PURPOSE: The purposes of this study were to test the validity and reliability of FACES III when applied to the only one and two family members, and to use more appropriately in the nursing practice. METHOD: Data were collected from 105 college students and 105 of their parents in two local nursing colleges. The original questionnaire, which was originally developed by Olson(1989), was modified by based on literature review and analyzed by correlation coefficient, Cronbach's alpha, Guttmans split coefficients and factor analysis. RESULT: Cronbach's alpha of the adaptability and cohesion were .77, .73(Guttmans split coefficient were .76, .71) when applied to the only one family member, and were .81, .77 (Guttmans split coefficient were .81, .77) when applied to two. The Pearson's correlation coefficient of the adaptability and cohesion between two family members were .38, .35. The total-item correlations of the other items except for items 5, 7, 13 were significant. The correlation coefficients between adaptability and cohesion when applied to only one and two were .30, .38(p < .01). When the data was analyzed by principle component analysis and Varimax rotation with the number of factors fixed to two, two factors explained 37.2% of total variance in the case of one member, and 42.2% of total variance in two. CONCLUSION: These results suggested that the concept and the construction validity of cohesion needed to be more clarified. Also It is required that the reliability and validity of FACES III should be tested in two more family members.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among variables of transtheoretical model for exercise in the elderly. METHOD: A hypothetical model explaining the stage of change was constructed based on a transtheoretical model. Empirical data for testing the hypothetical model was collected from 246 old adults over 65 years old in a community settings in Seoul, Korea in June and July, 2000. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and correlational analysis using pc-SAS program. The Linear Structural Modeling(LISREL) 8.0 program was used to find the best fit model which explain causal relationship of variables. RESULT: The fitness of modified model to the data was X2= 96.75(df=49, p=.00005), GFI= .98, NFI=.99, AGFI=.95, NNFI=.99. The the predictable variables of stage of change explained 64% of stage of change for exercise. CONCLUSION: Results are consistent with the studies of application of the transtheoretical model, which has been used to understand how people change health behaviors. The findings of this study give useful informations to construct exercise intervention program for the elderly about relationships among variables influencing to the stage of change of exercise.
PURPOSE: The number of residents in elderly institution has been increasing due to the change of the family support system. This study was focused on understanding the process of adjustment of the institutionalized elderly using the Grounded Theory approach. METHOD: There were seven participants, 4 men and 3 women living in 3 different elderly facilities. The data was collected through in-depth interviews and participant observation from June 20, 1999 to January 10, 2000 and analyzed by the Strauss and Corbin's analysis method. RESULT: 125 concepts were found and grouped into 30 sub-categories and then grouped into 13 categories. These categories are <humiliation>, <fear>, <reluctance>, <difficulty of economic status>, <health problem>, <process of entrance>, <loss of family support>, <facility support>, <personality disposition>, <positive self mind-control>, <negative self mind-control>, <adjustment> and <maladjustment>, which were synthesized into the process of adjustment. <The Control of Reluctance (to live in facility)> being the core category. The adjustment process of the facility elderly consisted of: 1. expressive phase of 'reluctance' 2. control phase of 'reluctance' 3. latent phase of 'reluctance' CONCLUSION: This study offers better understandings on the adjustment process of the institutionalized elderly and provides more appropriate nursing care to the New Comers of these facilities.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of a Yoga program on decreasing blood pressure in elderly patients with essential hypertension and to suggest a yoga program effective as a nursing intervention tool to reduced blood pressure with increasing life satisfaction. METHOD: The subjects of this study were 24 elderly's essential hypertension, who practiced yoga by three times a week for 8 weeks. In order to evaluate the effect of the yoga program, blood pressure, physiological parameters (Total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides) and level of life satisfaction were measured before and after the training. Collected date were analyzed by SPSSWIN program. RESULT: 1) There were significant reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure. 2) There were significant reductions in total cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides but no significant increased in HDL. 3) Blood pressure changes were time specific: Both of systolic and diastolic blood pressures were significantly reduced after 2weeks. 4) There was a significant increase in life satisfaction. CONCLUSION: The results proved that a yoga program was an effective nursing intervention to reduce blood pressure and to increased life satisfaction for elderly patients with essential hypertension.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify factors that influence the functional status of chronic lung disease patients. METHOD: A descriptive, correlational study design was used. The study was conducted at the outpatient respiratory clinic of the large university hospital in Korea. A convenience sample of 128 chronic lung patients (age = 64.2 yrs; 106 COPD, 17 bronchiectasis, 5 DILD) with mean FEV1 64.4 % predicted. Functional status was measured with SIP. Physical variables (FEV1% predicted, dyspnea, fatigue, pulmonary symptom distress), psychological variables (mood, stress), and situational variable (sleep quality) were examined. Dyspnea was measured by the BDI, fatigue was measured with the MFI. Mood was measured with the modified Korean version of POMS. Sleep quality was measured with the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Potential independent variables for the regression were age, gender, years since diagnosis, FEV1% predicted, dyspnea, fatigue, pulmonary symptom distress, stress, and sleep quality. RESULT: In general, functional status was relatively good. In regression analysis, functional status were significantly influenced by dyspnea, mood, age and fatigue. These variables explained 70 % of the variances in functional status. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that psychophysiologic symptom management should be a focus to enhance the functional status in this group.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify the burden, health promotion behavior and health status and to describe the relationship of the burden, health promotion behavior and health status of the family caregivers of intensive care unit patients. METHOD: The subjects were 48 family caregivers of ICU patients in a University Hospital. Data were collected between June, 1 and July, 31, 2000 using structured questionnaires. Research tools used were Suh and Oh's Burden Scale, Revised Walker, Sechrist, and Pender's HPLP(1987) ; Revised Nam's Health State Scale(1965). RESULT: The mean score of burden of family caregiver was 3.01(full score was 5). The mean score of health promotion behavior of family caregiver was 2.52 (full score was 4). And the mean score of health status of family caregiver was 0.68(full score was 1.00). The score of psychological health state was a little higher than the physiological one. In correlational analysis, the burden and the health status of caregivers were reversely correlated . The correlation between the burden and the health promotion behavior, and the health behavior and health status were not significant. CONCLUSION: The more burden caregivers of ICU patients felt, the worse their health status. So nurses need to understand the family caregiver's burden and apply nursing care that can reduce burden, in order to improve the health status of family caregivers.
PURPOSE: It was identified that how many homebound bedridden elderlies and their primary caregivers were depressed, and which factors affected the bedridden elderly's depression. METHOD: The subjects were 191 homebound bedridden elderlies and their primary caregivers. The affecting factors were classified into two categories: bedridden elderly and their primary caregiver related factors. Then bedridden elderly's factors were classified demographic and disease-related factors again. The stepwise regression was used to identify significant factors. RESULT: The prevalence of bedridden elderly's and caregiver's depression was 77.8% and 67.0%, respectively. And the model explained 33.3% of variance of bedridden elderly's depression. Cognitively-impaired female elderlies who had depressed caregivers were found to be more depressed. And caregivers who perceived burden were identified to be more depressed. CONCLUSION: It is recommended that the health professionals need to identify bedridden elderlies and caregivers at risk of depression. Especially elderlies who is in poor cognition, those who are female, and those whose caregivers were depressed might be considered carefully in all counseling or follow-up. Also the primary caregivers must be helped to access already available formal and informal support.
PURPOSE: This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of SaSang constitutional diet for essential hypertension on blood pressure, fat, and serum lipid on the subjects with aerobic exercise and low salt diet at the same time. METHOD: A non-equivalent control group time-series design was used. For the experimental group, aerobic exercise and SaSang constitutional diet were taught by researcher at health center. Test for hypothesis was done by repeated measured ANOVA. RESULT: There was significant decrease in systolic, diastolic, and MAP between the experimental group and control group over three different times. There was significant decrease in body weight, BMI, and body composition over three different times. But, there was no significant difference between groups and interaction by groups or over time. There was significant decrease in T/G and cholesterol over three different times. But, there was no significant difference in T/G, HDL, LDL, and total cholesterol between groups and interaction by groups or over time. CONCLUSION: Findings indicate that this study will contribute to develop nursing strategies for the regulation of the blood pressure as a means of alternative- complementary nursing intervention.
PURPOSE: This study was conducted to detect the correlations and the main factors influencing self-directedness in learning of nursing students. METHOD: The samples were composed of 224 nurse students who were from three nursing department in Seoul, Chungnam and Kyunbook. The reliability of 4 instruments was tested with Cronbach's alpha from .63 to .86. The data was analyzed using a SAS program for descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficients and stepwise multiple regression. RESULT: The results were as follows: 1. The mean self-directedness score was 91.23 which was slightly high. The self-directedness in learning was influenced significantly by grade, perception of self-level, self-study in majoring and self-study except for majoring(F= 3.33-7.14, p<.05). 2. There were significant correlations between all the predictive variables and the self-directedness(r=.27-48, p<.01). 3. Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that 35% of the self-directedness in learning of nursing students were significantly explained by self-esteem(23%), locus of control(6%), self-study except for majoring(2 kind, 2%), self study in majoring(good, 2%), and self-study except for majoring( above 3 kind, 2%). CONCLUSION: Based upon these findings, sociopsychological variables like self-esteem and locus of control are very important factor influencing self-directedness in learning of nursing students.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to describe the health behavior experience of middle-aged Korean women in rural areas, and to help understand their health practice, perceive their nursing needs and provide guidelines to developing appropriate nursing interventions. METHOD: The participants were 18 healthy middle-aged women living in rural areas, with no serious illness that require hospitalization. The data was collected through interviews and participant observation, analyzed by the grounded theory methodology of Strauss and Corbin(1997). The data collection period was from April to November of 2001. RESULT: Depending on the paradigm model, the central phenomenon was family-oriented pursuing of yangsaeng. The causal condition was less confidence on one's own health, responsibilities in caring for family. The contexts were cultural system. The intervening condition was information system, support system, limitation of approaching a medical institution. The action/ interaction strategies were yangsaeng through dietary practice, yangsaeng through promoting clothing and housing, yangsaeng through exercise, practice of folk therapy, yangsaeng through mental hygiene, and use of medical institution. The consequences were stabilization of body and mind, and stabilization of family. CONCLUSION: It is recommended for nurses to understand health behavior experience of middle-aged women, and provide nursing intervention with theoretical scheme and practical principles so that these women can pursue the family-oriented process of yangsaeng.
PURPOSE: This literature review was designed to identify a trend of study in clinical nursing education, to propose the idea for further study on an improvement of teaching students in the clinical setting. METHOD: The researches reviewed were 36 (seven in Korea and twenty nine out of Korea) on clinical nursing education in baccalaurate program from 1996 to 2000 from Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing, Journal of Korean Education of Nursing, Journal of Nursing Education, and Nurse Educator. RESULT: The prevailing research design was the nonexperimental(N=21). Subjects were predominantly nursing students(N=24). Structured questionnaire(N=22) was used most often for data collection. Among clinical setting studied, specific area was none in Korea. Research variables in nonexperimental studies were 4 types of student, teacher and teaching method. Independent variables in experimental studies were 7 types of clinical teaching methods, and dependent variables were six types of competence and knowledge of student. Research theme of qualitative research was most in clinical experience of student. CONCLUSION: In Korean, there were the lack of researches in specific clinical area, clinical teacher and teaching method. Accordingly, future studies need to be focused on various clinical areas, clinical teacher, and teaching method to improve the clinical nursing education in Korea.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of hand reflexology on the physiological?emotional responses and immunity of the patients with chronic illness. This study looked specifically at patients with chronic renal failure(CRF) and cancer patients. METHOD: This study was designed as a quasi-experimental nonequivalent control group pre and post test. Subjects were 54 patients who received dialysis and chemotherapy in one hospital. Thirty-one patients were assigned to the experimental group and 23 to the control group. The hand reflexology was applied to both hands of the experiment group for ten minutes each time, 5 times during three days. For data collection, physiological lab levels, immune cells of blood and questionnaires for emotional responses were measured before and after the program. RESULT: BT of the experiment group was decreased significantly on both of the 1st and the 5th application. PR and BP were decreased significantly on the 1st times, but not 5th times. Hb levels of the experimental group were significantly increased. And emotional responses, vigor and mood scores of the experiment group were significantly increased. B cell and CD19 were increased significantly on the experiment group. Suppressor T cell and NK cell showed significant decrease after the program, but no significant differences between the groups. CONCLUSION: We have found that the hand reflexology helps the chronic patients to improve physiological emotional responses and the immune reaction. Through this result, the hand reflexology is effective as a intervention of psychoneuroimmunologic function.
PURPOSE: This study was to determine the effect of DHEA administration before, during, and after dexamethasone treatment on body weight and TypeI,II muscle weight of rat receiving dexamethasone treatment. METHOD: Wistar rats were divided into 6 groups: control(C), dexamethasone(D), DHEA administration for 3days after dexamethasone treatment for 7days(7D+3DH), dexamethasone treatment for 7days after DHEA administration for 3days(3DH+7D), DHEA administration during dexamethasone treatment for 4days after dexamethasone treatment for 3days(3D+4DDH), DHEA administration during dexamethasone treatment for 7days(7DDH). Dexamethasone was injected by subcutaneously daily at a dose of 5mg/kg. DHEA was orally administered daily at a dose of 5mg/kg for 7 days. Soleus(TypeI) muscle, and both plantaris and gastro- cnemius(TypeII) muscles were dissected on the 7th day of experiment. RESULT: Body weight of both 3DH+7D group and 3D+4DDH group increased significantly compared with that of 7D group. Body weight of 7D+3DH group decreased significantly compared with that of 7D group, 7DDH group, 3DH+7D group and 3D+4DDH group. Muscle weight of both plantaris and gastro- cnemius tended to decrease compared with that of 7D group. Muscle weight of 7DDH group, 3D+4DDH group and 3DH+7D group increased significantly compared with that of 7D+3DH group. Muscle weight of gastrocnemius of both 3DH+7D group and 3D+4DDH group increased significantly compared with that of 7D group. CONCLUSION: Based on these results, it can be suggested that DHEA administration before and during dexamethasone treatment can increase both body weight and mass of atrophied TypeII muscle induced by dexa- methasone treatment.
PURPOSE: This study was conducted to identify the pain characteristics, family support and physical functioning and to determine predictors of the quality of life in aged women with chronic pain. METHOD: The questionnaires were collected through direct interview by a trained research assistant from July 2 to August 24, 2001. Subjects were 108 women clients with chronic pain over 65 years of age. Data analyzed frequency, percentage, mean, Pearson's correlation, ANOVA and stepwise multiple regression by SAS. RESULT: Care providers were mostly spouses and daughters in law. Care providers who took care of elderly for a few hours a day had the highest percentile. Aged women had persistently had chronic pain of moderate intensity and was moderately satisfied with pain management. The mean score of disability due to pain was 3 on a 10 point scale. The mean scores of physical function and quality of life were moderate and there were negative correlations between pain characteristics, physical functioning, and quality of life at the range from r=-.46 to r=-.83. Satisfaction with care, duration of pain, disability due to pain, and physical functioning accounted for 56% of the variance in perceived quality of life for aged women with chronic pain. Disability due to pain was the most predictable variable of quality of life and physical function was the second . CONCLUSION: The results suggest that care by family, education in pain control, prevention of disability, and maintenance of physical function are important to improve and maintain quality of life in aged women with chronic pain. Therefore, there is a need for program development that enhance family support and nursing intervention that focuses on active pain control.
PURPOSE: The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of the 8-week, 16-session group art therapy program on body image and self-esteem in college women. METHOD: Data collected by self-reported questionnaires from 58 college women in Inchon who were selected by criteria of this study, from the 6 of March to 10 of May, 2002. The 11 experimental group participated in a 8-week group art therapy program. Descriptive statistics, homogeneity test, hypothesis, and reliability test were performed statistically by utilizing SPSS PC+ 8.0 program. RESULT: 1. 'The experimental group showed significantly higher scores in body image than the comparison group. 2. No significant differences were found between two groups in self-esteem. CONCLUSION: The findings showed the possibility of applying group art therapy as an effective intervention for clients with negative body image to improve their body image.