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Volume 29(2); April 1999
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Original Articles
Confirmatory Analysis of Perception and Preference Scales for Work Characteristics among Korean Nurses
Yeon Ok Suh, Rha Yun Song, Daily Barbara
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(2):215-224.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The study was conducted to confirm the construct of individual perception and preference for work characteristics as personal factors influencing Korean nurses' job satisfaction. The subjects of the study were 231 nurses who are currently working in intensive care units and have been for a minimum of 6 months. The study used the Staff Perception and Preference Scale(Song et al., 1997) to measure the individual's perception and preference on the technical, practice, and management components of the ideal work environment. The Korean version of the Staff Perception and Preference Scale consists of 16 items on perception and 13 on preference with each item related on a scale from 1 (not at all) to 4 (a great deal). Psychometric testing revealed that the preference and perception scale is internally consistent with Chronbach's alphas of .83 for perception scale and .80 for preference scale. The subscales of the perception and preference scale also showed acceptable reliability for the early stage of the development of the instruments with Chronbach alphas of .62-.76 and .69-.83 respectively. Criterion0related validity of the scale was tested by examining correlations with individual growth need that is conceptually close to individual preference, but not to individual perception. Individual growth need was significantly related to individual preference(r=.63, p<.05), but the correlation with the perception scale was not significant. A separate factor analysis for the each of perception and preference scales was performed with a three-factor loading solution based on a previous study. The results on the staff perception scale confirmed with varimax rotation that the items were cleanly and strongly loaded on technique, practice and management components, which together explained 50.7% of the variance. The factor analysis on the staff preference scale also yielded a three factor solution that explained 56.7% of the variance, but items on technique and management components were loaded together. This phenomena may due to the current nursing delivery system in Korea where nurses never experience either shared governance nor case management, and as a results they may not be able to consider management roles as their potential extended roles. Therefore, more efforts should be given to enhance nurses' autonomy and decision making in the technique, practice and management components of their work environment. Meanwhile, there is a need for continuously confirming and developing tools for individual perception and preferences to effectively enhance job satisfaction among Korea nurses through innovative work environments.

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A Study of the Relationship Among Health Promoting Behaviors, Climacteric Symptoms and Depression of Middle-Aged Women
Eun Kwang Yoo, Myoung Hee Kim, Tae Kyung Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(2):225-237.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship among the health promoting behaviors, self-reported climacteric symptoms and depression on a cross-sectional survey design. The subjects were 108 middle-aged women who were non-hystrectomized and ranged in age from 40 to 60. They were selected in Seoul and Kyoung-ki province, Korea. Data were collected from Oct. 25 to Nov. 10, 1997 by a structured questionnaire. The instrument used for this study was the revised Health Promotion Lifestyle Profile(HPLP) developed by Walker, Sechrist and Pender, revised Climacteric Symptoms Scale developed by Chi, Sung Ai, and the Beck's Depression Inventory(BID). The data were analyzed by the SPSS/PC+ program using t-test, ANOVA and Scheffe test as a post hoc and Pearson Correlation Coefficient. The results of the study were as follows ; 1. The mean score of health promoting behaviors was low(2.42+/-0.35). There were statistically significant difference in the score of health promoting behaviors according to the educational background, family income, marital satisfaction, and whether or not taking a restorative food(t=-2.07, F=2.60~7.57, p<0.05). 2. The mean score of self-reported climacteric symptoms was 1.69 ; 99% of middle-aged women had symptoms. There were statistically significant difference in the score of middle-aged women's self-reported climacteric symptoms according to the age, number of children, educational background, occupation, family income, marital satisfaction, whether or not receiving hormone replacement therapy(HRT) or consultation experience with a professional, and perceived health status(t=-2.04~3.69, F=2.87~11.63, p<0.05). 3. The mean score of depression was 10.84. There were statistically significant differences in the score of the depression according to the age, number of children, educational background, occupation, marital satisfaction, whether or not receiving menopausal treatment of consultation by a professional, and perceived health status(t=-2.25~3.00, F=3.50~9.24, p<0.05). 4. Women's degree of health promoting behaviors was a negative correlation with the degree of climacteric symptoms(r=-0.19, p=0.03) and the degree of depression(r=-0.23, p=0.01). The degree of climacteric symptoms was a positive correlation with the degree of depression(r=0.64, p=0.01). In conclusion, health promoting behavior should be considered when developing nursing strategies for middle-aged women, especially when dealing with climacteric symptoms and depression.

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Stress and Adaptation in Family with Physical Disabled Children
Sook Ja Yang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(2):238-248.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to describe the relationship between family stress and adaptation in families with a disabled child through literature review using McCubbin's Double ABCX family crisis framework. The literature review focused on (1) family stress and factors affecting family stress, (2) the critical individual, familial and social resources which families acquire and employ over time in managing crisis situation, (3) the changes in definition and meaning families develop in an effort to make sense out of their predicament, (4) the coping strategies families employ, and (5) the range of outcomes of these family efforts The results showed that families reported financial difficulties and the burden of care-giving demands as major family stressors. Siblings of disabled children manifested depressive symptoms and social isolation, but was not consistent study results. The parents' views of the cause of the disabling condition fundamentally affected their behavior toward their disabled child. Especially, the fathers' views of the child's characteristics made the greatest contribution to positive changes in the mothers' perceptions. The term perceived social support refers to the cognitive appraisal by individuals that they are cared for and valued, that significant others are available to them if needed, and that they are satisfied with their interpersonal relationships. The perceived social support was more protective than social support source, network size and network density. Parental adaptation was found to be related to the child's communication competence rather than family coping strategies proposed by Lazarus and Folkman. One study results showed that there was no difference in depressive symptoms and physical health between mothers with a disabled child and those without all though mothers with a disabled child had negative attitudes and perceived themselves as having significantly less social support and lower family functioning. But a longitudinal study revealed decreases in the negative impact of the child and increases in sibling and overall family adaptation.

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Subjective Symptoms of Fatigue in Normal Pregnant women
Shin Jeong Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(2):248-257.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to identify basic data for the health care of normal pregnant women. The number of subjects was 779 pregnant women who received prenatal care in two University hospitals. The data, which were collected from June to October, 1998, and used the questionnaire "Symptom Table on Fatigue Perception" designed by the Research Committee of the Industrial Fatigue in Hygienic Association of Japan Industry. The Collected data were scored by use of means and standard deviations according to the subjective symptoms of fatigue and each item as an independent variable was analysed by t-test and ANOVA test. The results are as follows : 1) Degree of subjective fatigue showed as an average of 1.81. Fatigue as physical symptoms had the highest score with 2.09, followed by neuro-sensory symptoms, 1.69 and psychological symptoms had the lowest score 1.66. 2) With the respect to the general characteristics of the subjects, there were statiscally significant difference in experience of pregnancy(t=-2.286, p=.023), wanted pregnancy(t=-2.935, p=.004), parity(t=-2.429, p=.015), sleeping time(F=3.478, p=.031), and presence of other child(t=2.347, p=0.19).

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Health Problem of the Middle-Aged Women
Mi Hae Sung
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(2):258-270.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study was carried out to offer the basic data for more qualitative lives of the middle-aged women through their health maintenance and control. So, the researcher reviewed and analyzed the health problems of the middle-aged women, the differences of main symptoms in each subject, positive rates in screening tests, the difference of screening tests with age and the correlation of obesity and blood pressure with screening tests. All subjects were 218 women(40-59 years) who had a check-up at a comprehensive health check-up center in K University Hospital in Seoul from July 1, 1998 to August 31, 1998. Questionnaires were developed to get subjects, general characteristics, main symptoms, medical examination and diagnosed disease by the researcher referring through the questionnaires of comprehensive health check-up center and the medical recorders where used as a tool of study. The researcher analyzed the data with SPSS PC+; the distribution of the subjects, general characteristics and main symptoms with percentage; the difference between main symptoms and screening tests with X2-test, ANOVA. The results are as follows. 1) Among the age distribution, most were 40-45 years old and unemployed. 2) The most common complaints were indigestion in digestive system, cough in respiratory system, heart beat in cardiovascular system, general sweat in endocrine system, edema in urinary system, easy bruise in hematologic system, backache in musculoskeletal system, headache in psychoneurologic system, lochia in gynecology, itch in dermatology system, eye ball pain in visual system and tinnitus in auditory system. 3) In main symptoms according to age, the 40-45 age group had a higher rate of complaints in digestive system and gynecology than other age group ; the 46-49 age group in endocrine system. 4) The main symptoms according to diagnosis had no difference statistically. 5) The screening tests which showed high rates of abnormality were mammography(the highest), abdominal ultrasonography, upper gastrointestinal series/gastrofiberscopy, PFT. In all age group the highest rate of abnormality was seen n mammography. 6) In screening tests according to age, the 46-49 age group showed higher positive rates of pap smear, blood sugar test, urine test than any other age group; the 50-55 age group showerd higher positive rates of obesity, BP, chest X-ray, abdominal ultrasonography, ESR, SGOT, CRP and urine micro. 7) In correlation of obesity with screening test, the obesity group showed higher positive rates of blood pressure, chest X-ray, abdominal ultrasonography, HCT and CRP than the normal weight group. 8) In correlation of blood pressure with screening test, the hypertension group showed higher positive rate of obesity, chest X-ray, abdominal ultrasonography, pap smear and blood sugar than the normal blood pressure group. In conclusion, the middle-aged women have various physical symptoms and affected by age. The obesity and BP have an important effect on the health of the middle aged women. Therefore, this study is considered significant as data for qualitative lives of the middle-aged women playing an important part of family health care by catching of their health problem complaints for prevention of disease and promotion of health.

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Nutritional Status of Cancer Patients upon Admission
Eun Kyung Kim, Young Hee Yang, Smi Choi-Kwon
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(2):271-280.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to assess the nutritional status of cancer patients and non-cancer patients who were admitted to an internal medical department and to determine the degree of malutrition among these patients. The study was performed from May to July 1996 with 151 subjects recruited from the general medical department at D University Hospital. For nutritional assessment the anthropometric and biochemical assessment were performed. Biochemical measurements included serum hemoglobin, albumin, and lymphocytes. For anthropometric assessment, patient's body weight, skinfold thickness in four areas, body mass index, and percent of body fat were measured. The results were as follows : 1) Of the 151 patients who were studied, 47 patients had cancer while 104 patients had non cancer related disease. The mean age of the cancer patients was 57 and 52 for non cancer patients. The percentage of patients who had lost body weight during the last 6 months was 29.8% in cancer patients and 15.4% in non cancer patients. This percentage difference between the 2 groups was statistically significant. However, there was no statistical significance between the 2 groups in gastrointestinal symptoms which lasted more then 2 weeks. 2) There was a statistically significant difference in nutritional status(lympocyte : p=.002 ; skinfold thickness in four areas : p<0.05) between the cancer and the non-cancer patients. The percentage of the patients who had the possibility of malnutrition was 65.5% in cancer patients and 6% in non-cancer patients. 3) There was correlation between the weight loss during the last 6 months before admission and body mass index and skinfold thickness.

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A Prediction Model for health Promoting Behavior of The Korean Elderly
Young Joo Park, Sook Ja Lee, Eun Sook Park, Sung Ok Chang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(2):281-292.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study was designed to construct a model that predicts the health promoting behavior of the Korean elderly. Data were collected by self-reported questionnaires from 254 Korean elderly in seoul, from June 1 to July 15, 1998. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and correlational analysis using pc-SAS program. The Linear Structural Modeling(LISREL) 8.0 program was used to find the best fit model which predicts causal relationships of variables. The overall fit of the hypothetical model to the data was moderate[X2=249.83(df=83, p=.00), RMR=.07, GFI=.90, NNFI=.92, NFI=.91]. The predictable variables of health promoting behavior of the Korean elderly were social activity, social support, self-integrity and helplessness except the perceived health status. These variables explained 17.1% of health promoting behavior of the Korean elderly.

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A Study on the Experience of Fundamental Nursing Practice
Kyoung Soon Han, Ju Yeon Cho
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(2):293-303.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to understand and to explain how were nursing students experienced and accepted the fundemental nursing practice. In addition to, the results of this study are attempted to contribute for offer of basic data in projecting and accomplishing to promote quality practice education. The participants were 790 freshmen of S College of Nursing in kyungi-do. They presented record of feeling and thinking on their the foundemental nursing practice experience. The data were collected from 29, June to 10, July in 1998. Collected data was analyzed by means of Van Kaam's phenomenological method. The results of this study was founded 423 descriptive expression and they were grouped under 42 common factors and they were grouped under 9 categories. By means of the frequency on the categories, the higher category is Anxiety, next Solemn, Flutter, Pride, Usefulness, Recognition of reality in nursing-system, Lack of practice environment, Self-accusation, Comprehension of nursing spirit were founded. 5 common factors, Tension, Difficulty, Dread, Apprehension, Burden were grouped under Anxiety. 7 common factors, Pledge, Memory, importance of practice, Sincerity, Restriction of dress, Acceptance, Active attitude were grouped under Solemn. 5 common factors, Interest, Strange, Beanimated, Waiting, Curiosity were grouped under Flutter. 5 common factors, Conceit, Self-confidence, Skilled, Worth, Accomplishment were grouped under Pride. 6 common factors, acknowledge of nursing affairs, Expectation of future, Fascination of nursing, Acquirement of disposition of nurse, Association of injection, Actual Feeling of dept. of nursing were grouped under Recognition of reality in nursing-system. 4 common factors, Lack of practice time, Many persons of practice, Lack of practice instrument, Lack of reality were grouped under Lack of practice environment. 5 common factors, Inconvenient, Reflection, Loss of pride, Shyness, Feeling sorry were grouped under Self-accusation. 3 common factors, utility, Connection of practice and theory, Various experience were grouped under Usefulness. 2 common factors, Comprehension on the dignity of human, Comprehension on a point of view of patient were grouped under Comprehension of nursing spirit. In conclusion, the following recommendation should be necessary a supplementary study to approach on the type of students that has a firm view and care about client prior to clinical nursing practice.

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The Reliability and Validity Test of psychosocial Well-being Index(PWI)
Jeong Hee Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(2):304-313.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study is to test the reliability and validity test of PWI to utility of PWI, this newly developed by Sejin Jang which measures stress. The subject were 186 workers in service area. Cronbach's alpha and Guttman split-half coefficient is used to test the reliability of PWI. Factor analysis and the correlation of the GHQ-60, GHQ-30, GHQ-28, GHQ-20, and GHQ-12 with the PWI is used to convergent validity and discriminant validity. The important results of this study are as follows : Cronbach's alpha coefficient of data was 0.894 and Guttman split-half coefficient was 0.7097. The PWI was classified as 13 principle component(eigenvalue>1.0). After exploring 4 factor structure according to previous study result, 4 factors was explained 40.5% out of the total variance. The factor 1 was explained 15.9% and then the rest three factor was 24.6%. Factor 2 and 4 showed good agreement but factor 1 and 3 did not. Depression-related items were classified two factors. Anxiety and depression-related items were loaded unifactor. It was not clear that the PWI was consist of 4 concepts(factors). The correlation of the GHQ-60, GHQ-30, GHQ-28, GHQ-20, and GHQ-12 with the PWI were 0.744~0.905. According to findings of this study, the PWI showed a high degree of validity and reliability. Thus it is recommended to use the PWI in general setting for screening for stress. In addition, it is necessary to clarify the concept of depression and anxiety. In the further study, it may be considered to the factor structure of PWI and studied to two or unidimensional factor structure.

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Development of health Promotion Program for Individuals With Arthritis: Application of holistic Model
Hyun Soo Oh, Young Ran Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(2):314-327.   Published online March 29, 2017
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In this study, domains, contents, and effects of pre-existed intervention programs for individuals with arthritis were meta-analyzed to develop arthritis health promotion program based on Holistic Model. The developed program includes strategies of cognition, environment, and behavior, and also generates positive changes in the physical, psychological, and social demensions. Then needs assessment on conveniently selected 153 women who visited a university hospital in Seoul or in Inchon are conducted to identify the objective domains of arthritis health promotion program. According to the study results, target health problems of the arthritis health promotion program were shown as pain, disability, depression, and role impediment in social domain. These objectives could be achieved by including the strategies of changing cognition, the strategies of changing behavior through learning the skill related to the health promoting behavior, and the strategies of changing environment in the health promotion program. That is, it is analyzed that the contents of program are not exclusive one another in physical, psychological, and social demensions, and also are not exclusive one another in aspect of cognition, behavior, and environment. The necessary methods to achieve the desired objectives for the developed arthritis health promotion program and evaluation subjects are as follows : (1) In the arthritis health promotion program, knowledge on management of arthritis, efficacy related to arthritis management, skill for pain management, skill for exercise, establishment of positive self-concept, enhancement of positive thinking, stress management, skill for problem solving, skill for setting goals, skill for requesting help, and skill for communication are all included. Through the improvement of all those strategies, intermediate objectives, such as "joint protection, and maintenance of pain management behavior", "maintenance of regular exercise", and "promotion of coping skill in psychosocial dimension" are achieved. (2) These intermediate objectives are also the methods for achieving objectives in next stage. It implies that through the intermediate objectives, the final objectives such as "minimization of physical symptoms and signs", "maximization of psychological function", and "maximization of role performance in social domain" could be achieved. Each of these final objectives reflects the different dimension of quality of life, respectively. When these objectives are achieved, the quality of life that client perceives is improved. Therefore, through evaluation of these final objectives, the level of achieving final outcome of arthritis health promotion such as quality of life is determined.

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The Effects of Exercise Therapy on Joint Mobility, Daily Activity, pain and Depression in patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis
Hyun Ja Lim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(2):328-335.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study was designed to investigate the effects of exercise therapy on joint mobility, daily activity, pain and depression of patients with ankylosing spondylitis. 25 persons with the experimental group and 25 persons with the control group were conveniently sampled among out-patients diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis at the rheumatism center of H University Medical Center. The control patients were matched to the experimental group and they were selected considering sex and age. The exercise therapy was developed by the author with the assistance of exercise specialists. The program includes muscle relaxation, flexibility, muscle strengths, breathing strengths and straight posture exercises. The 20-minute exercise therapy was carried out to the experimental group once a day for eight weeks from October, 1997 to February, 1998. Before and after the experiments, joint mobility, daily activity, pain and depression were measured respectively. Data were analyzed by x2-test, t-test, paired t-test and unpaired t-test. The results were as follows : Joint mobility(cervical flexion, extension, shoulder flexion, abduction, hip abduction, knee flexion and fingertip to floor distance) and daily activity in the experimental group after the exercise were significantly increased than that in the control group. The pain and depression score in the experimental group after the exercise were significantly decreased than that in the control group. These findings may indicate that the exercise therapy is effective in increasing the joint mobility and daily activity, and also effective in decreasing pain and depression in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Accordingly, the exercise therapy can be adopted as an effective nursing intervention for ankylosing spondylitis.

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A Study on the Patterns of Alternative Therapy Experienced by the Aged
Kang Yi Lee, Soon Yi Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(2):336-345.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study looks at the various alternative therapy methods used in day to day life by elderly, over 60 years of age. The elderly have come to know and practice these methods for the following reasons : it is good for the health ; it is the method used in the olden days when there wesn't modern medicine ; it has been passed down from generations ; it can be done at home without having the need to go to the hospital ; acupuncture or poulticing can be used ; it can be done at home, which was an important factor in rural areas where hospitals are few and far between ; and [herbal] medicine could be prepared at home at no cast ; it derives from experience ; it is impossible to ignore tradition passed down through the generations. Diet control and plants(herbs) are methods most often used, as they are easy to find and can be readily used in critical situations. Other methods include oriental medicine practices of moxibustion with moxa cone, negative therapy, hand and finger acupunture, finger press method, ordinary acupunture, finger press method, ordinary acupunture, manual healing methods of massage, diaphoretic therapy and meditation to reach a state of calm, and qigong dirigation. The reasons for its use are as follows : it has been used before ; it is effective ; there is some improvement after the treatment ; it is not harmful to the body ; medicine cannot be obtained and it is the only thing available ; it is not good for an old person to go to the hospital everyday, the symptoms are not serious enough to go to a hospital ; and acupuncture is for these things. The means that the elderly have come to practice these methods are ; it has been used since the past ; it has been told by the elders ; they have been told by friends ; it was part of their knowledge ; and they have come to know by watching their mother. Further, to regain vitality lost through old age, the elderly have relied on hot soup, a hearty meal, brewed honey water, pumpkin, or ginseng. Humans, by instinct, would rub or massage the areas that caused pain. These actions, combined with a breathing technique have been recognized in Tong-Eui-Bo-Gam(the essential of eastern medicine), the complete work of early modern medicine, are a useful means to revive chi. This knowledge is thought to have greatly affected our healthy lifestyle. Furthermore, though the demand for medical services would increase with age, the elderly have not always been able to tend to their needs at the hospital for reasons economic or other. Hence, these alternative therapy methods seem to have been practiced as a temporary means of relief. The excellence of our traditional therapeutic custom has not received full recognition due to the argument relating to its scientific merits. As a result, it has become vital to prove their effectiveness through scientific and other experimental means. The potency of moxibustion with moxa cone and hand and finger acupunture have been proven scientifically, but diet and herbal methods appear to be practiced as a result of customs passed down from generations. In addition, it is submitted that the effectiveness of the traditional methods of disease control and our heathy lifestyle that are easily found in the nursing field must be verified.

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Analysis of the Nursing Interventions Performed by Hospital Nurses Using NIC
Young Hee Yom
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(2):346-360.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this research was to identify nursing interventions performed by hospital nurses in Korea. The sample consisted of 311 nurses working in three hospitals. The Nursing Interventions Use Questionnaire developed by the Iowa Intervention Project team was used for data collection. The instrument was translated to Korean using the method of back-translation. Eighteen interventions were performed at least daily. Interventions in the Physiological : Basic domain were most frequently used at least daily. No interventions in the Family and Behavioral domains were used by nurses at least once a day. The most frequently used interventions was Documentation, followed by the interventions Medication : Parenteral, Intravenous(IV) Insertion, Temperature Control, and Shift Report. The intervention performed least often was Reproductive Technology Management. Nurses working in intensive car units on the whole performed interventions most often, while nurses working in obstetric, gynecological, and pediatric units performed them least often. The nurses working in intensive care unit, medical and surgical care units performed the interventions in the Physiological : Basic domain more often than the nurses working in obstetric, gynecological, and pediatric units. The nurses working in obstetric, gynecological, and pediatric units used the interventions in the Family domain more often than the nurses working in the other three units. The study contributes to the documentation of nurses' work in Korea. Further study will be needed to validate nursing activities of each NIC intervention.

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Injury Associated with Baby Walker
Jung Suk Han, Hyun Sook Shin
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(2):361-370.   Published online March 29, 2017
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Baby walkers have been a major cause of injuries in young children. The main purpose of this study is to identify the pattern of injuries associated with baby walker. The data were collected from May 13 to June 15, 1998 from 438 mothers who have used or are using baby walkers for their children aged average 6 month old(range 1-33 month). It was founded that 19.2%(84 infants) of these children had walker-related accidents. The types of injuries included 'falling down'(52.4%), 'tiping over'(21.4%), 'being crashed into the wall'(17.9%), and burns(1.2%). These injuries predominantly involved the head and neck region(88%). The majority of injuries were minor, and most injuries occurred at home with the mother present. The most common reason to use the baby walker was to keep the infant happy and occupied. Although many parents used walker to promote walking, there was no supportive evidence that walkers helped babies learn to walk sooner. In conclusion, injuries among infants who use walkers are minor, but common. Also, baby walkers may cause a fatal injury to some infants. Therefore, child safety warning label policies, anticipatory safety guidance and quality control of infant walkers are needed to prevent injuries associated with a infant walker.

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A Study of Assessing Educational Needs on Program Planning for AIDS(Acquired Immuno-deficiency Syndrome) Inservice Education for Clinical Nurses
In Hyae Park, Sook Ja Lee, Jeong Hee Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(2):371-382.   Published online March 29, 2017
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Nurses are at the forefront of providing hands-on care to patients infected with HIV(Human Immunodeficiency Virus). Therefore, appropriate and sensible infection control precaution should be taken at all times. The purpose of this study is to find out nurse's learning needs about HIV/AIDS ; and nurse's willingness to perform nursing care to HIV/AIDS patients ; and the degree of following universal precautions in nursing care ; and the degree of knowledge of HIV/AIDS to provide information on the guide for the further continuing education. The respondents of this study were 280 nurses in a university hospital in Kwang-Ju city. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire and analyzed by using percentages, means, Pearson's correlation, t-test, ANOVA, Duncan's grouping. The findings were as follows ; 1. The mean age of the nurses was 28.9 years, and the mean duration of their clinical experience was 6.8 years. Majority of the nurses(83.9%) had no experience in taking care of the AIDS patients. 2. The contents nurse's need to learn were showed in order such as clinical manifestations, infection control, patient care, and the mode of transmission of HIV/AIDS. 3. Even though the nurses had quite low knowledge about HIV/AIDS(mean score was 12.2 from the total of 26), they are willing to take care of the AIDS patients (mean score was 39.5 from the total of 60), and the degree of following universal precaution was also not so bad (mean score was 40.8 from the total of 50). 4. Nurses who are over 35 years old and had informal education regarding HIV/AIDS better following universal precautions. Nurses who had over 12 years of clinical experiences have more willingness to perform nursing care to the AIDS patients. Nurses who had experiences in taking care of the AIDS patients were more knowledgeable about HIV/AIDS. These findings suggest that some strategies should be develope to increase the willingness to perform the nursing care to the AIDS patients. And also continuing education program should be develope and run for the clinical nurses so that they can provide effective and appropriate nursing care to the AIDS patients.

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Nursing Services Positioning Analysis for Nursing Services Repositioning
Mi Aie Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(2):383-392.   Published online March 29, 2017
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Recently, the hospitals in Korea has positively changed one way or another. Therefore hospital managers must focus on the nurses' role in terms of consumers' perception of overall image of hospitals and the degree of satisfaction of the consumers To achieve the purposes, the questionnaire was developed and distributed to 280 people who had a direct experience with nursing services subjected hospitals in Seoul at the time of screening. among them, 229 responses were turned out to be useful and used for final analysis. The measurement instrument for hospital nursing service quality evaluation was modified from the SERVQUAL model originated from Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry(1988). For data analysis, SPSS/ PC and PC-MDS program were used. The results were as follows : 1) The perception map showed that the seven subjected hospitals were divided into three groups. It could be interpreted that the hospitals in the same group had a strong competitive relationships. Because the nursing services' scores of hospitals C and E were higher than those of other hospitals, they could be served as a benchmark for the other hospitals. 2) The marketing place of hospital nursing services was divided by four. Since service generally had a strong point in nearby service market segment, Aiming an nearby hospital nursing services market segment by the hospital nursing services department was regarded as a good repositioning strategy. 3) When consumers evaluated the quality of hospital nursing services, they were greatly affected by the hospitals' overall image or other characteristics. Therefore, for improving hospital's nursing services, hospital nursing services department requires a great deal of labor to improve hospitals' overall image or other characteristics.

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A study on the Experience of Nurses' socialization Process in the Hospital Setting
Bok Soon Kim, Eun Jung Ryu, Kyung Hee Kim, Hae Kyung Chung, Mi Seung Song, Kyung Sook Choi
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(2):393-404.   Published online March 29, 2017
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Socialization is the process of moving from one social role to another by gaining knowledge, skills and behaviors to participate in a group. Nurses who graduate from nursing school, enter the work force, and develop a career undergo socialization as they become insiders in the hospital. This study was designed to identify experiences of the nurses' socialization process in the hospital setting. The subjects were 6 nurses. Data were collected by recording and transcribing interviews and analyzed in the framework of grounded theory as mapped out by Strauss and Corbin(1990). The core category in the analysis of the experiences of nurses' socialization process was "being beyond". In the process of data analysis, 22 categories were identified. These categories were again grouped into 13. Based upon these results, it is recommended that development of resocialization models to establish nursing identity are necessary.

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The Effects of a Epilepsy Education Program on Self Efficacy and Self Management in Patients with Epilepsy
Yeong Sook Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(2):405-417.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to test the effects of a epilepsy education program as a nursing intervention for patients with epilepsy. A quasi treatment research (non equivalent control group pretest-posttest design) was used in this study. The subjects were 40 epilepsy patients visiting an outpatient department of a general hospital in Daegu city(treatment group : 20 patients, control group : 20 patients). The study was carried out from June, 19998 to September, 1998. Data was collected before the education program(pretest), immediately after(posttest 1) and 4 weeks later(posttest 2) and were analyzed with repeated measures ANOVA, t-test, Chi-square test and Pearson correlation coefficient. The results are as follows : There was a significant difference in epilepsy self efficacy between two groups(F=26.27, p=.000). There was a significant difference according to pretest, posttest 1 and posttest 2(F=111.20, p=.000), and interaction effect between treatment and time(F=109.42, p=.000). There was a significant difference in epilepsy self management between two groups(F=78.02, p=.000). There was a significant difference according to pretest, posttest 1 and posttest 2 test(F=94.02, p=.000), and interaction effect between treatment and time(F=88.14, p=.000). There was a significant correlation(r=.76, p=.000) between epilepsy self efficacy and epilepsy self management. These results suggest that a epilepsy education program is effective in promoting self efficacy and self management of the patient with epilepsy. Thus this program can be recommended as an effective nursing intervention for the epilepsy patients.

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Comparision of Group and Individual Social Support on Burden and Family Functioning in Families with Asthmatic Children
Hoa Yun Jun
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(2):418-428.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The main purpose of this study was to identify the effects of group social support and individual social support on the reduction of burden and improvement in family functioning of families with asthmatic children. The design of this study was a randomized pre-posttest quasi-experimental design to compare the two experimental groups. The theoretical framework for this study was derived from the study of burden in family caregivers by Suh and Oh(1993) based on the main effect model of social support theories. The data were collected from February 12, 1998 to May 29, 1998 at the pediatric out patient department of a university hospital located in Suwon city. The sample consisted of 39 family members who were identified as families with asthmatic children, Eighteen subjects were randomly assigned to the group social support group and 21 were assigned to the individual social support group. Group and individual social support members were seen for 60 to 90 minutes, four times over one to three weeks. The instruments used in this study were the Burden Scale developed by Suh and Oh(1993), the Visual Analogue Scale, and the Family Adaptability Cohesion Evaluation Scale(FACES-III) developed by Olson, Portner, and Lavee(1985). The collected data were analyzed using Mann-Whitney test, x2-test, Wilcoxon sign rank test, t-test, ANOVA(Scheff), pearson correlation coefficient, multiple regression, and social support process and content analysis. The results are as follow ; 1. There was no significant difference before the experimental treatment among the subjects in the group social support group and individual social support group for general characteristics, burden, or family functioning. 2. Hypothesis 1 ; "There will be a greater reduction on the burden score of the group social support group compared to the individual social support group" was not statistically significant(U=174.5, p=.683). The burden scores showed a significant decrease after participation in social support as compared to before participation for both groups. However there was a tendency for more reduction in the burden scores for the group social support than for individual social support. 3. Hypothesis 2 ; "There will be a greater improvement in the family functioning scores for the group social support group compared to the individual social support group" was not statistically significant(U=153.0, p=.309). There was a tendency toward improvement in the family functioning scores of the group social support as compared to that of the individual social support. 4. According to the length of the treatment period, families with asthmatic children displayed affirmative responses, and the families set up a self-help group of mothers with asthmatic children n order to share their experiences, to get information and to solve their problems. In conclusion, it was found that group social support was the more effective nursing intervention for reducing burden and for improving family functioning of families with asthmatic children.

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The Effect of Dance Therapy on Physical and Psychological Characteristics in The Elderly
Young Ran Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(2):429-444.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study was performed to explore the effects of a dance therapy on physical and psychological characteristics in the elderly. The design of this study was a non-equivalent pre-post test experiment. The subjects consisted of elderly persons living in a facility located in Suweon and Bucheon. Fifty eight subjects, aged between 65 and 93 years who had normal cognition, sensory function, balance, and resting blood pressure. They underwent tests of balance, flexibility, muscle strength, depression, and anxiety as baseline data before dance therapy, and at 6 th week and at the end of the 12nd week after following dance therapy. Twenty seven elderly persons were assigned to the experimental group and participated with the dance therapy between April and July, 1998. The dance therapy was developed by the author with the help of a dance therapist and a physiatrist. This therapy was based on the Marian Chace's dance therapy and Korean traditional dance with music. The dance therapy was developed by the author with the help of a dance therapist and a physiatrist. This therapy was based on the Marian Chace's dance therapy and Korean traditional dance with music. The dance therapy consists of 50 minutes session, 3 times a week for 12 weeks. One session was consisted of warming-up, expression, catharsis, sharing, and closing stage. The intensity of the dance therapy was at the 40% of age-adjusted maximum heart rates. Data were analyzed with mean, standard deviation, Chi-square test, unpaired t-test, repeated measures ANOVA, and Bonferroni multiple regression using SAS program. 1. The results related to the physical characteristics were as follows : 1) The balance (standing on one leg, walking on the balancing bar), flexibility and muscle strength (knee extensor, knee flexor, ankle plantarflexor and dorsiflexor) of the experimental subjects significantly increased over time more than that of the control subjects. 2) The experimental group had significantly higher score for balance, flexibility, muscle strength of knee extensor, and knee flexor than the control group at the 12nd week after dance therapy. 3) The experimental group had significantly higher score for muscle strength of ankle dorsiflexor and plantarflexor than the control group at the 6th week and the 12nd week after dance therapy. 2. The results related to psychological characteristics were as follows : 1) Scores of Geriatric Depression Scale, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, and Zung's Self-rating Anxiety Scale of the experimental group were significantly decreased over time more than that of the control group. 2) The experimental group had significantly lower score for depression than the control group at the 12nd week after dance therapy. 3) The experimental group had significantly lower score for anxiety than the control group at eh 6th week and the 12nd week after dance therapy. The findings showed that the dance therapy could be effective in improving the balances, flexibility, and muscle strength of lower limb, and effective in decreasing the depression and anxiety of the elderly. Additional merits of the dance therapy would be inexpensiveness, easy accessibility, and increasing interpersonal relationship. It can be suggested that the dance therapy is effective in the health promotion of the elderly.

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Effects of a Sensory Stimulation on Weight, Stress Hormone and Behavioral State in Premature Infants
Kun Ja Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(2):445-455.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study has been conducted on the nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design in quasi experimental basis and newly born premature infants from intensive care unit of G Medical University Hospital in Inchon Metropolitan were selected in two groups of 21 infants each. The first group for experimental and the other for control. Data has been collected form October 30, 1997 to August 29, 1998. For the experimental group tactile and kinesthetic stimulation was applied 2 times a day for 10 days(10:00~11:00 hours in the morning and 17:00~18:00 in the afternoon). As a weight weighing instrument, electronic indicator scale(Cas Co, Korea) was used. To determine urine cortisol concentration level in stress hormone, radio immuno assay method was used. And high performance liquid chlomatogarphy was used to determine urine norepinephrine, concentration level. To determine behavior status, tools developed by anderson et al(1990) and remodeled by Kim Hee-Sook(1996) were used. Collected data were analyzed with the SAS program using x2-test, student t-test, repeated measures ANOVA and paired t-test. The result were as follow. 1. As for the daily weight gain, the experimental group showed first change in weight and this group also showed higher weight in the average weight than the control group. Statistically, however, there was no significant factor between the two groups. 2. The cortisol concentration in urine showed decrease in the experimental group norepinephrine concentration in urine showed increase in both experimental and control groups. No statistical significance was shown between the two groups. 3. In the aspect of behavior status, the experimental group showed statistical significance by showing inactive in the state of alert and conversion to a positive state than the control group. In conclusion, the sensory stimulation in this study showed a positive aspect through there was no statistical significance n the weight gain and urine stress hormone concentration. In the behavior status, there was statistical significance in the frequency of staying inactive in the state of alert and conversion to a positive state.

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