The purpose of the study was undertaken to present transition of school nurses to analyze some factors related to them. 1. Overage increase rate of school nurses the year of 8 years (1970 - 1978) was 4.61% for the primary school, 2.14% for the middle school, and 15.26% for the high school which was the highest. The total number of school nurses was 1289. 2. The percentage of school working school nurses to the total schools was 14.6% for the primary school, 7.7% for the middle school, and 15.2% for the high school in 1978. In Seoul was largest of 66.7% while that of kyongsangnamdo showed the lowest of 1.5%. 3. In 1978, the increase of school nurses was 17.9% for the private school which was highest while that of the nation and public school showed the lowest of 12.4%. 4. Studies for the Primary, middle and high school per school nurses in 1979 were 5,981 - 14,923 - 7,655 respectively. 5. Considering the age distribution of the total school nurses for the primary, middle and high schools was the most of 54.1% in 20s. Regarding the, career of school nurses, those who had worked for less than 5 years were 46.4% in 1970, while 51.8% in 1978. And the school nurses who had worked for less than 10 years reduced 71.3% from 82.7%. 6. There were close relationship between the number of school nurses and that of school, and a regression formular made as follow: SNi= -24.497 + 0.675 Si + 0.196 Ni (School) (Nurses)