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Volume 32(4); August 2002
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Original Articles
Cost-Benefit Analysis on Community Health Practitioner
Tae Wha Lee, Il Sun Ko
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(4):435-446.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The purpose of the study were to describe outcomes of CHP activities, and to evaluate the economic validity of CHP through a cost-benefit analysis. METHOD: The sample size was 272. Data were collected using a researcher developed questionnaire from November 1999 to March, 2000. RESULT: The mean age of CHPs was 39.6 (SD=.36). In regard to marital status, 90.8% of the respondents were married. 72% of the CHPs had associate degree. Among CHP activities, providing medical services was 50%, followed by home care visits 20% and health promotion services 20%, preventive services 10%. Total costs per month incurred to CHP activities was won3,053,437($2,442.7). Total benefits per month was won6,711,525($5,369.2). Hence, net benefit was calculated as won3,658,089($2,926).
Cost-benefit ratio was 2.20, which provides the evidence of the economic viability of CHP program. The result of cost-benefit analysis, however, would more strongly support the economic value of CHP if intangible benefits of CHP activities such as decreases in pain and suffering and increased quality of life, could be counted.

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A Study on MBTI Personality Type and Defense Mechanism of Nursing College Student
Seung Sook Hwang, Eun Joo Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(4):447-458.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The primary purpose of this study is to provide a useful insight for developing effective teaching and student counseling methods by understanding the relationship between four preference patterns of MBTI personality types and EWHA defense mechanisms of nursing college students.
The data used in this research were collected administrating EWHA defense mechanism test and MBTI personality type instrument to 195 nursing students in the period of November 3 through September 16 in 2000. Collected data were analysed by pc-SPSS 10.0. RESULT: Three general conclusions were drawn from the study results: (1) in terms of personality type, 'Extraversion', 'Sensing', 'Thinking', and 'Judgement' types showed high frequency respectively; (2) in terms of defense mechanism, 'Identification' showed the highest score, and then 'suppression' scored next followed by 'Humor'. However, 'Acting out' showed the lowest average score, and then 'Projection' followed by 'Denial'; (3) Based on the relationship between defense mechanism and four MBTI preference patterns, it can be drawn that students with the preference of 'Extraversion' usually use defense mechanism of 'Altruism', 'Sublimation', 'Distortion', 'Controlling', and 'Humor'. In comparison, students with the preference of 'Introversion' often use the defence mechanism of 'Evasion' and 'Projection'. CONCLUSION: The study results can be utilized in both fields of education and counseling: (1) in the field of education, this study can provide a basis for developing a suitable teaching method for each personality types of nursing students; (2) for counseling practitioners, the results of this study provide the useful insights to understand nursing college students' communication skills, behavior patterns, and ability of coping with problems in the process of counseling.

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The Effect of the Dan-Jun Breathing Exercise Program on pulmonary function and psychological Health of Women in Midlife
Kyung Sun Hyun
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(4):459-469.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This study was to examine the effects of the Dan-Jun Breathing Exercise Program on pulmonary function and psychological health promotion of women in midlife. METHOD: Experimental group(20) was matched to control group(20) according to age, education, religion and marital status. The Dan-Jun Breathing Exercise Program was carried out for 80 minutes a day, 3 times a week for 12 weeks. FVC and FEV1.0/FVC(%) were measured by using the Health Management System developed by the Korean Physical Science Institution. The scores of depression, anxiety and hostility were measured by the Korean Manual of Symptoms-Checklist -90 revision. RESULT: 1) FVC of the experimental group was higher than that of the control group, FEV1.0/FVC(%) was not higher than that of the control group. 2) The scores for depression, anxiety and hostility in the experimental group were lower than those of the control group. 3) FVC of 6 weeks and 12 weeks experiment in the experimental group was higher than that of pre-experimental group. CONCLUSION: The Dan-Jun Breathing Exercise Program promotes the Pulmonary function and psychological health of women in midlife.

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Reconstruction of Professional Identity in Clinical Nurses
Hyun Sook Kang, Kyoul Ja Cho, Nam Hee Choe, Won Ock Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(4):470-481.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This study was carried out to identify and re-establish the professional identity in clinical nurses. METHOD: From Dec. 1999, for 4 months, the study had been conducted by narrative analysis method based on hermeneutic principles. Subjects were ten nurses with 3-4 years of nursing experience at a university hospital. The data were collected and transcribed through narrative interviews. RESULT: As a result, the maternal role was identified as the most dominant discourse in which nurses formed their identity. Subjects felt that a maternity is socio-culturally needed in case of nursing. Reconstruction of professional identity consists of 3 stages, Telling, Retelling and Rebuilding. At first, nurses felt confused by skeptism of the profession, interpersonal difficulties, and heavy work loads. However, during the interviews, nurses recognized that nursing is not regarded as significant, effort to make nursing meaningful were small, and there was a lack of understanding others. From this new insight, they re-established a new image of nursing "through better understanding of others, seeking knowledge, and making positive efforts towards qualified nursing". CONCLUSION: The above narrative interviews may help nurses reflect and contextually interpret themselves, so that a new identity could be established. Furthermore researchers can obtain new insight from the subjects, while the subjects form a new nursing image from self-reflection.

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The Trajectory of Fatigue and Quality of Life in Stomach Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy
Young Hee Yang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(4):482-491.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This study aimed to identify the change patterns of fatigue and quality of life during consecutive chemotherapies and to determine the relationship of these two variables. METHOD: Stomach cancer patients receiving chemotherapy were recruited from a university hospital in Seoul. Each chemotherapy, subjects were asked to respond to the questionnaires regarding their fatigue and quality of life. The number of subjects who completed 4 cycles and over was 11. Fatigue was measured with Lee's tool(1999). Quality of life was measured with a tool revised by the author based on Padilla et al(1983). RESULT: Most patients were in 1st stage(5 patients) or 3rd stage(5 patients). Fatigue was revealed at its highest level in the 3rd or 4th chemotherapy and at its lowest level in the 1st or 6th chemotherapy. A quality of life appeared at its highest level in the 5th or 6th chemotherapy and the lowest level in 3rd or 4th chemotherapy. CONCLUSION: Among 6 cycles of chemotherapy, in 3-4th chemotherapy the fatigue was the highest and the quality of life were the lowest. Many patients decided to stop treatment at the same period. Therefore we can recognize cancer patients receiving chemo- therapy are in the highest risk at the time of the 3-4 th chemotherapy.

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Gender Difference in Delinquent Behavior among Korean Adolescents
Hyun Sil Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(4):492-505.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This paper examined gender differences in a rate, type, relevant variables of delinquent behavior, and a gender differences regarding the relative influence of family,personality, academic achievement, sexual abuse and alcohol drug abuse on delinquent behavior among Korean adolescents. METHOD: Data were collected by self-report questionnaires. Subjects consisted of 2,100 adolescents (male 1,396, female 704) in Korea, using proportional stratified random sampling method. Statistical methods were Chi-square, t-test and path analysis. RESULT: Male adolescents had higher rate of delinquent behavior, and more all types of delinquent behavior (antisocial, aggressive, and psychopathic) than female. Male adolescents showed more dysfunctional family dynamic environments, higher antisocial personality and sociability than female adolescents. Female adolescents had higher depressive tendencies than male. The most powerful contributing variables on male delinquent behavior were age, antisocial personality, parent-child relationship, isolation feelings, and sexual abuse in this order named. Drug abuse, isolation feelings, antisocial personality and parent-child relationship tended to be contributing variables for female delinquent behaviors in this order named. CONCLUSION: This investigation will provides a foundation for theory that addresses the complexities of both gender-specific and gender influences on delinquent behavior and development of preventive strategies for female delinquency.

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A study of the Nursing Service Quality and Satisfaction that Admitted Patients Perceived: being used SERVQUAL
Mi Aie Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(4):506-518.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This study was performed to measure the nursing service quality being used SERVQUAL model and satisfaction that the admitted patients perceived. METHOD: The questionnaire founded on the SERVQUAL was developed and distributed to 300 patients at the three general hospitals in three provincial city, Korea. For data analysis, Cronbach's alpha frequencies, percentages, paired t-test, Pearson Correlation Coefficient were used. RESULT: In expectation, patients most highly perceived the assurance factor that was one among the 5 factors being constituted nursing service. In performance, patients most highly perceived the responsiveness factor. The performance degrees of the 5 factors and 20 attributes being constituted nursing service did not exceed the expectation degree of those. So the calculated figures for nursing service quality of the three subjected hospitals were all minus. In relation of the patients' demographics and nursing service characteristics to their general satisfaction, patients' sex, age, income and the all factors and attributes of nursing service had relation to their general satisfaction. CONCLUSION: It could be concluded that the nursing service quality of the three subjected hospitals was poor and the patients' demographic and nursing service characteristics had relation to their general satisfaction.

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The Relationship between Bathing and Health Status
Hee Jung Choi, Eun Ok Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(4):519-528.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to test the relationship between health status and bathing. METHOD: The population of this study consisted of females, above age 20 in urban areas in order to control the effects of extraneous variables, resident areas, gender, and age. Four hundred and twenty-eight (428) women were interviewed with a structured questionnaire. Medical Outcomes Study Short Form (SF)-36 Health Survey assessed individual health status. Bathing behavior and attitudes toward bath have been measured with questionnaires designed by the authors. RESULT: The most popular bathing type was shower (46.8%). The preferred type of bath was related to health status. A common purpose of the tub-bath was relieving fatigue and hygiene, but the other purposes were different on the subjects health status. Persons with low health status took frequently tub-baths for health. Attitudes toward bath were related to health status. Women with low scores in physical health recognized more physical effects of bath than psychological effects or hygenic effects. CONCLUSION: Bathing included physical and psychological dimensions and was related to health status.

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Differences of Maternal Fetal Attachment between the Rooming-in and Non-rooming in Groups of Postpartum Women
Ju Eun Song, Mi Kyeong Lee, Soon Bok Chang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(4):529-538.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify whether the maternal-fetal attachment is related to choose the rooming-in of postpartum women. METHOD: This is a retrospective descriptive study. The data was collected from April 1 to May 31, 2001. Subjects who had NSVD were 68 mothers who opted the rooming-in and 98 mothers who did not choose the rooming-in at one hospital in Seoul, Korea. The research questionnaire consisted of 14 items on general characteristics, and 24 items on maternal fetal attachment developed by Cranley(1981). RESULT: 1. There was significant statistical difference in general characteristics between rooming-in and non rooming-in groups in prenatal class attendance, and husband attendance during the delivery. 2. There was significantly higher level of maternal fetal attachment score in the rooming-in group. 3. There was higher level of maternal fetal attachment score in the group which had participated in childbirth education than the group which didn't had participated. CONCLUSION: It could be concluded that the maternal fetal attachment is identified as a significant factor choosing the rooming in for postpartum women. Therefore it is needed to increase maternal fetal attachment of pregnant women before making decision for whether they choose the rooming-in or non-rooming in after delivery.

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A Study of Quality of Life in Middle-aged Men
Young Whee Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(4):539-549.   Published online March 29, 2017
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PURPOSE: This study was undertaken to examine the degree of quality of life and to analyze the factors affecting those quality of life in middle-aged men. METHOD: The subjects of this study were 208 men aged by 35-55 from 3 business enterprises located in Seoul and Incheon. Data collection was conducted through the use of 5 questionnaire. RESULT: There were significant differences in the quality of life according to marital status, religion, educational level, number of children and total house income. A positive correlation was found between quality of life and all independent variables i.e., health promoting behaviors, health perception, social support, self-esteem and self-efficacy. Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis revealed that the most powerful predictor was self-esteem. Self- esteem, health perception, health promoting behaviors, marriage, and social support accounted for 65% of the variance in quality of life in middle-aged men. CONCLUSION: All independent variables i.e., health promoting behaviors, health perception, social support, self-esteem and self-efficacy were related with quality of life in middle-aged men. Therefore it is necessary to develop the nursing intervention with these variables to increase the quality of life for middle-aged men.

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Effect of Regular Exercise during Recovery Period Following Steroid Treatment on the Atrophied Type II Muscles Induced by Steroid in Young Rats
Myoung Ae Choe, Gi Soo Shin, Gyeong Ju An, Jung An Choi, Yoon Kyong Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(4):550-559.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This study was conducted to determine whether low intensity regular exercise following dexamethasone treatment could attenuate steroid-induced muscle atrophy. METHOD: 36 Wistar-rats(90-110g) were divided into six groups: control group(C), dexamethasone treatment group(D), sedentary group after normal sedentary period(C+S), sedentary group after dexamethasone treatment period(D+S), exercise group after normal sedentary period(C+E), and excercise group after dexamethasone treatment period(D+E). D, D+S, and D+E groups received dexamethasone injection(5mg/Kg) for seven days whereas C, C+S, and C+E groups received normal saline injection. Both C+E and D+E groups ran on a treadmill for 60 minutes/day(20minutes/4hours) at 15m/min and a 10degreegrade for seven recovery days. RESULT: Post-weight(body weight before muscle dissection) of D group significantly decreased by 16.03%, and that of D+E group significantly increased by 15.51% compared with pre-weight(body weight before steroid treatment). Type II muscle(plantaris and gastrocnemius) weights of D group were significantly lower than those of C group. Myofibrillar protein contents of type II muscles of D group tended to decrease comparing with C group. In D+E groups, body weights and relative weights of typeII muscles(muscle weight(mg)/post-weight(g)) tended to increase comparing with D+S group. CONCLUSION: It is suggested that steroid- induced muscle atrophy can be ameliorated through low intensity regular exercise after dexamethasone treatment.

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A Study on the Development of the Korean Family Resilience Scale
In Sook Lee, Young Sook Park, Mi Soon Song, Eun Ok Lee, Hesook Suzie Kim, Youn Hwan Park, Kyong Won Choi, Young Ran Chin, Dae Hee Kim, Hyeon Sook Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(4):560-569.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to develop an instrument to measure family resilience for Korean families with a chronically ill child, and to test the validity and reliability of the instrument. METHOD: The items of instruments used based on the researchers' previous study of concept analysis of Korean family resilience. Nineteen item scales were developed with five domains. In order to test reliability and validity of the scale, data were collected from 231 families, who had a child with a chronic illness. Data was collected between August and September of 2001 in a 3rd level University Hospital in Seoul, Korea. RESULT: The results were as follows: As a result of the item analysis, 19 items were selected from the total of 37 items, excluding items with low correlation with the total scale. Five factors were evolved by factor analysis, which explained 56.4% of the total variance. The first factor 'Family strength' explained 28.5%, 2nd factor 'Family maturity' 8.7%, 3rd factor 'The ability to use of external resources' 7.0%, 4th factor 'Control' 6.6%, 5th factor 'The driving force for finance' 5.7%. The attributes in these factors were different with those identified by concept analysis of the family resilience in Korean families from the previous study. Cronbach's alphacoefficient of this scale was .8039 and Guttman spilt- half coefficient was .8184. CONCLUSION: The study support the reliability and validity of the scale. Because the main concept of family resilience was family strength, there were distinct differences in dimensions of family functioning scales.

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The Job Stress, Job Satisfaction, and Health of Women Who Work in the Professional Job: Nurses and Teachers
Kyung Ja Hong, Young Ran Tak, Hyun Sook Kang, Keum Soom Kim, Ho Ran Park, Wed Hee Kwag, Jeong Eun Kim, Jung Rye Choi
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(4):570-579.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This research study explores the job stress, job satisfaction, and health of women who works in the professional work place and identify the influence of the job stress and job satisfaction on the mental health status focused on the social and psychological structure of the workplace. METHOD: 535 participants of registered nurses and teachers from 10 General Hospitals and 15 Middle and High School located in Seoul, Korea were completed the modified version of the short form Work-family stress inventory of questionnaire as used for job stress and mental health problems and perceived overall health status and job satisfaction. RESULT: Job stress was significantly correlated with job satisfaction, overall health, and mental health. There were also significant group differences in job stress and job satisfaction between nurses and teachers. Multiple regression only moderately supported the effect of job stress and job satisfaction on the mental health of professional working women. Also marital status demonstrated a significant factor of group differences in job stress, work-family stress, job satisfaction, and mental health problem. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that job stress in the work place has profound impact on job satisfaction and health of women who work in the professional job. This study also identified major sources and types of work-related stress on women's health which should be considered in a management for health promotion.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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