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Volume 28(3); September 1998
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Original Articles
The Effects of Open Endotracheal Suctioning(ETS) and Close ETS on Oxygen Saturation and Heart Rate in Premature Infants with Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Mi Soon Kim, Young Mee Ahn, In Ok Park, Sook Ja Choi, Mi Young Yoo
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):529-539.   Published online March 29, 2017
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Prematurity is the main cause for respiratory distress syndrome(RDS) in neonates. The goal in the treatment of RDS is to maintain respiration with adequate oxygenation. ETS needs to be performed to remove lung secretions in the ventilated premature infants with RDS. Oxygen saturation(SpO2) and heart rate(HR) were compared in 22 premature infants with RDS using two types of ETS: open ETS versus close ETS. The results showed there was no significant difference in the SpO2 and HR returned to the baseline within 1 minute after suctioning. But in some case, there was a significantly greater incidence in the decrease of SpO2 below 90% occurred in the open ETS than in the close ETS. It implies that closed ETS may be beneficial to premature infants who tend to develop desaturation easily.

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Development of Health Behavior Assessment Tool of the Korean Adults
Ae Kyung Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):540-549.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study has been designed to develop a health behavior scale. Data were collected through a survey over a period of two period. Subjects who participated in the study were 298 Korean adults. The author used a convenience sampling method. The analysis of the data was done with SPSS PC for descriptive statistics and factor analysis. Initially 34 items were generated from the interview data of twenty one adults and from literature review and survey. This preliminary scale was analyzed for a reliability and validity. The results are as follow: 1. Crombach Coefficient alpha for the 30 items was .7909. 2. Factor analysis was done in order to confirm construct validity and nine factor were extracted from the results. These contributed 54.4% of the variance in the total score. 3. Nine factor label were 'exercise' stress management' 'energy conservation' 'limit in liking' 'selection of food' 'ingestion of natural food' ' health examination' 'relaxation' and 'nutrition'. The author suggest that this scale could be adequately applied in assessing the health behavior of Korean adults. The results of using this scale in a study can contribute to designing an appropriate health promotion strategy.

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Testing the Theory of Planned Behavior in the Prediction of Contraceptive Behavior among Married Women
Myoung Hee Kim, Kyung Shin Paek
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):550-562.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to test the Theory of planned Behavior in the prediction of contraceptive behavior among married women. This study used a descriptive correlational design to examine the relationships among the study variables. Eighty married women in Seoul and Kyungki-do participated in this study. Research instruments used were the tool for measuring TPB variables search as attitude toward contraception , subjective norm, perceived behavior control, and intention: and the tool for measuring contraceptive behavior . The former was modified by the researcher according to Ajzen and Fishbein(1980)'s guidelines for tool development and Jee(1993)'s tool. The latter was developed by the research. Data was collected from July 20, 1996 to October 25, 1996. The results are as follows: The three factors, attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control of contraception can explain 30% of the variance in contraceptive intention. Inspection of path coefficient for each of the three predictor variables revealed that subjective norm and perceived behavior control were the predictor variables on intention, while attitude was not ; and intention and perceived behavior control factors can explain 42% of the variance in contraceptive behavior. Inspection of path coefficient for each of the two predictor variables revealed that intention and perceived behavior control were the predictor variables on behavior. In conclusion, this study identified that Theory of Planned Behavior was a useful model in the prediction of contraceptive behavior, and the contraceptive service program based on the TPB variables would be an effective nursing intervention for the change in contraceptive behavior.

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Development and Validation of Korea Sleep Scale A
Jin Joo Oh, Mi Soon Song, Shin Mi Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):563-572.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of study was to develop and validate Korean Sleep Scale A which can be easily administrated by nurse for a wide range of adult subjects. Dimensions of adult concept were derived by literature review. Previously developed sleep scales were also analyzed in order to develop scales items. The Korean sleep scale A was structured as a 15 item, 4 point like type scale. The Scale was tested an 298 female and male adult subjects after pilottest and content validation. The results showed reliability by internal consistency of Cronbach's alpha=75 Construct validity was tested by factor analysis and known group technique. Factor analysis showed 4 factor-sleep pattern, sleep evaluation, sleep result, and cause of sleep disturbance. Theses four factors explained 55.9% of total variance. Correlations between factors ranged from .15-.32. There was correlation among Korean Sleep Scale A score, Verran and Snyder-Halpern(VSH) Sleep Scale scale, and sleep satisfaction scale score, r= .71(p=.00), r=.51(p=.03), respectively. These study results partially support reliability, construct validity, and criterion related validity of Korean Sleep Scale A. Further validation study is required with other subjects and other settings.

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Pregnancy, Abortion and Delibery Rates for Korean Teenagers
Young Joo Park, Pyoung Sahm Ku, Tak Kim, Jae Chul Shin, Chan Lee, Joon Moon, Min Jung Oh
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):573-582.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to investigate pregnancy, abortion and delivery rates among Korean teenagers. The subjects of this study were 11,433 teenagers aged 13-19 year in Seoul, Pusan, Taegu, Kwangju, Insheon, Taejeon and Ansan, Korea. Data were collected from Feb. 1994 to May 1995, 16 months, by schoolnurses or the researchers. The results showed pregnancy rate was 7.2 per 1,000 teenagers, the abortion rate was 4.3 per 1,000 teenagers, and delivery rate was 1.2 per 1,000 teenagers. In the pregnancy experience, the main factors related to teenage pregnancy were love or marriage engagement. In the abortion experience, 53.9% of teenagers had more than two abortion experiences, 38.1% midtrimester abortion, 22% complications after abortion. In the delivery experience, 64.3% of teenagers delivered with no prenatal care and 42.9% had a delay in realizing they were pregnant. Fifty percent were delivered by non-professionals in non-medical institutions.

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Hardiness: Determinants of Psychological Distress from Stress
Mi Ra Lee, Hee Young So, Eun Kyong Ahn, Tae Sook Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):583-590.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study was understand in order to examine the effect of hardness on stress-causing factors, defined in this study as burnout in nursing. The subjects were 248 nurses working in three general hospitals in Taejon. The instruments used for this study were a survey of general characteristics, modified Health-Related Hardiness Scale(HRHS) (25 items), job stress scale (63 items), and burnout scale(20 items). Analysis of data was done through the mean, percentage, Person correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression done with a SAS program. The results of this study are as follows. 1) The average item score for the job stress was high at 4.44. In the subcategories, the highest degree of stress was night duty(5.11), and work overload(4.70), responsibility for extra affairs(4.70), conflict in nurse-doctor relationships(4.69), and low reward (4.63) in that order. 2) In the stepwise multiple regression analysis, hardiness(11.55%) was a significant determinant of burnout along with job stress(17.24%) and job duration(12.94%). The results of this study show that hardiness has an effect on psychological distress caused by stress.

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The Effects of Chest Vibration Prior to Endotracheal Suctioning on Oxygenation and the Amount of Lung Secretions in Premature Infants with Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Ahn Young Mee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):591-601.   Published online March 29, 2017
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No abstract available.

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Nurse's Perception in the Homecare Needs of Cancer Patient
In Soo Kwon, Young Eun
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):602-615.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this descriptive study was to identify th homecare needs of the discharged patient with cancer as perceived by nurses caring hospitalized cancer patients. At two hospitals in Gyeognam, 74 nurse responded to an open-ended questionnaire consisting of four need categories; 1) educational and information need, 2) physical need, 3) emotional need, 4) social need. Respondents were asked to list above ten needs of cancer patient in each category. Two researchers analyzed the data by content analysis method. The finds are summarized as follows; 1) A total of 1,417 need items were generated by nurses. The largest number of needs were in the educational and information need category(475 items, 36.3%). Physical (414 items, 31.6%), emotional (237 items ,18.1%) need were the second, third largest, and social(184 items, 14.0%) need made up the smallest category. 2) In the educational and informational need category, there were seven subcategories of prognosis, diet and exercise, medication and pain, wound care, folk remedy, personal hygiene, comfort. The need items related to prognosis of cancer accounted for almost a half(48.2%) of the total. 3) In the physical need category, there were ten subcategories of personal hygiene, skin and tissue, nutrition, side effect on treatment, exercise, pain, elimination, equipment, comfort and safety, others. The largest number of needs were in subcategory of the personal hygiene982 items, 19.8%). 4) In the emotional need category, there were four subcategories of emotional support related to disease, emotional support related to routine life, spiritual support, maintenance of relationship with nurse and doctor. The largest number of need were in subcategory of the emotional support related to disease(96 item, 40.5%). 5) In the social need category, there were five subcategories of support for social life, household management, legal support, the use of volunteer service, financial support. The largest number of needs were in support for social life subcategory(58 item, 31.5%).

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A Correlation Study of Maternal Stress, Anxiety, and Perception of the Newborn in the Early Postpartum Stage
Hyun Young Koo, Young Im Moon
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):616-624.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to contribute to maternal nursing in early postpartum stage and to neonatal nursing. Data were collected through self-report questionnaires which were constructed to include parental role stress scale, state- trait anxiety scale, and perception of the newborn scale. The subjects consisted of 100 mothers in the early postpartum stage at three hospitals in the Kyoung-In area, from November 8 to December 26, 1997. The data were analyzed by an SPSS program. The results are follows: 1. The mean of parental role stress of mothers in the early postpartum stage was 10.70+/-2.63. The means of stage anxiety and trait anxiety of mothers were 36.29+/-8.45 and 38.53+/-8.36. The mean of perception of the newborn was 2.65+/-5.05, and 59% of mothers rated their newborn as better than the average newborn. 2. The level of parental role stress correlated to the level of state anxiety and trait anxiety. The level of state anxiety and trait anxiety were also related. The level of perception of the newborn was related to the level of state anxiety and trait anxiety. 3. Mothers who did not want the pregnancy, whose newborn were girls, and who already had one child had higher state anxiety than those who did not. Mothers who already had one child, and whose newborn had no specific signs had higher trait anxiety than those who did not. Mothers who professed a religions had a higher perception of the newborn than those who did not. The above findings indicate that the levels of parental role stress, state anxiety, trait anxiety and perception of the newborn of mothers in early postpartum stage were correlated. Therefore nursing intervention for reducing stress and anxiety, and improving perception of the newborn should be provided for mothers in early postpartum stage.

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A Study of Factors Predicting Self-care Behavior in Diabetics
Young Ock Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):625-637.   Published online March 29, 2017
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To determine factors affecting self-care behavior if diabetics, the relationships of hardiness, family support, demographic and medical variables to self-care behavior were investigated in 180 samples with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. In stepwise multiple regression analysis, 26.76% of the variance in self-care behavior was accounted for by family support(15.52%), age(7.76%), and clinical history(2.07%). To compared the magnitude of predictor's significance by gender, stepwise multiple regression was conducted separatively by gender group. In the male sample 25.22% of the variance in self-care behavior was accounted for by family support, age, and challenge. In the female sample family support, age, and committment were significant predictors in self-care behavior with 28.82% of the variance. The results highlight the value of family support in self-care behavior in diabetics regardless of gender difference. According to the finding of this study, family support is the most significant predictor of self-care behavior in NIDDM. This implicates that in future diabetic care, a family member should be encouraged to participate in the patient education process. Also as hardiness is not supported by a unidimensional construct, more empirical studies are recommended to differentiate the conceptual traits for the three subconcept of hardiness.

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A Study of Factors Influencing Health Promoting Behavior and Quality of life in the Elderly
Eun Sook Park, Soon Ja Kim, So In Kim, Young Ja Chun, Pyoung Sook Lee, Haeng Ja Kim, Kuem Sun Han
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):638-649.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing health promoting behavior and quality of life in the elderly, to provide the basic data for health promoting intervention in order to improve quality of life. The subjects of this study were 51 elderly person over the age of 65, living in Seoul, Korea, during the period from November, 1997 to January, 1998. The instruments for this study were the health promoting behavior scale developed by Walker et (1987), the quality of life scale by RoyouJa(1988), the health concept scale by Laffrey(1986), the perceived health states scale by Lawston et al. (1992), the health value scale by Walston et al.(1978), the self esteem scale by Rogenberg(1965) and self efficacy scale by Sherer(1982). The instruments of this using descriptive statistics, t-test, Person correlation coefficients ANOVA and stepwise multiple regression. The results of this study are as follows; 1. The health promoting behavior showed significant positive correlation with health concept perception of health status, self esteem, internal health locus of control, self efficacy and quality of life in the elderly. 2. The quality of life showed significant positive correlation with health concept, perception of health status, self esteem, internal health locus of control, self efficacy in the elderly. 3. Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that the most powerful predictor of health promoting behavior was quality of life. A combination of quality of life, health concept, perceived health status, self esteem, internal health locus of control, and self esteem, internal health locus, and self efficacy accounted for 46% of the variance in health promoting behavior in the elderly. 4. Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that the most powerful predictor of quality of life in the elderly was self esteem. A combination of self esteem. health concept, perceived health status, health promoting behavior and self efficacy account for 56% of the variance in quality of life in the elderly. From the results of the study, the following recommendations are presented as follow : 1. Development of a health promoting program to improve quality of life in the elderly. 2. In developing the health promoting, the above major influencing factors be considered. 3. It is suggested that an education specialist in practice in the community be include in the program development.

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A Study on the Contents of Fundamental Nursing Practice
Young Whee Lee, Wha Sook Seo
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):650-661.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this was to provide fundamental data for determining contents of Fundamental Nursing Practice and developing desirable bedside nursing techniques for clinical nursing areas. Subjects for this study were 86 nurse who were employees of two university hospitals located in Seoul and a district area. Data were collected by questionnaires. Items of Fundamental Nursing Practice from were content into 72 items according to the result from content analysis of 9 textbooks of Fundamental Nursing. The results are as follows: 1) Items which above 80% of respondents practiced during the school inside practice or clinical nursing practice course were axillae temperature measurement, radial pulse measurement, respiratory rate measurement, application of oral hygiene, hand-washing technique, application of hot and cold bags, intermuscular injection technique, open bed-making, soap enema method, application of nelaton cathetrization and oral and nasal suction methods. 2) Above 90% of respondents replied that all items except temperature measurement and bed-making were requisite contents for Fundamental Nursing Practice. Above 10% of respondents replied oral and rectal temperature measurement and bed-making were unnecessary content. 3) Above 90% of respondents replied that operating method of all items except isolation technique, admission and discharge procedures, and retention enema in the Fundamental Nursing Practice course and clinical situation were consistent. The main reasons that respondents did not apply methods which they learned in the Fundamental Nursing Practice course to the clinical situation were 'insufficient time', 'colleagues were using different methods', 'insufficient supply of instruments' or 'inappropriate appliances'.

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Accident Proneness Prospect in Preschooler
Ja Hyoung Lee, Shin Jeong Kim, Jung Eun Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):662-675.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to provide basic data on preschool children of accident prevention and to improve their health through a sound, safe living environment with safety education established through more systematic methods. Data were collected from 516 preschoolers from 4 to 6 years old using APP paper test which consists of a question and drawing. The children's general characteristics and accident proneness prospect were investigated. The relationship between the children's general characteristics and the accident proneness prospect were analyzed. The findings of the study are as follows: 1. The institution which children attended had a significant difference in accordance with the living safety(p=.015) and behavior character(p=.033). 2. The housing pattern in which children lived had a significant difference in accordance with the movement speed(p=.027). 3. The children's age had a significant difference in accordance with the living safety(p=.002), traffic safety(p=.001), the reasoning power(p=.000), movement speed(p=.00), movement stability(p=.000) and attentional power (p=.000). 4. The children's sex had a significant difference in accordance with the movement stability and behavioral character(p=.003, p=.008). 5. The children's past accidental experience had a significant difference in accordance with the behavior character(p=.001). 6. General assessment of the APP test had a significant difference in accordance with the children's age(p=.000) and children's past accidental experience(p=.020).

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The trend and Issues of the Gerontological Nursing Study in Korea
Young Ran Lee, Shin Mi Kim, Hae Ok Park, Hyo Mi Park, Gae Hwa Jo, You Ja Ro
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):676-694.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Issues related to the elderly have been recognized in Korea and nursing scholars have tried to study there issues. It is hard to say which the direction we, are going or have to go, since there has been little systemic effort to establish gerontological nursing field yet. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the trend and the guidelines of gerontolotical nursing studies for the future. Dissertation and published articles related to the elderly in the nursing field from 1991 to the February of 1997 were are reviewed. Total 127 studies were analysed in terms of concept, design/methodology, and results, and the nature and issues of the geronotologic nursing studies in Korea were explored. The results are as follows: 1. There was no clear chronological definition of the elderly. 2. The most popular research design was an exploratory/descriptive study. 3. The major concepts studies were physical and mental health. 4. Among those studies using instrument which were developed and modified and /or translated by researchers, the reliability and validity were rarely reported. 5. Theory based studies were rare. We suggest the following issues for future studies : 1. The chronological and other criteria related to the definition of elderly is needed. 2. Physiopsychosocial characteristics of Korean elderly and their managements in terms of intervention studies need to be conducted more synthetically. 3. Social issues from the change of types and function of family such as single elderly family need to be studied. 4. Participation in and collaborate with other disciplines are needed. 5 Development and test of instruments to measure phenomena or concepts is needed. 6. Macroscopic approach such as policy also needed. 7. Theory based studies are needed.

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Actual Physical Symptom and Stress in Caregivers of Patients with Cerebrovascular Disease
Hee Seoung Kim, Hyeoun Ae Park, Mi Jeong Oh
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):695-704.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study amis for examines the actual physical symptom and stress in caregivers of patients with cerebrovascular disease. The data were collected by a survey conducted from August to September, 1997 which included 65 caregivers of cerebrovascular disease patient in 4 hospitals located in Seoul. The caregiver's stress was measured by Choi(1992)'s instrument and the actual physical symptoms were investigated. The data were analyzed using ANOV, Scheffe test, pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression. The results were as follows : 1. The mean number of caregiver's physical symptom was 3.5. There were significantly higher number of physical symptom in women, those of who have a religious affiliation, those of two perceive their own health status perceived s bad, and those of two perceived their patients disease condition as serious than in their counterparts. Also, the number of caregiver's physical symptom was significantly higher in caregivers whose patients have a paralysis symptom and the disease onset as spontaneous. 2. The average of caregiver's stress was 57.9. The caregiver's stress was the highest in between the ages of 50 and 59. There were also significantly higher level of stress in women, those of two perceived the disease condition of their patient as serious than in counterparts. 3. The most common caregiver's physical symptom was fatigue(87.7%). This was followed by insomnia(58.5%) and muscle (47.4%). 4. Caregiver's physical symptom was positively correlated with caregiver's stress and negatively correlated with patient's activity of daily life. 5. The most important variable affecting the caregiver's physical symptom was patient's activity of daily life which accounted for 12.7% of the total variance in stepwise multiple regression analysis. The most important variable affecting the caregiver's stress was the patient disease condition perceived by the caregiver that accounted for 12.1% of the total variance.

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A Survey on the Ostomate Eudcation Materials
Kyung Sook Park, Myoung Sook Kim, Kyoung Sook Choi
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):705-717.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Ostomates have suffered from many difficulties due to their physical, psychosocial handicaps and changes of life style to include ostoma management that influences their daily and quality of life. An appropriate nursing education for ostoma management is very important. Practical education materials needs revision because those were developed by pharmaceutical companies and hospital institutions. The purpose of this study is to provide more practical and resonable education materials for ostomates by doing analysis and survey of educational materials now being used. We surveyed 8 types of educational materials used in 23 university hospitals and medical centers used in 23 university hospitals and medical centers in Seoul ; four of them were developed by department of nursing and the remainder by an Ostomy Company. Data, collected from July 14, 1997 through July 31, 1997 were analyzed. The results are as follows ; 1. The analyzed of education guide, on ostomate included 14 subcategories ; introduction, structure and fuction of gastrointestinal tracts, definition of stoma, types of ostomy, definition of peristalsis, methods of defection management, selection of instrument, resolution of problems and general situations following surgery, daily life, where to ask for help, explanations for terms, information about where to buy instrument, explanations for enterostomal therapist, a matter of consultation with doctor, etc. 2. Introduction contained specific contents on practical ostomate management that ostomates would experience through their lives. Ostomate education guides were developed 3 hospitals except one which missed this point. 3. Most ostomate education guides, except one hospital, helped ostmates to understand their physical structure change with specific explanation on gastrointestinal tracts with figures. 4. Six institution did not talk about the definition of peristalsis. 5. All institutions, except two, helped ostomates to understand types of ostomy with figures. 6. More detailed explanations in natural defecation are needed. The benefits and pitfalls in natural defection should be more specified. 7. No psychosocial difficulties of ostomy management were addressed. 8. The efficiency off enema can be better understand through all explanations with figures. Some institutions did not mention items about definition, benefits, pitfalls of enema, sequency of enema, how to wash, cautions performing and enema, skin management, cleaning instrument after enema proper time to spend. 9. There were no detailed contents and what to do in case of not being able to do enema. 10. Only one educational material mentioned emotional aspects after the surgery. 11. Most institution explained sucategory of daily life but did not provide specific contents on the difficulties of physical, psychological, and sociocultural controls. 12. The subcategory of ureterostomy education guides included explanations in normal structure and function of urinary tracts, types of ureterostomy, how to management skin, usage and types instrument, commercial urostomy, how to manage instrument, daily life, introduction the general contents. However, more specific explanations were needed.

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The Effects of Education on Breast Self-Examination Practices
Kyung Ock Choi, Yeon Ok Suh
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):718-728.   Published online March 29, 2017
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Breast self-examination is the most effective and easiest way for women to increase the responsible consciousness about their health. The purpose of this study was to test the variables impacted to promote breast self-examination practice. The research design used in this study was a nonequivalent control group of a non-synchronized design. The sample that was assembled consisted of 124 women. A purposive sample consisted of 124 omen. Each subject was given to assessed on the following the demographic data relate to the breast self-examination, knowledge of self-examination, accuracy, in performing self-examination, self-efficacy about breast cancer and breast self-examination, and the number of subjects who found a mass. The result of this study may be summarized as follows : 1. To examine the theoretical model fit to the data, chi square test statistics and goodness of fit index were identified(x2=2.30, df=2, GFI=0.99, AGFI=0.94 RMSR=0.02, NFI=0.99, NNFI=0.99, Critical Number=439). 2. The direct effects of education of breast self- examination were knowledge, self-efficacy, accuracy, number finding a mass. But the indirect effect of education in breast self-examination was frequency of breast self-examination. 3. Knowledge, as direct paths to the breast self-examination practices, was removed in the theoretical model. The parsimonious best fit model included self-efficacy, accuracy, the number finding mass, frequency of breast self-examination practices. 4. The final model produced a chi-square=5.58(p=0.35) with df=5, and GFI=0.99 AGFI=0.94, NFI=0.03, NFI=0.99, NNFI=0.99, CN=339 indicating very a good fit. Based on the result of this study, education of breast self-examination is very effective for increasing the competency of the breast self-examination through the knowledge and self-efficacy. Resources to promote self-examination may be helpful to increase the frequency of self-examination because self-efficacy is a direct effort on it. These findings suggest the need t develop nursing strategy to promote the self- efficacy of breast self-examination.

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Lifestyles Effects on Stroke Risk in Different Regions in Korea
Smi Choi-Kwon, Eun Kyung Kim, Mi Yang Jeon
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):729-738.   Published online March 29, 2017
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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Stroke is a leading cause of death in Korea. Early measurement to prevent stroke are extremely important since it has no cure. Korean might have different risk factors since their dietary habit and socio-economical status differ from most western countries. However, the risk factors for stroke in Korea have not yet been identified. Moreover, the lifestyle of health Korean adults has not been investigated. In this study we investigate the life of health adults living in Seoul and rural areas and compare the life style of the two. METHODS: One hundred seventy one subjects were studies. Among the subjects studied, 128 were from Seoul, the other 43 were from the country area. The age of the subjects was limited to over 40 years. Blood pressure, fast blood sugar, and cholesterol were measured. The subjects' height, weight, body mass index total body fat, skinfolds thickness of triceps, subscapular and abdomen were measured to determine obesity. Using a structured interview, we assessed : sodium intake, physical activity and exercise, consumption of vegetables, fat, fish and fruits. The results of the two groups were compared. RESULTS: There were no statistical differences in age and education between the two groups of subjects. The mean age of the subjects were 66 years old. The subjects residing in rural areas had a higher intake of sodium(p<0.05), lower physical active(P<0.05), and higher BMI and body fat(p<0.05) as compared to the subjects in Seoul. Subjects with hypertension were between 24% and 33% and the prevalence of hypertension was the highest was the highest when compared to the prevalence of DM, or hypercholesterolemia. However, the prevalence of hypertension, DM, hypercholesterolemia, were not significantly different in these areas. CONCLUSION: our results show that subjects living in rural areas eat more salty food, exercise less and tend to be obese. The finding of this study lead to speculation that Korean living in rural areas have less information about the effects diet of diet on health than city dwellers do. General health and nutrition education programs aimed at the prevention of stoke and other such conditions for rural area Korean may close the risk factor gap between rural and urban dwellers.

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A Study on the Health Promoting Behavior Depending on the Response Patterns of HLOC in Korea Adults
Mee Ock Gu, Young Eun
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):739-750.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to identify the response patterns of Health Locus of Control(HLOC) and to analysis of the health promoting behaviors depending on the response patterns of HLOC in Korean adults. The sample was composed of 300 healthy adults ranged from twenties to seventies to seventies. In data analysis, SPSS PC+ program was utilized for descriptive statistics, person correlation, ANOVA and cluster analysis. The results of the study were as follow : 1. The average score of Hloc in Korean were HLOC-I : 24.12(range 6-30), HLOC-P : 21.72, HLOC-C : 17.46. 2. The total mean score of the health promoting behavior scale was 2.50 (range 1-4), and the mean score on the subscales were ; self actualization 2.60, health responsibility 2.14, exercise 2.28, nutrition 3.16, interpersonal support 2.74, stress management 2.15. 3. The HLOC-I and health promoting behavior were correlated positively(r=0.184, p=0.001), and the HLO-C and the health promoting behavior were correlated negatively(r=-0.102, p=0.039). The HLOC-P and the health promoting behavior weren't correlated in the level of statistical significance. 4. The response patterns of HLOC in Korean adults were identified 6 types, such as pure internal, pure chance, believers in control, yea sayer, nay sayer, and complex control. The type of believers in control and the type of yea sayer were subdivided in two different types. The believers in control was the largest group(33.67%), and yea sayer was the next large group(26.33%). The pure chance and the complex control type was the smallest groups. 5. There was a significant difference in health promoting behavior depending on the response patterns of HLOC(F=2.67, p=0.010). There were also significant differences in 4 subscales of health promoting behavior : self actualization(F=3.12, P=0.038), nutrition(F=5.08, p=0.000), and interpersonal support?(F=2.26, p=0.029). These results suggest that the response patterns of HLOC is the important factor to predict the level of health promoting behavior in Korean adults.

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The Study of the Validity Test on the Self-monitoring Scale
Seon Ah Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):751-759.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The study of the validity test on the self-monitoring scale for nurses In this study. both the literary survey as well as empirical research has been executed to test the validity of the scales that measure the construct of the self-monitoring scale. The self-monitoring scale could not be classified into five factors as Snyder suggested. Many other scholars( Briggs, Cheek and Buss, 1580) suggested 3 different classifications which was accepted by Snyder and Gangestad (1986) , John, Cheek and Klohnen(1996) claimed a two -factor classification. As has been discussed. factor analysis is used to prove convergent validity within the (actor and discriminant validity between the factors. However, depending on the researchers, many variations in classification of the factors were found and a lack of content and discriminant validity were found in the previous research findings. It is also important to note that Snyder's self-monitoring scale did not factor-load at over . 30 for all 25 items, regardless of how many factors could be classified. According to findings of this study, the self-monitoring scale neither classified as five, three or two factors nor (actor loaded as hypothesized. It is also clear that Snyder's self-monitoring scale lacks convergent validity as the sub-(actors of the scale failed to prove its uni -dimensionality. The A self-monitoring scale not only fail to overcome the problems of Snyder's self-monitoring scale but even lost the attractiveness of the self-monitoring scale. In this study it was also found that the A self-monitoring scale was not classified in either in a two or three-factor classification as hypothesized. It is, of course, not desirable to use any scale that lacks convergent and discriminant validity even though it has been widely used and has held a great deal of influence on the field of social psychology. To overcome the shortcomings of Snyder's self-monitoring scale, Lennox and Wolfe(1984) suggested 13 items. This study was dedicated to test the validity and reliability of the scale, in which we found that the data presented in validity as the two factors were classified and loaded as expected. Reliability was also proven by checking Cronbach's alpha for each factor and for the total items. In addition a confirmatory factor analysis was executed for the 13items using M SREL 8.12 program to confirm convergent validity in a two-factor classification. The model was fitting and sound however, the self-monitoring scale was unfitted and not validated. Thus, it is recommended to use not the original nor the abbreviated self-monitoring scale but the 13 items in future studies. It should also be noted that items 7 and 13 should be removed to obtain better mini-dimensionality for the 13 items. These items loaded at over .30, too high for the two factors in the test results of Factor analysis. In addition. it is necessary to double-check the cause of two-hold loading at over .30 for the two factors. It could be a problem caused by data or by the scale itself. Therefore, additional studies should follow to better clarify this matter.

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The meaning of Quality of Life for Bone Marrow Transplant Survivors
Pok Ja Oh
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):760-772.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to explore the concept of quality of life for bone marrow transplant (BMT) survivors and to gain understanding of nursing interventions that may improve QOL in this population. The data was gathered from 32 BMT survivors using seven open-ended questions. The items were based on previous research of Ferrell et al., (1992) . Content analysis was performed on written responses to seven questions regarding BMT and QOL. The results were as follows : 1. The meaning of QOL for BMT survivors were "being heart", "being able to take a role", "having relationships", "self-accomplishment", "peace of mind", "spiritual well -being", "economic stability" and "being alive". 2. The impact of BMT on physical well-being were "skin impairment", "digestive problems", "Infections ", "fatigue/weakness". "arthralgia", "eye dryness", "weight gain", "amenorrhea" and "hand trermor" 3. The impact of BMT on psychological well-being were "fear of recurrence", "fence of peace" and "hope". 4. The impact of BMT on socioeconomic status were "financial burden", "limitation of social activities" and "fence of withdrawal ". 5. The impact of BMT on spiritual well -being were "dependency on Supreme Being", "spiritual arousal" and "spiritual maturity". The findings of the study will be useful in constructing a instrument to measure QOL in BMT and in understanding the conceptual basis of QOL for the BMT population.

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A Comparison of Quality of Life between the Families of Hospital Hospice Patients and Those of Home: Based Hospice Patients
You Ja Ro, Chun Gill Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):773-785.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study aims at providing more qualitative care in family nursing practice. It is designed to analyze the degree of quality of life(QL) among families of the patients. The subjects consisted of 79 families of hospital hospice patients and 74 families of home-based hospice patients. The ages of the subjects were 17-74 years, at five university hospitals in Seoul, Inchon, and Kyung Gi Province, and one clinic in Chunchon. The data were collected from September, 1996 to August, 1997. The instrument used for the study was the Quality of Life Scale(QLS), which was composed of six factors, developed by Ro. You Ja, The analysis was done using t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe test, and Stepwise multiple regression. The results were as follows : 1. There were no statistically significant differences between the families of hospital hospice patients and the families of home-based hospice patients ; however, the mean score of the families of hospital hospice patients was higher than that of the families of home-based hospice patients. The scores on QLS ranged from 75 to 224 with a mean score of 140.58 in the families of hospital hospice patients. In the families of home-based hospice patients, the scores ranged from 79 to 214, showing a mean score of 135.25. Among six factors of QLS, family relationships showed the highest score in the families of hospital patients. Self-esteem and relationship with the neighborhood were significantly higher in the families of hospital hospice patients than the families of home-based hospice patients(t= 2.69, P= 0.008 ; t= 2.04, p= 0.043). 2. In the families of hospital hospice patients, QL had significant relationship with family member's age (F= 2.52, P=0.029), marital status (F= 3.57, P = 0.018), economic state(F= 6.07, P= 0.004), and education level(F =3.77, P=0.014), In the families of home based hospice patients, QL had significant relationship with marital status(F=2.53, P=0.049), education level(F= 4.35, P=0.007), occupation(F=3.93, P=0.002), and patient's age(F=2.73, P=0.020). 3. Economic status accounted for 17% of QL, and diagnosis accounted for an additional 7% of QL in the families of hospital hospice patients by means of stepwise multiple regression analysis, In the families of home-based hospice patients, relationships with patient accounted for 12% of QL. The findings showed that self-esteem and relationship with the neighborhood were significantly higher in the families of hospital hospice patients than the families of homed-based hospice patients and family relationships showed the highest value in QL. These finding should be considered in nursing practice.

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An Integrative Review of Oncology Nursing Research: 1980-1998
Sun Hae Choi, Young Hwa Nam, Eun Jung Ryu, Myung Wha Baek, Dong Hee Suh, Soon Rim Suh, Gui Yun Choi, Kyung Sook Choi
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):786-800.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purposes of this study were to describe systematically 18 years of oncology nursing research in Korea and suggest it's direction in future. 149 nursing studies published from 1980 to 1998 were selected for the present study. There were examined the source and the design of study, type of subjects, measurement variables, the intervention outcome of experimental research, and theme of qualitative research. The results were as follows : 1. 121 of 149 studies were composed of master thesis and dissertation of graduate school. There were 55 correlations, 30 descriptions, 19 comparisons, 19 qualitative studies and 2 Q-methods as the type of research design. 2. Cancer patients without describing specified diagnose as subjects' characteristic were 44 of total studies. The others had various diagnoses such as gastric cancer, uterine cancer, breast cancer, leukemia, Iymphoma, colorectal cancer, and lung cancer. According to treatment type. patients receiving chemotherapy were the highest number distribution as 53 of all researches. 3. Most measurement instruments used for research were translated it into Korean that developed by foreigners, such as Zung's depression. Spielberg's anxiety, and Wallston's locus of control. 4. Quality of life was shown the most frequently among correlational researches. the next one was depression the third was hope, and so on. 5. There was the most frequent comparison between cancer and non-cancer patients in comparative researches. It was surveyed those variables as diet habits, risk factors, stressful life events, anxiety and depression and self-care capacity between two groups. 6. The subjects were mostly chemotherapy Patients as 15 of 24 experimental studies. Oral care and education were respectively the highest experimental interventions. 7. Qualitative researches about cancer were reported since 1991. Their themes were illness experience, adaptation process, dying experience, family experience, hope. caring, experience of health behavior, meaning of chemotherapy and experience of cancer survivor. Phenomenologic methodology was designed above 50% of qualitative researches. According to the above findings, cancer research had increased since 1990 and done mostly by descriptive design but a few experimental studies. As recommendations for the future, It is necessary to study the comparison of oncology nursing research internationally. the replication to establish the effect of nursing intervention and the family care of cancer patient.

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The Effects of the Group Commuication Program on the Dysfunctional Communication, Self-Esteem and Depression : In the Group of Mothers with Children of Mental Disorder
Gil Za Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):801-809.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study was carried out the group communication program which I had composed of using the Satir's communication family theory and skills. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects on the dysfunctional communication self-esteem and depression, executed this program for the mothers group with caring the mental disorders, and then for the test of some hypotheses it was divided two groups ; the experimental group(n= 20) and control group(n=25). In the control group they were learned two session family education program in the psychiatric of Pusan National University Hospital and it the experimental group they had experienced during the 10 session by the group communication program. In the methods of the statistics on this data, it was to statistics x2-test for the comparison between the experimental group and control group with general characteristics. The effect of the Group Communication Program was analyse ANCOVA between pre-post test on the dysfunctional communication, self-esteem and depression in the control group and experimental group. The conclusions were derived from the results and test of hypothesis as followings : 1) The results were tested the differentiation between the experimental and control group, and the pre-post test in the experimental group with dysfunctional communication self-esteem and depression. Some hypothesis were tested and supported as following: It was supported that the level of dysfunctional communication of the experimental group would be lower than the control group(hypothesis 1). It was supported that the level of self-esteem of the experimental group would be lower than the control group(Hypothesis 2) It was supported that the level of depression of the experimental group would be lower than the control group(Hypothesis 3) 2) The relation of the dysfunctional communication with the self-esteem was presented negative correlation and with the depression was not correlation. The relation of the dysfunctional communication with the self-esteem was presented negative correlation. The relation of the sacrificuny pattern of dysfunctional communication with the self-esteem was presented negative correlation and with the depression positive correlation.

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