PURPOSE: This study is used to investigate and understand types of meaning in life of
matriarch. Methods: This study is based on a Q-methodological approach. Thirty nine
statements concerning meaning in life were selected. Twenty seven women were chosen
as a subject group for this study. Their opinions were shown in 39 statements divided
into 9 scales by forced distribution. Results: TypeIwas named "self-transcendental and
future- oriented types". In this types a one pursued attitudinal value by religion. Type
II was named "Realistic and responsibility fulfilling types". This type pursued creative
and experiential value. Type III was named "Encounter and relationship oriented type".
This types pursued experiential value. Type IV was named "Realistic self-actualizing
type". This types pursued creative value. Type V was named "Altruistic and
commitmental types". This type pursued creative, experiential, and attitudinal value.
CONCLUSION: Considering the structure of finding the meaning in life of matriarchs, all
types had responsibility and self-control in their lives and lived for present however,
only typeI lived for the future.
It seem necessary to understand each matriarchs meaning in life and nursing needs to
develop appropriate nursing interventions based on the type matriarch she is.