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Volume 33(3); June 2003
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Original Articles
The Relationship Between Body Composition and Bone Mineral Density in College Women
Myung Hee Kim, Ju Sung Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(3):312-320.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

To investigate body compositons and bone mineral density(BMD) in college women and to find the relationship between them.


From January to March of 2001, BMD at four parts(forearm, lumbar, femur and whole body), body mass index(BMI), body fat mass(BFM), lean body mass(LBM) and body fat percentage(%Fat) were measured with the Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry. Other physical characteristics were measured with a scale, a height measurer, and questionnaires.


Grouping by the BMI, 43.2% showed low weight, and 5% over weight. When applying the percent Fat, 43.8 % was diagnosed as obesity group. The fact indicate that a majority of college women have unbalanced body composition with high percent Fat, compared to their body weight. Assessing the BMD with the WHO standards, 91.4~95.7% of the BMD of forearm and whole body was normal. But, 40.3% and 33.1~43.9% showed osteopenia at lumbar and femur, and 1.4 %, 0.7~7.2% showed osteoporosis. The BMD at all parts showed significant correlation each other(r=.29~.89, p=.001~.000). Body weight and BMI showed correlations to with BMDs at all parts of the body(r=.19~.46, p=.025~.000; r=.18~.45, p=.039~.000). But the percent Fat had a correlation with only femur neck BMD(r=.19, p=.024).


This study showed a majority of healthy college women were exposed to the risk for osteoporosis. Additional study is required to develop nursing interventions to remove the risk factors of osteoporosis. In particular, the acquisition of balanced body composition is necessary, increasing body weight and BMI through the increase of LBM, not through the quantitative increase of BFM.

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A Study to the Coping Patterns of Cancer Patients
Bock Ryun Kim, Young Hae Kim, Jung Sun Kim, Ihn Sook Jeong, Ju Sung Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(3):321-330.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This was to describe the emotions that patients face when diagnosed with cancer to know the problems and coping styles that cancer patients experience during the treatment.


The qualitative method was used for this study. The participants were 90 cancer patients at five general hospital in Pusan, Korea. Data were collected by interviews with a semi-structured questionnaire from November 2000 to June 2001, and were analyzed using the modified constant comparative method.


The most common emotions on the diagnosis of cancer were shock(36.7%), followed by despair(25.6%), acceptance(24.4%), denial(18.9%), complaint(16.7%), and fear(8.9%). The problems identified were the unpleasantness and physical discomfort related with the treatment(50.0%), the feelings of burden(41.1%), finance/occupation(38.8%), and fear of the future(26.6%). Coping styles to problems that the subjects have faced on the course of the treatment were compliance(36.6%), health care(31.1%), positive thinking(22.2%), despair/avoidance(15.5%), seeking social support(6.6%), information seeking(3.3%) and self-control(2.2%).


It is very important to develop nursing interventions which can mitigate shock that patients experience, can help cancer patients to have hope for the future and to positively cope with cancer.

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Body Image, Self-esteem and Depression in College Female Students: Normal and Overweight
Hye Sook Shin, Seung Nam Paik
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(3):331-338.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among variables of body image, self-esteem and depression in college female students according to the normal and overweight.


The subjects of this study consisted of 245 college female students. The data was collected through personal interviews using questionnaires from May to June of 2001. The data was analyzed by the SPSS computer program, and it included descriptive statistics, χ2-test, t-test and the pearson correlation coefficient.


Demographics provided a significant difference in grade, household income, weight control experience. There was a perceived health status difference, according to the normal and overweight subjects. There was a significant difference in body image, self-esteem and depression between the two groups. There was a significant positive correlation between body image and self-esteem, and negative correlation between body image and depression, and self-esteem and depression in college female students.


The Findings of this study give useful information to construct further studies in intervention program relating overweight control for college female students.

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Sexual Autonomy in College Students
Soon Bok Chang, Mi Kyeong Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(3):339-346.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was to add to the understanding of sexual autonomy in college students in Korea. A descriptive survey design was used.


The participants in this study were 1,865 college students from 13 colleges, The questionnaire consisted of 15 items on general characteristics and 13 items measuring sexual autonomy. The SPSS 10.0 program was used for data analysis.


The global score for sexual autonomy was relatively high at 55.24 with a possible range of 13~65. The item on sexual autonomy with the highest score were, ‘ I can prevent repeated STD infections’ and the item with the lowest sexual autonomy score was ‘ I can speak clearly about having intercourse’. Factors related to sexual autonomy were identified as gender, parents' attitude, year in university, experience with STD prevention and experience with pregnancy prevention. The score for sexual autonomy was lower in male college students (p= .000), students whose parents' attitudes to sex were vague, first year students (p=.000), students who had little experience with prevention of STDs (p= .002), students who had little experience with prevention of pregnancy (p=.001).


The results showed that in setting priorities for sex education the following groups of students should be given first priority, male students, students whose parents' attitudes to sex were vague, first year students, students who have not had experience with prevention of STDs, and students who have not had experience with prevention of pregnancy.

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An Attitudinal Study on Women
Jung Hee Yeo
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(3):347-355.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was formed to propose a theoretical background for improving the quality of women's lives by measuring the subjectivity on women.


Q-methodology is used for purpose. Q-statements are collected through in-depth interviews and a literature review. 34 Q-statements were selected. There are 33 subjects in the research. The Q-Factor Analysis using PC Quanl program was performed to analyze the data.


There were three types of opinions on woman. The first type(equal-recognitive) thinks that men and women are equal, women can handle men, and women are independent, valuable beings. The second type(equal-fixed idea) express that women are not behind men in terms of abilities but are supposed to live for the sake of their husbands and children. The third type(equal-practical) answer that men and women are equal, but women have their own personalities and can participate in social activities and can financially help the families.


The study express the overall opinions and attitudes on woman as reviewed by the research subjects. Therefore, this study helps the seizure of an opportunity to build a theoretical base for improving the quality of women's lives.

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Nurse's Perception of Technological Development, Caring Attributes and Professional Self-Concept in YanBian
Choon Hee Noh, Kyoung Ae Kim, Chun Yu Li, Jin Sook Lee, Su Sie Kim, Kyeong Yae Sohng
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(3):356-364.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to describe technological development, caring attributes and professional self-concept as perceived by nurses in YanBian.


Data were collected using an instrument containing 137 Likert items was administered to 477 RN's working in general hospitals in YanBian. The instrument contained sections which examined technological influences questionnaire(TIQ), caring attributes questionnaire(CAQ), and professional self-concept nursing inventory(PSCNI).


Descriptive and inferential statistics revealed by marital status and position. Married, working special ward nurses reported a higher TIQ score than that of unmarried and working general ward and OPD. PSCNI and CAQ score of head or supervisor nurses were higher than that of staff nurses. Subjects revealed very low score of CAQ, while PSCNI score was higher than that of other Asian countries such as Korea, Beijing China, HongKong China and Japan as proved in former study.


Useful information for educators and nurse administrators is provided from this results. Further study needs to be done to discuss in the light of cultural and environmental differences between YanBian(Korean-Chinese) and Korean nurses.

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Health Related Quality of Life among Organ Transplant Recipients
Keum Soon Kim, Ji Yeon Kang, Ihn Sook Jeong
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(3):365-375.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was aimed to investigate the health related quality of life and related factors of organ transplant recipients.


The participants were 188 people who had liver(86), kidney(81), or heart(24) transplanted. Data on the demographic characteristics, transplantation-related characteristics, symptom frequency or discomfort measured by Transplant Symptom Frequency and Symptom Distress Scale by Lough et al(1987), and health related quality of life measured by SF-36(version 2) were collected.


Overall health related quality of life score was 492.1 for 100scoring and, 344.9 for norm based. Physical functioning showed the highest quality of life score (77.5) and vitality showed the lowest(51.1). The kidney transplanted showed the highest quality of life (504.4) and the heart transplanted showed the lowest(426.7) Quality of life was related with occupation(p=.016) and symtom discomfort(p<.0001).


The health related quality of life of transplated patients was lower than the norm of American. Further studies need to be done to identify the norm of Korean and to investigate the effect of releving symptom discomfort on the increasing the health related quality of life.

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Development of Gerontological Nursing Curriculum Model
M S Song, E S Kong, G B Kim, N C Kim, C H Kim, C K Kim, H K Kim, Y J Roh, K R Shin, S Y Ahn, K J Lee, Y W Lee, S O Chang, S J Chon, N O Cho, M O Cho, K S Choi
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(3):376-385.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was conducted to develop gerontological curriculum model which reflects the need of Korean society.


Three round Delphi survey method was applied to find consensus of gerontological nursing competencies (knowledge, attitudes and skills) for graduates of nursing schools from the panel of gerontological nursing practice experts. Important concepts in gerontological nursing were delineated from literature review and discussions of gerontological nursing educators. Based on these results the gerontological nursing curriculum model was developed and course structure outlined by the researchers as a group.


As the result of delphi survey, 32 items of knowledge, 29 items of attitude, and 21 items of skill were identified. The curriculum model constructed around a cube with three plane- functional capacity levels, settings, and nursing practice. Specific knowledge, attitudes and skills for gerontological theory and practicum course were suggested. Competency items were assigned to theory and/or practice.


A curriculum model for gerontological nursing has been developed by a group of gerontological nursing educators. The curriculum model should be further tested and developed with detailed theory and practicum course outline and textbooks.

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Association of Diet with Menopausal Symptoms in Korean Middle-aged Women
Young Joo Park, Hee Young Paik, Young Joo Kim, Sung Sook Hong, Mi Jin Kim, Ji Won Yoon, So Hyun Moon
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(3):386-394.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was designed to explore the association of diet with menopausal symptoms in Korean women.


For this cross-sectional survey, 276 women aged between 45-55 years visiting two branches of K-university hospital located in Seoul and Ansan of Kyunggi province were recruited from April to July, 2002. A menopause-specific quality-of-life questionnaire and a food frequency questionnaire were used to measure menopause-related symptoms and the intake of 28 types of foods.


No differences were found in the levels of bothersome total menopausal symptoms, physical symptoms, psychosocial symptoms, and sexual symptoms according to the intake of each food. Only higher intake of fishes, seaweeds, and vegetable oils were inversely associated with bothersome levels of vasomotor symptoms. Women with higher intake of yellow-green vegetables and lower intake of coffee, confectionery, and processed foods reported lower hot flush rate.


The results suggest that higher intake of yellow-green vegetables and lower intake of coffee, confectionery and processed foods may relieve hot flushes. Further study needs to be pursued to study the relationship with nutrients of these foods and hot flushes.

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The Development of Certificates Criteria and Curriculum in Home Healthcare Nurse Specialist Program
Kyung Rim Shin, Su Kyung Ju, Duk Yoo Jung, Hye Young Kim, Bun Han Kim, Suk Ja Yang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(3):395-404.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

To make a contribution to raising the quality of nursing and home healthcare services through reviewing the present state of home healthcare nurse specialist training institutions and education programs and creating concrete measures to establish high-quality education courses.


International comparative study of accreditation criteria and curriculum in home healthcare nurse specialist program.


The Authorization Standards of home healthcare nurse training institutions consists of 8 items, 23 evaluation criteria and 72 evaluation indexes. Proposal to develop a specialist training program: Curriculum. Modify and complement a present homecare nurse education program. Curriculum 1. Designate two forms of certification. The first certification has been granted the authority to serve as a manager and open a home healthcare agency to nurses having masters degrees and clinical experience for five years. The second certification is allowed to perform general home healthcare after having completed a short term training course. Currculum 2. To meet increasing demands, granting a certification to perform home healthcare to registered nurses having clinical experience of more than three years.


These results can be utilized in the home healthcare educational program for raising the quality of nurses and home healthcare services.

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Effects of Behavior Modification on Obesity Index, Skinfold Thickness, Body Fat, Serum Lipids, Serum Leptin in Obese Elementary School Children
Hyo Shin Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(3):405-413.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was performed to investigate effects of behavior modification on obesity index, skinfold thickness, body fat, serum lipids, serum leptin in obese elementary school children.


Forty seven students were selected from two elementary schools. Twenty four children in one school were assigned to experimental group and twenty three children in another school were assigned to control group. Experimental group was received 60~70 minutes of behavior modification once a week for 8 weeks.


Obesity index of the experimental group was significantly decreased after behavior modification. But there was no significant difference between two groups. The increase of skinfold thickness was significantly low in the experimental group compared to the control group. Percentage of body fat and fat mass were significantly decreased in the experimental group. Fat free mass was significantly increased in the experimental group. HDL-C, triglyceride and serum leptin between the experimental group and control group showed no significant difference.


These results indicate that behavior modification is effective in decreasing percentage of body fat and fat mass, in less increasing skinfold thickness and in increasing fat free mass. In conclusion, behavior modification can be used as effective strategy for managing obesity in elementary school children.

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Development of Elderly Meaning in Life(EMIL) Scale
Soon Ock Choi, Sook Nam Kim, Kyung Il Shin, Jong Ji Lee, You Jhin Jung
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(3):414-424.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to develop elderly meaning in life scale with high validity and reliability.


The process of development of this scale were as follows. A conceptual framework composed of 4 phases of meaning in life of elderly was identified based on the literature review and interviews with elderlies and discussion with experts in meaning in life. Total 62 items, 4-points scale were developed. Through reliability testing, factor analysis, 40 preliminary items were selected. By means of internal consistency of 40 items, 2 items whose inner-items correlation coefficient was below .30 were deleted. Through factor analysis 1 item whose factor loading was below .30 was deleted. Finally 37 items were remained. To verify 37 items, factor analysis, reliability testing, LISEREL were done. Data were collected from 320 elderly subjects in Busan-KyungNam and Jeonla Province from May to June in 2002.. SPSS WIN. 10.0 Program was used.


The result of factor analysis of 37 items, 8 factors were extracted. These factors were labeled as ‘ self- awareness and self-acceptance’, ‘ contentedness with life’, ‘ purpose in life’, ‘ love in family’, ‘ role awareness’, ‘ futuristic aspiration’, ‘ commitment’, and ‘ experience of love’. These factors included 4 phases of the meaning in life. Cronbach's Alpha of 37 items was .908 and correlation coefficient of PIL was .75.


The researchers recommend the follows : The explorative study on the variables related to meaning in life are needed for criterion validity of this scale. The studies on meaning in life of different age groups, subjects are needed for reverification.

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The Relationships among Loneliness, Social Support,and Family Function in Elderly Korean
Ok Soo Kim, Sung Hee Baik
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(3):425-432.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

To examine the relationships among loneliness, social support, and family function in elderly Korean.


The sample for this study were 290 elderly Korean who were at least 60 years of age. Data were collected by interview using the translated Korean versions of the Revised University of California Los Angels Loneliness Scale(RULS), Family APGAR, and Social Support Questionnaire 6.


Subjects were moderately lonely and had moderately functional families. Means for social support were 1.42 for network size and 4.09 for satisfaction. Subjects who lived with their spouses had a larger number of network members than who did not live with spouses. However, living with spouses was not associated with social support satisfaction. The level of loneliness was related negatively to the level of social support network, social support satisfaction and family function in this study. Social support satisfaction and Family function were the significant predictor of loneliness.


The number of social supporter and satisfaction and family function should be considered in nursing intervention to decrease the level of loneliness in older adults. Further studies and efforts will be needed to reduce the level of loneliness in older adults.

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Symptoms, Depression, and Coping Behaviors of University Students
Mi Kyoung Choi
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(3):433-439.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among subjective symptoms, depression, and stress coping behavior of university students.


The survey was carried out on a convenience sample of 298 university students. The questionnaire consisted of each scale for symptoms, depression, and stress coping behaviors. Data analysis procedure included the factor analysis for stress coping behaviors, and the correlation analysis describing a relationship among symptoms, depression, and stress coping behaviors.


There were significant correlations between depression and the three types of symptoms : general, psychological, and somatic symptom. Subjects using the negative-emotional-response coping and the self-control coping showed a more severe depression, and those using the problem-solving reappraisal coping and the positive-emotional-response coping showed a milder depression. Subjects using the negative-emotional-response coping complained of all 3 types of symptoms severely, and those using the positive-emotional-response coping complained of general symptoms mildly. Of five stress coping methods, the negative-emotional-response and the positive-emotional-response coping methods were related to both symptoms and depression significantly.


This study suggests that the emotional-oriented coping method has more important role for university student's depression and their subjective symptoms than the problem-oriented coping or social supports seeking coping. Further study needs to be conducted to help students effective coping mechanism for good mental health. Also it is necessary for university students to recognize that their symptoms are associated with depression.

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The Effects of Solution-Focused Group Counseling on the Stress Response and Coping Strategies in the Delinquent Juveniles
Mi Ja Ko, Sook Ja Yu, Yang Gon Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(3):440-450.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was conducted to examine the effects of solution-focused group counseling on the general stress, stress response and coping in the delinquent juveniles.


The subjects consisted of a convenience samlple of 60 delinquent juveniles who had been placed under probation in Kwang-ju, and recruited from Oct., 2000 to Dec., 2000. Solution-focused group counseling was conducted for the experimental group once a week for 120 to 180 minutes for 6 week. The control group received no group session. For both groups the level of general stress, stress response and coping were measured before and after the experiment.


General stress significantly decreased in the experimental group and increased in the control group, but showed no significant difference between the two groups. Stress response decreased significantly in the experimental group and increased in the control group, but showed no significant difference between the two groups. The problem-focused coping significantly increased in the experimental group and decreased in the control group, and showed a significant difference between the two groups. The emotion-focused coping significantly decreased in the experimental group and increased in the control group, and showed no significant difference between the two groups.


This study showed that solution-focused group-counselling has a positive effect on variables like the general stress, stress response, emotion-focused coping and problem-focused coping. Further study needs to be conducted to verify results.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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