sexuality Attitudes and Beliefs Survey (SABS) and to assess SABS for Korean nurses.
The Korean version of SABS was developed through forward-backward translation techniques. Internal consistency reliability and construct validity using confirmatory factor analysis were conducted using PASW+ PC Win (18.0) and AMOS (18.0). Data were collected from 567 nurses who worked in one of six general hospitals across the country.
The Korean version of SABS showed a reliable internal consistency with Cronbach's α of subscales ranging from .59 to .73. Factor loadings of the 10 items of three subscales ranged from .38 to .83. The three subscales model were validated by confirmatory factor analysis (GFI>.97, RMSEA<.05). Sexuality attitudes and beliefs for Korean nurses were more negative than that of European or American nurses. The SABS scores for Korean nurses were significantly different according to age, marriage, education, clinical experiences, and feeling about sexuality.
The Korean version of SABS has satisfactory construct validity and reliability to measure Korean nurses' attitudes and belief toward sexuality. Education is essential to enhance importance and self-efficacy and to relieve barriers to addressing patients' sexuality.
The purpose of this study was to develop an environmental education program using newspaper articles in education (NIE) and to evaluate changes in concern and practice for environmental protection after NIE.
The design was a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The participants were university students in nursing, of which 31 were assigned to the experimental group and 43 to the control group. The education was carried out for 2 hr, once a week for 7 weeks. Data were analyzed with SPSS WIN 14 program, and included χ2 test, independent t-test, and repeated measure ANOVA.
NIE showed significant differences in the changes of attitude toward environment (F=4.461, p=.036).
Findings suggest that this NIE in environmental education was effective in changing students' attitudes toward the environment. Therefore this NIE is recommended for inclusion in education for university students in nursing.