The major purpose of this study was to compare the state anxiety of surgical patients by sex (male/female), area of operation (sex-organ/non sex-organ), and family planning (having the plan of child-bearing/having no plan of child-bearing). One hundred sixty patients who were to get surgical operation were equally divided into eight groups resulted from combination of variables of sex, area of operation, and family planning. The state axiety of surgical patients was measured in terms of the discrepancy score between the state anxiety score on the State- Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) administered at a day before operation and the trait anxiety score on it which was administered at a day before discharge. In order to test statistically the differences among mean scores of the state anxiety obtained by eight groups, multiple comparisons were carried out by Scheffe method. The results of this study led to the conclusions that, (1) there was no significant sex difference in the state anxiety of surgical patients, when the area of operation and the family planning variables were disregarded, (2) the state anxiety of patients who were to get operation of their sex-organ was significantly higher than that of patients who were to get operation on the parts other than their sex-organ, when variables of the sex and the family planning were not taken into account, (3) there was no significant sex difference in the state anxiety of patients who were to get operation on the parts other than their sex-organ, when the family planning variable was disregarded, (4) the state anxiety of female patients who were to get operation on their sex-organ was significantly higher than the state anxiety of male patients who were to get operation on their sex-organ, when the family planning variable was not taken into account.
This study on stress and coping method of psychiatric patients and non-psychiatric peoples was applied to people who was divided into two groups from Sep. 25 to Oct. 3, 1978. One is hospitalized patients in psychiatric wards of four hospitals in Seoul. The other is inhibitants in two Dongs of Seoul. This study purposed to the identification of the difference of stressful events' numbers, the severity of stress, and difference of coping methods between psychiatric patients and non-psych-iatric peoples. Two instruments are used in this study. The first one to measure stress, is Holmes & Rahe (1967)'s SRRQ (Social Readjustment Rating Questionnaire), which is amended, added or omitted through preliminary test, so that it consists of 48 items. The second one is for evaluating coping method on stress. It consists of 34 items amended through preliminary test after consideration of related literature review and survey on the basis of J.M.Bell (1977)'s "18-item-Questionnaire". The materials were analized by S.P.S.S. Program. The results of analysis are as follows: 1. There was no significant difference in stressful event's numbers between psychiatric patients and non- psychiatric peoples (P > 0.5). 2. Psychiatric patients had higher severity of stress than non-psychiatric peoples (P <0.5). 3. Psychiatric patients took more short-term coping methods than non-psychiatric peoples (P<0.5).
The purpose of the study was undertaken to present transition of school nurses to analyze some factors related to them. 1. Overage increase rate of school nurses the year of 8 years (1970 - 1978) was 4.61% for the primary school, 2.14% for the middle school, and 15.26% for the high school which was the highest. The total number of school nurses was 1289. 2. The percentage of school working school nurses to the total schools was 14.6% for the primary school, 7.7% for the middle school, and 15.2% for the high school in 1978. In Seoul was largest of 66.7% while that of kyongsangnamdo showed the lowest of 1.5%. 3. In 1978, the increase of school nurses was 17.9% for the private school which was highest while that of the nation and public school showed the lowest of 12.4%. 4. Studies for the Primary, middle and high school per school nurses in 1979 were 5,981 - 14,923 - 7,655 respectively. 5. Considering the age distribution of the total school nurses for the primary, middle and high schools was the most of 54.1% in 20s. Regarding the, career of school nurses, those who had worked for less than 5 years were 46.4% in 1970, while 51.8% in 1978. And the school nurses who had worked for less than 10 years reduced 71.3% from 82.7%. 6. There were close relationship between the number of school nurses and that of school, and a regression formular made as follow: SNi= -24.497 + 0.675 Si + 0.196 Ni (School) (Nurses)