Studies pertaining to influential factors on adoption and practice of family planning are very much needed to lower fertility, for family planning has regarded as only one social acceptable means to curb the accelerated population growth. One of the influential factors is known as rumors on family planning methods that hinder the actual practice of family planning. This study generally aimed at disclosing rumors on family planning methods prevalent in rural communities so that one could gain some in sights to cope with the ill effects of rumors to promote family planning practice in rural communities in Korea. In order to accomplish the general aims this study formulated following four specific objectives; 1. Find out types and frequencies of rumors exposed of contraceptive methods. 2. Find out the relationship between the rumors exposed and socio-economic and demographic characteristics of new village leaders and health workers. 3. Examine the relationship between family planning rumors and family planning practices. The materials for this study were drawn from the two different sets of data gathered in July and Octorber 1977 respectivily by Center for Population & Family Planning, Yon sei University. One is current family planning practice among eligible women reaiding in 4 Myuns in Kwang Wha country and the other is Survey on Rumor on Family planning method heard by new village leaders and health workers in the four myuns. The four Myuns were divided into 60 small areas. Current family planning practice rate in each small area and as a whole were calculated. The unit of analysis in this study was not the indviduel person but the 55 small areas. Percentage, average, F-Test t-test and a coefficient of correlation were used for statistical analysis. Results of this study could be summarized as follows: 1. Rumors by different method of contraception: Medical complications, gastro-intestinal disorders, and difficulty in usage one most prevalent rumors about oral pills. Around 49% - 77% of the 55 areas were often heard and the most frequent rumor was related medical complications of oral pills. Rumors on medical complications and incomplete effect of intrauterines as contraceptive were heard 51-66% of the 55 small areas. Rumors that vasectomy resulted in family problems, for instance infiedelity of spouse were often heard to 44% of the 55 small areas. 2. Rumors by socio-economic and demographic characteristic of new village leader and health workers: Among the demagraphic characteristics such as sex, age and sex composition of children, sex and age differentials in frequency of rumors heard more observed. Female new village health workers have heard more frequently than male new village leader. (t = 7.137, p>0.01, d.f. = 53, a coefficient of correlation 0.27, p>0.05) The Younger age group less than 40 years of age have heard rumors of than the group over 40 years old. (t = 7.18, p>0.01, d.f. = 53, a coefficient of correlation 0.27, p>0.05) However, it was not observable that a consistent sex and age differentials in frequency of rumors heard of each contraceptive method. But, more female new village health works heard of rumors about intrauterine device than male new village leaders. (t = 0.497, p>0.01, d.f. = 53, a coefficient of correlatin 0.32, p>0.01) 3. It was found that there was no statistically significant relationship between the frequency of rumors heard and current family planning practices on the whole. However, frequency of rumors heard about vasectomy appeared to have a positive relationship with current practice of vasectomy. A rather consistent pattern of relationship between "requency of rumors heard" and current family practice rate was demonstrated of 10 graphes which showed the relation between the two variagles. The current family planning practice rate in the "never heard" group and "frequently heard" group was equally lower than that in "often heard" group. The relatively consistent O pattern of relationship needs to be farther investigated, for this pattern is different from the relationship that has been assumed to exist between these two variables.