It is the purpose of this study to determine an effective method of communication between teachers and students. This study was done by using the theory, methods and tools of transac-tional analysis as developed by Berne and Harris. In order to achieve this objective; First; The teacher and student communication process is to be used, noting the student's reaction when the teacher uses "Adult" and "Parent" stimulus. SecouJ; The effectiveness of the reaction toward the "Adult* and "Parent" Stimulus is to be determined with these objectives in mind. The problems of this research study are as follows; What influence on the response of the student is brought about by the method of communication used by the teacher? 1) When the teacher uses the "Parent" Stimulus method what response of the student is shown? 2) When the teacher uses the "Adult" Stimulus method what response of the student is shown? 3) What method of communication helps to promote tne student's growth? In order to determine the answers to these questions data was collected from 40 first year students at a school of nursing in Inchon. These students were divided into two groups and the unstandardized interview technique was Used to interview each student for ten minutes. A tape recording was made of each interview and the nonverbal communication was recorded by process recording immediately following each interview. The recorded material obtained from the two groups was analysed and then the Berne and Harris transactional analysis method was used in analysing the writer of this thesis undertook. Hypothesis 1. When the teacher used the "Parent" stimulus the student's response was more frequently "Child" than "Adult", the results showed a significant difference of P<0.001. Hypothesis 2. When the teacher used the "Adult" Stimulus the student's response was more frequently of "Adult" than "Child", the results showed a significant difference of P<0.001. The following conclusions are drawn from this study; 1) There is an indication that the teachers use of "Parent" stimulus communication is not an effective method to increase the growth of the student. 2) Since the teachers use of "Adult" stimulus resulted in an increase in the "Adult" response of the student there is. an indication that use of an effective communication method can help the student to develop. The writer-of this research paper suggests for further study the following; 1) A comparision of the differences in response to the giving of both "Adult" and "Parent" stimulus to the same Students. 2) A comparison of the differences in student response to the communication method according to the student's grade, age, sex and level in school.
This study was made to assess the possibility of predicting the nurses efficiency after graduation in college through their entrance examination and general attitude test results and their academic records. It was odserved that generally nurses with the highest academic records were the most efficient in their work after graduation while those with high general aptitude test results came, next although their college entrance examination results were comparatively low. Therefore it could be deduced from this study that college entrance examination results alone could not be depended upon in predicting the nurse's working efficiency after her graduation.
1. The purpose of this study. The purpose of this study is to plan and investigate short-term nursing education of two years associate degree program to produce middle-level professional nurses which are needed by society and nation. Current nursing education in Korea is divided into four years degree program, three years diploma program Even (though) there are differences in the aims of their education, the curriculums are not much different between the education for producing leaders which is its basic purpose and trainning middle-level professional nurses. Therefore the purpose of associate degree program lies in minimizing the waste of time and finance which are invested for long-term education for middle-level professional nurses. And also this coincide with the policy of national technical training and definite supply of nurse manpower according to health policy for effective role and ability of nurse, 2. The method of study. This is based on the study of literature, research on the actual condition and investigation of opinion-through questionnaire. 1) The study of literature: Domestic and foreign literatures for two years associate degree program were studied and investigated. 2) Research on the actual condition: Current three years nursing education program was collected and analized. 3) Investigation of opinion. The problem of currend nursing education system and the posibility of two years associate degree program were investigated through questionnaire. 3. The result of the study. 1) The trend of recent nursing education. a. The aims of nursing in past chiefly taking care of physical disease of patinet has rece-ntly changed to nursing of character including physical, mental, socio-economic, educational and psychological condition. b. For the performing systemmatic and effective nurse's duty according to her role, the change of educational system which is classified as a range of education the period of education and certificate after graduation has been enforced or fulfilled. c. Nursing education also has a trend to become a college or two years associate degree porogram which can get same legal protection as other educational institutions whose basic purpose is education. Attached nursing school to hospital is getting disappeared because of disadvantage of educational system. 2) Problems. Depending upon research on actual condition o! current 3 years nursing education program. a. There are too many subjects. b. Contents of education could be doubled because major subjcets are subdivided in detail. c. The credits for graduation are too heavy comparing to the period of study or the ability of students. (The necessary credits are 150.8 for three years according to actual investigaton) d. There is no certain standard in organizing curriculum therefore there are too much differences between schools. 4. Basic Plan. The plan for two years associate degree program in nursing education depending on demand of professional nursing field of society is based on following items. 1) Trainning middle-level professional nurse lay emphasis on liberal arts and basic major field. 2) Liberal arts are divided into required and optional subjects and students could take courses by choice. 3) Major subjects are compound together by fields and they become the sciences of nursing I. II, III, IV and every items has its educational purposes and contents major study includes laboratory practice and clinical experience. 4) The required credits for graduation are to which means 17-18 credits a semester. The above has been planned to solve the problems of current three years nursing education program. In conclusion for the achievement of this system, following items are needed. 1) It is necessary to change educational administration and system such as amendment of educational law or order of educational application of law. 2) Qualified professors should be available to understand and develope the idea or purpose of this educational system. 3) Local medical institutions should be opened widely and educational for clinical trainning. 4) The job after graduation should be secured positively.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the level of obstetric knowledge of pregnant women and postpartum mothers, and to contribute the data to community health teaching program as well as maternity nursing. 385 pregnant women and postpartum mothers visited at or admitted to Seoul Adventist Hospital were sampled. The results of the study were as follows. 1. 97.9% of the subjects were between the age of 21 to 35, most of them (82.9%) were housewives with high school education and with a middle class family background. 2. The first symptoms of pregnancy were amenorrhea (70.4%), nausea & vomiting (23.9%), change of skin color (1.6%). 3. 77. 9% of the subjects did not know how to deal with morning sickness. 4. 52.9% did not know when the sex determination of the fetus-occurs. 5. Concerning the fetus position; 77.1% of them believed it lies head down, head up (12.0%), and not knowing (10.9%). 6. 73.2% recognized the need for a well balanced food during pregnancy, 7. As to the dangerous symptoms during pregnancy; vaginal bleeding was considered the 1st, edema, the 2nd, continuous abdominal pain, the 3rd. 82% of them would confer with physician in case of vaginal bleeding. As to the type of activities restricted by pregnancy; hard exercise was considered first, travel the second, and coitus during 1st and last trimester of pregnancy the 3rd. 8. 82.4% of them visited antenatal clinic at the second or third month of amenorrhea and 88.5% realized the regular physical examination imparative. 9. The purpose of urine test was recognized correctly by 44.7%, blood test; 89.4%, B. P. and weight check; 69.9%. 10. The need of breast care during pregnancy was recognized by 76.9% of the subject. 11. 75.8% realized that prenatal exercise was needed. The higher the education the better the understanding of the need for it before delivery. 12. The concept of postpartum period was understood correctly by 54.4%. 13. The state of uterus after delivery was understood correctly by 49.1% only. 14. Regarding the management of colostrum; 48.3% knew it was to feed infants, and it was to squeeze and discard 43.4%. 15. Dealing with postpartum exercise; 67.8% answered it was needed, 9.1% not needed, not heard about 23.1%.
Regardless of a patient's diagnosis, the care of his skin has been a primary concern of nurses throughout the years. Nurses has washed, dried, and rubbed the skin and have changed his position so as to keep the patient's skin in good condition and to protect him from pressure sores. However, we still find many 'patients suffering from the pressure sores which may take many mothers or years of treatment and cost a lot to be repaired. In view of expensive cost for treatment of the sores and low ratios of nursing staff per patient for intensive nursing care, prophylaxis of the bed sores with sufficient aids is extremely important both for patients and for nurses. Therefore, the unique purpose of this study was to determine whether sponge is good enough to treat and prevent the pressure sore as compared with gel pad and sheepskin. Sixty patients in the age range of 15 through 45 who were in unconscious status or have difficulty of mobility were chosen between January and March of 1974 at Seoul National University Hospital. They were randomly assigned to each treatment and observed on every 4th day with regard to level of consciousness, status of mobility, moisture or dryness of the bed, general skin condition, intake of nutrition, vital signs and intevals of position change in comparison with the changes of skin over the bony prominences. The study results were reviewed in a statistical method analysis of variance-to obtain the following findings; 1. There was no significantly different changes of skin over the sacrum or the trochanter in each group using gel pad, sheepskin or sponge. It means that we may substitute sponge for 2. There was no significant difference among mean changes of patient's skin in relation to sheepskin, gel pad and sponge. 3. There was no significant changes of patient's skin in relation to level of consciousness, status of mobility, intake of nutrition, general skin condition, temperature, blood pressure or interval of position change. 4. There were no meaningful interactions between each treatment and level of consciousness, moisture or dryness of the bed, intake of nutrition, general skin condition, temperature or blood pressure. 5. Sheepskin and gel pad had significantly better influence on patients with limited-mobility than on patients with immobility, and sponge on patients with immobility on than patients with limited mobility. 6. Sheepskin and sponge had meaningfully batter influence on patients changing position at below 2-hour interval, gel pad at 2-4-hour interval, sheepskin at 4-6-hour interval, and three of them at above 6-hour interval.
This study was made on patients who were Hospitalized due to sickness caused by the abuse of marihuana at the Psychiatic Section of a hospital during the period from Feb. to Oct., 1974. The following conclusion was obtained by reviewing the literature with respect to the nursing, and problem solving of those patients, 1. It appears that marihuana is a comparatively miid intoxicant in ordinary preparation without causing physical dependence or tolerance. 2. According to the status of men who are marihuana smokers, approxiately 20% of them were college students, those preparing to retake college entrance examinations, non-employed and parmacists. The men belong mostly to the middle foreigner's mistrese of higher, income fracket, and in the case of women, most of the smokers were US. servicemen entertainers. 3. Dinamic developmental factors; Case 1. : The patient had a characteristic, hysterical and emotionally untable character, and was of low intelligence. In addition, to this already eristing problem, the added uses of marihuana caused a mental illness to develope. Case 2 : The character, was reserved and introspective, her creative power and sentiment was fading and his ability of self-control was weakened. She used the smoking of marihuana to get rid of her own feeling of inferiority complex and tensions coming from interpersonal relationships. Case 3 : The patient was unconditionally resistive to the authoritativeness of superiors and irrisponsible in his relationship with women, in his attitude concerning sex in general. He smoked marihuana because he felt become peace-loving and get enchanted experience through smoking it. 4. The points of issue appearing from the above case; (1) Movement of anti-social feelings aginst the "established system' by the ycungsters. (2) Family problem. (3) Shamelessness, loss of motiavtion, disorderly attitude toward the sex. (4) Worries concerning the future. (5) Lack of knowledge concerning smoking of cigarette and marihuana. Chronic use of marihuana made, those youngmen who had originally been ambitions to achieve something in life, lazy, inefficient, unable to make long-term plans, and such weak mined persons that they did not try to overcome problems when encountered. This will pose a great and important question in the mental health of the society. 5. Treatment and problem sloving According to the literature, we will have to place importance upon hospitalized treatmen' The phases of treatment were divided into five parts. (1) Prehospital phase (2) Withdrawal phase (3) Rehabilitation phase (4) Transitional phase (5) Afterr-care phase The experiments have proved that there was much progress in the recovery of patients through environment therapy, supportive therapy and group psychotherapy. This was the above mentioned 5 phases of treating process in accordance with the weekly schedule of the hospital. It was thought that the patipnts would require prolonged after care management even after they were released from the hospital and that they will also require periodic visit, to the hospital and doctor's interview with their family. In conclusion, the question of the young generation and marihuana smoking is becoming a great social problem in which their resistances to the "established system" and society is growing in the from of antiestablishment movements. In our country, the smoking of marihuana is gradually developing, therefore, I think, that it would be a very fortunate thing for us, if this report could be helpful for the motivation of further Study on the questions of the young generation and its problems.