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Volume 8(2); December 1978
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Original Articles
A Study on Head Nurses' Attitudes Toward Evaluation for Clinical Performance of Nursing Students
Hee Kang Yoon, Oh Chang Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1978;8(2):1-14.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Evaluation for students' performance is a very important and difficult responsibility of head nurses. This study was undertaken to investigate and identify head nurses' attitudes toward evaluation for clinical performance of nursing students. Data were gathered through questionnaire from eighty eight head nurses at three hospitals in Kwang Ju City and four hospitals in Seoul, during the period of April 9th 26th, 1978. The questionnaire developed by the researcher included 19 statements which concerned the attitudes of head nurses; their perception about objectives of evaluation for the students clinical performance, their attitudes toward responsibility as evaluator, their attitudes toward method of evaluation, their understanding and interest in nursing students. Mean attitude score more than 60% were classified as positive or favorable, and less than 60% to be negative or unfavorable. The result obtained could be summerized as follows: 1. The mean score of head nurses' attitudes was positive (67.9%). Hypothesis I was rejected. 2. Head nurses' perception about objectives on performance evaluation was very favorable (85.5%). 3. Head nurses' attitudes toward evaluating method were negative (50.9%), post-evaluation interview were perceived to be a part of evaluating process (73.9%), although only few (22.7%) implemented. 4. The head nurses' attitudes in the responsibility as a evaluator were unfavorable (58.2%). 5. Relatively favorable response was revealed in understanding and interest about nursing students (79.6%). 6. Educational level, duration of clinical experience, marital status, and geographical region of head nurses were no significant influence on the attitudes toward evaluation for clinical performance (P > 0.05), while only age revealed significant difference (P < 0.05) Hypothesis 2, 3, 5 and 6 were accepted, hypothesis 4 was rejected.

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A Study on the Rest Methods of Patients & Nursing Activities inducing them to Rest
Myouag Ae Choi, Kum Ja Jeon
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1978;8(2):15-24.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was conducted to see the present situation of rest in a military hospital. 120 medical patients but acute & critical cases were interviewed by the investigators during the period of August 20 to September 10, 1978. The questionnaire was consisted of questions regarding the general characteristics of the respondents, rest methods and nursing activities inducing them to rest. 1. Of the rest methods, lying down on the bed comfortably placed first at 29.1 percent, followed by sleeping at 20.1 percent, reading at 16.8 percent, taking a moderate exercise, being free from their concerns of diseases & surrounding matters at 11.7 percent, respectively, playing the game of Badook or Chess at 6.7 percent, others at 3.9 percent in that order. 2. They mainly utilized the lying down method for comfort & rest, but there were some differences depending on their educational backgrounds. 3. Some differences were observed in the methods of rest by the religions. 4. The differences between diseases & rest methods except bed rest & sleeping were observed. 5. Of the nursing activities inducing them to rest, counseling stood first at 43.3 percent, followed by teaching at 28.4 percent, relief of pain & discomfort at 20 percent, active attitudes of nurses to help them at 8.3 percent in that order. 6. There was no significant difference between the level of education or religions and nursing activities inducing them to rest. 7. Nursing activities which induced comfort & rest by diseases were mainly counseling & teaching.

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A Study of Understanding and Use State of Health Care Methods in Some Rural Area
Nam Hee Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1978;8(2):25-38.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

A survey was made with regard to understanding attitude and practical use of modern and traditional methods of health care in a rural village with 742 inhabitants which comes under one of the whole three types of Korean rural community, to find out the following facts. 1. Among the five types of health-care given, the most understood, chosen and used one was the doctor followed next by pharmacy and continually herb doctor, folkways method, shamanistic treatment; the last shown method was principally chosen to use by only one among 139 housewives as respondants available. 2. Between herb medicine and folkways method of care, the former was more relief upon than the latter while the latter was more used than the former, seemingly because of relative low cast of the latter. 3. A considerable part of those who mainly used the doctor or pharmacy also used herb doctor or folkways care; modern and traditional care methods coexisted in the pertaining community. 4. Nearly all of the respondants ware, reasonably, aware of effectiveness of modern types of health-care; but, at the same time, more than a half of them had a positive attitude towards traditional method as well. 5. On the whole, the respondants made a distinction between traditional health care methods and shamanism, regarding the latter as ineffective. 6. The result hints that it would be desirable for health-care professionals to inquire into traditional methods of health-care with a view to being more acquainted with rural residents and so raising their use of services by experts. 7. It should be added that the results of this piece of study may have a general significance only within those communities which shares the same socio-cultural background and characteristic of the surveyed one.

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A Study for Relationship Between the Femininity and the Nursing Image of Nursing Students
Hyun Ran Sung
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1978;8(2):39-50.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The present research set out to further validate the results that Stromborg (1976) obtained in which a correlation (r= .22, p < .001) was found between the femininity of woman nursing students and their image of nursing. In addition the experimenter set out to elucidate any possible differences in the image of nursing according to (a) religion, (b) the motivation for choosing nursing as well as, (c) the particular area in which the students hoped to work after graduating. The research was conducted by presenting questionnaire type scales including a femininity scale and a nursing image scale, to 301 graduating students attending 4 Three-year nursing schools located within Seoul from November 21st, 1978 to November 30th. The results: 1. There was clearly no relation between femininity and the image of nursing as such (r= .01, p > .43). But upon analyzing the results along five subdimensions of the nursing image variable it was discovered that: (a) if femininity is low, the nursing student tend to view the educational preparation for becoming a nurse in a more positive light (r= -.10,p< .05),and (b) if femininity is high, the students tend to perceive their social role with a positive frame of mind (r= .15, p < .005). 2. There was a significant difference found in the image of nursing as related to the religion of the nursing students, The means ranked as follows (high scores indicate a positive image of the nursing profession). Catholic > Protestant > no religion > Buddhist 3. The difference in the nursing image according to motivation for sellecting the profession emerged as quite significant (F=6.92, p < .001). The rank of the means when the subject group is divided along the dimension of motive is as follows (ranking begins with the most positive nursing image): (a) The profession itself seemed good; (b) after marriage one can do a social type of activity; (c) significant others' advice; (d) the profession matches their high school grade record; (e) it matches the economic situation of the student; (f) no particular reason for their choice; (g) it's easy to get a nursing job after graduation. 4. The particular area of nursing one intended to go into after graduation varied significantly in terms of the image of nursing (F=3.03, P < .005). The means when ranked starting with those having the most positive image of the profession: (a) nurses helping deliveries; (b) hospital nurses; (c) nursing education; (d) school nurses; (e) government nurse supervisors; (f) public health nurses; (g) (students not going into any profession); (h) (students not going into the nursing profession but into some other area).

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A study on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice about women who experienced induced abortion
Sang Hae Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1978;8(2):51-62.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Important object of this survey is for promoting of maternal health and popularizing a right recognition which analyzed and study about knowledge, Attituded and Practice about women who experienced induced abortion. This surveyed materials obtained from total 300 wome (each 150 cases) who experienced induced abortion at Obstetrics and Gynecological Department in K university hospital and D health center in Seoul for 1 month. (1978. 9.1. -1978. 9. 30) Their Results are as follows: A. General characteristics of surveyed cases. The highest age distribution was between 30-34 (29.3%) in health center, upper than 40 (32.7%) in University hospital. B. Knowledge 1. Knowledge about the induced abortion obtained mainly from their friends in 36.4% and Hospital in 20.7%. 2. The rate of Women who have dangerous thinking about induced abortion was 63.3%. C. Attitude 1. The rate of women who gained guilt feeling after induced abortion was 52.7%, out of total 41.4% was responsed careless thinking if they have a proper reason. 2. Attitude about induced abortion when they have unwanted baby was absolutely necessary in 57.3%, relatively necessary in 30.6%, that is, most of women showed to want induced abortion if necessary. D. Practice 1. The women who have experienced induced abortion was only one times in 44.7%, two times in 22.0%, three times in 17.7%, total average times were 2.3. 2. The reason for induced abortion was highest due to limitation of family (38.0%), next failure of Contraception (15.8%). 3. The operating sites of induced abortion were local clinics in 93.0%, universal hospital in 7.0%. The difference was remakable. 4. The rate of complicated cases after induced abortion was 54.7%, among them, general weakness in 32.3%, vaginal bleeding or spotting in 23.8% and abdominal discomfortness or lumbago in 17.7%. When symptom appeared, the rate of treated Cases was 74,4%, their sites were general hospitals in 54.1%, local clincis in 18.0%, Herb medications in 15.6% and pharmaceutics in 12.3 in that order. 5. The average times of induced abortion follows by educational level were 2.6 in graduated elimentary school group, each 2.4 in graduated middle school and College group, 2.2 in graduated high school in that order. 6. The average times of induced abortion follows by ages were most with 3.3% in upper than 40 years old. The average times of all surveyed cases were 2.3.

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A Study on Family Planning Rumors & Practice in Rural Communities
Su Kyong Chu
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1978;8(2):63-78.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Studies pertaining to influential factors on adoption and practice of family planning are very much needed to lower fertility, for family planning has regarded as only one social acceptable means to curb the accelerated population growth. One of the influential factors is known as rumors on family planning methods that hinder the actual practice of family planning. This study generally aimed at disclosing rumors on family planning methods prevalent in rural communities so that one could gain some in sights to cope with the ill effects of rumors to promote family planning practice in rural communities in Korea. In order to accomplish the general aims this study formulated following four specific objectives; 1. Find out types and frequencies of rumors exposed of contraceptive methods. 2. Find out the relationship between the rumors exposed and socio-economic and demographic characteristics of new village leaders and health workers. 3. Examine the relationship between family planning rumors and family planning practices. The materials for this study were drawn from the two different sets of data gathered in July and Octorber 1977 respectivily by Center for Population & Family Planning, Yon sei University. One is current family planning practice among eligible women reaiding in 4 Myuns in Kwang Wha country and the other is Survey on Rumor on Family planning method heard by new village leaders and health workers in the four myuns. The four Myuns were divided into 60 small areas. Current family planning practice rate in each small area and as a whole were calculated. The unit of analysis in this study was not the indviduel person but the 55 small areas. Percentage, average, F-Test t-test and a coefficient of correlation were used for statistical analysis. Results of this study could be summarized as follows: 1. Rumors by different method of contraception: Medical complications, gastro-intestinal disorders, and difficulty in usage one most prevalent rumors about oral pills. Around 49% - 77% of the 55 areas were often heard and the most frequent rumor was related medical complications of oral pills. Rumors on medical complications and incomplete effect of intrauterines as contraceptive were heard 51-66% of the 55 small areas. Rumors that vasectomy resulted in family problems, for instance infiedelity of spouse were often heard to 44% of the 55 small areas. 2. Rumors by socio-economic and demographic characteristic of new village leader and health workers: Among the demagraphic characteristics such as sex, age and sex composition of children, sex and age differentials in frequency of rumors heard more observed. Female new village health workers have heard more frequently than male new village leader. (t = 7.137, p>0.01, d.f. = 53, a coefficient of correlation 0.27, p>0.05) The Younger age group less than 40 years of age have heard rumors of than the group over 40 years old. (t = 7.18, p>0.01, d.f. = 53, a coefficient of correlation 0.27, p>0.05) However, it was not observable that a consistent sex and age differentials in frequency of rumors heard of each contraceptive method. But, more female new village health works heard of rumors about intrauterine device than male new village leaders. (t = 0.497, p>0.01, d.f. = 53, a coefficient of correlatin 0.32, p>0.01) 3. It was found that there was no statistically significant relationship between the frequency of rumors heard and current family planning practices on the whole. However, frequency of rumors heard about vasectomy appeared to have a positive relationship with current practice of vasectomy. A rather consistent pattern of relationship between "requency of rumors heard" and current family practice rate was demonstrated of 10 graphes which showed the relation between the two variagles. The current family planning practice rate in the "never heard" group and "frequently heard" group was equally lower than that in "often heard" group. The relatively consistent O pattern of relationship needs to be farther investigated, for this pattern is different from the relationship that has been assumed to exist between these two variables.

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A Study on Head Nurses' Attitudes Toward Evaluation for Clinical Performance of Nursing Students
Oh Chang Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1978;8(2):79-88.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Evaluation for students' performance is a very important and difficult responsibility of head nurses. This study was undertaken to investigate and identify head nurses' attitudes toward evaluation for clinical performance of nursing students. Data were gathered through questionnaire from eighty eight head nurses at three hospitals in Kwang Ju City and four hospitals in Seoul, during the period of April 9th-26th, 1978. The questionnaire developed by the researcher included 19 statements which concerned the attitudes of head nurses; their perception about objectives of evaluation for the students clinical performance, their attitudes toward responsibility as evaluator, their attitudes toward method of evaluation, their understanding and interest in nursing students. Mean attitude score more than 60% were classified as positive or favorable, and less than 60% to be negative or unfavorable. The result obtained could be summerized as follows: 1. The mean score of head nurses' attitudes was positive (67.9%). Hypothesis I was rejected. 2. Head nurses' perception about objectives on performance evaluation was very favorable (85.5%). 3. Head nurses' attitudes toward evaluating method were negative (50.9%), post-evaluation interview were perceived to be a part of evaluating process (73.9%), although only few (22.7%) implemented. 4. The head nurses' attitudes in the responsibility as a evaluator were unfavorable (58.2%). 5. Relatively favorable response was revealed in understanding and interest about nursing students (79.6%). 6. Educational level, duration of clinical experience, marital status, and geographical region of head nurses were on significant influence on the attiudes toward evaluation for clinical perfomance(p>0.05), while only age revealed significant difference (p<0.05) Hypothesis 2,3,5 and 6 were accepted, hypothesis 4 was rejected.

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A Study on the Decisive Factors in Personal Health Maintenance Practice of Housewives Living in Younhi Area Apartments
In Sook Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1978;8(2):89-102.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Owing to the development of modern science, prolonging man's life, the sudden increase of population and betterment of the standard of living has increased health needs. In order to fulfill these health needs, more active plans for developing health should be made. Health education is one of the methods at hand that can improve the health behavior of the community and the individual through the contact of individuals with their groups. Proper understanding of the characteristics of the sampled group and participation of individuals within the community for the development of their health plan are needed for efficient health education. This study was attempted for the purpose of presenting some data helpful for preparing the fundamentals of a health education plan that can improve personal health maintenance practice of a community through efficient health education by investigating the relationship between the response of subjects to personal health maintenance practice and selected decisive factors in personal health maintenance practice. The subjects for this study were a systematic sample of 120 housewives selected from 600 housewives from B Zone Apt. Younhi-3-Dong in Seoul. Data was collected for 4 days from May 16th to May 19th, 1978 through personal interviews with questionnaires by well trained interviewers. Percentage, t-test and Stepwise multiple regression analysis by use of EDPS were employed for statistical analysis. Results of this study can be summarized: 1. General characteristics of subjects Subjects over 20 and below 40 years of age formed 62.5% of the total and the rest were subjects of 40 years and upward. 76.7% of the subjects have less than 4 children. 51.3% of the subjects had completed at least the senior high school course. 2. The response of subjects to personal health maintenance practice. Ratios of personal health maintenance practice to the maximum score for each category are as follows; 84.1% in the category of population and family planning, which was the highest ratio; 82.4% in the prevention of accidents; 68.0% in control of communicable disease; 67.8% in personal health care and habits of daily life, 64.3% in mental health and 52.5% in control of parasites, which was the lowest. 3. The response of subjects to selected decisive factors in personal health maintenance practice. The arithmetic mean of the score for each decisive factor was as follows; the mutual relation between family members marked 18.33, which is under 73.3% of the maximum score; the degree of interest in health marked 34.48, 70.0% of the maximum score; the degree of utilization and demand for health care facilities marked 25.79 or 64.5% of the maximum score and health maintenance of the family marked 11.58, 43.6% of the maximum score. 4. The relationship between personal health maintenance practice and general characteristics of subjects. 1) There was a significant difference in the numbers of children. (t = 1.83, d.f. =117, p< 0.1) 2) There was a significant difference in the contact rates with mass-media, (t = 5.02, d.f. = 118, p < 0.05) 5. The multiple correlation between personal health maintenance practice and their selected decisive factors. 1) The factor "the degree of interest in health" could account for personal health maintenance practice in 43.6% of the sample. (R = 0.6602, R2 = 0.4359, F = 91.1678, p < 0.001) 2) When the factor, "health maintenance of family" is added to this, it accounts for 51.2% of personal health maintenance practice. (R= 0.7158, R2 = 0.5124, F = 61.4653, p< 0.001) 3) When the factor, "mutual relations between family members" is also included, it accounts for 53.7% of personal health maintenance practice. (R = 0.7324, R2 = 0.5365, F = 44.7509, p < 0.001) 4) When the factor, "the degree of utilization and demand for health care facilities" is included, it accounts for 55.1% of personal health maintenance practice. (R = 0.7421, R2 = 0.5507, F = 35.2430, p < 0.001)

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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