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Volume 27(4); December 1997
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Original Articles
An Effect of Nursing-Logotherapy on Purpose in Life and Finding Meaning, and Hope of the patients of Mental Illness
Jong Ji Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):727-739.   Published online March 30, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to present an effective nursing intervention for helping the patients of mental illness by determining the effect of nursing-logotherapy on purpose in life and finding meaning, and hope of the patients of mental illness by developing and applicating program of nursing-logotherapy. The data was collected from March to September in 1995, and its subjects were the patients of mental illness who was appropriate to the standard of this study among the patients of mental illness who hospitalized into Neuro-Psychiatric ward of M. and B. hospital located in Pusan area. They were all 60 subjects, thirty of them for an experimental group and the rest for a control group. The research design was an equivalent control group pre-test and post-test design as an quasiexpe-rimental research and the conceptual framework was an interpersonal model. The data analysis was computerized by using SP-SS/PC+ and hypothesis testing was done with 2-way ANCOVA and simple correlation. Results were summarized as follows : 1. There were significant changes of purpose in life and finding meaning in an experimental group before and after treatment and a control group before and after. 2. There were significant changes of hope in an experimental group before and after treatment and a control group before and after. 3. The positive correlation between purpose in life and finding meaning and hope of the patients of mental illness were observed. Consequently, nursing-logotherapy could significantly increase the purpose in life and finding meaning, and of hope, so it could be said an effective nursing intervention for helping the healing of the patients of mental illness.

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A Study on Taegyo Types of the Pregnant Women: Q-methodological Approach
Soon Yi Kim, Chill Sun Ryu
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):740-752.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to identify structural patterns in the subjectivity of Taegyo in pregnant woman and to provide a basis for nursing interventions. Thirty pregnant women were the subjects of this study. They were in the gestation period of pregnancy between 12 weeks to five days post partum and they lived in the city of Taejon. The research method employed Q-methodology which is based on self-psychology and abductive logics. The results revealed three different types of the Taegyo : 1) Peaceful mind type, listening to music and appreciation of art for quietness of mind and also the support concern of husband. 2) Self control type, recognizes herself as a pregnant woman and trys to do her works spontaneously and also adapt herself to changing of circumstances. 3) Dependent oriented type. needs absolute help from the surroundings under the specific condition of pregnancy. This results show that investigating the specific experience, characteristics and structure of the Taegyo of a pregnant women can be used as a part of the nursing assessment and also provides useful basic data of nursing interventions during pregnancy.

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Development of Sexual Satisfaction Measurement Tool
Sook Nam Kim, Soon Bok Chang, Hee Sun Kang
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):753-764.   Published online March 30, 2017
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This study was conducted to develop a sexual satisfaction tool for married women in Korea. The data was collected from July 19 to Aug 18, 1997 by means of questionnaires developed by researchers. The subject were 417 married women living in Seoul and Pusan. The process of this study was as follows : 1) The concept of sexual satisfaction was defined. 2) A conceptual framework was identified based on the extensive review of relevant literature and interviews with married women. 3) The preliminary question items containing the attributes and elements of the concept of sexual satisfaction were listed. 4) The preliminary items were revised after a pilot study. 5) The Index of Content Validity(CVI) was calculated from the content specialists' rating. 6) The reliability and validity of the sexual satisfaction measurement tool were tested. As a result of the item and factor analysis, 17 out of 30 items were found to be valid, consequently could be used to measure sexual satisfaction for married women. These final 17 items were divided into two factors. These factors were labeled as "situation factor"(10 items) and "response factor"(7 items) according to the attributes of the clustered items. The reliability of the final 17 items was .9118. Further research in needed to confirm the reliability and validity of the tool by applying it to a group of healthy married women and to a group of married women having health-related problem.

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A Study on Clinical Nurses Level of Perception of Importance, Performance and Satisfaction in the control of Nosocomial Infection
Sun Ock Kim, Soo Hyun Cho
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):765-776.   Published online March 30, 2017
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Hospitals accomodate patients who have a high risk of infection due to reduced immunity as well as people who require surgical, medical or other treatments. Consequently, the role of clinical nurses, who come into close contact with these patients is very important in the control of nosocomial infection. This study was done to investigate and compare the level of perception of the importance of the control of nosocomial infections as well as the level of actual performance, and the level of satisfaction with the control of nosocomial by the clinical nurses. Thus, the purpose of this study is to contribute basic data for improving policies and educational programs to control nosocmial infection. A summary of the survey results is as follows. 1) The means of scores on all categories of the inquiry were 4.51 for awareness 4.42 for actual performance, and 3.20 for satisfaction, of a possible high score of 5.00. 2) Correlations of the level of perception of importance between characteristics of nurses and hospital control of nosocomial infection differed significantly according to the type of hospital establishment type(p=.005), age(p=.000), career(p=.000), position(p=.002), and regular conferences on infection control in working departments(p=.003). Correlation of the level of actual performance between characteristics of nurses and hospital control of nosocomial infection differed significantly according to type of hospital(p=.000), hospital size(p=.009), working department(p=.000), age(p=.000), career(p=.000), school career(p=.040), position(p=.000), education experience on nosocomial infection(p=.020), and regular conferences on infection control in working department (p=.000). Correlation of degree of satisfaction between characteristics of nurses and hospital control of nosocomial infection also differed significantly according the type of hospital establishment(p=.003), working department(p=.000), age(p=.000), and regular conferences on infection control in working department(p=.000). 3) Correlation between clinical nurses, level of perception of importance and actual level of performance for the control of nosocomial infection was relatively positive(r=.57, p=.000). Correlation between clinical nurses degree of satisfaction and level of actual performance for control of nosocomial infection was relatively positive(r=.47, p=.000). Correlation between clinical nurses, level of perception of importance and degree of satisfaction degree with the control of nosocomial infection was also relatively positive (r=.27, p=.000).

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A Study of Factors Influencing Drug Use in High School Students
So Young Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):777-786.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to examine the conditions of drug use and the find the main factors that lead students to start and select drugs in their circumstances. The "other drugs" in this study means analgesics, hypnotics, stimulants, tranqualizers, and drinks including caffeine. The sample was 1,900 students and 1,412 responses were analyzed. Variables in the study included prescription provision by parents, drug use by friends, attitudes to drugs, drinking and smoking activities, and poly drug use. Analysis of the data was done using descriptive statistics, chi square, and to find the determinants on other drug use, multiple logistic regression was performed. Data were analysed by SAS/PC programs. Of the subjects 86.6% of the students have had experienced with alcohol and 49.8% of them continue to use it, and 37.9% of the students have had experienced with smoking and 22.1% of them continue to smoke. The rates of using other drugs were as followed; analgesic 33.3%, hypnotics 4.3%, sedatives 4.4%, stimulants 8.7%, and 242 students have had experienced with more than two different kinds of drugs of the same time including alcohol and smoking. With the exception of alcohol and smoking, 126 students were continuing to use more than two different kinds of drugs. And 2.3 kinds of drugs were the average that the being used at the same time by poly drug users, alcohol and smoking excepting. In conclusion, the determinants of other drug use can be summarized as ploy drug use, drug use by friends, obedience to drug prescription of parents, and time of first using drugs.

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The Comparison of the Perceived Needs between Patients with Cancer, their Caregivers, and Nurses According to the Cancer Patient's Phases of Illness
Young Hee Yang
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):787-795.   Published online March 30, 2017
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This descriptive study was conducted to ascertain whether the needs of patients with cancer, their caregivers and their nurses changed according to the illness phases and if the perceived needs of the three groups were different for three categories of nursing needs. At two hospitals in Seoul and Choongnam, three groups of subjects, -patients with cancer(79), caregivers(92), and nurses(72)- responded to a questionnaire consisting of items on educational need(11 items), physical need(8 items), emotional need(9 items) using a 4-point Likert scale. The patients and caregivers were selected according to the phase of the cancer(initial, intermediate or recurred, terminal phases). Finding revealed that the level of perception and degree of satisfaction of the needs were low, just around two points in patients and caregivers. Of the three categories of needs, physical needs were received the highest score and the degree of satisfaction of physical needs was also the highest. There was no significant difference between the level of perception and satisfaction of needs in patients and caregivers according to the phases of the illness and the degree of per reception and the satisfaction of the patients were not significantly different and caregivers showed the same result. There was a significant difference in the level of importance of the needs of nurses according to the phases of the cancer. They perceived emotional needs were the most important in first phase and second phase, physical needs in third phase and the educational needs were more important in the first phase than in any other phase. The degree of importance of needs was significantly lower than the degree to which needs were addressed, according to the nurses response. In a comparison of patient and caregiver's perceived degrees of need, and need satisfaction, and nurse's perceived degree of need provision, patient and caregiver scores were lower than the nurses.

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Prediction of Breastfeeding Intentions and Behavior: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior
Hea Sook Kim, Eun Sook Nam
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):796-806.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The majority of studies on breastfeeding consists of descriptive correlational studies identifying the incidence and correlates of breastfeeding. The theory of planned behavior has been shown to yield great predictive power for behavioral goals over which individuals have only limited control such as improving school grades and weight loss. The purpose of this study was to test the "theory of planned behavior" in the prediction of breastfeeding of mothers who delivered vaginally. One hundred mothers who delivered vaginally in one general hospital in Seoul and one general hospital and three private hospitals in Taejeon participated in this study. The instruments used for data collection in this study were developed by the researchers following the guidelines suggested by Ajzen and Fishbein(1980) and Ajzen and Madden(1986). The instruments included measurement of attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control and intention. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson product moment correlation, hierachical multiple regression and logistic regression. The results are as follows : 1. Intention to breastfeed correlated significantly with attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control. Both attitude and subjective norm did not make a significant contribution to the prediction of intention, but the addition of perceived behavioral control to the regression equation greatly improved the model's predictive power, increasing the R(2) from .05 to .52. 2. Intention to breastfeed alone had a significant predictive effect on actual breastfeeding, resulting in a regression coefficient of .16(x2=8.60, p<.01), but when perceived behavioral control was added to the equation, intention was not a significant predictive variable and only perceived behavioral control showed significant predictive power on actual breastfeeding, resulting in a regression coefficient of .12(x2=4.68, p<.05). In sum, breastfeeding behavior lent only partial support to the second version of the theory of planned to the second version of the theory of planned behavior, and because perceived behavioral control had a strong effect on intention to breastfeed and actual breastfeeding, it would be desirable to develop nursing intervention programs which focus on strengthening the perceived behavioral control for the promotion of breastfeeding.

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Effects of Low-intensity Exercise on Functional Ability in Hospitalized Elderly
Rhayun Song, Yeon Ok Suh, Young Rhan Um, Kyung Ja June, Beverly L Roberts
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):807-819.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The purpose of the study was to identify the effects of 12-week low-intensity exercise program on muscle strength, flexibility, balance, and cognitive characteristics related to the performance of activity of daily living(ADL). A total of 16 patients who were admitted to the medical unit of a general hospital in ChoongChung province were recruited eight for the exercise group and eight for the comparison group. Four levels of low-intensity exercise from 'ROM on bed' to 'exercise while walking' were then applied to the exercise group according to their physical condition. During hospitalization, patients in the exercise group performed each level of the prescribed exercise with the researchers until they felt. comfortable doing it independently. The researchers also visited the patients' homes after discharge to make sure they could perform the exercise with Theraband in their living environment. The exercise group was contacted by phone once a week to assess the frequency and intensity in which they performed the exercise as well as their physical condition. The subjects in the comparison group participated in measurements for the study without performing the exercise and were contacted by phone after discharge, in a matched time frame with the exercise group, to assess physical condition. Muscle strength, flexibility, balance, cognitive characteristics, and performance of ADL for the two groups were compared at the pretest and the posttest after the low-intensity exercise program by utilizing SPSSWIN and the results are as follows : 1) At the posttest, measurments of muscle strengths showed that the strength of the dorsal flexor in the exercise group was significantly higher than in the comparison group. 2) Objective balance for the exercise group was significantly better than for the comparison group as measured by 'standing on one foot' and Tinetti gait and balance control. 3) The exercise group showed significantly higher task self-efficacy than the comparison group. 4) Perceived exertion for ADL for the exercise group was significantly lower than for the comparison group. 5) Improvement of performance of ADL without assistance was significantly for the exercise group than the comparison group. The findings suggest that a low-intensity exercise program would be useful for the elderly who show decline in their physical functioning due to hospitalization by partly improving physical strength, task self-efficacy, and performance of ADL. Directions for further research on issues of motivating people to exercise as well as of standardizing various types of exercise were discussed.

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Comparison of sleep and related variables between young and old adults
Shin Mee Kim, Jin Joo Oh, Mi Soon Song, Yeon Hwan Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):820-830.   Published online March 30, 2017
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Sleep is an essential component for health and the quality of life individuals, and is affected by multiple factors. Thereby, sleep impairment is know to be frequent even in health subjects. The purpose of the study is to compare sleep patterns and related factors between healthy young and old adults and to identify aging effects upon sleep in a cross-sectional way. The survey questionnaire was developed by translation and modification of two well-know sleep questionnaires which were originally developed by Monroe(1967) and Ellis, et al.(1982). Discussion with experts and pilot study were completed to finalize the contents of the questionnaire that was used in this study. Results are as follows : 1. Sleep complaints were lower in older adults. 2. The most frequent variables that explain sleep satisfaction were feeling rested in the morning in the older adults and feeling rested and falling asleep within five minutes in the young adults. 3. Regarding sleep-disturbing factors, physical factors were more frequently reported in the older adults and environmental factors are reported more frequently in the young adults. and there was no difference related to the emotional factors between the two groups. 4. Young adults were practiced strategies for better sleep more often than the older adults, and they were mainly in-home activities just before sleep. 5. Sleep patterns which change with aging were as follows : going to bed and waking up earlier ; not staying in the bed long after waking up ; getting harder to fall asleep ; frequent arousal after sleep onset ; getting harder to go back to sleep after arousal during night sleep. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that sleep and related factors of the young and the older adults are different. Also, sleep patterns change with aging and those changes seem to be negative for sleep in the elderly. Repeated studies are needed to establish more concrete information regarding sleep patterns. In addition, further research is needed to develop more reliable, valid, and feasible sleep measure tools, and to develop and evaluate nursing interventions.

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Psychometrics of Task Self-Efficacy Scale for Korean Elderly
Young Rhan Um, Rhayun Song, Yean Ok Suh, Kyung Ja June, Beverly L Roberts
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):831-842.   Published online March 30, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of the study was to test the reliability and validity of the Korean version of Task Self-Efficacy Scale for activities of daily living(ADL). The Task Self-Efficacy Scale was developed by Roberts(1996) for low-intensity exercise study with older people to predict their performance of ADL. The scale was translated and back translated by bilingual persons, and then was modified to resolve variations in the translations. The Korean version of Self-efficacy Scale of ADL was then administered to 193 elderly people including 95 hospitalized patients and 98 outpatients or healthy people. Face to face interview was used to fill out the structured questionnaire, and each interview took approximately 30 minutes. The subjects for the study were 80 women and 112 men with an age range of 65 to 95 years(M=71 years) of whom 82.6% classified themselves as moderate or quite active. Most subjects(80.2%) had an education level of elementary school or less. The Self-Efficacy Scale for ADL is measured on a 0 to 10 VAS, assessing three areas of ADL : self care activities, household tasks, and motor tasks. The higher the score is the higher person's confidence in performing ADL. Psychometric testing revealed that the scale was found to be internally consistent, showing a Cronbach's alpha of .97. The scale was significantly correlated with subjects' level of activity and subjective assessment of their health status. Moderate correlation with health-related hardiness scale also supported the validity. Factor analysis was performed to confirm whether the scale represents the three sub-areas as suggested in the literature. The results of the factor analysis led to a three factor solution according to Kaiser's criterion, but the items were not strongly and cleanly loaded for the third factor. This can be explained in that, among the three sub-ADL ares of the self-efficacy scale, the areas of self care activities and household tasks seem to have similar levels of difficulty in performance with not enough differences for the self-efficacy scale to distinguish between the two areas. Therefore, one factor solution was suggested since ADL can be seen a unit of activities as similar level of difficulty in performance. One factor solution explained 68.1% of variance of the 19-item scale and all items all correlated over .6 with the factor, showing that the selected factor solution fits the model. The results indicated that the Korean version of Task Self-Efficacy Scale for ADL was reliable and valid in producing useful information to evaluate the effects of various interventions toward promoting health and quality of life for elderly people.

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A Study into Pattern of Smoking Behavior of University Students
Moon Sil Kim, Ae Kyoung Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):843-856.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to explore the subjective opinions related to of smoking behavior of university students with a history of smoking. The research period was from Feb, 1. 1996 to Sep. 10. 1997. The research method used was Q-methodology. The process of the research was as follows : 1. Collection of concourse : The statement of self-reference was derived from fact to face interviews with 50 university students. Statement were categorized by researcher according to semantics. 2. Extraction of Q-sample 38 of the self-reference statements from the 32 categories of the Q-population were selected. 3. Selection of P-sample : 30 of university students were selected by consideration of diversity in sociodemographic background. 4. Based on a 1 to 9 point scale, the selected university students were made to participate in Q-sorting. 5. Analysis of Q-type was obtained by use of the QUANAL program. The results of this study revealed as follows : There are three types of smoking behavior of Korean university students. 1. The first type focused on the right of the individual to smoke and the lack of recognition of smoking behavior as a health hazard. 2. The second type cared about smoking behavior as a hazard to health. 3. The third type was habitual smoker. They are bored and smoke habitually. It is suggested that the results of this study may contribute to the development of strategies for the purpose of decreasing the incidence of smoking of university students.

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An Integrative Review and Meta-analysis of Oncology Nursing Research: 1985-1997.2
Sun Ock Lim, Eun Yung Hong
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):857-870.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The purpose of this study were to describe 12 years of patient-related oncology nursing research in Korea, identifying various nursing interventions, and assessing the effectiveness of the interventions, through analysis and synthesis of the accumulated research papers. One hundred and seventy-nine studies were selected fro this study and these were mostly descriptive in design(69.2%). Of the 179 studies, 25 met the criteria for meta-analytic treatment. Twenty-five experimental studies were found in theses and dissertations(68%), 92% used convenience sample, and the median sample size was 40. Subjects were predominantly in treatment and rehabilitation(76%). Most studies(68%) were not derived from a theory base, with only 8% reporting use of a nursing theory. Results of the meta-analysis are as follows. The effect size of the nursing intervention type was found to be significantly effective. The standardized mean difference ranged from a high positive of 2.55 to a low negative of -0.22. Direct personal nursing intervention method was more effective than indirect group method. Two nursing intervention methods were more effective than one. The greatest effect size was thyxical intervention. The greatest mean effect size was scalp hypothermia technique. Teaching was a frequent intervention after 1990, although a wide range of treatments were studied. Effect size of intervention for symptom management was largest in relieving pain Effective intervention method for relieving anxiety was exercise.

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Korean Version of the Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale: Reliability and Validity Test
Ok Soo Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):871-879.   Published online March 30, 2017
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No abstract available.

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An Action Research Study on Measures to Mobilize Inactive Nurses
Susie Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):880-891.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The purpose of this study was (1) to undertake a survey to identify the profile of inactive nurses, who account for 42.2% of the 130,000 RN(Registered Nurses) in Korea, (2) to identify factors related to the inactivation of these nurses, (3) to identify reasons behind the high turnover rate of nurses, and (4) to delineate measures for inactive nurses to participate in professional nursing activities so as to upgrade the quality of the health care delivery system in Korea. For these purposes, this study surveyed existing literature on the turnover of nurses and, used the nominal group technique of action research, to collect ideas from hospital/nurse administrators, inactive nurses, nurses on the job, graduate students in nursing, part-time nurses, patients, and their families to formulate strategies to mobilize inactive nurses. The findings are as follows : First, institutional supports should be provided to mobilize inactive nurses. To be more specific : (1) A data-base needs be created at the Korean Nurses Association to link inactive nurses with jobs available. (2) Retraining programs need be established to equip inactive nurses for new jobs. (3) Comprehensive information related to employment needs should be made available. Second, a conducive environment needs to be created to draw in inactive nurses to the job market. The be more specific. (1) A system of part-time work needs to be introduced in hospitals. (2) Nurse-specialists need to be promoted. (3) Potential jobs need to be created. (4) Working environment and terms and conditions for nurses need to be improved. (5) Competent nurses need to be secured in the health care delivery system. To achieve the goals presented above, this paper presented 55 specific strategies that may help mitigate the turmover rate of nurses and, in turn, help make the Korean Nurses Association effective in implementing its policies.

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The Observational Experience of Labor and Delivery by Student Nurses in the Clinical Setting
Myung Sook Koh
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):892-900.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The purpose oft his study was to use phenomenological perspectives to identify the meaning and structure of the observational experience of labor and delivery by student nurses in the clinical setting. The participants were 115 junior and senior students from Christian College of Nursing in Kwang Ju. The students were asked to write about their observational experience in the delivery room. Colaizzi's method was used for phenomenological analysis. The investigator analysed the data to identify and categorize themes and basic structural elements. Twelve themes and eight basic structure were identified. The process of the observational experience in labor and delivery has three proposed phases : anticipatory, observational and post-observational In the anticipatory phase nursing students were related only to the event of anticipated labor and delivery of clients. Structure 1, feeling of expectation and fear, was identified In the observational phase, students were related to the labor and delivery situation, a woman delivered and a newborn. Structure 2, shock and suffering, was identified in relation to the labor and delivery situation. Structure 3, need for caring and satisfaction, was identified in relation to the woman delivered. Structure 4, feeling of mystery and joy, was identified in relation to the newborn. In the post-observational phase, relations between students and the life of a human being, students and self in the future, students and their mothers and students and women and God appeared. and in these relations, , and were identified.

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Predicting Quality of Life in People with Cancer
Pok Ja Oh
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):901-911.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The purpose of this study is to provide a basis for nursing intervention strategies to promote quality of life in cancer patients. Therefore the study is designed to evaluate the effectiveness of perceived health status, self-esteem, health locus of control, self-efficacy, perceived susceptibility/severity, health promoting behaviors, and hope for quality of life. The sample was composed of 164 stomach cancer patients who visited outpatient clinics at a university hospital in Seoul. The following instruments were used in the study after some adaptation : Lawstone and others' Health Self-rating Scale, Rosenberg's Self-esteem Scale, Wallston and others' Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale, Sherer and Maddux's Self-efficacy Scale, Moon's Health Beliefs Scale, Welker and others' Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile, Nowotney's Hope scale and Noh's Quality of Life Scale. Data were analyzed using a SAS program for Pearson correlation coefficients descriptive correlational statistics and stepwise multiple regression. The results are as follows : 1. The scores on the quality of life scale ranged from 115 to 243 with a mean of 177.84(SD : 25.35). The mean scores(range 1-5) on the different dimensions were : emotional state 3.37 ; economic life 3.47 ; physical state and function 3.52 ; self-esteem 3.66 ; relationship with neighbors 3.73 ; family relationships 3.80. 2. There was a significant correlation between all the predictive variables and the quality of life(r=.20 -.65, p<.01). 3. Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that : 1) Self-esteem was the main predictor of quality of life and accounted from 46.9% of the variance in quality of life. 2) Perceived health status, hope and perceived susceptibility/severity accounted for 11.8%, 8.3%, 1.5% of the variance in quality of life respectively. 3) Self-esteem, perceived health status, hope and perceived susceptibility/severity combined accounted for 68.5% of the variance in quality of life. In conclusion, self-esteem, perceived health status, hope and perceived susceptibility / severity were identified as important variables in the quality of life of cancer patients.

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The Effect of Supportive Nursing on the Stress Reaction of Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy
Jum Hee Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):912-922.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of supportive nursing one stress reaction of breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. The nonequivalent control group pre-test/post-test design was used for this experimental study. The subjects were 32 patients who were receiving chemotherapy after mastectomies at K hospital in Taegu from June, 1994 to June 1995. Among 32 subjects, 16 were placed in the experimental group and 16 in the control group. The experimental and control groups were tested for general characteristics, trait anxiety, health locus of control, family support, state anxiety, hopelessness, physical stress, and anxiety behavior. Collected data was analyzed by means of a chisquare test and a t-test for the comparative analysis of the general characteristics and homogeneity of subjects. ANOVA, and MANOVA were used for testing the hypothesis. Reliability of the tools were analyzed using the Pearson Correlation coefficient. The results of this study were as follows : 1. The hypothesis ; The stress reaction of the experimental group which took supportive nursing was lower than the stress reaction of the control group ; this was supported statistically. The main variable influenced in stress reaction was hopelessness. Supportive nursing for breast cancer patients, who are receiving chemotherapy, was especially effective in the reduction of hopelessness compared to state anxiety, physical stress, and anxiety behavior. 2. An analysis of the difference on stress reaction, according to the frequency of supportive nursing between the control and experimental group showed the level of hopelessness of the experimental group was lower than the control group after four supportive meeting sessions. But there was no statistical difference in state anxiety, physical stress, and anxiety behavior. In conclusion, this study supported utilization of supportive care as well as demonstrating the effectiveness of the System-Developmental Stress Model developed by Chrisman and Riehl-Sisca.

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An Analysis of Research Trends on Meditation
Mun Young Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):923-932.   Published online March 30, 2017
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This study was done to analyze research trends and to suggest future perspectives for nursing research on meditation. The author reviewed 41 foreign research papers which had been published in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology(JCC) between 1966 and 1986, The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology(JTP) between 1967 and 1987, and The Journal of Counseling Psychology(JCP) between 1965 and 1994. The analysis of the studies focused on the concept of meditation, the type of study design, type of research subjects, type of meditation, the results of study, and the applied type of counseling and psychotherapy. The results of the study are summarized as follows : (1) When the study designs were analyzed six categories were identified(Literature reviews, Experiments, Surveys, Comparative study, Qualitative study, Others), and the majority of the studies were found to be Literature reviews(36.6%), or Experimental studies(39%). The number of studies on meditation has increased since the 1970's. (2) Most studies approached meditation with Zen and Yoga(72.5%) which were called concepts of Indian meditation from 1970's to the later of 1980's. TM(Transcendental Meditation) was used in the 1970's. (3) On the type of meditation, most studies used Zen meditation which was called a method of Buddhistic meditation(43.9%). (4) On the studies of meditation effect, most were about psychological changes(48.5%), and psychological changes and physiological changes(37.1%). (5) On the types of the study subjects it was found that 15 studies dealt with literature, nine studies investigated college students, and eight studies investigated the meditator. (6) Most of study showed the results of the meditation effect to be positive(80%). On the basis of the above findings the following recommendations are made : (1) It's necessary to do a reliable and variable analysis of research trends on meditation. (2) There is a need to study the effects of meditation in order to clarify meditation application in counseling.

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Conceptual Model for Women's Health
Kyung Hye Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):933-942.   Published online March 30, 2017
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There has recently been an increased interest in women's health from, various disciplines, with different perspectives presented according to each profession's academic background. This has led to many instances of incorrectly defining, or misinterpretation, of the issues even among professionals. Nurse scholars as well as practitioners who work in women's health care need to have a clear conceptual understanding of women's health in order to build a body of knowledge, delineate curricular activities, and set directions for professional nursing interventions. In addition, a conceptual model that may be directly utilized in practice is needed to maintain and promote women's health issues. The purpose of this study was to apply a Hybrid model, analyzing conceptual definitions and discussions related to women's health gathered from review of the literature. Further to compare analyticals the concepts and properties observed from field work, so as to present a final definition of women's health and, build a conceptual framework for a united comprehensive perspective on the concept as well as on nursing practice. Data collection and analysis consisted of a theoretical stage, field work stage, and final analysis. a heterogeneous group of professionals and lay persons, 39 in all, participated in the field work. Study findings include several subconcepts under the concept of women's health : a women's whole life, holistic health, quality of life, awareness of being a woman, individual nursing, self care ability, reproductive health, and family health. Thus, a comprehensive definition was built, i. e., "Women's health care be defined as improvement in the quality of life of women through attainment of holistic health throughout the life span. With reproductive health at the core, the concept is directly related to family and national health, and includes taking care of one's own health based on awareness of being a woman and utilizing self care activities. Women's health care issues are unique and allow various responses, therefore women's health professionals need to apply individual approaches to reach solutions in attaining holistic health and improving quality of life." The constructual factors of women's health were found to be reproductive functions, diseases more common in woman, self actualization, mental health, women's health policies, sexuality, midlife changes, and marital relations, with each factor having more than three properties. Positive factors affecting women's health were found to be a normal childbearing process, a healthy lifestyle, active health management, health information, support and resources, and interpersonal relationships Negative factors were found to be overwhelming role stress, cultural oppression, gender inequality, distorted sexual identity, economic difficulties, misuse and/or abuse of substances, and stress. The model of women's health may be visualized as a balance scale set upon a woman's life, supporting 4 concentric circles. The innermost circle and second circle incorporate conceptual definitions of women's health, and the outer two circles represent the constructional factors and properties of women's health. Each circle has its own color that symbolizes the conceptual meaning. Positive and negative factors are represented as weights at either end of the scale, and are affected by nursing intervention, i. e., health and wellness increase when positive factors are stronger, whereas disease and illness increase when negative factors are stronger. This model is only a preliminary effort and requires much discussion and testing to be further developed. Continuous research is also required.

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The Effects of prompted Voiding Therapy on Urinary Incontinence Control of Elderly Patients
Kyung Ja Lee, Mi Kyung Kim, Hee Young Song
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):943-952.   Published online March 30, 2017
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This study was done to analyze the effects of prompted voiding therapy on urinary incontinence in elderly patients in an elderly care hospital. Specifically, this study looks to evaluate the effects of prompted voiding as an intervention for improving independent voiding and also identified the relationship of urinary continence to cognitive, emotional, and physical factors. The study was based on a pre-experimental design used to evaluate the effects of prompted voiding therapy on an experimental group without a control group. An experimental group of 143 patients was selected through convenience sampling from patients in an elderly care hospital. The data was collected from November 4 to December 14, 1996. Prompted voiding therapy is a behavioral therapy for managing incontinence and it is applied to patients who are cognitively impaired and dependent. In this study, the patients were asked at each designated time whether or not they had to urinate. If they answered yes, they were either given a bedpan or were assisted to the bathroom, and if the patient answered no, their diaper was checked to determine whether or not it was wet. The results were then recorded on the patients urinary voiding record. The urinary voiding score based on the model presented by Burton(1984), Burke and Walsh(1992), Chenitz, Stone and Salisbury(1991 was modified and used as a tool in this study. After forty six out of the total of 143 patients were selected for interviews through random sampling the levels of cognitive functions, mental depression and ADL(activities of daily life) within the given time frame were measured. In this study, the cognitive function was measured using the scale developed by Kabhn, Goldfarb, Pollack and Peck(1960), elderly mental depression, using the tool developed by Sheikh and Yesavage(1986), and the ADL(activities of daily living, through the Barthel Index. The data was analyzed through SPSS windows for descriptive statistics, repeated measured ANOVA and Pearson's correlation. According to the results of the study, the application of the prompted voiding therapy can improve the voiding pattern of patients. It was shown especially that incontinence could be controlled by the intervention developed according to the individual voiding pattern. In terms of the relationship between cognitive function, mental depression and ADL and the voiding function score, a close correlation was not found. It was shown that urinary incontinence can be improved through therapy even though patients have problems with their cognitive, mental and physical functions.

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A study on the Experience of the Life of Caregivers with Mentally Ill Children
Kyoung Soon Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):953-960.   Published online March 30, 2017

The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the experience of caregivers with mentally ill children. The sample consists of 4 participants who care for their children with mentally ill. They were asked open-ended questions in order for them to talk about their experiences. With permission of the subjects, the interviews were recorded and transcribed. The methodology utilized was the Colaizzi's phonomenological approach. The interview data was organized by themes into 5 categories : anguish, positive emotion, maturation, acceptance of the disease, and seeking information. These 5 themes were further categorized into 4 main groups : emotional impact, spiritual maturation, adapting to the illness, and seeking support needs. The results of this study have clinical and theoretical implications not only for psychiatric nursing in Korea but also for all clinicians working with the families of the mentally ill.

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An Ethnographic Research on the Phenomenon of Women's Utilization of the ZZimzilbang, A Type of Sauna in Korea
Chung Ja Chun, Eun Kwang Yoo
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):961-974.   Published online March 30, 2017

The ZZimzilbang is a room where many women eagerly go due to the special meaning women give to it related to their health. It is a different type of sauna room which maintains low degree of temperature, consisting of an Ondol room(Korean under-floor heating system, hypocaust) built with mineral stone radiating ultrared rays. Even though many women mention that they utilize if for health, there is no precise evidence of the effects of their health. This ethnographic study sought to define the phenomenon from the perspective of the women who experienced the ZZimzilbang. A convenience sample of 27 women was interviewed during a 15 month period from December 1995 to July 1997 in 12 ZZimzilbangs located in Seoul, Korea. The mean ages of the women 57.3 years ; seventeen women were housekeeper and only eight women had job ; twenty women were married and three women among them were widows. The main reasons women patronize the place are : for mitigation and healing of physical signs and symptoms ; composure ; safe lodging and boarding ; control of outward appearance ; control of health ; meeting and fellowship with friends ; and custom. The outcomes of the utilization of the place were : mitigation of physical signs and symptoms ; psychological tranquility ; cosmetic and diet ; good use of spare time ; and utilization of services provided there. Most women who visited ZZimzilbang for relief of physical signs and symptoms strongly mentioned a correlation to inadequate Sanhujori, the traditional postpartal and postabortal care for woman. Some of specific kinds of services provided in that place were alternative therapy such as acupuncture, negative cupping, finger-pressure, mugwort steam and various kinds of massage including massage of blood vessels that are influenced by Oriental medicine ; health education of breathing such as abdominal breathing or Danjeon ; selling of many things including health foods, drugs for osteoporosis, and eutrophics This study suggests that professional caregivers should further study this phenomenon for the development of adequate care of women with a resulting important in their quality of life.

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A Study on the Current Status of the Curriculum Operation of the Basic Medical Sciences in Nursing Education
Myoung Ae Choi, Gi Soo Shin
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):975-987.   Published online March 30, 2017

The purpose of this study was to investigate the current status of curriculum operation of the basic medical sciences in nursing education at college of nursing, department of nursing and junior college of nursing, ultimately to provide the basic data to provide a curriculum of basic medical science in nursing education. 78 professors who were in charge of basic medical science at 22 colleges of nursing and department of nursing, and 20 junior colleges of nursing responded the questionnaire consisted of 22 question items about the status of objectives, lectures, laboratory practice and characteristics of professors, and mailed to the author. The findings of this study were as follows : 1. The subjects of basic medical science were identified as physiology, anatomy, biochemistry, pathology, microbiology, pharmacology in the most colleges of nursing and junior college of nursing. 2. College of nursing and department of nursing(9.1%) and 19 junior colleges of nursing(95%) did not open biochemistry, 1 college of nursing and department of nursing(5%) did not open pathology and pharmacology. 2 Junior colleges of nursing(10%) did not open pharmacology, 1 junior college of nursing(5%) did not open pathology, the other 1 junior college of nursing did not open microbiology. 2. Credits of the subjects were ranged from 1 to 4. Lecture hours of one semester of physiology at school of nursing and junior college of nursing was average 103.6 and average 102.67, that of anatomy was average 127.1 and average 98, that of microbiology was average 109.7 and average 86.33, that of biochemistry was average 105, that of pathology was average 91 and average 94, that of pharmacology was average 86 and average 85.75. 3. Most of schools used 1 textbook for lectures, 3 school of nursing and department of nursing recommended references without using textbook, while all 36 junior colleges of nursing used textbooks. 4. 5 among 10 schools of nursing and department of nursing had a laboratory practice in physiology, 4 among 7 schools in anatomy, 4 among 6 schools in biochemistry, 2 among 6 schools in biochemistry, 2 among 6 schools in pathology, 5 among 6 schools in microbiology. Not all the schools had a laboratory practice in pharmacology. 4 among 9 junior colleges of nursing had a laboratory practice in physiology. 1 among 4 schools in anatomy, 2 among 7 schools in microbiology. Not all the junior college of nursing had a laboratory practice in pathology and pharmacology. 11 among 20 colleges of nursing and department of nursing, 4 among 7 junior schools of nursing used a textbook of laboratory practice. 5. All the subjects as school of nursing and department of nursing responded that content of lectures and laboratory practices of basic medical science should be different from that of medical education, 34 junior schools of nursing responded that content of lecture of basic medical science in nursing education should be different from that of medical education. 33 junior schools of nursing responded that content of practice of basic medical science in nursing education should be different from that of medical education. 6. The final degree of 25 professors who were in charge of basic medical science were doctors of medicine, that of 5 professors were masters of medicine, that of 5 were doctor of pharmacology, that of 2 were a master of pharmacology, that of 1 was physical science. The final degree of 8 professors who were in charge og basic medical science were masters of medicine, 7 doctors of medicine, 4 masters of nursing science, 4 masters of pharmacology, 2 doctors of nursing, 2 doctors of physical science, 2 doctors of pharmacology and 1 master of public health. 9 full professors, 13 associate professors, 11 assistant professors, 3 full time instructors, and 6 part time instructors were in charge of basic medical science at college of nursing and department of nursing, 20 part time instructors, 8 associate professors, 6 assistant professors, and 2 full professors were in charge of has basic medical science at junior college of nursing. Based on these results, curriculum of basic medical science in nursing education should be reviewed deeply based on nursing model.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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