PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to provide basic data on preventive child abuse program development. METHOD: Data were collected on 105 high-risk families of child abuse intervention was obtained from their main child rearer who raised the child under 18 years, olds during 10 months period from May, 2000 to March 2001. RESULT: The results were as follows : 1. Child abuse occurred in the subject's home, in the case of mild child abuse, 'throwing an object at the child' had the highest percentage 39.1%, in severe child abuse, 'rod, stick, belt, broom beating or using a variety of objects such as' had the highest percentage 49.5%, and in very severe child abuse, 'hospitalized by belting' had the highest percentage 3.8%. 2. The degree of child abuse potential showed high risk child abuse score with a mean of 213.3. The degree of beliefs in corporal punishment showed that subjects perceived corporal punishment of children positively with a mean of 32.2. 3. With respect to the child abuse potential, there were significant correlations with the subjects' age (r=.294, p=.002), education level (r=-.442, p=.000), and family income (r=-.355, p=.000). CONCLUSION: From this study not only child abuse occurrence but also child abuse potential were severely increased in poor livelihood families. Therefore to the high risk group, individual preventive approach must be applied.
PURPOSE: The anxiety and stress of nursing students on performance intramuscular injection diminished nursing skill performance. The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of the guided imagery program on anxiety, stress and nursing skill performance of nursing students. METHOD: The study design was time series with a nonequivalent control group pretest- posttest study. The Data were collected from the 30th of Oct. to the 6th of Nov. 2001. The objects of this study were 36 sophomores of university(18 for the experimental group, 18 for the control group). The Instruments used in this study were State Trait Anxiety Inventory developed by Spielberger (1972), Visual Analogue Scale for Stress and Nursing skill performance developed by the researcher. The guided imagery was provided through audiotapes to the subjects for 8 minutes. The pretest was given before the therapy to measure variables for both groups and the posttests were performed after intervention. The data were analyzed by the SAS program using t-test and paired t-test. RESULT: The results of this study are as follows. The level of anxiety of students who received the guided imagery were significantly lower than that of control group. the level of stress had a deeling tendency and the nursing skill performance level was significantly higher than that of control group. CONCLUSION: The guided imagery suggested as an effective nursing intervention did reduce the anxiety and promoted nursing skill performance of nursing students.
PURPOSE: This cross-sectional study was designed to explore the relationship among social support, experienced stressful life events and health behaviors of Korean undergraduate students, and validate the mediator effect of social support. METHOD: One thousand four hundred fifty-three undergraduate students were randomly selected from five universities located in the middle area of Korea. RESULT: The health behaviors of Korean undergraduates tend to have unhealthy patterns. In the case of the students living without family, experiencing more stressful life events and perceiving lower social support, health behaviors are poor. The relationship between perceived social supports, the frequency of the experienced stressful life events and the score of health behavior patterns is statistically significant. After controlling the effect of social support, the correlation coefficient between the frequency of experienced stressful life events and the score of health behavior patterns was slightly lower. The score of health behaviors between the group with an extremely high score of social support and the group with an extremely low score were statistically significantly different. CONCLUSION: Future studies need to be pursued to develop various strategies such as a health education programs and counseling programs for health maintenance and health promotion of undergraduates.
PURPOSE: This study was to identify priority areas of nursing research in Korea. METHOD: A data analysis was done for the PhD subjects (n=133) who responded at the national level two-rounds delphi survey. Subjects were asked to assign a score from 1 to 7 for 29 nursing research areas regarding 3 aspects: the degree of nurses research leadership; the degree of contribution to nursing professions; and the degree of contribution to health and welfare of patients/clients. RESULT: For the overall three aspects, research area on clinical nursing practice was identified as the first priority, followed by nursing education, home health nursing, nursing research, and chronic disease. For nursing research leadership, research area on clinical nursing practice, nursing education, home health nursing, nursing research, and nursing diagnosis were identified. Concerning contribution to the nursing profession, the first priority was nursing education, followed by clinical nursing practice, nursing research, nursing policy, and home health nursing. Concerning contribution to the health/welfare of patients, clinical nursing practice, home health care, geriatric nursing, chronic disease, and symptom management were ranked as top 5 research priorities. CONCLUSION: The findings of this national survey will assist in building insights into the research needs of nurses practicing in Korea.
PURPOSE: The Purpose of this study was to identify the relationship among leadership style of nurse managers, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intention. METHOD: The subjects were 468 nurses and 19 head nurses who were working at the 3 general hospitals in seoul. The data were collected from July 6 to September 14, 2001 by the structured questionnaires. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression with SAS package were used. RESULT: 1) The score of the nurse managers' transformational leadership perceived by surbodinates' were higher than that of the nurse managers' transactional leadership. Among 5 subdimensions of the leadership styles perceived by surbodinates', the scores of 'charisma' and 'intellectual stimulation' were highest and 'management by exception' were lowest. 2) 'Charisma', 'intellectual stimulation', 'individual consideration' and 'contingent reward' were positively related to all of variables except 'turnover intention'. 'Management by exception' was negatively related to all of variables and was positively related to 'turnover intention'. 3) 'Job satisfaction' was positively related to 'organizational commitment' and 'Job satisfaction', 'organizational commitment' were negatively related to 'turnover intention'. 4) As a result of stepwise multiple regression analysis, the key determinants of 'turnover intention' were 'organizational commitment' and this explained 44.4% of the total variance of it.
PURPOSE: This study is attempts to clarify the effect of infant massage for the promotion of primipara's mother-infant interaction METHOD: The term for collecting data for experimental group ranged from April 25, 2001 to June 5, 2001. The infants for this group were sampled among normal mother-infant from one postpartum care center located in J city. The term for collecting data for control group ranged from June 10, 2001 to August 3, 2001. The infants for this group were sampled among normal mothers infant from 1 general hospital, 1 university hospital and 1 postpartum care center located in J city. The experiment was implemented giving primipara education about massage based on protocol for infant massage provided by Johnson and Johnson Korea and they received 10 days of education, 10 minutes a day (from 10 to 11 a.m) In the post test, we videotaped both the control group and the experimental group visiting their homes 4 weeks after delivery to observe mother-infant play interaction. Data analysis was done using SAS and the homogeneity between general properties owned by both control group and experimental group and mother's perception scale for children was verified through x2-test. Mother-infant play interaction with both control group and experimental group was analyzed through t-test in the experiment. And analysis of mother-infant interaction points based on general properties was made using ANOVA and t-test. RESULT: Hypothesis that mother-infant play interaction with primipara who gave her infant a massage will be more active than that of the primipara who didn't was verified (t=-4.27, p=.0001). And the points in each item, points in each item were estimated as follows. Mother behavioral items (t=-4.96, p=.0001), infant behavioral item (t=-0.36, p=.71), mother-infant interaction reciprocity (t=-2.64, p=.01). CONCLUSION: An infant massage program can contribute to promoting the Mother-Infant Play Interaction positively.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to describe women's embarrassability and embarrassment during cervical screening. METHOD: The subjects of this study were 82 women who had a cervical screening at a National University Hospital. The data were collected through personal interview using a questionnaire from February 4, 2001 to February 22, 2002. The questionnaire consisted of embarrassability scale, embarrassment Scale, and demographic data. RESULT: 1) The mean scores of situational embarrassability was 82.6 and that of dispositional embarrassability was 106.7. 2) The mean scores of subject's embarrassment was 54.3 and 48.7 in 10 stages of cervical screening. The following three situations of 10 stages of cervical screening were highly ranked as to be embarrassing: 'during the examination', 'waiting for a doctor', and 'climbing up the exam chair and positioning her thigh for a exam'. 3) There was a positive correlation between dispositional embarrassability and embarrassment of 10 stages of cervical screening. 4) There were significant differences in situational embarrassability of subjects according to education and the locations of service. There were significant differences in dispositional embarrassability of subjects with regard to frequencies of pregnancy. 5) There were significant differences in embarrassment of subjects during cervical screening with respect to age, age at the time of first smear and gender of the examiner. CONCLUSION: The finding of this study indicates that women experienced a high level of embarrassment during cervical screening, assuming a need for nursing intervention reduces women's embarrassment. Also, there is a positive correlation between embarrassability and embarrassment of cervical screening, suggesting a need for further research identifying the effect of nursing intervention on embarrassment according to embarrassability.
PURPOSE: To examine the effect of the exercise therapy, and exercise-behavior modifi- cation therapy on obesity, blood lipids and self-esteem of the obese middle-aged women. METHOD: A total of 35 middle-aged women (BMI: over 30) were selected for this research. Walking at a 50% intensity was administered 4 days a week for 12 weeks, while the behavior modification therapy performed for 60~90 minutes per week for 12 weeks. RESULT: Body weight and BMI has significantly reduced in the case of EG and E.BG. The result of comparing body weight between groups showed significant difference between EG and CG, and E.BG and CG whereas BMI showed significant difference between EG and CG only. TC, TG, LDL-C, %TC/HDL-C have shown significant decrease in EG and E-BG, while HDL-C displayed significant increase in EG and E.BG. And HDL-C showed significant decrease in CG. As for comparison between groups, significant difference was noted in EG and CG, and E.BG and CG at TC, HDL-C, LDL-C, and in EG and CG at %TC/HDL-C. Self-esteem displayed significant increase in EG and E.BG; however, there was no significant different in CG. As for comparison between groups, there was significant difference noted in E.BG and CG only. CONCLUSION: The results showed that the exercise therapy and the exercise-behavior modification therapy were effective in changing obesity, blood lipids and self-esteem of the obese middle-aged women.
PURPOSE: The purpose of study is to develop a home nursing care project model suitable for Korea's heath care system and policy directions for expansion and establishment of home nursing care. METHOD: The first, status of home nursing care program in medical institution and public health center was evaluated respectively in view of structure, process and performance. And then, issues of the program were analyzed in view of accessibility, safety, and sufficient supply. The second, demand projection of home nursing care according to income level and technical level of service that is needed to the subject was tried. In addition, the level of supply for home nursing care at present was estimated. The third, home nursing care program in advanced countries (Japan and U.S.A.) was examined. RESULT AND CONCLUSION: Community-based home nursing care program is developed into public-operation model and private-operation model from above the sub-subject result. Functional network for referral system among related institutions is built up to meet various needs, regardless of accessibility to distance and economy. And prior settlements and policy directions for expansion and establishment of home nursing care are suggested.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the levels of depression experienced by Korean hospital nurses (N=198) and to identify discriminating factors of their depression experience among personal and environmental characteristics. METHOD: A cross-sectional survey design was used to answer the research questions. A sample consisted of 198 hospital nurses in Korea. The data were collected from May 1999 to March 2000. Descriptive and discriminant analyses were utilized. RESULT: Korean nurses experienced low levels of depression. Twenty nine percent of nurses in the study experienced depression based on the cut-point suggested by Radloff. Role ambiguity, working in the tertiary hospital, work satisfaction in autonomy, professional status and interaction within nurses were significant discriminating factors for nurses' depression. These factors correctly discriminated 71% of the sample (Hit ratio= .71). CONCLUSION: Based on the findings of this study, developing managemental intervention programs and examining the effects of the program for nurses to reduce their depression experience are suggested.
PURPOSE: This study was to explore lived experience of middle-aged women with aging. The ultimate purpose of this inquiry was to discover the essence of middle-aged women's experience of aging and to promote understanding. METHOD: This inquiry was performed by using Van Manen's hermeneutical phenomenological approach to make more plausible interpretation of experience. First-handed experiences were explored through multi-stage in-depth interview with 6 women aged between 40 and 64. Second- handed experiences were explored with text such as essay, novel, and photographs. RESULT: As the process of reflecting and analysing the data of experience were performed, essential themes were emerged: striking onset of event, discomfort and tired body and mind, everything in ones mind, age of harvest gaining much more than loss. CONCLUSION: This inquiry would be a cornerstone for humanistic nursing care for the mid-aged women.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study wsa to necessitate auricular acupressure therapy as an independent nursing intervention on cancer paitents by confirming its effectiveness. METHOD: The experimental study was unequivalently controlled pre-post measure study. The subjects were 40 cancer patients who were hospitalized in K medical center in Seoul. The experimental group (20) and the control group (20) were randomly assigned. As measured tools, Spielberger's State-trait Anxiety (1976) measured tool by Kim's transplation (1978). The auricular acupressure therapy was applied to experimental group, and the pre-post measure was performed to both group. The data was analyzed by using SPSS computer program that included descriptive statistics, x2-test, and t-test. RESULT: 1) The experimental group with the auricular acupressure therapy showed lower trait anxiety scores in comparison with the control group (t= 8.036, p=.000). 2) The experimental group which applied the auricular acupressure therapy showed lower state anxiety scores in comparison with the control group (t= 19.616, p=.000). This result showed that cancer patients with the auricular acupressure therapy applied cancer patients decreased state anxiety and trait anxiety. Therefore , effectiveness of the auricular acupressure therapy was confirmed through this study. CONCLUSION: According to the result, anxiety of cancer pateint should be decreased and controlled by the auricular acupressure therapy as independent nursung intervension. In addition, the auricular acupressure therapy will provide effective independent nursing intervention that will decrease anxiety on patient with other disease and will improve quality of their lives.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to discuss and address the state of the knowledge development and the nature of knowledge regarding fatigue. METHOD: This study analyzed the 63 fatigue related articles published from 1990 to 2001. The analysis schema was 'Alternative linkages among philosophy, theory, and method for nursing science' (Kim, 1993). RESULT: The 63 articles had been studied only within 5 types among all 96 types of linkages. Most of the articles (59 among 63 articles) had been studied within scientific realism and deductive logic. Fifty-three articles among 59 articles were the type of explanatory and predictive theory, grasping reality by the etic method on the controlled setting. CONCLUSION: This study suggests more development of knowledge regarding fatigue with various logics, especially with discovery logic such as inductive and retroductive or methods in multiple designs on various subjects under various philosophy needed for nursing practice.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify the change and difference and relationship of postpartum depression and physical image. METHOD: The subjects consisted of 86 postpartum women at one general hospital in Seoul. The data was collected from September to November 2001. The instrument used for this study were SRD (Self-Rating Depression Scale) and Norris' Body Image Scale to evaluate depression and body image. The collected data was analyzed with frequency, mean, t-test, paired t-test, ANOVA and Pearson's correlation coefficient. RESULT: The result of this study were as follows: 1.The mean score of D2 was significantly higher than D1(p=.003). There was no difference significantly B1 and B2(p=310). 2. There was significant correlation between the two, D1-D2(r=.381, p<.01), B1-B2(r=.364, p<.01), D1-B1(r=.579, p<.01), D2-B2(r= .567, p<.01). (D1: depression of postpartum 1-3days, D2: depression of postpartum 6-8weeks, B1: body image of postpartum 1-3days, B2: body image of postpartum 6-8weeks) CONCLUSION: There was very high postpartum depression in postpartum women, but body image was positive. Also, there was correlated to postpartum depression and body image. Thus it is necessary to implement nursing intervention focused on to decrease the postpartum depression and to enhance the body image of the postpartum women.
PURPOSE: The traditional nursing roles have become increasingly blurred. Nurses are now working in different ways and at higher levels of practice that enable nurses to adapt their roles and take on new responsibilities. The advanced role of nurses requires a different kind of master-level prepared education. METHOD AND RESULT: This article describes an curriculum development process in preparing registered nurses for their advanced nurese' roles in the area of acute adult health nursing, geriatric nursing, pediatric nursing, neonatal intensive care nursing and oncology nursing. Several important issues to be solved regarding introduction of APN were also discussed. CONCLUSION: The curriculum that was proposed in the study will equip nurses to meet the challenges of future healthcare provision and will be a model to other areas of nursing practice and curriculum development.