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Volume 31(4); August 2001
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Original Articles
Experience of Patients Living with Chronic Renal Failure
Sung Ye Kang, Byung Sook Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(4):525-537.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The Purpose of the study was to understand the experience of chronic renal failure patients for the qualified individual care for them. The purpose of this study was to explore the experience of patients living with chronic renal failure and to identify the meaning and structure of their experience. The subjects were four patients, two females and two males. The age range was from 21 to 54. Data was collected with a few in-depth interviews by the authors until the data was fully saturated. The framework and methodology of this study was based on Parse's "Human Becoming methodology," an existential phenomenological research
ology. The findings of this study were as follows. Three experience structures of chronic renal failure patients were : 1. Sufferings and conflicts originated in the frustration caused by uncurable disease. 2. Dependence upon God and significant others with complex emotions. 3. Acceptance of sufferings, emerging hope for serving people, and gratitude for living. In conclusion the experience of chronic renal failure patients could be described from the findings (three structures) as "Experiencing the sufferings, conflicts originated in the frustration caused by uncurable disease, dependence upon God and significant others with complex emotion, acceptance of the suffering and hope for serving people, and gratitude for living." The three structures of the lived experience of patients with chronic renal failure, the findings of this study, could be explained by the three concepts of "Theory of Human Becoming," the first structure could be explained with values, the second with revealing-concealing, and the third with transforming.

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An Evaluation Study of 1339 and 119 Emergency Medical Dispatch Protocols
Kyung Hee Kang, In Sook Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(4):538-547.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: To evaluate the emergency medical protocols and need assessment through the
report METHOD: The study investigated the emergency call system through the 1339 emergency patients information center in 1997. Results: The emergency calls tend to follow general trends of the type of cases : abdominal pain (13.5%), unconsciousness(12.0%), traffic accidents (7.4%), bleeding (6.6%), respiration difficulty (5.9%). This was all collected through emergency medical protocols injury and poisoning (22.3%), symptom (51.6%), others (26.1%).
The results suggest that a specific training program for emergency medical dispatchers should be established, and emergency medical dispatcher managers must review the cases on the basis of emergency medical protocols every year. Emergency medical services, furthermore, will continue to raise the standard for emergency medical dispatching.

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A Study on the Meaning in Life of Matriarch ; Q-Methodological Approach
Soon Ock Choi, Sook Nam Kim, Keung Il Sin, Jeong Ji Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(4):548-560.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This study is used to investigate and understand types of meaning in life of matriarch. Methods: This study is based on a Q-methodological approach. Thirty nine statements concerning meaning in life were selected. Twenty seven women were chosen as a subject group for this study. Their opinions were shown in 39 statements divided into 9 scales by forced distribution. Results: TypeIwas named "self-transcendental and future- oriented types". In this types a one pursued attitudinal value by religion. Type II was named "Realistic and responsibility fulfilling types". This type pursued creative and experiential value. Type III was named "Encounter and relationship oriented type". This types pursued experiential value. Type IV was named "Realistic self-actualizing type". This types pursued creative value. Type V was named "Altruistic and commitmental types". This type pursued creative, experiential, and attitudinal value.
Considering the structure of finding the meaning in life of matriarchs, all types had responsibility and self-control in their lives and lived for present however, only typeI lived for the future. It seem necessary to understand each matriarchs meaning in life and nursing needs to develop appropriate nursing interventions based on the type matriarch she is.

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Factors Influencing Suffering of Patients with Cancer(I)
Kyung Ah Kang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(4):561-570.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This study was conducted to detect the correlations and the main factors influencing depression, life satisfaction, burden, defenition of suffering, meaning of life, and suffering. METHOD: The samples were composed of 160 cancer patients who were or outpatients of four hospitals in Seoul. The reliability of the 6 instruments was tested with Cronbach's alpha which ranged from .62 to .90. The data was analyzed using a SAS program for descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficients, and stepwise multiple regression. Results: The results were as follows: 1. The scores on the suffering scale ranged from 132 to 40 with a mean of 87.3 (SD 17.5). 2. There were significant correlations between all the predictive variables and even the amounts of suffering (r=.27-.84, p <.05). 3. Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that depression was the main predictor of suffering, and accounted for 71.6% of the variance. In addition burden accounted for 4.6% of the variance in suffering. The two variables combined to account for 76.2% of the variance in suffering. CONCLUSION: In conclusion and depression, burden were identified as important variables in explaining the suffering of patients with cancer.

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Predictors of Job Performance, Work Satisfaction, and Productivity among Korean Hospital Nurses
Hae Jung Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(4):571-583.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the levels of burnout experienced by Korean hospital nurses (N=198), and to identify predictors of their nursing outcomes such as job performance, work satisfaction, and productivity. METHOD: Hierarchical multiple regression was used to identify predictors of each nursing outcomes. Included predictors were nurses' general characteristics, work- related characteristics (role stress and perceived control), and burnout. Results: Korean nurses experienced higher levels of burnout compared to the cutoffs suggested by Maslach and Jackson (1986) and to those in the USA. For each nursing outcome, predictor variables explained 39% of the variance in role performance, 30% of the variance in work satisfaction, and 38% of variance in productivity. Higher personal accomplishment, lower role ambiguity, being staff nurses, and lower emotional exhaustion were related to higher job performance, and higher productivity. Lower role conflict and role ambiguity were also related to higher work satisfaction. CONCLUSION: Based on the findings of this study, managemental interventions for nurses to reduce their burnout experience are needed. Further study in this area is warranted.

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Factors that Influence Nursing Image Perceived by College Students
Kyung Ae Park, Mi Ryung Song
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(4):584-597.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

No Abstract available.

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A Study on the Effect of Transformational Leadership and Personal Characteristics on Job Involvement : Focusing on Nurses in Hospital Organization
Myoung Sook Kim, Young Bae Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(4):598-609.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This study investigated the effect of transformational leadership and individual characteristics on nurses' job involvement. METHOD: The sample for this study consisted of 594 nurses from 8 large Korean hospitals. The factor analysis was drawn from the Cronbach's alpha analysis, the Pearson correlation analysis, the multiple regression analysis, and the hierarchical multiple regression analysis. Result: This study found that; (1) charisma dimension of transformational leadership has positive influence on job involvement; but intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration did not showed significant effects on job involvement (2) nurse individual characteristics (age, marital status, educational level, tenure, position) moderated the effect of transformational leadership on job involvement. Conclusion : Therefore, to improve job involvement nurses are required to apply the charisma dimension of transformational leadership in hospital organization.

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A Phenomenological Approach to High School Student's Smoking Experiencing
Hae Kyung Chung
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(4):610-618.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This study attempted to grasp the significance of high school boys smoking experiences, and to define its structure, then utilizing the results to create effective nursing intervention in order to protect students from smoking habit. METHOD: This study is based on a phenomenological approach. A group of eight male high school students who had experience in smoking were selected as the subject of this study. Intimate interview with participatory observation were carried out from them and the
ed data were analyzed by Giorgi's method as below. Result: The male high school students' smoking experiences were found to be a direct result from the environments around them and misty curiosity, masculinity, maintenance of close relations with peers, habitualness, stress relief, and concealment from the family. CONCLUSION: The result indicates that the male high school students' smoking, especially in an aspect from its starting point, motivational perspective, attitudes, and recent increasing rate of the juvenile smoking should be recognized as one of the problems that should be resolved. Concurrently, programs for preventing and quitting smoking should be started from the early stage of childhood as possible.

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Analysis of Services and Cost in CVA Patients by Severity in Hospital-based Home Health Care
In Sun Jang, Na Mi Hwang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(4):619-630.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences in terms of services and cost between CVA without typical diseases (Group I), and CVA with typical diseases (Group II), in their Hospital-based home health care. METHOD: The subjects of this study were 308 CVA patients who used home care nursing during the second phase demonstration project of their hospital-based home health care. Results: The results of the study was as follows 1. Group II had more home visit (15.3/12.7) (p>0.05), and cases of death when home care (16.8/11.4) (p<0.05). 2. Group II needed more services than Group I such as bladder irrigation, skin care, bed sore care, glycerin enema, finger enema, lung care, urine sugar test, monitoring and surveillance of fluid infusion and R.O.M exercise (p<0.05). 3. The variables that showed statistical significance in the regression analysis were family style, OPD visit, level of consciousness, patient's state on termination of home care, and some extend of home health care services (R2=0.373, 0.205). CONCLUSION: Home nursing care needs to be planned by severity in Hospital-based home health care for CVA patients.

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A Study on Physiological Parameters, Health Perception, and Health Behavior of Adults in Kyungi Province Area
Ae Kyung Han, Dong Sook Cho
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(4):631-640.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The purpose was to investigate the physiological parameters and health perception of adults in Kyungi province area, and the correlation between these variables. The subjects were 95 adults who participated voluntarily in the health examination program.
The instruments for this study were physiological parameters, which were composed of blood pressure, blood sugar, and body fat. The health perception scale developed by Ware (1976), and the health practice performance scale developed by Chang et al. (1999). Results: The average blood pressure was 137/85mmHg, the average blood sugar was 108.56mg/dl, and the average body fat arm sunt was 27.08% in males, and 30.07% in females. There were significant negative correlation between health perception and blood sugar (r=-2.36, p=.01), and body fat (r= -2.77, p=.001). There were significant positive correlations between blood pressure and health behavior (r=2.76, p=.001). However a significant correlation between health perception and health behavior was not found. Of the sociodemographic characteristics, sex (F=5.42, p=.01), and marital status (F=3.29, p=.04) were related to blood pressure. Also sex (F=4.17, p=.04) was related to body fat, and sex (t=4.04, p=.03) was related to health perception and disease status (t=4.33, p=.040). Thus having a relationship with health behavior.
It is suggested that health perception provide important information about health status. However, this study has not shown a correlation between health perception and health behavior. Therefore further research is needed to find the other variables related to health behavior.

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The Influence of a Family Dynamic Environment, Personality, and Smoking on Delinquent Behavior Among Korean Adolescents
Hyun Sil Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(4):641-655.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine the important factors on juvenile delinquency and to examine relationships between sex, age, the family environment, the personality of adolescents, smoking, and juvenile delinquency.
Data collection was done through questionnaire surveys. The subjects for this study consisted of 1,948 adolescents delinquents : 784, students : 1,164 in Korea, using proportional stratified random sampling method. Statistical methods employed were chi-square, t-test and path analysis. Results: The results of this study were as follows : 1. The delinquent adolescents were reared in a more dysfunctional family environment, and had a higher maladaptive personality than the other student adolescents. 2. The delinquent adolescents showed the larger amount of smoking than the student adolescents. The cause of increased smoking tendency among delinquents simply were 'for social relation', 'for diversion', 'for nicotine addiction', whereas 'for tension relieving' among non-delinquent adolescents. 3. The most powerful contributors on delinquent behavior were antisocial personality tendencies, smoking, sex, strength of parent- child relationships, and the age of the adolescents in this order.
Our cross-sectional findings indicate that smoking was one of the most powerful contributing variables to delinquent behavior, but family environment, personality, sex and age of adolescents were also proved to be strong exogenous variables to smoking in adolescents.

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Development of an Urban Community Based Comprehensive Service Model for Bed-Ridden Elderly
Keum Soon Kim, Moon Ja Suh, Nam Ok Cho, In Ja Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(4):656-668.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This study aims to identify the ADL and IADL of bed-ridden elderly. Also it is used to show fuctional status, and to investigate the content and the level of nursing services provided. METHOD: The subjects were 191 elderly who received visiting nurse service through public health centers in the Seoul Metopolitan and Chungnam Province. Data collection was conducted by public health center nurses during four months in 2000. Result: As for daily living activities, 100% of subjects had at least one difficulty in ADL and IADL. Among them, only 0.5% had moderate disabilities and 99.5% had severe disabilities by HFS, 27.9% were in a semi bed-ridden state and 72.1% were completely bed-ridden by JABC. The major service provided was a visiting nurse service which was preferable to the social welfare service. In the visiting nurse service, there was no significant difference according to the elderlys' functional status. In addition there was no standadization about the qualification of the visiting nurse, and single entry point for the nursing service. CONCLUSION: The researchers urgently suggest that a community based comprehensive service model has to be developed to respond to the needs of the elderly in Korea.

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Correlations Among the Stroke Patient Family's Health Status, Burden and of Life
Kyung Ho Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(4):669-680.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This study is used to investigate the correlation among a stroke patient family's health, burden and quality of life.
Data was collected from one hundred twenty family care-givers registered at K and H Hospital in Seoul. Questionnaire data was drawn up by personal interviews aided by the staff nurses. The analyses of collected data are based on the rate of 100 percentage to the average, t-test, ANOVA, DMR, Pearson Correlation.
(1) The influential factors on physical health proved to be age, sex, academic career, matrimonial status, present occupation, economic situation, the relationship with the patient, the patient-caring term, and the family-formation. The psychological health issues were age, final academic career, matrimonial status, the relation with patient and the family-formation. Burdens were shown to be age, matrimonial status, the relation with patient, and the patient-caring term. The quality of life was determined by age, final academic career, matrimonial status, and the relationship with the patient, the patient-caring term, and the family-formation. (2) The rate of the physical condition was 2.87, the psychological condition 2.43, the sense of burden 3.08, and the quality of life was 2.42. (3) The rate of correlation between the burden and the quality of life was (r=−.547), the psychological health and the burden was (r=−.531), the physical health and the burden was (r=−.263), physical health and quality of life was (r=.301), psychological health, and quality of life was (r=.413).
It follows from this study that there is a very close correlation among the stroke patient family's health, the burden, and quality of life. Therefore it is necessary that we should find various nursing intervention ways in order to mitigate the burden of family when caring for the stroke patients.

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Prediction Model of Exercise Behavior in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Eun Ok Lee, In Ja Kim, Jong Im Kim, Hyun Sook Kang, Sang Cheol Bae
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(4):681-691.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The exercise status in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, associations between exercise behavior and personal factors, and associations between exercise behavior and exercise-specific cognitions and their effects were assessed. METHOD: Four hundred thirty nine outpatients with rheumatoid arthritis were studied. The exercise status was measured by a single item. The intensity was multiplied by the frequency and duration of each exercise. The product of these intensity values for all exercises was defined as exercise behavior. Based on the Pender's revised health promotion model, exercise benefit, barrier, self-efficacy, enjoyment and social support were chosen as exercise specific cognitions and affect variables. Path analysis was used to identify the predictors of exercise behavior. Results: Compared to the duration before being diagnosed, the number of subjects who exercised regularly increased after being diagnosed. However over half of the subjects refrain from any sort of exercise and the type of exercise is very limited. Among the variables, exercise barrier, self-efficacy, and social support were found to be significant predictors of exercise behavior, and only previous exercise experience was found to be significant predictors of all behavior specific cognitions and affect variables. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that studies should explore exercise behaviors and strategies to emphasize the cognitive-motivational messages to promote exercise behaviors.

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A Comparative Study on Climacteric Symptoms of Natural Menopausal Women and Artificial Menopausal Women
Hyun Sook Jo, Kun Ja Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(4):692-702.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: To extend the understanding on climacteric symptoms, and to improve women's health and the quality of life by providing the basic data relating to the climacteric symptoms of natural menopausal women and artificial menopausal women.
The subjects of this study were 149 women selected conviniently (89 natural menopausal women and 60 total hystrectomy women) who have visited the climacteric clinic of G. hospital in Inchon, the MENSI questionnaire which was developed by Sarrel (1995)was modified considering Korean culture for the measuring tool of this study with 20 items of question(Cronbach'salpa =.76), duration of data collection with the questionnaire was 5 months from Sept. 1, 2000 to Jan. 30, 2001.
Artificial meanopausal women showed statistically significant higher menopausal symptoms than the natural menopausal women in the most of the items, and psychiatric and urogenital symtoms of artificial menopausal women were significantly higher than those of the natural menopausal women.
Nursing intervention for psychological support upon artificial menopausal women and their spouses is recommended more than natural menpause women.

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Effects of a Sensory Stimulation on Weight Gain, Behavioral State, and Physiological Responses in Premature Infants
Hee Seung Song, Hee Sun Shin
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(4):703-711.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of sensory stimulation on premature infants.
Thirty three premature infants admitted to NICU of D University Hospital in C city were randomly assigned in two groups (Experimental group: 16, Control group:17). For the experimental group, tactile and kinesthetic stimulation developed by Dr. Field was applied 2 times a day for 10 days. Behavioral state was measured using the Anderson Behavioral State Scale (ABSS). Heart rate, respiration, and oxygen saturation were obtained for each infant before and after sensory stimulation. Hypothesis testing was done using the X2- test, student t-test, and repeated measures of ANOVA.
Hypothesis 1: There was a significant difference in the daily body weight gain between experimental and control group (F= 40.77, p= .0001). Hypothesis 2: There was a significant difference in the frequency of 'inactive awake state' between two groups (X2= 39.778, p= .001). Hypothesis 3: There were significant differences in the mean of heart rate and O2 saturation between two groups (t= -2.174, p= .037; t= 3.080, p= .005). However, there was no significant difference in the mean of respiration rate between two groups (t= -1.966, p= .581).
The effectiveness of a sensory stimulation on weight gain and behavioral state in premature infants was supported. Further study is recommended to develop a sensory stimulation method as an independent nursing intervention for premature infant.

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A Study on Developing Strategies for Expanding the Roles of Public Health Nurses
Eun Sook Park, Ho Sihn Ryu
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(4):712-712.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This study was to identify activities and related problems on health promotion of public health nurses, and to investigate basic data proposed to revise strategies of Health Promotion Nurse Specialists (HPNS).
The subjects of this study were 787 public health nurses sampled by clustering of the entire nation of Korea. Data were collected by focus group studies and cross-sectional survey during April to October of 1999.
13.3% of public health nurses took responsibility for health promotion projects and 45.9% were involved in health promotion work with in home care or other routine activities. Also, the factors public health nurses perceived as barriers to implement activities for health promotion were time limitation, lack of ability for planning projects, insufficient time for specialties, inadequate understanding about health promotion project.
According to the study, they need to have special education and further technical support. These results have important implications for the establishment for the role of Health Promotion Nurse Specialist. Also, in developing systems and curriculums for Health Promotion Nurse Specialist, the major factors described above need to be considered carefully.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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