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Volume 35(2); April 2005
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Original Articles
Exploring the Nature of Caring in Hwa-Byung: Transpersonal Caring-Healing Model
Soon Yong Khim, Cho Sik Lee, Byung Hye Kong, Joo Young Shin
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(2):225-238.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Hwa-Byung(HB) has been categorized as a Korean culture-bound syndrome that is prevalent in married women of low socioeconomic status.


The Purpose of the study was to search for the essence of HB and a caring-healing process of HB. Then the research result discusses whether the Transpersonal Caring-Healing Model has been congruent with it.


Case examples resulted from in-depth telephone counseling over a period of time at the Women's Hot Line with a client who is a housewife with HB. The counseling content was analyzed through Giorgi's method of descriptive phenomenology.


The core meaning of the essence of HB was ‘ injustice’; and essential themes were ‘ lack of reciprocity’, ‘ infidelity’ ‘ suppressed aggression and powerlessness’ and ‘ need for recognition’. The core meaning of the essence of the caring-healing process was ‘ caring-healing experience(maintaining a trust relationship)’; and essential themes were ‘ active listening’, ‘ empathy’ and ‘ forming a therapeutic relationship’. According to Watson, ‘ active listening’, ‘ empathy’ and ‘ forming a therapeutic relationship’ were identified as intentionality, intersubjectivity and transpersonal.


Transpersonal caring can release inner power and strength and help the person to gain a sense of inner harmony. Transpersonal caring is as important to healing as are conventional treatment approaches and even more powerful in the long run.

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Prediction Model on Mental Health Status in Middle-aged Women of an Urban Area
Pyong Sook Lee, Jung Nam Sohn, Yong Mi Lee, Hyun Cheol Kang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(2):239-251.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was designed to construct a structural model for explaining mental health status in middle - aged women.


The data was collected by self - reported questionnaires from 206 middle - aged women in Seoul. Data analysis was done with the SAS pc program for descriptive statistics and a PC - LISREL Program for finding the best fit model which assumes causal relationships among variables.


The overall fit of the hypothetical model to the data was good, but paths and variables of the model were modified by considering theoretical implications and statistical significances of parameter estimates. Thus it was modified by excluding 3 paths. The modified model showed was good fit to the data(χ2=177.55, p=.00), GFI=0.908, AGFI=0.860, RMR=0.013, NFI=0.972, NNFI=0.982). Perceived stress, anger expression method, and self -esteem were found to have direct effects on mental health status in middle - aged women. These predictive variables of mental health status explained 66.6% of the model.


Programs to enhance mental health status in middle - aged women should include stress management skill, anger expression skill, and self-esteem enhancement skills to be effective.

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Health Status, Health Perception, and Health Promotion Behaviors of Low-income Community Dwelling Elderly
Tae Wha Lee, Il Sun Ko, Kyung Ja Lee, Kyeong Hwa Kang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(2):252-261.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of the study was to investigate the health status(present illness, ADL and IADL), health perception, and health promotion behaviors of low-income elderly who are receiving the visiting nurse service in the community.


The sample of the study was 735 elderly over 65years old with basic livelihood security, who were conveniently selected from 245 public health centers nation-wide. Data collection was done using a structured questionnaire through interviews by visiting nurses.


The average number of present illnesses in the study subjects was 4.18. The average scores of ADL and IADL were 15.903.39and 9.772.97 respectively, which indicates a relatively independent everyday life. However, 64.2% of the subjects perceived their health status as ‘ not healthy’. In terms of health promotion behaviors, 77.8% of the subjects had ceased smoking, 83.9% stopped drinking, 56.4% had a regular diet, 45.8% received regular physical check-ups during the past two years, and 66% received flu shots. Approximately 50% of the subjects were practicing 3-4 health promotion behaviors. Significant factors associated with health promotion behaviors were ADL, IADL and self-efficacy.


Health promotion programs which focus on regular diet, exercise, and regular physical check-ups should be developed to improve independence of everyday life and quality of life among low-income elderly.

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Health Education Program Development for Infants, Toddlers and Preschool Children
Ja Hyung Lee, Il Ok Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(2):262-269.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to develop a health education program for child care workers of infants, toddlers and preschoolers to improve their care ability. The program provided child care teachers and children with information on how to take care of their health.


This program development was based on a systematic design of instruction by Dick & Carey(1996). The process included a review of literature, setting an instructional goal, getting advice from various experts, designing instruction and instructional medias, designing formative evaluation, revising the program and making a summative evaluations.


The products of this program were the ‘ Teachers Guide Book & CD-ROM.” The guide book included health education programs for infants, toddlers and preschoolers. The infant program included a basic baby care program for teachers. The toddlers and preschoolers program included basic health promotion, dental health, nutrition management, communicable disease prevention, substance abuse prevention and a safety program.


These programs provided a systematic content of health education for children andtheir teachers, and useful data which can be applied to child care centers.

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Development of an Integrative Cognitive Rehabilitation Program for Brain Injured Patients in the Post-acute Stage
Hyun Soo Oh, Young Ran Kim, Wha Sook Seo, Yeon Ok Seo
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(2):270-282.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was conducted to develop a comprehensive cognitive rehabilitation program that can be easily applied to brain injured patients by family members or nurses in community or hospital settings.


A Systemic literature review design was used. Thirty-three related studies were reviewed.


Based on the results of the literature review, the training tasks for attention were designated to enhancing 4 hierarchical areas, i.e., focused, selective, alternating, and divided attention. On the other hand, the memory rehabilitation tasks mainly consisted of mnemonic skills, such as the association method which helps patients memorize given information by linking together common attributes, the visual imagery method, and self-instruction method. The problem solving rehabilitation program included a task of games or plays which stimulated the patients' curiosity and interest. The training tasks for problem solving were to encourage the process of deriving reasonable solutions for a problematic situation resembling real problems that the patients were faced with in their everyday life.


It is expected that the cognitive rehabilitation program developed from this study could help patients having difficulty in their every day life, due to a reduced cognitive ability resulting from brain injury, to effectively adapt to every day life.

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Self Care Activity, Metabolic Control, and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in accordance with the Levels of Depression of Clients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Hae Jung Lee, Kyung Yeon Park, Hyeong Sook Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(2):283-291.   Published online March 28, 2017

The purpose of this study was to explore the levels of depression experienced by clients (N=152) with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus(DM), and to compare the levels of self care activity, metabolic control and cardiovascular risk factors between depressed and non-depressed clients.


Participants aged 50 and above were conveniently recruited in B city. The levels of depression, self-care activity, metabolic control of glucose and lipids, and cardiovascular risk factors of the participants were measured by using questionnaires and blood tests from November, 2003 to June, 2004. Data was analyzed with descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, Spearman rho and t-test using the SPSS WIN 10.0 program.


The prevalence of depression(CES-D=16) among the participants was 44.1%. The levels of self-care activities(p=.012), glucose(p=.019), total cholesterol(p=.022), LDL(.007) and cardiovascular risk factors(p=.012) were significantly higher in the depressed group than those in the non-depressed group.


Based on the findings, we concluded that many DM patients experience depression and the depression of type 2 DM clients is significantly related with self care activities, diabetic control, and cardiovascular complications. However, this study did not address causality among these variables. Therefore, further research, such as a longitudinal cohort study, is needed to identify causality among these variables.

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Concept Analysis of Endotracheal Suctioning(ETS)
Young Mee Ahn
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(2):292-302.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Concept analysis was performed on the behavioral concept of endotracheal suctioning (ETS), to identify the goal, to develop astandardized clinical protocol, to identify the antecedents and consequences, and to differentiate the improper use of ETS.


Walker & Avant's concept analysis was employed using clinical guidelines, books and review articles in which the procedures of ETS were written in detail and published in Pubmed within the last 20 years.


The macro-goal of ETS was to remove accumulated respiratory secretions. Three defining attributes of ETS were identified; catheter, suctioning and asepsis. Each attribute involved empirical referents, such as the size and depth of thecatheter, the suction pressure, duration and method for suctioning. The antecedents of ETS were identical to the clinical evidences for the need of ETS such as the nursing assessment data. The consequences of ETS serve as an evaluation criteria on the effectsof ETS based on the goal of ETS.


The concept analysis of ETS demonstrates an example of considering a specific nursing protocol of ETS as a behavioral concept, applying concept analysis to it to identify it's key behavioral components as defining attributes and empirical referents and then developing and applying the standard ETS protocol.

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The Effect of Lavender Aromatherapy on Cognitive Function, Emotion, and Aggressive Behavior of Elderly with Demenita
Sun Young Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(2):303-312.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was to develop an aromatherapy hand massage program, and to evaluate the effects of lavender aromatherapy on cognitive function, emotion, and aggressive behavior of elderly with dementia of the Alzheimer's type.


The Research design was a nonequivalent control group non-synchronized quasiexperimental study. Lavender aromatherapy was administrated to experimental group I for 2 weeks, jojoba oil massage was administrated to experimental group II for 2 weeks, and no treatment was administrated to the control group for 2 weeks. Data was analyzed using the chi-square-test, ANOVA, repeated measures of ANCOVA and ANCOVA in the SPSS program package.


1. Experimental group I did not show significant differences in cognitive function in relation to the experimental group II and control group. 2. Experimental group I showed significant differences in emotion and aggressive behavior in relation to the experimental group II and control group.


A Lavender aromatherapy hand massage program is effective on emotions and aggressive behavior of elderly with dementia of the Alzheimer's type.

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An Ethnographic Study on Eating Styles of Adult Diabetics in Korea
Yong Hae Hong, Myung Ok Cho, Young Sook Tae
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(2):313-322.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to explore adult diabetics' eating styles and factors which influence them.


The study adopted an ethnographic method based on a perspective which views the eating style as a cultural phenomenon. Data was collected through a personal interview, participant observation, and documented materials from Oct.2001 to Sept. 2002. In this study, fifteen adult diabetics, with an average age of 57, participated. Data analysis was done by the Spradley's taxonomic analysis technique.


The patients' eating styles were rooted in their viewpoint on illness as well as the meaning of food. Eating styles were classified into 4 types: Pathology-centered, symptom-centered, need-centered, and role-centered.


A conventional approach to the treatment and management of diabetes did not consider the patient's inner world which may play an important role in the successful management of the disease. We found that it was critical for health care personnel to understand patients' values, beliefs and their way of life in order to facilitate the most successful self-care diet.

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The Development of an Organizational Socialization Process Model for New Nurses using a System Dynamics Approach
Soon Ook Choi
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(2):323-335.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to examine the problems and relevant variables for effective Organizational Socialization of new nurses, to produce a causal map, to build up a simulation model and to test its validity.


The basic data was collected from Sep. 2002 to July 2003. The Organizational Socialization process of new nurses was analyzed through a model simulation. The VENSIM 5.0b DSS program was used to develop the study model.


This Model shows interrelation of these result variables: organizational commitment, job satisfaction, job performance, intention of leaving the work setting, decision making ability, and general results of Organizational Socialization. The model's factors are characteristic of organization and individual values, task-related knowledge and skills, and emotion and communication that affects new nurses' socialization process. These elements go through processes of anticipatory socialization, encounter, change and acquisition. The Model was devised to induce effective Organizational Socialization results within 24 months of its implementation. The basic model is the most efficient and will also contribute to the development of knowledge in the body of nursing.


This study will provide proper direction for new Nurse's Organizational Socialization. Therefore, developing an Organizational Socialization Process Model is meaningful in a sense that it could provide a framework that could create effective Organizational Socialization for new nurses.

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Dependency, Abuse, and Depression by Gender in Widowed Elderly
Ok Soo Kim, Kyoung Mi Yang, Kye Ha Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(2):336-343.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of dependency and abuse on depression according to gender in widowed elderly.


A convenient sample consisted of 246 widowed elderly who were more than 65 years old in four cities. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire from August to September, 2002. A dependency Scale developed by Ahn (1999) was used to measure the level of dependency. Emotional abuse and physical abuse were measured by 10 items for emotional abuse and 7 items for physical abuse selected out of the Conditions Scale of Elder Abuse. The level of depression was measured by the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS).The SPSS WIN 11.0 version program was used for data analysis.


In male widowed elderly, dependency affected depression indirectly through emotional abuse. While in female widowed elderly, dependency affected depression directly and affected emotional abuse indirectly.


The study showed that dependency was the most explainable variable on depression in widowed female elderly. Therefore, it dependency should be assessed first in nursing intervention to relieve depression of widowed elderly.

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A Study on Health-related Quality of Life, Smoking Knowledge, Smoking Attitude, and Smoking Cessation Intention in Male Smokers
Myoung Sook Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(2):344-352.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was conducted to examine the relationship among health-related quality of life, smoking knowledge, smoking attitude, and smoking cessation intention in male smokers.


The subjects were 259 male smokers in J city. The data was collected using structured questionnaires from Nov. to Dec. of 2003. The data was analyzed by the SPSS (ver.10.0)computer program, and it included descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, the Pearson correlation coefficient, and Stepwise Multiple Regression.


The smoking cessation intention had a significant positive correlation among health-related quality of life (r=.159), smoking knowledge (r=.161), and smoking attitude (r=.127). These variables account for 26.8% of smoking cessation intention.


These results suggested that the smoking cessation program to enhance the health-related quality of life, smoking knowledge, and smoking cessation intention and to increase a negative influence on smoking attitude need to be developed. Therefore, these findings give useful information for constructing a smoking cessation program in male smokers.

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A Professional Nursing Practice Environment and Its Impact on Nurses' Task Motivation
So Young Kang, Young Rhan Um, Sung Suk Han
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(2):353-361.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was aimed at (a) describing professional nursing practice environments embedded in nursing care units and (b) examining its relationships to nurses' task motivation.


Using the Nursing Work Index Revised (NWI-R) and the Work Preference Inventory (WPI), a descriptive study was conducted with a sample of 320 registered nurses on 26 nursing care units in one University hospital in Korea.


Mean scores were 12.9 on a 5-20 score range of an autonomous environment scale, 7.3 on a 3-12 score range of a collaborative environment, and 15.8 on a 7-28 score range of control over nursing practice. Nurses' age, educational level, job position, working period at the hospital and employment status were significantly related to the degree of a professional practice environment. The extent to which a professional practice environment accounted for task motivation was 19.5%.


There is a certain degree of professionalism in the workplace environment that nurses perceived within the nursing care units. When nurses care for patients, the degree of task motivation depends on the work environment supporting the professional nursing practice.

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Development of a Scale to measure the Effectiveness of Oriental Nursing Education
Sang Sook Han, Won Ock Kim, Kyung Sun Hyun, Jeong Sook Won, Jong Soo Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(2):362-371.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The aim of this study was to design and evaluate a scale for measuring reliability and validity in the field of oriental nursing education.


A questionnaire was administered to 495 university nursing students using a convenience sampling method. The period of time for collecting data was from September 2003 to January 2004.


The derived outcome tool consisted of 6 factors and 22 inquires on the basis of a conceptual frame of three domains (knowledge, attitude, and skill), As a result of the item analysis, 22 items were selected and the internal consistency alpha coefficient was .767. The value of Cronbach' Alpha of knowledge(factor 1) was .885, attitude(factor2)was .756, and skill (factor 3) was .610. The three factors accounted for 65.110% of the variance in the total scale. Addressing the explanatory variance of each domain Cognitive domain was 22.477%, affective domain was 20.543%, and psychomotor domain was 17.090%.


Further studies need to be done to verify educational evaluation and apply our outcomes to oriental nursing education.

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Effects of a Taping Method on Pain and ROM of the Knee Joint in the Elderly
Yeong Sook Park, Hyun Jung Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(2):372-381.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was to investigate the effects of a taping method on pain and ROM of the knee joint in the elderly.


The subjects were seniors registered in a senior welfare center in D city. An experimental group of 30 persons and acontrol group of 33 persons were chosen and according to the proper conditions and a knee pain score was marked from 1-5 on a Numerical Pain Rating Scale. For the experimental group, the taping method was conducted three times a week for four weeks (twelve times in all) but the control group did not receive taping.. The measuring instrument of knee pain was a numerical pain rating scale from 0 to 10 and the ROM score was the average value of three measured values witha goniometer. The data was analyzed with SPSS WIN 10.0 using an χ2-test, t-test,repeated measures ANOVA, and time contrast.


Knee joint pain was significantly decreased in the experimental group over that of the control group (p=.001). In addition, knee joint ROM of the experimental group was significantly improved over that of the control group (p=.001).


It was proven that the taping method was effective for pain relief and increasing ROM of the knee joint in the elderly.

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A Longitudinal Study of Critical Thinking Dispositions & Critical Thinking Skills in Baccalaureate Nursing Students
Kyung Rim Shin, Ju Young Ha, Kon Hee Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(2):382-389.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This longitudinal study was done to investigate critical thinking dispositions and critical thinking skills of nursing students enrolled in a 4-year baccalaureate program at a university in Korea.


The study used a longitudinal design. A convenience sample of 32 nursing students who were completing their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year in a baccalaureate program at a selected university was included. The subjects completed the California Critical Thinking Dispositions Inventory (CCTDI), the California Critical Thinking Skill Test (CCTST), and a demographic questionnaire. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, repeated ANOVA, adjusted p-values, and Pearson's correlation coefficient with SAS 8.12.


There was statistically significant improvement according to academic year in the CCTDI total mean score (F=7.54, p= .0001) and subscales of Open-mindedness, Self-confidence, and Maturity. Contrarily, no statistically significant difference was found in the CCTST total mean score and subscales' score except Analysis.


There is no significant correlation between critical thinking dispositions and skills, so it will be necessary to repeat a study like this, and the translated instruments should be modified by considering Korean culture.

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Prevalence Rate and Factors of Myopia in Preschool Children
Shin Ja Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(2):390-398.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was aimed at providing basic data for developing a nursing intervention program which enables systematic and correct visual acuity care by discovering out visual acuity conditions, prevalence rate of myopia, and the factors related to myopia with Preschool children.


The subjects of this study consisted of 519 children between 3 and 6 years of age from 12 kindergartens in Seoul which were selected through multiple cluster sampling. Myopia was defined as the spherical equivalent (SE) of more than -0.5 diopters (D) inthe right eye. The data was analyzed by t-test, 2-test, ANOVA, and logistic regression by using the SAS program.


The prevalence rate of myopia was 8.7%. the odds ratio of child myopia when one parent had myopia was 2.2 times higher than when neither parent had myopia. The odds ratio of child myopia when reading more than three books per week was 0.27 times higher than reading less than three books.


Myopia should be continuously and intensively managed from the age of 3

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Influencing Factors that Affect the Psychological Well-being in Family Caregivers of Stroke Patients
Jung Hee Kim, Ok Soo Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(2):399-406.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that affect the psychological well-being in family caregivers of stroke patients.


The General Health Perception, short form 36, Health Survey Questionaire was used to measure health perception. The Caregiving Mastery Scale was used to assess the mastery, while the Psychological General Well-Being Index was used to examine the level of well-being.


Subjective health, caregiving mastery, patient's ADL and caregiving duration influenced on caregiver's psychological well-being. Subjective health had effect on psychological well-being both directly and indirectly. Caregiving duration and patient's ADL had indirect effect on psychological well-being through caregiving mastery.


It is need to develop a health program for the caregivers of stroke patient's and to provide nursing intervention to improve the caregiver's ability, thereby improving the well-being of the family caregivers.

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Narrative Analysis on Survivor's Experience of Daegu Subway Fire Disaster: The Hypothetical Suggestions for Disaster Nursing Practice
Namhee Choi
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(2):407-418.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Some fifty survivors participated in the narrative therapy sessions from March 2003 to December 2004, and thirty cases were analyzed using the transcripts. Each participant's surviving story was summarized, and then interpreted and reinterpreted by the survivors themselves in collaboration with the researcher. Thetwo main principles in narrative analysis were hermeneutical distanciation and hermeneutical circulation.

Result and Conclusion

First, nursing involvement should play active roles from the early stages of disaster incidents. Specifically, emergency nursing and flexible coping plans are to be available according to the specific properties of each case. Secondly, it is necessary to try to understand the extreme emotional experiences of disaster survival. The horror and pain people feel at an incident cannot simply be generalized, and it requires that each case be approached individually to help stop social alienation. Thirdly, more constant and long-term studies are required to set up nursing strategies for disaster survivors. Forming a trustingrelationship with survivors is basic, and formally registering as participants is necessary for continuous interventions. Fourthly, we should deeply appreciate the danger and complexity of modern society and understand the complex nature of disaster. Fifthly, interdisciplinary activities and studies are necessary in combination with various other fields to establish a framework of total nursing care for disaster incidents. Lastly, it is urgently necessary to educate families and friends of the survivors and the society as a whole about life after a disaster.

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Effects of a Workbook Program on the Perceived Stress Level, Maternal Role Confidence and Breast Feeding Practice of Mothers of Premature Infants
Yung Sook Jang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(2):419-427.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of a workbook program on percieved stress levels, maternal role confidence and breastfeeding practices of mothers of premature infants.


This study employed a quasi-experimental non-equivalent pre-and-post test to compare the two groups. Data was collected from 32 subjects from March 10. to September 5, 2003 at an NICU located in S. city. In the sample, fifteen mothers were in the experimental group and seventeen were in the control group. A workbook program was provided twice during a period from two-three days after the baby's admission to one week after the first intervention. The instruments used were the PSS and self confidence scale. Data was analyzed by means of frequency, SD, χ2-test, Fisher's exact test, Mann-Whitney test, and the Wilcoxon signed rank test.


There was a significant difference in perceived stress levels between the experimental and control group (U=2.366, p=.018). There was not a significant difference in maternal role confidence between the two groups (U=1.002, p=.316). There was a significant difference in breastfeeding practice between the two groups (χ2= 4.910, p=.035).


It is concluded that a program using a workbook has a positive effect on decreasing the perceived stress level and increasing breastfeeding practice.

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