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Volume 7(1); June 1977
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Original Articles
An Experimental Study OB Implementation of Problem-Oriented Nursing Record
Yoon Hee Kang
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1977;7(1):1-9.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Primary function of health record is that as tool of communication between the health professionals with the mutual goal, the promotion of health care standard Studies have been carried out world over on the sabject, among those, Weed's Problem-Oriented Health Record is considered a paramount achievement. This study was designed to assess the possibility of implementing the problem-oriented health record system through an experiment in order to provide data for nurse administrators initiating reformation of recording system and format. Records of 29 patients admitted at Korea University Hospital, Seoul, from March thorugh June, 1976 for 4 to 14 days were sampled. Nursing notes were recorded by research assistants;senior nursing student trained extensively by the researcher on Problem-Oriented Records, on Problem Oriented Nursing Record format (experimental group) and analysis were carried out comparatively with that of traditional nursing records noted by other nursing personnel ( control group) on the same patient. Attitude towards Problem Oriented Nursing Record system and format were attained through questionaires responded by the 51 research assistants. Results are as follows: Comparative analysis revealed that: 1 . Assessment of patients' health problems recorded significantly more in traditional records. 2. Focus of health problem differed; traditional records showed significantly higher frequency in medical and procedure as focus while problem oriented records on nursing focus problems. 3. Problem-Oriented records were better organized, Mean value scores of attitude towards Problem-Oriented Records revealed that: Positive value scores on all 4 categories: 1) Assessment of nursing needs, 2) Nursing care planning 3) Patient progress assessment and 4) Tool of teaching and learning revealed that the Problem-Oriented Nursing Record is positively accepted by the respondents. Recommendations Further experiments on implementation of Problem-Oriented Health Record are recommended: experiment involving all health professionals, in larger scope and longitudinal.

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A study on Trust Level of Nurses
Hyun Bin Yim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1977;7(1):10-19.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Trust is an essential factor in human relations, as it enables man to accept and also disclose self. Today's health care demands nursing personnel with high level of trust. This study was designed and carried out in May through June, 1976 to measure the level of trust on nurses through the trust scale of Nurses (TS-N) made by Kenneth et al. and the Parent Inventory made by Radke and to provide data for management of nursing personnel. 150 junior nursing students, 164 professional nurses from 5 universities and their medical centers and 55 nurse-educators from 8 baccalaureate nursing programs in Seoul were ran-dommly sampled. Results are as follows ; 1. The rank order of the level of trust revealed that nurseeducators the highest and nursing students the lowest. 2. The level of trust revealed to be influenced by the relationship with parents at the early stages of life ; Group who appeared to have shared intimacy with their parents were the highest. 3. Factors such as ; number of siblings and birth order among them, religious affilation, parental presence revealed to have had no influence on the level of trust in all theree group. 4. No significant difference were revealed between the group who had put their names down on the questionaire and the others. 5. Clinical specialities of practice revealed to have no significant influence on trust in nurses, 6. Narital status revealed to have significant influence; in nurses and nurse-educators , the ma- ther rried re vealed to have significantly higher level of trust, (difference by Recommendations ; 1. A study on trust level of patients and Nurses in Nurse - patient. Relationship. 2. A longitudinal study to investigate the influence of Nursing education on the development of trust in Nurses are recommended. 3. A comparative study on trust level of students of Nursing & non - Nursing major.

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A Study on Therapeutic Relationship between Nurse Patient: Measurement of Relationship Scale as Perceived by Discharged Psychiatric Patient
So Woo Lee, Kyung Ok Oh, Yang Sook Hah
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1977;7(1):20-29.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of the present research is to evaluate the therapeutic ingredients-empathy, warmth, and intimacy - as perceived by patient in the relationship with nurses during his hospitali-zation. "Relationship Questionnaire" developed by C. B. Truax during 1963 was administered from September 1976 to December 1976 to a sampling of 61 discharged patients, 20 were received by mail questionnaire, 19 were successfully interviewed by their doctor at a regular psychotherapy meeting, 22 were contacted by nurses or psychiatric residents at discharge day. Findings showed that 1) the total mean score of therapeutic ingredients of nurses was 9. 54 ; 2) the total mean score of empathy, warmth and intimacy was 10. 10, 9.57, and 9.00 ; 3) there was the significant relationship between therapeutic ingredients and other variables -sex, education, number of admission, helpfulness ratings of admission and, present health condition- ; 4) there was no significant<relationship between therapeutic ingredients as patient's perception and age, duration of admission, or motivation of admission, or follow -up care ; 5) there was no relationship among empathy, warmth and intimacy ; 6) the ranking of the important psychiatric personnel who were marked as the helper at the treatment and understanding for patient's recovery, was psychiatric doctor and nurse and then nurse student and then nurse aid.

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Characteristics of Breast Cancer Patients, their Understandings and Attitude towards the Disease
You Ja Ro
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1977;7(1):30-38.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Breast cancer is one of the most feared health problems in women ; Recent studies revealed that it had come up to be the second most in this country and high prevalent disease in the western countries among breast disease in women. However, early detection of the cancer mass is known to be easier than in many other malignancies. This study was performed to investigate the various characteristics of patients of brea st cancer; by the structural variables, menstrual, marital, and child bearing, and also their understandigs and attitude towards the disease. A hundred and in- and out- patients of St. Mary's Hospital and National Atomic Institute, Seoul were sampled. Data were gathered through direct interview by the researcher from February 1976 to January 1977 and the clinical records were used as references . Results are as follows ; 1. Breast cancer revealed to be most prevalent in the forties; average age of 45.2 years. 2. The average age of menarche revealed to be 15.4 years ; the largest group were the 16-20 years (N = 75, 68.2%). In 55 cases (50%.) menstruation were normal, 38 (34. 5%) postmenopause and only in 17(15.5%), menstruation revealed irregularity. 3. The average marital age revealed to be 22.3 years; the largest group were 21-25 group (N=43, 39.1%). The average duration of marital life revealed to be 24.7 years; 11-20 years group were the largest (M= 34, 30.9%). 4. Most of the patients revealed to have pregnancy experiences (N= 100, 90.9%) ; the average rate of experience were 5.3 times the largest group were 3.4 times group(N=32, 29.1%). 54 patients (49. 1%) revealed to have had abortion experience; the average were 3.4 times. 5. The largest group (N= 77, 70%) had been breast feeding, followed by mixed feeding (N = 12, 10.9%) and artificial feeding(N = 10, 9.1%). 6. Personal health history revealed that in 20 patients (18.2%) revealed to have the past history of purulent mastitis, 5 ps.tients (4. 5%) of breast cancer and 3 patients (2. 7%) of uterine cancer family history. 7. In the one half(N = 56, 50.9%), they had had some information about breast cancer ;27 (24.5%) by mass media, 12(10.9%) through personal contacts and 17(15.5%) were not able to classify the source of information. 8. In 55 cases (50%) the cancer mass were discovered incidentally, in 39 cases (35.5%) by manual detection by self, in 10 eases (9%) by others and in 6 cases (5. 5%) by observing subjective symptoms. 9. The average duration lapsed between the discovery of cancer mass and the visit to the hospital revealed to be 9.4 month. Chief reason for the delay revealed to be the non-chalancy due to the absence of pain(N = 50, 45.5%) followed by the administration of herb and commercial medication (N = 19, 17.3%). 10. The left side breast was more affected than the right side breast, represent by 60 cases in the left and 39 cases in the right. The most frequent site of the breast cancer was the upper-outer quadrant in 53 cases(47.'/%), and followed by the center in 20 cases(18 %), and the uppe inner quadrant, in 19 cases(17.1 %). There was / cases of bilateral carcinoma. The most prominent symptom was painless mass.

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A Survey on Back Pain of Nurses
Yoon Bok Hahn
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1977;7(1):39-46.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Despite the fact that it is not a fatal symptom, the lower back pain of human species is considered a health problem of modern society; 80% of world population experience it and the distress and dysfunction caused by interferes daily life as well as the general productivity. This study was performed to investigate the general tendency of lower back pain on nurses; influence of nursing activities, working; condition and the physical characteristics of nurses on the pain in order to provide data for prevention and treatment. 386 nurses working at 16 general hospitals throughout the country were sampled. Questionaires developed by the researcher was used for data gathering, Results are as follows; 1. Lower back pain was experienced by most(72. 3%) of the nurses; the highest rate of -pain experience was revealed to be the age group of 35-39 (80.8%) followed by 25-29 group (74.2%). 2. In almost all instances (91. 4%), the first pain attack occurred before the age of 29, and in 73.1%, the attack occurred between the age of 15-24. 3. In 10. 1%, the pain was almost persistent or occurred every other Hay frequency. In 9%, the pain was relieved by the administration of analgesics or "unable to move". 4. More than 6 days' sick leave due to the pain revealed to be in 2.2%. No significant difference was revealed between specialities of service. 5. Pain experience and the over or under weight revealed not to have significant relations. (X2 =0.55224, P> 0.7587) 6. The length of working hour of I. C. U. and 0. R. revealed to be longer than that of nurses general ward, however, no significant difference on the rate of pain occurrence apparent. (x2= 0.04952, P> 0.8239) No significant difference on the rate of pain occurrence between nurses working over 46 hours/week and under 45 hours/week. (X2 =3. 86241, P> 0.078318) 7. The most frequent pain related movement revealed to be "lifting patient or heavy object" (24.7%, N=68) followed by "the sameness of position, either standing or sitting" (16. 8%) 8. Regular physical exercise revealed to have no significant influence on the rate of pain occurrence. 9 Higher rate of pain experience was revealed in the group of nurses wearing eye glasses. Uncomfortable shoes revealed to have influenced the pain. 10. The most frequent pain relieving treatment revealed to be "rest" (54. 2%, N=151) followed by "analgesics" (12.6%, N = 35) and "hot compress/fomentation" (10.5%, N = 29). In 13.7%(N~38) no special care was given.

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Study on Mental Health of the Aged using CMI
Young Sun Song
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1977;7(1):47-54.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The author evaluated physical, psychological and socioeconomical problems of the elderly, using interview and Cornell Medical Index. The subjects were 160 aged persons (above 65 years old), who were divided into two groups-80 in home, 80 in an asylum for the aged. The mean CMI scores are as follows: 1. The total subjects was 45.04 and the asylum group was found higher than the home group. 2. The female group was higher than the male group. 3. The single group was higher than the group who has spouse. 4. There was significant difference according to the economic state. 5. There was significant difference according to the degree of the activities on daily living.

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A Literary Review of Day: Hospital for Psychiatric Patients
Sook Ja Yoo
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1977;7(1):55-62.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Varieties of literatures were reviewed in regard to the fundamental concept of day hospital, historical trends, the recipient of its care, facilities and personnel, therapeutic programmes and the follow-up care plans. Through the research the advantages of day hospital were highlighted in order to provide the reference for those who consider planning such health care institution. Since the introduction of the concept of day hospital and its implementation in 1930, many psychiatric patients world over are treated and cared. Patients with specific health problems;alcoholism, acute or serious psychiatric disease, tendencies of homi-or suicidal attempts, and with serious physical problems were excluded from the general recipient. Day hospital were annexed to the psychiatric hospitals in most in instances; facilities,personnel, except nursing personnel, were shared. All therapeutic care were planned in dayly,weekly programmes, and were foccussed on socialization. The follow-up care were provided for those participating post-therapy club activities which were planned and introduced ahead. Many advantages of day-hospital care in contrast io the traditional hospitalization care were found; 1. The abrupt discontinuity of his family and other social role is prevented. 2. Therapeutic progress is faster. 3. Lessened economic burden to the family. 4. Behavioral regression is lessened and the lessened fear of hospitalization. 5. Less injury to the patients, self-respect, through lessened anxiety of hospitalization. 6. Incidents of secondary crisis believed to be existing in long term cases are decreased. 7. Therapeutic care implemented in freer atmosphere, better patient-personnel relationships are created. 8 . Varieties of group activities are induced which enable faster recovery. 9. Patients could engage himself with social activities including getting job on part-time basis. 10. Rehabilitation of patient could be implemented.

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An Experimental Study on Body Temperature Difere Differences Taken in Different Areas in the Mouth: Comparison of Body Temperature between Right and Left Sublingual Areas According to Time Intervals
Nan Young Lim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1977;7(1):63-72.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The Purposes of this study are to determine differences of body temperature between Right and left sublingual areas itself and differences depending upon the utilization rate of mastication according to time intervals and to determine the length of time neccessary for temperature taking. This Experiment was conducted from Oct 6 through Oct 11, 1975. in which accurately tested clinical Centigrade Thermometers have been utilized. Two thermometers were inserted simultaneously under the right and left sublingual areas and the mouth kept closed while thermometers were in Place. Temperature readings were done at three minutes, five minutes and ten minutes. These procedures were repeated one hundred times to different subjects and the data were analyzed statistically by means of the t-test and the F-ratio. Under the 10 hypotheses designed for this study, The findings obtained are as follows; 1. The body temperatures taken at 3, 5,10 minutes intervals in the left sublingual areas were significantly higher than in the right sublingual areas. The average differences of body temperature between the right and left sublingual areas were 0.09degrees C, 0.05degrees C and 0.03degrees C in the oder of time interval of 3, 5, and 10 minutes. 2. The body temperatures taken in the right sublingual areas among three different temperature readings, 3,5 and 10 minutes were significantly different in 57 subjects who have been utilizing evenly both sides of the Teeth. The average readings in a group taking for 3 minutes was 37.04degrees C, for 5 minutes 37.15degrees C and for 10minutes 37.28degrees C.. 3. The body temperatures taken in the left sublingual areas among three different temperature readings, 3, 5 and 10 minutes were significantly different in 57 subjects who have been utilizing evenly both sides of the teath. The average reading in a group taking for 3 minutes was 37.13degrees C, for 5 minutes 37.2degrees C and for 10 minutes 37.31 degrees C. 4. Oral temperatures taken at 3, 5, 10 minutes intervals at the side of mouth utilized for more frequent mastication were Significantly higher than the other side. The average differences of body temperature between more frequently utilized side and Less frequently utilized side were 0.08degrees C, 0.08degrees C and 0.09degrees C in the order of time interval of 3,5 and 10 minutes. 5. Oral temperature taken at the side of mouth more frequently utilized for mastication among three different temperature readings, 3, 5 and 10 minutes were significantly different in 43 subjects who have been unequally utilizing either side of teeth. The average reading in a group taking for 3 minutes was 37.09degrees C, for 5 minutes 37.17degrees C and for 10 minutes 37.3degrees C. 6. Oral temoerature taken at the side of mouth less frequently utilized for mastication among three different temperature readings 3, 5 and 10 minutes were significantly different in 43 subjects who have been unequa.lly utilizing either side of teeth. The average reading in a group taking for 3 minutes was 37.01degrees C, for 5 minutes 37.09degrees C and for 10 minutes 37.21degrees C. As a result of this study, these differences among time intervals were statistically significant, but there were not so much differences as to be considered important in the clinical practice. Therefore, there would be clinically little difference between two groups who are taking for 3 minutes and for 10 minutes.

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Evaluation of the Mental and Physical Health Status of Women in the Involutional period using the Cornell Medical Index
Myung Sung Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1977;7(1):73-79.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was carried on between June first and July thirty-first 1976 using as subjects women living in the areas of Pusan, Kyoung Sang Buk Do and Kyoung Sang Nam Do. The subjects were divided into 3 groups according to different environments and styles of life, namely married life, widowhood and religious life and according to ages ranging between 45 and 55. Each of these 3 groups of women of -menopausal age consisted of 50 persons and totalling a group of 150. The subjects were chosen according to random sampling and the Cornell Medical Index was applied to discover physical and mental health status with the following results: 1. The total mean scores for complaints in the group of widows was 46.00, in the group of Married women was 37.10 and in the Sisters was 34.30 showing highest scores for the Widows and lowest for the Sisters. 2. The mean score percentages for physical and mental complaints 28.80 and 16.50 respectively for the Widows:27.00 and 10.80 for the Married and 24.30 and 10.20 for the Sisters. 3. The highest number of mean scores for physical items was for digestive system complaints which showed a score of 5. 04, 4.78 and 4.90 respectively for Widows, Married women and Sisters among the psychic status items all 3 groups showed highest scores for complaints of inadequacy: 5.52, 3.40 and 3.64 respectively. 4. In comparing the 2 groups of Married women and Widows, the highest significant differences appeared in the items of depression and sensitivity but there was also some significant difference in the items of inadequacy, anger, miscellaneous diseases and genito-urinary system complaints. 5. In comparing the Married women and Religious groups the highest significant differences according from the highest were as follows: cardiovascular system, sensitivity, tension, nervous system, frequent illnesses and anxiety.

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A Study on Factors Affecting Academic Achievement in a Nursing School
Myoung Ae Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1977;7(1):80-87.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Armed-Forces Nursing School Armed-Forces School of Nursing School The present study was undertaken to find the factors affecting academic achievement in a nursing school. 172 students were selected for this study and were divided into higher & lower 12 percent. Tools & measures used for this study were the interest test, personality test, test of self concept, test of adjustment & school achievement. The major findings obtained from this study were as follows; 1. Factors affecting school achievement except intellectuality were thus; 1) Artistic interest, literary interest, scientific interest biological, & scientific interest physical affected the academic achievement. 2) Sociability, responsibity, depression & reflectiveness affected the academic achievement. 3) Self criticism, total positive self-score, & personal self - score affected the academic achievement. 4) Adjustment to school, personal economics, health & value Morality affected the academic achievement. 2. Correlation between school achievement & interest, personality, self-concept or adjustment in the higher & lower group were thus; 1) There was a significant relationship between academic achievement & the following:arti stic interest, scientific interest-biological, scientific interest-physical, out-door interest, reflectiveness, sociability, responsibility. depression, self satisfaction-score, personal self score, social self-score, self behavior score, adjustment to school, health & values morality in the higher group. 2) There were no significant factors rekted with academic achievement in the lower group. 3) Difference or difference in relationship between higher & lower group in the interest, per sonality, self-concept & adjustment were as follows. ;

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A Study on Factors Affecting Academic Achievement in a Nursing School
Myoung Ae Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1977;7(1):88-98.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Armed-Forces Nursing School Armed-Forces School of Nursing School The present study was undertaken to find the factors affecting academic achievement in a nursing school. 172 students were selected for this study and were divided into higher & lower 12 percent. Tools & measures used for this study were the interest test, personality test, test of self concept, test of adjustment & school achievement. The major findings obtained from this study were as follows; 1. Factors affecting school achievement except intellectuality were thus; 1) Artistic interest, literary interest, scientific interest biological, & scientific interest physical affected the academic achievement. 2) Sociability, responsibity, depression & reflectiveness affected the academic achievement. 3) Self criticism, total positive self-score, & personal self - score affected the academic achievement. 4) Adjustment to school, personal economics, health & value Morality affected the academic achievement. 2. Correlation between school achievement & interest, personality, self-concept or adjustment in the higher & lower group were thus; 1) There was a significant relationship between academic achievement & the following:arti stic interest, scientific interest-biological, scientific interest-physical, out-door interest, reflectiveness, sociability, responsibility. depression, self satisfaction-score, personal self score, social self-score, self behavior score, adjustment to school, health & values morality in the higher group. 2) There were no significant factors rekted with academic achievement in the lower group. 3. Difference or difference in relationship between higher & lower group in the interest,per sonality, self-concept & adjustment were as follows. ;

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A Survey on Environmental Safety Focussed on Cleanliness for Hospitalized Patients
Jum Hee Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1977;7(1):99-111.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

One of the fundamental provisions that a hospital requires is the environmental safety through cleanliness. The effective management of atmospheric conditions, i, e. air purity, cleanliness of facilities /furnitures and bed-linen instruments are direct-environment of hospitalized patients. Meeting physical cleanliness needs of patients, application of aseptic technic while carrying out nursing measures and the cleanliness of hospital personnel are another categories of concern. This study was carried out, from March through April 1976, to investigate the degree of satisfaction on cleanliness mat patients perceived, and to compare with that of nurses on their nursing performances. 44 questionaires categorized into 6 major concern were used. For the survey, 269 patients and 191 nurses of 3 general hospitals in Taegu:kyung-puk University Hospital,Presbyterian Mission Hospital, and Catholic Patima Hospital and 116 senior nursing students from Kyung-Puk University and Presbyterian School of Nursing were ran domely sampled. Results are as follows; 1 . Mean satisfaction score on cleanliness revealed to be average on patients, On nursing performance for cleanliness revealed to be average in nursing students and relatively high in graduate nurses. 2. Mean ;score of patients revealed to be significantly lower in comparison with that of nurses' . 3. Mean score of nurses revealed to be significantly higher in comparison with that of nursing students. 4. Mean score of patients revealed to be significantly lower in comparison with nursing students. 5 . Mean satisfaction score of patients in all categories revealed to be the lowest in the rank order. 6. The lowest categorial mean score revealed to be the linen and instrument in all three groups. Recommendations 1. A more satisfactory mean of cleaning (medical asepsis) of mouth thermometers needs to be developed. 2 . Further investigation to clarify the difference between patients and nurses on hospital cleanliness is recommended.

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A Study on the Efficiency of Predicting Variables of Nurses' Clinical Performance from College Achievements
Hyun Sook Chung
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1977;7(1):112-120.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study attempts to predict nurses'clinical performance from entrance examination of university and college achievements after graduation. This is based upon a survey study, 49 nurses in Yon Sei Medical Center after graduation of college of nursing. Correlation of college achievements, clinical performance and variables of nurses' clinical performance are produced using Pearson's Productmoment correlation coefficient significance of correlation tested by T-test. The result of the study were as follows; 1. Clinical performance of the college achievements is the best efficient variables in predicting the nurses' clinical performance after graduation and next theory scholastic total achievements and entrance examination the last. 2. There are significant correlation among nurses'clinical perfomance rating variables as nursing ethics, nursing skills, achievements, attitude, the state of health.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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