PURPOSE: This study was conducted to detect the correlations and the main factors influencing self-directedness in learning of nursing students.
METHOD: The samples were composed of 224 nurse students who were from three nursing department in Seoul, Chungnam and Kyunbook. The reliability of 4 instruments was tested with Cronbach's alpha from .63 to .86. The data was analyzed using a SAS program for descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficients and stepwise multiple regression.
RESULT: The results were as follows: 1. The mean self-directedness score was 91.23 which was slightly high. The self-directedness in learning was influenced significantly by grade, perception of self-level, self-study in majoring and self-study except for majoring(F= 3.33-7.14, p<.05). 2. There were significant correlations between all the predictive variables and the self-directedness(r=.27-48, p<.01). 3. Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that 35% of the self-directedness in learning of nursing students were significantly explained by self-esteem(23%), locus of control(6%), self-study except for majoring(2 kind, 2%), self study in majoring(good, 2%), and self-study except for majoring( above 3 kind, 2%).
CONCLUSION: Based upon these findings, sociopsychological variables like self-esteem and locus of control are very important factor influencing self-directedness in learning of nursing students.